#for some reason a half a year old Reddit post decided to pop up in my feed talking about how the Glamrocks weren’t sentient
beepborpdoodledorp · 28 days
fnaf fans will look at security breach in the most black and white sense imaginable it’s almost incomprehensible ‘the Glamrocks are soulless AI and Gregory is a poor defenseless child’ ‘Gregory is an irredeemable monster who kills the poor Glamrocks without remorse’ have you considered it’s possible for both sides to be victims. that they can also be a little fucked up too. have you
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letscuttothefeeling · 4 years
season three episode one
Okay everyone, Siesta Key just ended and I must say – I’m overall VERY pleased with the premiere of Season 3. Even though I know everything that’s happening in this season because I created a reddit account specifically for access to a thread dedicated to all things SK, and because they posted everything that happens on the Siesta Key Instagram, I was still shocked by one thing: how much I enjoyed the episode. Let’s cut to the feeling.
Fade in. There he is – the mystery man I’ve been dying to meet – SCOTT. That’s right, Fabienne’s husband. You may know him as Juliette’s Father. Chic French queen Fabienne and confused husband Scott congratulate Juliette on her graduation from FSU and suggest she become an attorney. Juliette has plans of her own – retail. They look elated. After making a weird sex joke to her Dad, and having visible difficulty adjusting to her new veneers, Juliette has graduated, the scene is over, and I am feeling great about the season.
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If you’ve ever watched SK, you know three things for sure. 1. Juliette is a hideous crier. 2. Canvas’ Mother has a complete lack of understanding when it comes to parenting. 3. Kelsey and Juliette do NOT get along. UNTIL NOW! It’s very exciting to see their first scene as not only friends – but also roomies! Even though Kelsey’s bizarrely shaped eyebrows, over plumped fake lips and orange spray tan make me feel like she must have NO real friends, because certainly, they wouldn’t let her butcher her appearance so thoroughly, she and Juliette seem to get along swimmingly by talking mad shit about Chloe. We love to see women supporting women by talking shit about other women.
Chloe, you minx! Chloe pulls up to Alex’s mansion in a Bentley toting about ten designer bags and a serious attitude. After she explains to his mother that she’s taken it upon herself to pickuppe some “luxury” clothing items for Alex in Sarasota, Florida, even though he’s quite literally in EUROPE, she also *subtly!* drops that he’s left behind his personal credit card for her own use. Weird brag, but more importantly: cha-ching! After talking shit about Juliette to a grown woman, they switch the conversation to Madisson’s new man. Queue Malibu by Miley Cyrus. Ma-jor props to whoever created the playlist for this epi.
After a stunning underwater montage from Florida to Cali, we see aspiring model/actress Maddison walking into a dinner date. Even though Chloe’s just gabbed to Alex’s mother that Braddison is no more, I still half expect BG to pop up and hold the door open for Madi. Just kidding, I don’t, because the producers of this show spilled quite literally every twist before it aired. Wait, speaking of producers – who is Madisson on a date with? Oh, it’s “ISH”, the FORTY-SIX-YEAR-OLD, BALD, AND OVERWEIGHT FORMER PRODUCER OF SIESTA KEY. Unlike Juliette’s father, Scott, I’ve met Madisson’s Dad before, so it’s not immediately apparent to me as to why she has serious Daddy issues. I’m hoping the root of this unfolds during the season. Ish, or “baby” as Madisson calls him, (again, he’s 46, so I’m not sure “baby” is the most fitting nickname, but to each her own) decides it will be totally normal to jet back to the key and surprise the children he used to exploit the cast with the announcement of his new relationship. I can’t wait.
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Okay, we’re back at a dinner date – but a much more age-appropriate one between Juliette and her new man, former bachelorette contestant, Robby. I’m not a bachelor franchise fan and unfortunately for Robby, I’m NOT a Robby fan either. He’s not hot and he’s not cool. That’s literally it. Discussing this further would be a waste. Oh, it’s worth noting that new roomies Chloe and Madisson also meetuppe during this time to discuss Madisson and Ish. (Mish, if you will. Some prefer Dadisson.) Thank you, Chloe, for reacting to the news in a very relatable way by chugging alcohol and hiding in your clothing.
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Um, who is this hottie emerging from a PJ? It’s the fabulous Cara, with a new nose! Normally I love to hate her - she has that je ne sais quoi – but right now, I just love her. Removing your nose job bandages on film is the kind of 2020 realness I need in my life. Enter G BABY! We’ve missed you and your utter lack of awareness, Garrett! But the love birds aren’t exactly happily reuniting – there’s def some tension in the air. Uh oh! Cara immediately becomes annoyed that Garrett both broke her heart AND kept his lips shut about her new nose. Poll – would you rather your boyfriend intentionally squeeze your fat as fuck thighs, or neglect to comment on your surgically enhanced face? The choice is yours.
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While Juliette’s graduation party is great, if Alex doesn’t throw a start-of-the-summer rager, I’m suing MTV. More specifically, I’m suing YOU, Gary. Anyways, as Juliette and de ghurls are getting ready for the party, Juliette’s asked who she likes boning more – Boring Robby or shrek Alex. She hesitates for a moment but then says Robby. I take that pregnant pause as a confirmation of what I’ve known all along – Alex is great in bed and that’s the only reason Juliette was obsessed with him. (Edit – this has been confirmed on her Instagram story.)
Cut to: Cara, G baby, and Cara’s new androgynous and likely lesbian friend, Victoria, getting drinks. I don’t know what’s more confusing – the fact that Cara claims Victoria is her best friend or the fact that Garrett continues to piss Cara off by defending Kelsey while she incessantly brings her up.
Party time! But it wouldn’t be a party without Chloe intervening in something that has nothing to do with her in an attempt to destroy Juliette’s happiness. While wearing a Kentucky derby inspired hat/headband, nonetheless! Chloe and Amanda sit down with Boring Robby the second he arrives to grill him with some genual questions about his “intentions” with Juliette. And I can’t help but immediately think of that scene in Twilight when Police Chief Charlie Swan pulls out his shotgunné to intimidate his daughter’s 108-year-old vampire soul mate. Thank you, Catherine Hardwicke/ Stephanie Meyers, for this image.
