#for reading it and also tryin to brainstorm titles with me
mushiewrites · 1 year
Attitude Adjustment
hello fwens :3 back with another fic from the results of a poll I ran! the prompt is from this list requested through this ask! I actually love the way this turned out, so enjoy!
prompt 1 - “how much does this tickle from 1 to 10?” / 17 - “apologize!” / 18 - “i’m gonna count down from 10” / 25 - “you’re being really bold for someone within tickling distance.”
(lee!Dream / ler!George / ler!Sapnap : 3K words)
“YES! YESSS!” Dream exclaimed, jumping up from his chair and accidentally pulling his headset off of his head, giggling as he somehow caught it in his right hand and leaned down to place it back over his golden curls. “I told you I’d beat you guys! Oh man, this challenge is gonna be incredible!” 
Dream, George and Sapnap were in their respective recording rooms, having just gone through two runs of the mod they recently coded for a new video idea they had, testing to make sure everything worked properly before actually filming. The initial runthrough had been successful, though Dream had won because of a mistake that the other two boys had made. They demanded a rematch, only to be met with the same ending - Dream had beaten them yet again. 
“Fuck off.” Sapnap’s annoyance seethed over the line of the discord call they were all on, making Dream break out into a satisfied grin. 
“Look, it’s not my fault you two are trash at Minecraft.” He commented, a cocky tone to his voice as he giggled. He heard George let out a groan which only further fueled him, bouncing his legs with excitement. 
“Dream, I’d be quiet if I were you.” He heard the youngest boy growl through his headphones, moving to lean against the back of his chair as the smile on his face grew. He crossed his arms across his chest, rolling his eyes at the threatening tone in Sapnap’s voice with a chuckle.
“Why? What are you gonna do, challenge me to a rematch again? Go ahead! You saw what happened last time.” Dream barked out a laugh at the thought, knowing full well that he would beat the two again. However, smile faltered when he heard a low chuckle, the sound all too familiar. 
“No, but you’re being really bold for someone within tickling distance,” The blonde’s eyes widened as he heard the younger boy’s statement, sitting up straight in his chair. “Wouldn’t you agree, George?” 
“W-What? No!” Dream grabbed at the microphone with one hand, bringing it closer to him as if that would somehow get his point across clearer.
“Oh, I definitely agree. You’ve been way too cocky today.” George’s smirk was evident in his voice, causing butterflies to erupt in Dream’s stomach. His left hand was quick to cover the area, pressing slightly in the hopes that the flutters would settle down. 
“I- No I haven’t! …Not more than normal!” Dream had paused in his wording, thinking back on the past few hours and realizing how much he had bombarded the two with insults and teases. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard the low chuckle once more, sending chills down his spine as his focus was brought back to the call. 
“I’m gonna countdown from 10.” 
“10…9…8…” Dream was panicking now, stuttering and fidgeting in his seat as the younger boy began counting. He knew what it meant - he had been a victim to the countdown many times, and he knew exactly what followed. 
The hair on the back of Dream’s neck stood up as he suddenly heard quick footsteps thudding down the hall, a clear indication of where they were heading. He let out a squeal as he flung the headset off of his head, still able to hear the numbers decreasing as the seconds passed. Dream was mere steps away from slamming the door shut, his arm extended to grab the door to swing it shut, when George appeared in the doorway. 
“FUCK!” Dream squealed, dodging the elder as he lunged forward and sprinted towards the bed in the corner of the recording room. He cursed himself immediately as he flung the covers off to take safety there, wrapping them around himself and tucking them in tightly so George couldn’t remove them.
“Oh Dreamie!” The sing-song tone of George’s voice made Dream cower further under the blankets, twisting his fists into them as a way to expel the tingly energy that was coursing through him. 
“Come on, don’t you wanna hang out with your best buddies?” He heard additional footsteps entering his room, listening as Sapnap joined in on the taunting. The sound of the door shutting caught his attention, letting out a shriek when he heard the lock click. 
“Nohoho! Fuck ohoff!” He spat out in response, curling up on his side as much as he could when he felt the mattress dip next to his legs, signaling that he was no longer the only one on the bed. Giggles quickly burst past his lips as he felt pokes along his sides in random patterns, the offending finger pressing in wherever it could. 
