#forgive the quality i'm rusty ok
calkestis · 2 months
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"You're a bold one!" STAR WARS JEDI: SURVIVOR (2023)
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xsixxx · 2 years
Bad Influence - Chapter 12
Word Count - 3.2K
Authors Note - Hey! It's been about 2 & a half years since I last posted an update for this story, but it's always warmed my heart whenever I've come back on here & seen messages/anons from people saying they've read it & hoped I'd update it! I truly have no idea how much of this fandom still exists on here, but I had so much fun writing this before, so I've just decided to carry on as & when &, if no-one reads it, then that's ok 😂
Honestly this chapter feels trash, I'm super rusty at this. I know where the story was always headed, so I've carried on with what I always had planned for Beth & Nikki, but obviously it's been a while since I've been in their heads & I'd kinda forgotten how to write them, so hopefully I'll get it back!
Feedback is always welcome, please just forgive me if this sucks 😂🖤
Warnings - Ermmmmm don't think there's much in this one tbh, language obviously & some major fluff from Beth at one point
Tags - Ok so no idea who's still here but I'm just gonna tag everyone that used to be tagged, lemme know if you're not interested any more & I'll be sure you take you off!
@cruecifymesixx @freddiessmallnipples @scarecrowmax @lovesick-heart0 @80sheart-strings @crazysaladchopshop @ggorehorror @lunamadhatter99 @chaoticvybe @you-know-im-a-dreamer @eightiesrockbaby @valentines-in-london @xrosegoldwolfx @lilypetite88 @this-blog-must-be-the-place @unknownoblivion @mgkobsessed @nassauartist @sparxx27 @crazyrockrlady @fuckingshelbert @rockaholi @leatherandheels @x-ximenas @madamsixx
(Terrible quality gif but a US Festival one was needed & how fuckin fine are these pair in this, like just kiss, go on I dare ya)
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May '83
*Beth's POV*
I peaked out from the corner of the stage to catch a glimpse at the source of the chanting. A mass of 500,000 faces blurred together as their chorus of "Crüe, Crüe, Crüe" shook so violently through the air, I could feel it vibrating in my chest.
Heavy Metal Sunday at the US Festival in San Bernardino had been kicked off by Quiet Riot & they had waltzed off stage after a killer set leaving the crowd hungry for more. And Mötley Crüe were next, ready to deliver.
"I think I'm gonna throw up" Tommy whimpered, leaning over my shoulder to get a look at the sea of people. "What if I fuck up & like drop my sticks or something? Or forget the songs? Or I vomit on stage?"
I laughed at his misplaced panic, turning to face him & resting my hand sympathetically on his shoulder. "T-Bone, you've got more confidence & energy than anyone I know, you've just gotta go out there & use it! You're gonna fucking kill it & you're gonna have the best time! Then you're gonna drop the next album, everyone is gonna go wild for it, you're gonna get even more famous than you already are & you're gonna move up in the world & forget all about us little people!" I joked, my sympathetic hand turning into a playful little shove, trying to distract him from his nerves. "Meanwhile I'll spend my life telling everyone about the time Mötley Crüe invited me to hang out with them backstage at the US Festival, because this is by far the coolest thing that will ever happen to me."
Tommy chuckled, his usual goofy grin returning as my distraction tactic took hold. "You can tell them about the first time you did coke in a bathroom stall with THE Tommy fuckin' Lee!"
"Exactly! Now go get ready, I've got some flirting to do with bands more famous than you," I winked, chuckling at his faux hurt expression, his hands clutching his heart with mimicked pain. "What?! I see you fuckers all the time, I'm making the most of this experience!"
"Sixx is so gonna regret inviting you!" Tommy warned, a hint of concern in his otherwise playful tone.