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At this point, I have to question Chloe’s sexuality because I can’t think of a single other reason as to why she would be so invested in Juliette’s relaysh with Robby. Is he a “phony”, simply using Juliette for fame? Maybe! But aren’t they all kind of doing that anyway? It’s like, they’re on a reality show for God’s sake. After Boring Robby says absolutely nothing of interest, (read: BORING Robby,) something actually exciting happens. Kelsey slithers over to publicly flirt with G baby in an attempt to piss off Cara, and it totally WORKS! Nice!
The second Cara sees Kelsey and G baby talking, her eyes fill with fire and she almost burns her new nose off. It’s funny that she portrays herself as such a sophisticated, cosmopolitan gal, yet she’s so blatantly insecure about trashy Kelsey and Garrett, the braindead body of meat, talking about absolutely nothing. Stop slumming it and start dating Zaddies like Madisson!
After Garrett tells Kelsey that Cara has banned him from talking to her, Kelsey marches up to Cara, grabs her by the hand, and you just KNOW the rumors are true – World War III is HAPPENING! Kelsey and Cara immediately establish that they’re not each other’s “kind of person”, and then Kelsey tells Cara that she can’t wait for Cara’s “life to explode.” Cara fires back with the ULTIMATE diss, claiming that Kelsey doesn’t even have her GED! We find out this is, in fact, not true via Instagram, thanks to Kelsey’s iconic photo of none other than GARRETT holding her on her graduation day. Okay, high school level educated kween! Go off!
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Pls note caption
Here’s the thing: I dislike Cara and Kelsey, both for entirely different reasons, but IMO, Kelsey won this round. Cara came off as insecure, psychotic, and just plain mean! Cara, a word of advice? Stop gallivanting around tacky Florida and return home to America’s Kingdom – New Jersey.
 Pay close attention everyone - we’re almost done and you’re about to witness reality show television HISTORY. And it is a BAG. OF. WEIRD. After Boring Robby buys Juliette a trip to Greece, Madisson and her new Dad man walk in, and EVERYONE IS SHOOK. Seriously. The cast is genuinely shocked. Please note their faces when Madisson and Ish waltz into Juliette’s grad party hand in hand. Arguably the most thrown off person of all, of course, is BG. He hastily confronts his former producer, and refers to Ish’s relationship with his ex as a “bag of weird.” Honestly, Brandon, I have to agree with you. And so does literally everyone else in the world.
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After Brandon huffs, puffs, and exits, everyone gets over the initial shock of Madisson’s upsettingly old “boy”friend and the episode winds down. But there’s one twist. We learn via Chloe’s texts that Alex is on his way back from Europe. Probably wearing all the luxe clothes Chloe shipped him from Siesta Key. Because who trusts European clothes, am I right? Anyways, something tells me that Boring Robby doesn’t stand a chance once Alex touches down on the Key. But we’ll have to wait until next week to find out.
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vapormaison · 4 years
2019 Best Press 3/4:  カタカナ・タイトル + Kanji Title by TANUKI
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While for many vaporwave vinyl is doubtless equal parts collector’s item and audio source, I don’t want to lose sight of the goal of this blog here: developing a canon of the genre for high fidelity enjoyment. That said, when I come across something remarkable or noteworthy about a particular piece of wax, even if it is not a “purely audiophile” object, I want to make mention of it.
And TANUKI’s カタカナ・タイトル + Kanji Title wax release is not only noteworthy, but contends for hi-fi consideration despite it’s status as a picture disc.
But let’s back up slightly.
Going back to the previous thesis on why we buy records, sometimes you just want to own a vinyl just because. Just because you’re a collector trying to compile a discography on wax — or, better yet, just because you truly love the album art. For me, カタカナ・タイトル + Kanji Title (Double EP) was undoubtedly all of the three “just be-causes”.
A while back, I noticed that the LP was going into its 3rd press, and decided to snap up a copy because I like Tanuki, I like Lum, and because of those other just becauses. Unfortunately the only format available was not the pink vinyl, but the picture disc. As I’m sure is well-known (because audiophiles are very loud about things they dislike), picture-discs are a big no-no in the audiophile community. This is because while a beautiful objet d’art, a serious listening session of a picture disc release will usually produce greater amounts of surface noise than any other type of vinyl. You can, of course, with the right system, neutralize and mitigate this process slightly, but true-blue hi-fi heads pursuing that elusive muse of “pure sound” would never give a picture disc a second look.
I’m not one of those people.
Tangentially, I’ve heard whispers of ghosts of rumors from when I was living in Shenzen, China — that various record suppliers (small batch Makers) are working out manufacturing and material processes that minimize these issues on pic discs to create appealing records that cover all the bases: hi-fi suitability, collector oriented visual esoterica, and price. I should also admit I have no idea where those companies are in terms of R&D and/or producing these. I end up catching a lot of very fast talk from extremely motivated enthusiasts, but Chinese is still as elusive a language to me at times as “pure sound” can be. With that in mind, however, it’s logical to surmise that advances in technology will eventually render the differences between picture discs and traditional black wax undistinguishable. So long as the world isn’t destroyed in some cataclysmic climate disaster (very real possibility), or -- as we are watching evolve now: World War 3. My view is that it’d be pointless to dismiss the format out of hand when there are active attempts to innovate it as we speak.
That all said, I know what to expect when a contemporary, big-label picture disc plays. During my college days, I used to spin wax at the university radio station. One of the previous catalog managers had a fetish for this “collectible” format, and was convinced he was doing the station a favor by purchasing all these vinyls, noting a pre-supposed resale value later. I remember throwing these on the well-worn Technics SP-10 we had as our main turntable, and listening to the occasional scratch, frequent popping, and constant surface noise, that for the uninitiated (bless you), sounds like a sustained “cracking” in your Rice Krispies — or for those born in the analog age, CRTV static.