“What do we have here?” Sapnap questioned curiously, his voice coming from the end of the bed. The pokes hadn’t stopped, leading him to the conclusion that George was the one currently tickling him. 
“G-Gehehorge, stop! Gehet awahay, Sapnap!” He spoke through his giggles, wrapping his arms around himself the best he could while still securing the blanket in place with his hands. The protection Dream felt from the blanket was quickly stripped from his mind as he felt a hand wrap around his ankle, fingers skittering over his socked foot and making him kick out in a panic. 
“Nohoho! No no nohoho p-plehehease!” Dream pleaded with the younger boy, trying to kick at Sapnap but failing when the smaller boy jumped up onto the bed, straddling his legs and continuing the tickly assault on his foot. 
“It’s not my fault you’re too much of a giant to fully hide under a blanket.” Sapnap teased him, walking his fingers up onto the tops of Dream’s foot to make him squeal. He continued to try and kick his legs, squirming and pleading until the blanket was pulled from his hands, his eyes squinting from the sudden light flooding into them.
“NOHOHO! No, fuhuhuck- dohohon’t!” He began to beg once more, turning onto his back as much as he could as he attempted to wrangle both George and Sapnap’s hands in the process. Instead, his wrists were captured by Sapnap and held up against his chest, forcing Dream to sit up slightly, his back arched forward at an awkward angle. “Ow, Sahaphap, it hurts!” 
“Oops, sorry baby!” He giggled, placing a quick kiss on each wrist before bringing them down to rest on his thighs. The blonde whined as he leaned back against the mattress, biting back a smile as the stubble tickled the sensitive skin there. He readjusted himself to be more comfortable but was interrupted as George began to poke all over his torso once more.
“Stohop! Y-You don’t hahave to do this!” He tried his best to give the two his best puppy dog eyes, pouting through his laughter. The two boys above him just giggled at the suggestion, exchanging knowing smirks before turning their attention back to Dream, who was still in a fit of chirps and squeals from the pokes he was receiving. 
“Obviously we don’t have to,” George spoke, making Dream turn his head slightly to lock eyes with the elder. He felt his stomach flip as the grin on his face grew even wider. “We want to.” 
Sapnap moved as George spoke, sliding Dream’s wrists from his thighs to the bed, pressing down to secure them next to his hips as he protested. The youngest boy giggled when Dream tried to sit up again, only to be pushed back down against the duvet by George. 
“Apologize!” He demanded, using his free hand to poke into Dream’s stomach a few times, prompting the blonde to let out a yelp before falling into loud cackles. He tried his best to dodge the wiggling finger, twisting his body from side to side but quickly giving up once he realized George followed him every way that he turned. 
“I dihihidn’t do anythihihing!” 
“He can’t be serious.” He heard Sapnap mumble to George, making him shake his head back and forth slowly with a tight-lipped expression in fake disappointment.
“Dreamie, Dreamie, Dreamie. Will you ever learn?” As George let out a sigh, starting to lightly spider his fingers on either side of his tummy, still over his shirt and smiling when it seemingly drove Dream mad anyway. 
“P-Plehehease! Not thehehere!” Dream pleaded as he attempted to buck his hips up. Sapnap continued to sit sturdy on his waist, not allowing him to make his targeted movement. The youngest boy pressed his wrists down further into the bed to really emphasize on the fact he was stuck and under the mercy of his two best friends.
“Not there? Not on your ticklish little tummy? Why not, Dream?” Sapnap teased, creating a new kaleidoscope of butterflies in his stomach as he continued to laugh and writhe beneath him. 
“Thihis is sohoho cruel! I-I cahan’t move my hahahands!” He complained through his high pitched squeals, looking between the two with pleading eyes and hoping one of them would give in and end the tickling. However, the smirks that were plastered on their faces told him otherwise.
 “Awh, poor baby! You should be able to block your tummy with your hands being right there, huh?” George taunted, grabbing Dream’s attention and only continuing when the boy nodded in agreement. “It must be so much more ticklish knowing that you can’t.” 
The comment sent Dream into another fit of cackles, still trying to pull at his arms to free himself but finding it harder and harder when his strength was constantly wavering due to his laughter. 