"That boy thinks some VIP passes are gonna make up for all the shit he's done?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes at Tommy's raised eyebrow. "Look, I'm bored of the Beth-Nikki drama, as I'm sure you all are, so let's forget it. Today is about the band, the reason I'm here is to support you all &-" My words & my focus cut off abruptly as my eyes swept across the cute brunette who'd walked past, his boyish features not too dissimilar to Tommy's. He clearly felt my gaze & his eyes flickered to meet mine, catching me off guard with a cute grin that I couldn't help but return without a thought. "... And you know, maybe to support some other band members too.." I finished slyly.
Tommy followed my eyeline, trying to deduce who'd caught my attention & he laughed when he'd figured it out.
"Eddie, really?" He howled, gesturing obviously towards at the founding member of Van Halen. "I would've though Roth would've been more up your street, yanno, given your history with blonde front men & all!"
I swiped at his arm sharply, shushing him & smiling apologetically in Eddie's direction as he gave an awkward little nod & moved on.
"Goddamn it T-Bone, your big fat mouth is gonna ruin this for me! Now will you go play your damn set, Sixx looks like he's gonna blow any second."
"Ok, ok, I'm going! Thanks for the pep talk doll, you're the best!" Tommy gave me a quick peck on the forehead before bounding back off like an excited puppy to join his band mates, all traces of nerves dissipated.
I looked over at the four of them, all doing their usual pre show routines. Mick was swigging from his hip flask, next to Vince who was flirting with a cute stage hand. Tommy was enthusiastically drumming his sticks on everything in sight, including a stern looking Nikki who was, no doubt, trying to psych them all up with one of his usual don't-fuck-it-up speeches.
I observed them for a moment & couldn't help but allow a proud feeling to warm my heart. I listened the echo of the crowd as they continued their chant, which fast turned to cheers & shouts of excitement as the four of them made their way on to the stage. It was so easy to forget how famous they'd gotten in the time I'd known them. To me, they were friends, no matter the drama that had unfolded between me, Nikki & Vince, they weren't celebrities or rockstars. But as I watched them play, listened to their music I'd once despised but had grown to enjoy, it was like watching strangers. I felt like just another fan, getting to enjoy a band. It was surreal to connect the reckless, fun, roguish boys I hung out with to these talented, serious musicians.
My gaze & attention, unintentionally but predictably, wandered to Nikki, dolled up in all his leather & studs, the smears of black paint under his eyes, beaming at the crowd as they gave him the reaction to his music that he so badly craved. Against my better judgement, I found it inordinately endearing. If I didn't already know from our little psychology session together just how meaningful music was to him & how deep his passion ran, it was evident on his face for all 500,000 fans, & me, to see.
The screaming audience in my peripheral vanished, as did Vince, Mick & Tom, as I fell captive to Nikkis performance. Studying his child like, genuine smile, I realised it felt like I was seeing the real him for the first time, the man underneath the bravado, the ego, the smug smiles & the cruel quips. He looked truly content, like he belonged.
And suddenly, I felt sad.
I finally allowed my mind to admit what I'd continued to suppress underneath all my loathing towards Nikki, the reason I kept coming back & letting him in.
I wanted him.
But not just in the way he wanted me. I wanted this version of him, the content, untroubled Nikki with the genuine smile. I wanted to experience him this way, share in his passion & celebrate it with him, be by his side as he suceeded in what he loved the most. And the sadness came simply because I knew I could never. I knew as soon as the set was over & he walked off that stage, I'd have to face the anger that still consumed me, the reality of the impossibility that Nikki Sixx could ever be someone I could allow myself to fall for.
Senseless tears stung my eyes, threatening to spill over as I observed him play the last few notes of their last song & enthusiastically part with the stage, the crowd &, ultimately, the version of him that I longed for.
I shook my head, furiously wiping my eyes to discourage any more emotional displays & ran to greet them with all the spirit & excitement they deserved.
"Reynolds! Whatcha think doll? Did we kill it or what?!" Whooped Tommy, opening his arms warmly towards me as I sprinted over. I jumped into them as he picked me up & spun me around, giggling with nothing but joy for them.