So when I sat down with the Tanuki picture disc, I had this laundry list of preconceptions and prejudices about the format. I thought that I could listen to a moderately scratchy record once or twice, keep it as more a visual boutique item and then eventually include in an article where I bemoan the poor quality of the genre’s releases.
But then, I actually listened.
And it sounded… well, I won’t get ahead of myself. Here’s the full review:
BABYBABYの夢 — is doubtless the reason why many of us have bought the EP from a sonic perspective —especially if the band-camp reviews are indicative of trends. I still maintain that this is the Mariya Takeuchi sample/remix work par excellence. Tanuki hits all the essential notes here, a genuine respect and love for the sound-staging of its original source, Yume No Tsuzuki. I still get echoes of the original arrangement in my system, (ever so slightly) with a bright and dance-infused collection of unique sounds — particularly in that delicious, wide mid-range — that flesh out the track into its own sort of masterpiece.
何がGoin' On — the curatorial and conspiratorial side of my brain tells me that Goin’ On will probably go down as one the under-appreciated vintage bangers of this era of future funk. I can envision hipsters two or three decades from now sussing out a neophyte with pretentious questions about this track’s pitch-shifted sample draws from. It has that sort of vibe that you know hits with a certain subset of electronica fans — rich & vibrant, making the tweeters on your system work out in all the best ways — it’s just great.
がんばれ — Tanuki is at his best when he gets playful with brass samples. I firmly believe that the titans in this genre each have their go-to piece in their best arrangement — like Dan Mason’s creative vocal array, or greyL’s manipulation of micro-samples. For Tanuki, it’s whenever her gets a horn — synthesized or otherwise, into his production workflow.
ファンクOFF — continues Tanuki’s magic act, taking another city pop track more iconic for its soulful electric guitar riff and turning it into the most slap-worthy single on this EP. I prefer it when Japanese pop samples are fundamentally re-imagined, although I can see how the perfectionist tweaking of someone like Yung Bae is more appealing for some. Tanuki is undoubtedly one of the innovators of this genre, and there’s no more solid evidence of that talent than this track.
腕の中でDancin’ — if I ended up hosting a sort of mythical vaporwave grammies or something like that, (I’m available, folks!) I would probably go off on a Ricky Gervais style rant on how artists aren’t in touch with “the people” (read: me) because all we really want are more remixes of Meiko Nakahara songs — who given her impact on City Pop should have way more play in this genre than she does. This one, like most of the Meiko mixes I’ve heard, is a banger with an absolute fire bass riff punctuated throughout.
Radiant Memories — this might be my first certified “hot take” in the publication (they’ll be many more, I imagine) — but as far as I’m concerned this is the superior Plastic Love edit. I’ll just leave my thoughts there, so they can soak in with a portion of the fanbase who split my reddit account on an open fire of downvotes for suggesting that other artists than Macross 82-99 (Praise be upon him!) are allowed to touch this song as well. While Macross’s mix is definitely the more up-temo of the two, and that for some is the very essence of the genre, this slightly down-mixed version is both the perfect conclusion for the EP and ideal antithesis.
Signal to Raise ratio on the following albums:
カタカナ・タイトル + Kanji Title:  ~61.9db (1 db MoE)
Tron Legacy, Daft Punk:  58.4db
Love Trip, Takako Mamiya, Kitty Records Press: 65.8db
(ratings based on averages 5 minutes of sustained play on the testing unit, the machine actually complied this data on its preset, which is another fascinating part about this sort of vintage press-testing tech). The margin of error is because the machine, according to my mentor Dr. Juuso Ottala formerly of Harman International, informs me it was never meant to give accurate readings of picture discs, and to add about a dB of error margin.
One of the benefits of growing up in New England and, subsequently, New York, is that there are no shortage of heritage professional audio brand HQs in operation around a 200 mile radius from Manhattan to Boston. Off the top of my head, there’s Harman/Kardon, Boston Acoustics, Bose, NuMark, Marantz, and Rane headquarters within an hour’s drive from my two hometowns. Early on in my audiophile quest, I got my hands on some cool vintage gear — vinyl lathe testing equipment that has collected dust in both an old Harman technician’s storage unit, and now my parent’s basement. Over the holiday, I recently brought it out to do some surface noise testing on it to get a rough confirmation of what I was explaining in yesterday’s hi-fi guide. The innards of the machine looks eerily like a plinth-less linear tonearm and plate pair attached to a monitor. After making sure I’m not violating some kind of Harman International trade secret, I’ll post it on instagram.
Wanting to also get a firm idea on just how good my ear-test sounded, I grabbed another picture disc vinyl I had received as a gift a few years ago from my brother — the Tron Legacy OST. While I found the film passably enjoyable, my own preconceptions about pic discs, and a general exhaustion with french house — left me with no discernible desire to spin the thing. I hadn’t even broken the seal on the plastic wrap, so it seemed like as good as a blind test as any. I also grabbed what my ears tell me is a “good”, “heavy” press, a 1982 original dead-stock copy of Takako Mamiya’s Love Trip LP pressed by Kitty Records Japan. I’ve played it maybe a half dozen times since I bought it, so it’s as close to “new” 80s audiophile pop record as you can get. The Japanese are infamously anal about low SNR on their vinyl.
And, well, the results speak for themselves. The sweet spot for most black vinyl records is between 60-70db depending on age, weight, and a host of other frankly uncontrollable factors that aren’t worth getting into detail here, as I’d go on forever. The main takeaway here is that Neoncity’s and Tanuki’s record sat at the low end of the audiophile vinyl reference spectrum. Which in itself is a remarkable achievement for a pic disc. It’s worth taking a look at Tron Legacy, which just barely scratches 8db above a cassette tape, and 7db a Japanese vinyl from 1982.
This is all in an effort to say: damn, this is pretty good.