Dream felt a cool breeze on his tummy and looked down in horror as he watched George slowly lift his shirt up, making his giggles more panicked and sporadic. He squeezed his eyes shut as George’s pointer finger poked around his belly button, making him squeak between the bright giggles the spot produced.
“Hey Dream, how much does this tickle from 1 to 10?” Following the question, George hooked a finger onto the rim of his belly button and began to lightly pull at the bottom edge. The blonde shrieked before falling into hysterics, kicking his legs against the bed as much as he could as George continued his assault on the sensitive little dip in his tummy.
“NOHOHO! Noho plehehease! Dohohon’t- Gohohod nohoho!” Dream’s laugh was high pitched and slightly raspy as George circled his finger around the rim of his belly button slowly, adding slight pressure as he went to make Dream squeal.
“I didn’t hear a number!” George spoke with mischief in his voice, the pitch higher and words drawn out to tease with a purpose. Dream lifted his head slightly to look at George, twisting his face into the best scowl he could make through his continuous laughter. The brunette laughed at that, rolling his eyes at the unnecessary aggression that Dream was trying to pull off. “Come on, pup, it’s just a simple question.” 
“FUHUHCK OFF, GEOHOHORGE!” Dream’s voice was booming through his laughter with how flustered he was becoming, feeling his cheeks heat up and cursing himself for how easily he was made to blush. The two boys above him knew all the things that make him squirm, and it seemed to him as if they were going down a list and checking each one off. He let out a quick whine after he took in a deep breath, trying to turn his body from side to side to dislodge George’s finger.
“I would just answer the question, Dream.” Sapnap chimed in as George slowly began tracing the rim of his belly button. Dream broke into loud laughter at the sensation, flexing his fingers out and back into tight fists as he squirmed. 
George moved his finger from the edge, tracing a squiggly line towards his right hip bone. He switched his pointer finger out for his thumb as he rubbed soothing circles into the muscle, not enough pressure to tickle terribly, but enough to keep the smile on his face while also melting him into a pile of giggles.
“Good boy, Dream! Now, are you gonna apologize?
“For whahat?! I didn’t doho- nohoho wait! WAHAHAHAIT!” 
George sat up on his knees, leaning against his left hand that was still pressed into Dream’s shoulder to hold him down and using his thumb and pointer finger to knead into his lower tummy, just under his belly button. Dream howled at the action, almost immediately breaking and begging for mercy.
“OKAHAHAY OKAY! I’m sohohorry!” George slowed his pinching to a halt, keeping them pressed against the skin and turning to Sapnap to see if he accepted the apology or not. Dream’s stomach felt like a car with an overturned engine, the nervousness erupting in little bursts as Sapnap shook his head with a grin. 
“I will only accept ‘I’m sorry that I was so cocky when I’m so ticklish’, actually.” Sapnap stated simply, the smile on his face clear in his voice. He squeezed Dream’s wrists twice with a playful intent, watching as the older boy attempted to twist his arms to break free and chuckling when he realized he wasn’t able to and grunted in frustration at his defeat. 
“What?! Nohoho! I’m nohot saying that!” Dream shook his head quickly, looking at Sapnap with furrowed brows as if in disbelief. Sapnap only grinned back at him, shrugging his shoulders. Dream jolted forward when George’s finger twitched against his skin, as if it was reminding him of its presence; As if he could forget.
“No? I guess I’ll stay here, then.” George giggled as Dream’s laughter practically jumped an octave when the wiggly finger burrowed itself into his belly button, lightly tickling around the walls and just barely grazing the knot at the bottom of it. The blonde let out a high pitched scream before dissolving into silent laughter, throwing his head back against the bed with bright red cheeks. The elder watched as the blush slowly spread up to the tip of his ears and down his neck, eventually reaching his tummy. He felt an elbow lightly against his right bicep and turned his attention to Sapnap.
“Alright, I think this little goober has had enough.” George watched as Sapnap looked down at Dream with fondness in his eyes. He was very much still in hysterics as George’s finger remained where it had been, but remained still to provide the younger boy with some relief. 
“Awh but Sapnap! Look! His tummy is blushing, he loves it!” 
“He does, but even puppies who love getting tickles have their limits, don’t they baby?” Dream felt his face heat up in response to the remark, turning his head and shoulders as much as he could to hide his face in the pillows next to him. 