"You guys were unbelievable! Listen to them out there, they can't get enough of you!" I gushed as he put me down & I hugged Vince, then Mick.
I turned to Nikki, instinctively ready to congratulate him with a hug too, but paused awkwardly as our eyes met & we exchanged an unsure glance.
"Ahem, yeah you guys were great," I managed, smiling at him, praying the discomfort wasn't too obvious.
"Thanks Lizzy.. I'm, uh- I'm really glad to decided to come." He replied, a fraction of that genuine smile still in place of his sweaty, exhausted face.
"Yeah.. Me too, Sixx."
The next few hours were a blur of execs, press & management swamping the band as I watched the rest of the festival from the sidelines, feeling a little out of place in amongst the crew & talent backstage.
Halfway through enjoying the Prince of Darkness himself perform, I felt a light rap on my shoulder & turned to see a familiar face I would never have expected.
"Daniel?!" I spluttered, laughing a little at the surprise to see his clean cut, handsome face in the wash of metal heads & glam rock bands I'd grown acustom to throughout the day.
He laughed right back, the sound sending a little spark running through me. "How're you doing Beth?"
"I'm good! Wow, this is bizarre, what're you doing here?" I quizzed, the perplexed looking on my face amusing him all the more.
"Well med school comes with a hefty price tag unfortunately, so I'm working as one of the festival medics. I was called back to attend to a couple of the bands that apparently got into a bit of a brawl", he answered, before raising his eyebrow so subtly, I could've almost missed it. "Look at you backstage, miss VIP!" He gestured towards the lanyard dangling from my neck. "I'm presuming this means you're still firmly strapped into that rollercoaster, huh? Front row & all!"
I gave an sheepish smile, not sure how take his comment or how to respond.
"Well no, I'm not on the rollercoaster, anymore" I mused, sticking with his metaphor, "But I'm still at the theme park, I guess!" Daniel looked confused as I gestured at my surroundings & laughed at my own stupid comparison. I coughed & hurriedly explained "That's to say, I'm not here for Nikki, I'm here supporting the band yanno, they're my friends & all."
"Ahh I see!" He nodded slowly, not looking at all convinced. "Well I hope you're having fun, it was lovely to bump into you."
I mumbled a "you too", back at him as he turned to walk away, but I caught him by the arm, feeling like I had more to say.
"Daniel, I'm sorry for that night, the impression I must've given you.. The groupie image now being firmly backed up by my being here, I guess." I muttered sorely. "I'm not really sure why but I feel like I owe you more of an explanation."
"You don't owe me anything, Beth. We met, had a great time, but you're not in a place to carry that on & that's fine, I understand." He paused, clearly unsure whether to say what he was thinking, but he chose to continue, "what I don't understand is why you're here, supporting a man that would speak of you so appalling & treat you as such. The things he said that night, in front of me, a perfect stranger, were unforgiveable. I hate to imagine what else he'd said & done before that to make you dislike him so much."
"I know I- Nikki is just.." I let my sentence trail off.
"Like I said, you don't owe me an explanation. I just hope at some point you'll see that you see you deserve better."
I smiled weakly, struggling to see how he was wrong.
Daniel sensed my discomfort & kindly changed the subject. "How about we go grab a coffee or something before another fight breaks out & I have to go see to another bloody nose, huh?"
*Nikkis POV*
I leaned over one of the large music cases, discarded to the side of the stage, watching Ozzy do his thing. I marvelled at the thought that we had not long before played on the exact stage that Ozzy fucking Osbourne was now strutting around. My eyes wandered to the crowd, observing those that had screamed our names & sang along to our songs just hours before & I felt a dumb, dopey smile spread uncontrollably across my face.
My eyes locked with a beautiful, busty blonde in the front row & I regained my composure, winking at her & replacing my smile with the trademark smirk that I knew worked every time. She blushed scarlet & blew me a kiss as I chuckled to myself, wondering if there was a way to get her backstage.