This also somewhat counters the usual “picture discs sound like shit” narrative that’s prevailed pretty consistently in the audiophile community. Tron Legacy? Yeah, that probably sounds like shit if I could bother to suffer through a listen. But whoever Hong-Kong based Neoncity is using actually makes “good” — if such a qualifier needs to be attached — image-pressed records. And that devotion to audio fidelity should be rewarded.
It might be time for me to re-asses picture discs on the whole, and that mind-expanding moment is something I owe to the fine folks at Neoncity.
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Because Reddit is having issues this is my submission to Malicious Compliance. Mostly so I can copy paste it later
Hello reddit, today I will tell you a tale of romance, betrayal, and smipublic streeking.
I don't go here much as I usually watch RSLASH and /Start and tend to prefer to lurk rather than post (unless its to promote my youtube) but I thought you may like to hear this, so here I go.
I don't usually put my real name online but some people may know me as LadyAzimuth (hi guys!)
I am 23 and my mother and I have always had a rocky relationship; by which I mean that she was mentally abusive to me and physically to my older sister back in the day. Now not to be rude but my mother has always had some mental problems which is why I ignored a good amount of the BS she did.
When I was young and spending the weekend at my father's i spilled some fries witch ketchup however and immediately began sobbing and apologizing for making a mess and going into full panic attack mode. My father calmed me down and asked me some questions which made me come to the realization that I was being pretty heavily abused by my mother.
Couple that with the many MANY years of physical abuse (I was bi in the late 90s and early 2000s and it wasnt legal to marry where I am until 05 so I got my ass kicked alot) and that made the perfect cocktail of dependence and silence.
My mother would constantly tell me I was being dramatic when I was heavily suicidal, dumb when it turns out i am dyslexic, and a cry baby when I would have anxiety attacks. Of course that all stopped when she got diagnosed for almost everything I have.
This may seem like useless information but I need you to understand why I act the way I am in this situation.
Now I have always been obedient. When her mother died i was in my teens and ended up having to raise my 2 younger siblings while my mom and stepfather were in a different city (will be referred to as L henceforth for privacy )
I ended up doing worse in school (I was already having issues because COULDN'T READ) and having to give up doing karate which was the closest thing to therapy I had. I had gotten a few awards for rising through the ranks quicker than others and my teacher thought I could have been a teacher in a few years time if I had continued the way that I was.
Now note, I never asked for a thank you. I believe that you should do your best to help other when they need it and it is ridiculous to demand thanks for it, but I do expect the base level of respect.
My mother only respects herself and her reputation.
I was working at a famous Canadian coffee shop (the one from the memes, you all know what one) for 2 years and I and everyone else was abused for years at it. I stayed longer than 70% of the people working there. This place was the worst. AC didn't work in the summer and it got to about 45 -50 degrees in there, of course we weren't allowed water breaks.
This place also did not want anyone to ever log their injuries. My friend logged a slip that resulted in her being in a hip brace and they cut her hours from full time to 1 4 hour shift a week for it. It was because of this and my being used to being abused that I didn't log a injury I got while trying to open a stuck fridge door.
I have bad knees so I ended up having them lock up while I tried to yank this door open underneath the deli counter causing my kneecap to pop off and my leg to collapse causing a v shape going outwards with the knee. I can't explain it well, but suffice to say, knees do NOT work that way. This is an injury that causes me pain almost every day of my life now, and because I was bullied into not recording it and it was almost 2 years ago now with everyone who was there having quit, there's nothing legally I can do.
I ended up leaving that place when an older lady who had been written up 7 times and not fired dispute almost attacking customers numerous times, screamed at a customer I was helping causing me to have a panic attack. I went to the back and was having a breakdown when she stormed in, threw the clipboard that holds the schedule at my head and punched a bookshelf beside me. I knew nothing would be done, so I left.
It was freeing for all of 5 minutes. Like a weight off my shoulders. Like when you're in a car crash and when you open your eyes, it was just a fender bender.
And then my mother demanded rent.
I had already paid my rent for the month (it was only about the 5th of April) and she was demanding next months rent "just to be sure"
Of course the next month comes around and she demands more rent, even though I paid in advance and went into debt to do it.
This was the beginning of the end.
My stepfather told her she was being ridiculous and to drop it so I could find work. And she did, for a bit. Now I currently live in K. K is a largish city that's only an hour away from Toronto on the 401 and even with the minimum wage being 14 an hour in Ontario, you still can not afford a 1 bedroom apartment in the ghetto here off 1 persons wages.
On top of that there aren't enough jobs to go around. Every single interview I've gone to has had no less than 5 other people to interview aside from me and that's on the low end.
So I've been jobless since April.
Fast forward a few months and my mother and stepfather break up. She and him had been together for 19 years and she has been cheating on him for 7 moths with her vocal instructor who is also a mutual friend of theirs.
They decide that they want to co-parent as to not disrupt the children's lives. Which would be acceptable if that was the case and not just a cover story so the kids don't worry.
The truth is, my mother sold her share of her company because she (like a whiny child) couldn't get along with her.
I mean admittedly she is a plastic prep who never grew out of it but I digress...
So she sold her part of the company and is taking payments of about 1000 a week for 2 years I think?
Rather than putting this towards the rent, shes been spending money like it's going out of style.
Since then she has bought a grand fucking piano which she's still making payments on, a whole ass horse and is paying for monthly board for her. She eats out nearly every single day and drives across cities numerous times a day in her giant gas guzzling ford truck.
To top it off, she attempted to ride said horse before properly rehabilitating it (it had been neglected and underfed so she was antsy and none of the saddles fit correctly) so it threw her.
Kali, I love you, you beautiful mare you, but you sent my mother to destination fucked, and I don't appreciate it.
She landed on her ankle, shattered it, nearly twisted it off completely and broke the leg bone clean in half. She nearly lost the leg due to infection and 15 months later we are still looking at about 10 more months of recovery if all go's well.