“Plehehease!” His muffled whines made George and Sapnap giggle, softening their demeanors and melting at how adorable the blonde was. Sapnap loosened the grip on his wrists, running his thumbs over the thin skin of his wrists as he spoke.
“You know what to say, darlin’.” He spoke in an exaggerated southern accent, making George cackle and Dream’s laughter grow louder once more. This sent Sapnap into a fit of laughter, creating a domino effect and making the boys fall into a symphony of laughter. After a few minutes, they regained their composure and were back to the task at hand.
“Well?” George prompted Dream. He heard the younger boy kick his feet a few times against the bed behind him, smiling when he let out yet another whine in disapproval. Dream stomped his foot one more time to prove his point before letting out a loud sigh, rolling his eyes at George before meeting Sapnap’s gaze.
“I’m sorry I was sohoho cocky when I’m- I’m…so-” Dream huffed out a stream of air through his nose in a mix of annoyance and embarrassment, squeezing his eyes shut before continuing. “So t-ticklish.” 
“Wow, so SO ticklish, huh?” Sapnap finally let go of Dream’s hands and moved from his place on his hips to kneel next to the blonde instead. “I already knew that, but thanks for reminding me!” 
Dream groaned through tiny giggles, immediately bringing his hands up to cover his face the minute Sapnap had freed them. He turned his body and curled forward slightly until his head pressed into Sapnap’s knee, relaxing with a sigh when the youngest boy started to card his hand through the messy curls. 
“I think we tired him out.” He heard George comment from behind him, feeling the bed dip and a sudden warmth pressed into his back. It continued to spread over his waist, only getting warmer as George’s grip around him grew tighter to pull him into a backwards hug. Dream brought his shoulder up as George buried himself into the crook of his neck, tickling Dream in the process and making him squeal. 
“More like you killed me.” Dream mumbled, leaning his head back to rest against George’s to be closer to him, still covering his face with his hands. Sapnap reached up and gripped each hand lightly, pulling them down slowly to give Dream the opportunity to stop him. 
He didn’t. 
“Oh hush, you idiot, you’re fine.” Sapnap ran a hand through his hair once more before making a move to lay down next to Dream, now wedged between his body and the wall behind him. He didn’t want to admit it, but this had been the coziest he’s felt in months. Sapnap smiled as he draped an arm over Dream, resting against George’s side in an attempt to feel connected to both boys. 
Dream felt himself being pulled into Sapnap’s chest, George automatically following him as if they were magnets. He smiled as he wrapped his arms around Sapnap, feeling George’s hand rest against his own shoulder with a soft squeeze. He let out a deep breath as he let himself fall asleep, feeling safer than ever in the arms of his two favorite people.
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Summary: Although a witch, you weren’t the one to really summon demons, but your friends had insisted that you could use an extra pair of helping hands to help you with your run-down hut. After fixing the mess of a first attempt fail, you were expecting to summon a lower gremlin. What or who you didn’t expect, was to summon the demon king of hell, keeper of souls, in searching for something that only you could do perfectly.
In explanation of the fic: Each powerful demon has his/her own hell, and in each hell has layers, like onions. So although reader didn’t summon Lucifer, she summoned a pretty powerful Japanese demon who’s element of hell follows close to that of Greek mythology because Rita liked the Persephone vibes. As for the soul thing, those are the souls who just...wind up at his place.  
Title name: Lilies are a flower that represent not only unity, love, and devotion, but also the flowers are most often associated with funerals, they symbolize that the soul of the departed has received restored innocence after death. Persephone held lilies in her hands/arms as she was take away by Hades, the flowers turning white as they fell to the ground. Ancient(?) Romans would stuff pillows full of the flowers, the fragrance perfect for love-making ;)  
Notes: @youtubequeens, or Rita, requested the beautiful idea of Tai-chan being a demon king in need of something that only the reader can do, and we brainstormed together on the setting and the plot, so the credit goes to her, go ahead and check her on Tumblr <3
Warnings not in order: Cursing, hand cutting for rituals (so blood), being void of a soul (cause, demons), summoning demons, minions, souls of the damned, smut, deals with the devil, having your soul taken and turning into a demon, and hellish stuff.  