My eyes carried on their journey, scanning the crowd, looking for more woman I could infatuate with a simple look, riding high on the success of the day, the attention & the recent offer of joining the Prince of Darkness on his next tour.
My gaze landed on an angel on the opposite wing to where I stood, throwing her head back in laughter so intoxicating, I was sure I could hear it over the roaring speakers, all the way across the stage. I got lost in her beauty for a moment, enjoying her smile, as he shy eyes flitted from the ground to the face of the person she was talking to, flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder in a subtle, yet flirtatious way. Beth laughed again, this time placing her hand on the chest of that asshole from the bar, the one that challenged me & told me I wasn't good enough for her. I felt my jaw tense at the sight of him resting his hand over hers, the way he rubbed his thumb across it gently as she spoke, all his attention on her face as he listened to what she had to say. Jealousy coursed through me hotly, causing me to jolt upright & turn away from them, as if it actually burned to watch.
"What the fuck is he doing here?!" I seethed to Tommy, turning back to them & pointing. "Did she invite that piece of shit?!"
Tom followed my finger & furrowed his brow, clearly not recognising the man Beth was now leaning towards in a way that made my stomach lurch & my fists ball up until my knuckles turned white.
"Who is it?!"
"It's that fucking pretty boy from the bar. She's invited him just to piss me off, to get back at me. How could she fucking do that, doesn't she know what today means for us?! And here she is, ruining it on purpose like the spoiled brat she is."
Vince shot me a sharp looking, warning me to carry on.
"Oh what, Vince?!" I spat, venomously.
"Honestly, who fucking cares, Sixx?! Let the girl enjoy herself, she's not ruining anything for anyone other than you & honestly, you fucking deserve it." He shot back.
"We invited her here, got her backstage & she thinks she can just bring some prick along with her for free?! Nah, she's not using us to impress some fucker & get her leg up, they're both fucking out of here."
I started marching off, ready to get their asses hurled out, when Micks firm palm on my chest stopped my tracks.
"Mars, get your fucking hand off me."
"Enough, Nikki." He said, quietly but unflinchingly.
"Sixx, just fucking let it go, we've all had enough," Vince jumped in. "The arguing between the two of you, its gotta stop. You fucked me over, got to screw the chick, what more do you want?! She's just a girl, move on like you always do. The constant love-hate thing is getting old, we're bored of it."
Tommy nodded slightly in agreement as Mick removed his hand. I glared harshly at them all, too stubborn to admit they were probably right, but also too petty to let it go.
"Fine, she can get her pretty boy fuck, what the fuck do I care?!" I lied, convincing no-one as I turned back to pretend to catch the last of Ozzys set.
But my eyes bore through the scene on stage & fixed on my girl across the way, her lips pressed against his, her hands in his hair. My mind flashed through all of the times I'd seen her kiss Vince & the jealousy I felt. But this was different, this felt worse. With Vince, it had an expiry date, but this..
I could really lose her to this guy, I thought.
My jaw clenched once again at the idea that someone could make her happy, that someone would get to enjoy every part of her. The simple suggestion that she might want someone so much that she would forget about me.
*Beths POV*
I hurried quickly to use the bathroom, excited to get back to talking to Daniel. As I entered the rank portable toilet, I cringed at the idea of sitting on something that god knows how many people had used that day. I went to grab a fistful of paper from the dispenser, but I cursed as my hand hit the empty cardboard tube left inside.
"C'mon..." I muttered, fumbling around in my purse for some tissues I could use to line the seat, but something else caught my eye, that made me stop dead.
My fingers rested gently on the tampon I always kept in my bag for emergencies & my brain scrambled to do the math.
Dread descending over me like a cloud threatening rain as I figured out the time it'd been since Nikkis little hit & run at my place.
"But we used protection," I whispered aloud to myself. But it didn't make sense, I was late. And I'm never late.