Now just because we live in Canada, doesn't mean this is a cheap endeavor. In fact my step father had to double his workload in the business he owned to make up for it, and the household is still having some issues (I'm not saying we are broke, because the lights are on and everyone is comfortable but we have to live by the dollar at this point.)
So money has been coming up a lot recently and has been another way to demean me and manipulate me and make me feel like trash.
The money is the reason why she want's to co-parent, because otherwise she most likely would not be able to support herself with how shes hemorrhaging money and cant work. (Physically she can, she just would prefer not to and to go out every day and night to party and bang her boyfriend. Did I mention she still hasn't legally divorced my father and still has his last name?
So a week to the day that they made the separation announcement, she gets my stepfather to tell me for her that I have to leave.
Because she wan'ts somewhere to sleep that isn't the couch.
And to "help me out" I could sleep on the couch until I find a place and maybe my family from L can help.
My family who most live off of welfare and minimum wage jobs in the shit end of town.
She didn't tell me when I was to leave, despite me asking her, I assume it was because I can be pretty scary when I am angry and screaming, I'll admit. I learned from my stepfather that I had to be out within the week.
I have to leave, with less than no money because my mother cheated on my stepfather.
Some people wounder what they are worth, money wise. I found out I am worth 500 CAD and some middle aged balding white man dick. How lovely.
So of course I have a total melt down. My friend took me in for a few days because I was on the edge of suicide and still am and couldn't be in the house anymore.
So I've contacted my family in L and am making arrangements to leave and its been a week to the day. Things are slow going as I find someone who can host me on their couch until I get on my feet so I'm on borrowed time.
I got frustrated as since then my mother hasn't said a word to me and has pretended I don't exist so I asked her what the hell she expected from me and how she could act like this.
I got this response. "Just take your shit and go"
I have a large room, most of the rooms in this house are large so its quite a bit to pack but I've got it more or less.
(Pic here The Packed Room )
In said room I have a lovely wooden bedroom set given to me from my grandmother before she died, as it was in the bedroom I always stayed in when I was at her house. There's a bedside table, bed with a nice head board and a large vanity with a huge mirror.
I never had anything as nice as that before grandmother so I made sure years ago with my stepfather that when I move, its going with me.
On top of that, i have a large old desk that used to be in the office before my stepfather upgraded, a TV which was gifted to me, 8 bookshelves that I saved from being tossed years ago, lovely purple blackout curtains with black flowers on them and a matching lamp and a leather futon couch which is actually quite classy and a PS4,3 and 2. (she occasionally games so I know she's been eyeing those)
I know my mom. I know she wants everything inside of here and will fight tooth and nail for it. But not only is everything in here mine and the accumulation of years, I have my stepfathers permission to take everything, because it is mine.
Take my shit and go? Ok. I will. My friend's grandfather is offering to store my stuff in his empty rooms because he is the kindest old veteran you'll ever meet. I'm taking EVERYTHING.
NOTHING will be left behind.
I hope she enjoys sleeping on the floor because I know for fact we don't have a spare bed.
And as I'm just taking my shit and going, Ill make sure to not tell her about how the very large window super heats the room in the summer at 3 in the afternoon and is almost as cold as the outside is in winter because it was never properly installed. I'll also neglect to tell her where the window leaks when it rains to put down towels so mold dosn't start growing. I'll neglect to tell her about how the wifi doesn't reach up here most of the time so she will have to wonder if her tech is broken.
Unrelated but she REALLY cares about what other people think and that's why I had the thick curtains.
The week is up in a few minutes so I took down MY curtains. Because I'm just taking my stuff and going right?
So I hope out neighbors don't see my chubby while butt undressing to sleep. I used to sleep naked.
I think I'll do that tonight.
Mom gave the sacred succ to a person she shouldn't have, kicked me out with no warning, so now her one legged ass will be sleeping on the floor of the fancy room she traded me for and will have to answer questions to the whole cul du sac of middle aged upper middle class stuck up moms that she runs the community facebook page for about why her daughter was giving the neighborhood a strip show.
Also she may freeze / sweat to death before she figures out the window is fucked.
Will update once I'm gone about her reaction. Thanks for reading and remember:
Some times you just gatta do what you're told lol.
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faucetdouble51-blog · 5 years
Is This the Death Rattle of Mail-Order Meal Kits?
For infamously time-pressed millennials, mail-order meal kits initially seemed like a dream come true. Rather than poring over recipes to figure out what to make for dinner, then schlepping to the grocery store for ingredients (and inevitably having leftover produce spoil in the fridge), subscribers could instead have perfectly portioned ingredients delivered right to their doors on a weekly basis, complete with easy-to-follow recipe cards. Meal kits also seemed like a dream come true for food tech-hungry investors, who sank millions of dollars into companies like Blue Apron, Hello Fresh, Sun Basket, Plated, and Chef’d; celebrity names like Ayesha Curry, Martha Stewart, and Mark Bittman also jumped in head first. Blue Apron, arguably the biggest name in the space, was founded in 2012 and valued at a hefty $2 billion just three years later.
But as the meal kit space became more and more crowded, the novelty wore off, and for many consumers, so did the sheen. Many ultimately found the mail-order services too expensive, and while meal kits may prevent food waste, the excessive amount of packaging (not to mention the energy used to ship ingredients nationwide) led customers to shake their heads. As Dirt Candy chef Amanda Cohen pointed out in a 2017 New York Times op-ed, “[Meal kits] generate enormous amounts of paper and plastic waste. Every ingredient is packaged separately, resulting in absurdities like a single scallion arriving in its own plastic bag.”
But the real problem with meal kit companies’ business models, Cohen argued, is that the kits serve as “training wheels” of sorts for newbie cooks; once subscribers grow more confident in their abilities to saute and figure out which ingredients complement one another, they inevitably cancel. Discussions in the r/BlueApron Reddit forum seem to support that theory: “I think of it more as a cooking lesson, and save the recipe cards,” one user wrote. Another former subscriber who cancelled after a few months said, “What it taught me was that I needed to spend an hour or so a week meal planning and looking for fun recipes, and I needed to set aside an hour to shop. I did really enjoy learning to cook new things.”