Tag: @youtubequeens
   “I mean, look at this place, Sister! It’s a dump! C’mon, pleeeease!” Your friend begged. She, along a few others belonged to a nearby coven. Although good friends, they delved into the darker aspects of witchcraft, such as demon summoning, as you stuck to herbal remedies, readings, and a little bit of scrying. Although not against the art, you weren’t well acquainted, and a little nervous.
“You don’t even need a contract! Just bind whatever poor little goblin or gremlin to you, and...you know, have it help you collect your herbs! I know, binding seems a little much, and it’s difficult to get out of one, but they can’t hurt you when bound to you.” Another friend piped up, trying further to convince you. Your gaze fell onto the chalked-up pentagram within your home, surrounded by salt and melting red candles, looking innocently out of place, almost.
“Alright, fine.” You huffed, causing squeals of victorious joy from the gaggle of girls. It wouldn’t hurt, you thought. You lived in the outskirts of the village, within a rugged hut that you called a “store”. Although it was a popular little town, you weren’t doing to well. Your place was falling apart, herbs were harder to find, and although tolerated, your witchy status had alerted and unnerved everyone, except your little coven of friends, who had hidden themselves away deeper into the forest.
Your life sucked, and with your pet familiar, the two of you kept to yourselves as you brewed supper more than potions and remedies, your Sisters popping in from time to time, checking up on you.
Your little orange rabbit snuggled into your lap as you repeated the words in Latin, trying to spark hellfire into the pentagram. No such luck.
“Aw! Is it not working? I’m suuuure my aunt gave me the right spell!” Your main friend huffed into a pout, the two other girls following her example of disappointment.
“Perhaps another time? It’s getting late, girls.” You admitted. Truthfully, you didn’t want to have to deal with more pressure, and your familiar was getting unnerved by the whole thing.
“You’re right. It was fun hanging out with you, Sis! Wish we could do this more, but you know, coven stuff.” The sweet friend smiled softly as she hugged you tightly.
“We’ll be busy, you know, coven stuff. Auntie wants us to clean out the nasty pots, restock the potions, and go on a wild, exciting adventure of grabbing rare herbs, so we don’t know when that’s going to take. Ugh, I’m not leaving, yet, and I miss you, already!” The leader of the girls whined, dramatically throwing her arm over her eyes. You couldn’t help but giggle.
      “Stay safe, okay? We’ll visit to check up on you. Give Lottie some extra treats for us!” The third one grinned, petting the rabbit. With further words, they left, leaving you warm, yet saddened and alone.  
 Many times, the fellow women of the coven had offered a place for you, so that you wouldn’t be so alone, and you appreciated that, but you knew that the coven wasn’t one for you. Although not evil, you didn’t want to join for a multitude of reasons. They had strict rules and regulations, following their leader without question as they sacrificed time and energy for reasons that the girls, although close, didn’t tell you what for.
You couldn’t help but feel that it was rather sketchy. Your eyes laid upon the pentagram as the thought crossed your mind. You weren’t fully against summoning things from the underworld, it was an aged old practice that was held with reverence from generation to generation. You held Charlotte close to you, the rabbit sniffing at the air, scenting out scents that your human nose could not deter.
“I smell nothing out of the ordinary. The salt is too strong.” Her voice echoed in your head, and you nodded your thanks. You were curious, you admitted. You didn’t really have much things to do, other than clean your stew pot, tend to the moon water, and pluck the petals off of the dried out roses.
“Something has to give, in order for you to receive.” You said aloud, the wheels turning in your head. A certain flower could help, you thought suddenly, looking at the container of dried out white lilies. You opened the jar spreading out the white funeral flowers among the edges of the Celtic symbol. The scent was almost too pure for such a deed, you couldn’t help but think.  
Carving a fool-proof plan to mind, you placed Charlotte down, and grabbed a small blade used for cutting fruits from your kitchen. The little rabbit opted to say nothing, trusting you as her witch to do what you think was best.  
You winced as you sliced a small cut into your palm, letting the little blood droplets to drip onto each flower, avoiding the salt as best as you could. Picking up a slip of paper in which had the summoning spell, you began reading the Latin out loud as you channeled your energy at the edge of the pentagram, instead of in between it.