I practically fell out of the porta potty, my mind swimming with confusion & doubt, when strong, leather clad arms caught me.
"You ok there Lizzy? Had a bit too much to drink, have we?"
My eyes lifted to meet Nikkis, his expression amused, but with something else behind his green eyes that I couldn't quite place. He look strained, like he was perhaps forcing his usual shit eating smirk.
"Uh yeah, I'm fine Nikki, thanks." I mumbled, desperate to get away from him before he sensed something was really wrong.
But it was too late. "Beth, are you ok?" He asked again, this time concern evident in his voice.
"Nikki, I said I'm fine." I said, stronger this time, but a slight falter in my voice still gave me away. "I just need to go home, I'm sorry."
"Beth, what's happened?! Did that asshole do something to you? I swear to god, if he's laid a fucking hand on you, I'll kill him-"
"What?!" I puzzled, wondering who he was talking about. "Oh Daniel?" I didn't realise he'd seen us together, but that was another problem for another time. Nikkis jealousy was the least of my concerns right now. I had to be sure. I had to get out of here, go find a pharmacy & pray the test would be negative.
I couldn't be pregnant. Especially not by Nikki Sixx.
"Angel," He propped his fingers under my chin & lifted my face until our eyes met & I saw the silent distress on his face, "tell me what's wrong."
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pens-swords-stuff · 3 years
I'm trying to write this story that's been in my mind for like... almost 15 years for the 4th time. I'm having a hard sticking to it, I feel like it's so developed in my mind that nothing that I write is ever good enough. I'm trying to remind myself that it's ok for the first draft to look like shait, that it's just for me to dump the story, but it's hard! I've stopped writing for some years & now I feel like my quality decreased SO much. How do I find joy in writing again? How do I not stress?
Have you tried writing something else first?
Trying to write a story that’s been in your mind for 15 years can be a lot of pressure. I think it’s great that you understand that the first draft doesn’t need to be good! But it’s a lot easier said than done, isn’t it? Just because your brain knows what a first draft is doesn’t make it any easier to put it down onto paper.
Writing is like a muscle. The more you practice, the better you will be. On the flipside of that, it can get rusty and out of practice. Right now, it sounds like you’re trying to run a full marathon with absolutely no training, when really you should be starting by running a mile. Jumping headfirst into something — especially something that you’ve been building up in your mind for years with little recent practice — is a very large endeavor that you might not be ready for yet.
After years of not writing, your writing skill is probably a little rusty, and that’s okay! It’s not that you’ve become a bad writer, it’s just that you need a little bit more time to warm up and build it back up to be even better.
So my advice for you is: Try doing some lower-stakes writing!
This can be anything. Writing fanfiction of your favorite story; starting something completely new; writing peripherally to your story — like ficlets about your characters, or other things that happen that don’t fit into your actual story. Write something that excites you, and start small!
It sounds like you’ve forgotten how writing can be fun — so be self-indulgent! Write your absolute favorite things, no holds barred. And start small! Set an extremely low goal (like 20 words, low). Light a candle if that’s your thing, clean up your workspace to make it neat and inviting, have your favorite beverage on hand.
Try to hit your low goal, but it’s okay to stop if it gets too frustrating! Just try again tomorrow. You wouldn’t expect someone to be able to run a full marathon without any training, so allow yourself that same grace and forgiveness. If you fail, forgive yourself and try again tomorrow. If you succeed, that’s great!
In my experience, the more you write, the easier it will become to get words onto the paper. The more you write, the less you’ll start to second-guess your writing. That’s not to say that you’ll suddenly start loving your writing, but once you train that skill to simply write without criticizing it, it will become a lot easier to simply put down the first words that come to you on the page.
And it’s going to be a long journey, I’m not going to lie. I had to write small everyday for several months before I started to simply write and not edit as I go. But it’s a skill that can be trained, so take it one word at a time. 
I think that if you shelve your big project for a little bit while building your skills back up, it might result in a less frustrating experience!
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