Indeed, in recent months, it seems the tide has turned against meal kits, with countless headlines saying they’ve “fizzled,” or worse, are “doomed to fail” or already “DOA.” Even the future of Blue Apron, which as of March 2018 controlled 35 percent of the U.S. meal kit market according to data from Earnest Research, is up in the air, with finance site Motley Fool asking if it was “the beginning of the end” for the company. Last November, its most recent quarterly earnings report revealed that Blue Apron lost more than 200,000 customers — or about 25 percent of its customer base — between September 2017 and September 2018. Meanwhile, its stock price has plummeted: After making its stock market debut in June 2017 with an IPO price of $10 (about a third less than it initially anticipated), Blue Apron’s share price slunk to an all-time low of 66 cents just before Christmas 2018. (At time of publication, it hovered around $1.40.) Since then, it seems the company has been grasping for ways to snare new customers: In February, it rolled out “Knick Knacks” — cheaper, stripped-down versions of its meal kits that require cooks to supply their own produce and protein.
It’s no secret that meal kits are a tough biz, what with the labyrinth of delivery logistics involved in shipping highly perishable products all over the country. Blue Apron expects to lose even more customers this year, as the company says it’s shifting focus from bringing in as many new customers as possible to attracting “high quality” customers — that is, loyal subscribers that stick around after initial discounts run out.
NPD group food analyst Darren Seifer says there are two main reasons customers abandon their meal kit subscriptions, and the first is that they’re too expensive once the initial coupon or sign-up promos run out. Blue Apron aggressively retargets customers who cancel with promotional discounts to lure them back, and the internet is rife with posts from customers who game the system by repeatedly signing up and canceling to score a seemingly infinite cycle of said promos. “I used Blue Apron since I was getting $20 off three boxes,” one Reddit user writes. “As soon as I stopped getting it I cancelled and within a week I got emailed another promo code to come back for two weeks. Did that and cancelled again and now I have another promo code that is good for another 3 weeks. I’m basically just paying $40 cause at that price its worth it with no intention of every paying the full $60.”
According to Seifer and others, meal kits’ struggles could come down to human nature: People want more spontaneity when it comes to what’s for dinner. “Dinner is often a last-minute decision and sometimes people just don’t want to decide [what to eat] a week before,” says Seifer. “They want to decide in the moment.” Additionally, while people are enthusiastic about buying damn near everything online these days, the major exception to that is groceries: A recent Gallup poll showed that Americans still overwhelmingly prefer to get their food shopping done the old-fashioned way. That’s where making one-off meal kits available at retail locations like grocery stores and membership clubs comes in; according to Seifer, moving beyond the mail-order subscription model seems pivotal to meal kits’ long-term viability.
Blue Apron and Hello Fresh have waded into in-store offerings: Blue Apron began selling its kits in Costco stores in May 2018, while Hello Fresh did the same the following month and is now in more than 500 grocery stores including HEB, Brookshire’s, and Fareway. Competitor Plated was acquired by Albertsons last year, and its meal kits were rolled out to Albertsons and Safeway stores in October. Selling meal kits in grocery stores makes a lot of sense: People are already there to buy food, and meal kits provide a quicker, easier route to dinner than shopping for individual ingredients, no pesky subscription required.
Industry insiders seem to agree that’s where the market is headed, but even selling kits in-store has proven insufficient for some meal kit brands. In July 2018, meal kit company Chef’d shut down — despite having once been valued at more than $150 million, selling its kits in more than 400 retail stores, and boasting investments from food juggernauts like Campbell Soup Co. and partnerships with celebrity chefs like Wolfgang Puck. In a Linkedin article written post-shutdown, Chef’d’s former senior vice president of retail Sean Butler argued that the company’s demise didn’t foretell the doom of an entire industry, but posited that “The right way to do meal kits is not the subscription model… The future is a curated non-subscription e-commerce model supported by a fresh, rotating set of in-store offerings.”
Interestingly, Blue Apron has at least temporarily abandoned its in-store options. It pulled its kits out of Costco stores in November 2018, stating it was pausing the program due to the “seasonal cadence” of the retailer’s business (aka the store needed more shelf space for holiday products). But its kits seem likely to pop up on retail shelves again soon: A Blue Apron spokesperson says the company is “in active discussions” with other prospective retail partners. Currently, the only way to get Blue Apron kits without a subscription is to order them via Walmart-owned Jet.com, and they’re only available for delivery in the NYC area. (Another hurdle for Blue Apron is Amazon, which sells individual meal kits that don’t require a subscription and are available nationwide with free shipping. The retail giant has proven it’s already conquered the delivery logistics game — and thanks to its incredibly large product selection and numerous revenue streams, it doesn’t necessarily even need to turn much of a profit on its meal kits.)
As far as Seifer is concerned, getting back into retail stores ASAP ought to be a priority for Blue Apron. “We found that about half of people who stopped using subscription services are giving in-store kits a try,” he says. “If the consumers are moving in that direction, it makes sense to try and follow that.”
Unfortunately for Blue Apron, it seems even some once-loyal customers are souring on the company. On the r/BlueApron subreddit, numerous users have posted in recent months about the meal-kit service going downhill from its early days, with reports of late or lost shipments, boxes missing ingredients, and proteins arriving past their prime. “We have been using BA for off and on over a year and in the last two months we’ve been so unhappy,” Reddit user hollycarpe wrote last May. “Had some rotten steak and got a partial refund credit. Used that towards the next week and ended up getting a full refund due to the fact our box came way late and was not at all frozen… I miss the old BA.” (To be fair, many of the same users are also laudatory of Blue Apron’s customer service, noting that they always receive prompt credits or refunds upon complaining to the company.)