Your breath hitched as bright orange hellfire sparked, not going past the salt as it crackled at the precious crystals and parts of the flowers. You continued speaking the verses, watching in awe as the odd underworldly flames refused to consume, instead it burned brighter at each verse.
As you finished the last sentence with a final quip, you jumped in surprise as the flames reached almost as high as the ceiling, whirling dangerously as it let out smoke and sparks, fizzling as a tall figure behind the flames seemed to crawl from the little circle, you couldn’t see who or what it was, but you were coughing as the unnatural smoke outweighed the dying fire, floating heavily away as you looked up to see your first summon.
You were choked up, not knowing what to say as your eyes beheld the sight when the smoke finally cleared from the deadened flames.  
 A demon, and not just anything in the ordinary of what you knew about them. He was tall, as tall as the men in your village, and almost resembled a human. His pointed ears were adorned with little ringlets of gold, matching the glittering bracelets and bands that were worn upon his ankles, horns, wrists, arms, and a swishing pointed tail. His attire was something you’d never really seen within your village, but you knew what it was due to your books.
He wore dark orange attire that almost resembled a Doric chiton, except the one he wore, hardly left anything to the imagination, but you weren’t focused on that, right now. What you were focused on, was the demon’s scowl of frustration and annoyance, aimed at you as his tail swished and thumped angrily at the ground, reminding you of an angry cat.  
“This fuckin’ circle’s too small! And the hell do you want? I’m a very busy man, ya know!” He growled out, taking in your smaller frame with displeasure. You were surprised by his accent, it was gruff, yes, but it was new, something that you’ve never heard, before.
“I was trying to summon something else.” You stammered, and he faltered in an angry shock, before narrowing his eyes at you.  
“Tch! Who do you think you are, summonin’ a king of hell, tellin’ me that you were tryin’ to summon somethin’ else?” He bared his teeth, and you could see little tusks peeking out from underneath his bottom lip. You gave him your name as you found yourself blurting out who knows what.
“I need a um...helper. I needed somebody to look after my hut while I collected herbs...make sure that the villagers don’t torch down my shop.” The excuse slipped out as you stood your ground. It was partially true. His stance relaxed a bit at your words.
“A magic user, huh?” He asked slowly, behavior sharply and swiftly contrasting from his angry tone, as he rested his chin onto his hand in processing the thought. Then his eyes moved onto yours. He unnerved you.
“What about it?” You asked, and he indulged you.  
“Normally, mortals such yerself can summon us with ease, only because ya need a contract. You, lil’ witch, were trying to find a binding partner, which uses magic. I may have use for you, yet.” His attitude shifted, and you couldn’t help but relax a little at the honeyed tone. What was with this demon?
“What are you talking about?” You bit out. He let out a victorious grin.
“Yer magic was so strong, it summoned me. A king of hell, a keeper of souls, n’ lord of demons. Bindin’ magic can only get ya so far, it’s pretty much unheard of a mortal summoning somethin’ greater than an ogre, or an oni.” Rolled off of his tongue, eyes now glinting with something that you couldn’t pinpoint. You were surprised. A king of hell? It did explain his jewelry and finery, you silently pinpointed. Despite the shock, you still needed to ask more questions while he was in the mood to be generous with his answers.  
“So...you’re needing me to summon demons up for you from the surface?” You offered, and he looked at you with surprise.
“No….I need you to give up your soul, and live with me in hell.” He grinned at the tight atmosphere that he was causing, you froze.
“Tell me, why would I ever want to do that? What do you even want?” You grounded out the last bit, still confused, and getting weary. Your summon had taken a toll on your body, and now you were feeling the lull of sleep due to sapped magic.  
“I have two main underlings who are like sons to me, but the three of us can only do so much in carin’ for the undead. Ya see, hell’s a very powerful place, in which it can supply a witch’s magic with ease. Ya know where I’m getting’ at?” He drawled out, and you nodded a little.
“I think somebody of yer stature could really hold the forte down. All you have to do, is just be there, n’ yer magic can calm down n’ soothe the restless dead, making this job a lot easier. Since yer magic is powerful, it’ll be extra helpful n’ dosing the souls an’ lesser devils, down. You give me what I need, an’ I can give you what you need.” He purred at the end.