Inevitably, the meal kit industry is bound to see more shutdowns and consolidation as time goes on. “This market looks a lot like the dotcom boom and bust of the late nineties [on a smaller scale],” Seifer says. “There’s a lot of companies that are jockeying for market share. [Blue Apron] went public but isn’t necessarily making money, and at the end of the day, if you’re not making money for several years, the money’s going to run dry.” Blue Apron has stated that it expects to become profitable in 2019.
It’s clear that meal kits aren’t for everyone, but they also don’t need to be: Blue Apron has decided to focus on courting a smaller niche of mail-order customers, while seemingly also realizing the importance of getting its kits on store shelves where non-subscribers can discover them. But whether or not all that will add up to a company that can sustain itself without further huge injections of VC money will remain to be seen.
“There’s a reason their stock price is less than a dollar,” Reddit user Thenadamgoes writes in the r/BlueApron subreddit. “Even at $60 [for six portions] I have no idea how BA makes any money or ever will. But I hope they figure it out cause I really like it.”
Whitney Filloon is Eater’s senior associate editor.
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Source: https://www.eater.com/2019/2/26/18239767/meal-kits-bubble-grocery-stores-blue-apron-hello-fresh-doomed
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[WP] You've been fighting the Time Travel Police for years, trying to warn the past what is to come. After decades of attempts, you finally found a loophole; there is no telling when they will notice.
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This prompt was harder! Trying to find a loophole in time travel lore that's original is damn near impossible! At one point I ended up reading a paper on quantum mechanics near closed timelike lines... it didn't help. I did end up a pretty long solution to the problem, but as the word count got longer and longer I decided to leave it for now. Might be worth resurrecting later though, if there's enough interest :). "Yy ohT gri-a-ay-" "We'll see about that, officer..." Sibil leaned over from her captain's chair to inspect the badge on the man's uniform. "Pitt." "Ay err I chew!" "I hope so! I really do this time," she said as she flipped a row of switches one by one from left to right on control panel above her, pausing on the last one, her eyes fixated on a pulsing light. "kku yu beatch!" The light stopped, and Sibil flicked the last switch hard, then turned to regard the bound man next to her feet. The room began to shake. "Now that," she said as she reached over shoulders with crossed arms, pulling two retractable straps over and across her chest and clicking them into the ports on either side of her, "is going to cost you." "Nnn, Nnn! Pu-Eez," the gagged man said as he tried to inch his way back into the corner. Sibil shrugged, a cold, tight-lipped smile spread across her face. Special Office Pitt, his eyes searching the small room for something that he could cling to, tried to remember his training. A space-time pod of this size, he knew would alternate trajectory four, not six times per quantum year. He wedged himself hard into the corner, and using his feet, pushed hard at a 45-degree angle, then clenched his eyes shut, bracing for liftoff. Sibil rested her head back in the captain's chair and closed her eyes. She developed a bit of a strange habit. She swore that during a time leap, for those short few seconds, she slept like a baby. When she woke, officer Pitt groaned from her feet once more. With a click of the restraint locks, she was free again to lean over and peer under the chair, which stood bolted to the floor like an office chair without a wheelbase. "Well, at least your gag is off now. See, you should be thankful. Now, what was it you were trying to say?" Office pit rolled over onto his back, his eyes still closed. Likely to keep the blood that trickled down his brow out of the left one. "Ah, well if you think of it let me know. Now, let's get going, shall we? You partner should be here soon, don't want to make him wait!" --- Captain Cass glared at the giant wall monitor that emitted a soft glow large enough to warm the room. A large, black and blue triple axis grid zoomed out, tracking a bright red dot as it arched and zagged across several years. "March 5th, 2099. Shibuya, Tokyo, sir," the technician next to him said without looking up from his terminal, a moment before the forward screen displayed the same information. "Generating a fact sheet now." The three-dimensional grid scaled down to a quarter of its size and slid over to the top left corner of the screen. The right half populated with a timeline of important historical events related to the chrono-geo coordinate in question. Next to each headline was a score in percentage format estimated out to two decimal places. They all started a 99.99%, but immediately some began to tick downward by fractions of a percentage point. "Strange destination, don't you think Themes?" The young technician nodded. "Yes, sir. Specifically for this particular canary sir. This is much further back than expected for her. The likely hood of Ms. Sibil-" "Try not show our fugitives so much respect, Themes. Unless you want to cast suspicion on yourself in the future." "Of course. Sorry, sir." Theme turned back to his terminal and began typing. In the bottom left corner of the screen, a larger number appeared in a bold green font: 0.001%. "As I was saying, the likely hood of her impacting her target event is virtually nonexistent from this point in time." Cass' brow furrowed as he turned away and made his way up the stairs, causing the technicians behind him to sit up a little straighter. "Ping me anything changes. And I want an open line with Ringo from my office. "Yes, sir!" The room barked. "What the fuck are you doing Sibil?" He muttered to himself. --- "See this?" Sibil dangled a keychain in front of her captive's eyes, a small cube affixed to the end. "Don't think for a second that I'm afraid to use it!" She slipped her finger in the metal ring on the end and twirled it around like some sort of time traveling gunslinger. Officer Pitt glared back at her, motionless as he laid against the control panel. She slipped the cube into her shirt pocket and buttoned it shut, then reached down and slid her index finger across the man's restraints. With a click, Pitts hands and feet were freed. Pitt sat up, then with caution for both his captor and his concussion, rose to his feet. He glanced at the console readout, and a look of confusion covered his face. "What?" "No questions!" Sibil barked, "Or it gets the hose again!" She said as she sauntered to the door and keyed in her exit code. Pitt continued to eye the controls, searching for something. "Chop, chop!" And with that, they stepped out into a grimy warehouse. Even with the little bit of light that slipped through the upper windows, it was clear the walls were caked from years of neglect, iced with an even layer of dirt and grime. Except for one perfectly square section of wall directly opposite of them. Officer Pitt harrumphed at the atrocious quality of the hologram. Sibil ducked her head and stepped through the digital wall and into a long straight tunnel. "Let's go!" She said, the echo projecting her voice right at him. With a sigh, Pitt stepped out of the time machine and made his way through the holographic wall. "For a moment there, I thought I was going to get to see the golden age of the east. But no, instead I have to slog it through this," Pitt looked around at the chewed up concrete walls and low ceiling of the tunnel around him, a puddle of water reflecting off his palm light every couple of feet, "some sort of ancient sewer?" Sibil kept walking. After half a mile of hunched marching, the tunnel turned sharply to the right for a few steps, then ended with a ladder that rose two stories. Without pausing, Sibil began her ascent. Pitt looked around, then up at her feet as she scaled the small rungs. He sighed again and slid the palm light around his glove to the back of his hand. The ladder ended abruptly, with no excess, so she had to lie on her belly at the top and swing her legs up and over. A flash of opportunity ran through Pitt's mind, but he pushed it away. The fall would most certainly kill her, but the device in her breast pocket would scoop a chunk out of the earth, evaporating everything within a 10km radius. He reached his hand up over the lip, as she gained her footing, she eyed it carefully but eventually reasoned he wasn't a moron and helped him up over the edge. Once on his feet, Pitt looked around. This room was dark and walled with chewed concrete much like the tunnels, but it was spacious and squared off at sharp angles. Another ladder, this one leaned against the far wall and attached to a track at the top and bottom. The image of a goblin library from an old children's book popped into his mind. "Where are we?" Sibil held her arm up in front of her and swiped her finger down the sleeve of her white leather jacket, tracing a line that ran from her elbow to her wrist. A holographic screen slowly scrolled upward out of the invisible line on her arm, followed by another hologram of a one-handed keyboard. She began typing furiously, then stepped exactly three spaces to her right, a quick glance at the wall, and she reached for the ladder, a sharp squeak bounced off the walls as she pulled it closer. Satisfied with its position, she began to climb up, but then looked over her shoulder at Pitt who was meandering about. "Don't touch anything!" She said, before continuing her ascent, the screen in keyboard dimming as her arms took to the task of pulling herself up. As Pitt approached the wall near one end, he noticed something sticking out of it and leaned over to get a closer look. It was a tiny door. There were hundreds- no thousands of them. Like a giant, creepy post office. His eye's widened, then his brows tented up and together, more confused than ever. Original Reddit Source Read the full article
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soulcrazy2017-blog · 7 years
Windows 10 in 2017: What to expect from Microsoft's top software
New Post has been published on https://soulcrazy.org/windows-10-in-2017-what-to-expect-from-microsofts-top-software/
Windows 10 in 2017: What to expect from Microsoft's top software
Curiously, the issue appears to affect some of the contemporary hardware on the market, which in theory should be maximum in all likelihood to run smoothly.
Customers who build their personal devices and software are most at threat, specifically those who have an aversion to Windows 10, and demand on walking older variations of Microsoft’s platform.
If a device with Windows 7 or 8.1 is upgraded with a new processor, it’ll not be capable of download and deploy some the present day and maximum essential software program updates offered by way of Microsoft.
Rather than the everyday download display, Users are confronted with an errors message warning that “Your Pc uses a processor that isn’t supported in this model of Windows.”
An errors message may also seem inside the Home windows Replace window, warning Users that their device has encountered, “unknown blunders”.
Windows 10 Microsoft Pc Replace launchGETTY Customers with newer gadgets have encountered a primary trouble Microsoft has confirmed the difficulty and presented a solution on its support forums.
It notes that devices with powerful processors inclusive of the cutting-edge Intel 7th era hardware and AMD’s Bristol Ridge offerings require the present day model of Home windows (i.E., Windows 10) to perform nicely.
It provides, “Due to how this support coverage is carried out, Home windows eight.1 and Home windows seven gadgets which have a 7th era or a later generation processor may now not be able to experiment or download updates through Home windows Replace or Microsoft Update.”
Microsoft Windows 10 Update campaignGETTY Windows 10 has been installed on over 500 million gadgets international With Windows 10 now hooked up on over half 1000000000 gadgets worldwide, it appears foolish to try and withstand upgrading to the brand new software program.
But many Computer Users nonetheless reject Microsoft’s cutting-edge construct, preferring to stick to older versions of Windows.
A thread on Reddit regarding the problem has already garnered over 2,000 remarks as Customers bounce to offer assistance.
Even though a few were supportive of the flow, others have advised greater unorthodox actions, which include ditching Windows for desirable.
“Users, in reality, should simply upgrade at this point or switch to Linux,” one stated, “You cannot preserve on to Home windows seven forever, it will be officially lifeless in some years.”
“And right here I used to be thinking I could not hate Microsoft any more than I already do,” stated some other.
Windows 10 upgrade reminder blows in on weather report Play Video Microsoft is understandably eager to promote the usage of Home windows 10, as the employer’s modern-day software offers some of upgrades and updates to past releases.
The organization says that over 500 million Home windows ten installs were finished because the software program was released in July 2015.
However this nonetheless most effective provides as much as simply over one / 4 of all Laptop gadgets internationally, with Windows 7 nevertheless leading the way with forty-eight.Forty-one percent of total installs.
Microsoft announced earlier this week that it would not provide legit help for its Windows Vista software program after April eleventh.
Which means that everyone with a tool strolling the ten-12 months-old software best has a month left to upgrade their machine, or chance being unprotected towards doubtlessly negative cyber-assaults.
Notwithstanding this, the software stays broadly in use today, with the maximum current Netmarketshare figures showing it nevertheless clings directly to zero.Seventy-eight in step with the cent of all devices going for walks today.
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Surprising flip offs – In case you preserve experiencing Surprising laptop, turn offs, you may have horrific cable connections, insufficient strength supply or defective battery. While your Pc overheats, It is also possibly to close down so it can cool. Beat the problem via making sure cables are related well and checking the fan regularly so that you can dust and smooth as suitable. In case you are the use of a PC, you could want to check the battery; deterioration through the years is inevitable, and it may be time to have it replaced.
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