The thought of being useful did appeal to you, it’s what you ever wanted. Yes, it was a terrible decision and you’ll probably end up being burned, anyway, but you remembered that a bound demon or devil cannot hurt you, no matter how powerful they were. If they hurt you, they hurt themselves.
“I’m not going to give up my soul to burn forever, to live with a demon that I’m not bound to.” You countered, and his eye twitched
“First of all, Sweetheart, my realm is in layers. Where you, I, an’ my boys live, is an environment that resembles your realm, but better. Secondly, you will be bound to me, but not as a servant or master, but as an equal. Somethin’ akin to…” He let the sentence hang as he smiled smugly at you, brows furrowed with cockiness, leering at you from his height.
“Akin to?” You egged him, and he let the rest rolled off of his tongue without hesitation.  
“My queen.”
Your brain screeched to a halt.
He laughed at your stunned expression.
“What? Ya expected me to make ya my lil’ minion? No, no, Honey, somebody with yer power, and the sheer gall to stare into my face while arguin’ with me, has already earned my respect. Yeah, you’ll have to turn into a demon, but you’ll be immortal, n’ you can visit yer friends n’ family as long as you like, if you’re powerful as me. Which, you will be.” He threw in his own bait, trying to lure you in.
Understandably, you were stunned. You just summoned a devil. Who wanted you to rule hell with him.  And to become an immortal mistress of the night who can help rule over the undead while living forever with him in his realm.
It was tempting, yes, but you were not one who really chased power. You told him, and his eyebrows furrowed, as if thinking further ways to lure you in, and to be honest? You found that you didn’t mind being swayed by a literal handsome devil.  
“Well, think about it this way, Princess, I don’t know you well, but you live in a run-down hut, the peasants fear you to the point of possible violence, and you’ve turned your attention to demon summoning. We’re both desperate for somethin’.” He looked at you thoughtfully, tail swishing as you processed it. Hell.
“What about my familiar?” You were caving in, and his gazing expression broke out into a victorious grin as his eyes slide to your rabbit.
“Sure, the lil thing can come, too. Familiars exist in hell, too, but not the cute lil’ rabbit ones. Might be a nice change to have one. Wipe away the salt, n’ we can get started.” He acted as if he had already won, and to be honest, he did.  
It was too good of an opportunity to really pass up, and you didn’t really have anybody, and good decisions in your tired state were lacking. You wiped away the salt, and he sighed with relief as he stepped out.
“Man, that tiny circle was exhaustin’ to be in. Now, let’s take you home.” He tucked a fray hair behind your ear. Smiling a devil’s smile, he held you against him, and you tried to keep your cheeks from flushing as he began a mantra of a spell in his native tongue, leaving you awed that it wasn’t the usual Latin. You couldn’t keep your eyes open as a wave of exhaustion and tiredness wafted over you, and your eyes slid shut, darkness over-taking you, but not before hearing a dark chuckle.  
Warm. You were so warm. You opened your eyes, only to be greeted by a bare chest. Your eyes widened as now you were fully conscious, furiously wondering on what the hell was going on.
“So, yer finally awake.” He hummed, and you jolted slightly, looking up at his face with pure surprise, he smiled at you as he held you close to his chest. It didn’t take you long to realize that this was his bedroom, and your mind whirled, vaguely remembering prior events. Sitting up, he whined at the loss of contact, but you paid no mind.
The room was lit up by the flickering familiar orange flames emitting from the white candles slowly melting on top of his dresser, creating a safe, sleepy, and an almost romantic atmosphere. The bed was huge, and took up a good portion of his room, but there was still enough space for some furniture such as the dresser, and a large cage. You sighed with relief, seeing the familiarity of Charlotte within, the little rabbit’s eyes now glowed with luminescence, as if she were something else. It would make sense, your familiar was no longer a normal familiar, since she was in hell, with you.    
You looked down, feeling warmed metal against your skin, and that’s when you’ve noticed your new attire. It was a chiton, like his, although a little looser, and you wore the same amount of matching golden jewelry. Your ears stung a little at the newer piercings, but you didn’t pay that much mind as you couldn’t help but think that he went out of his way to undress you and doll you up to match him. You gave him a dirty look, and he grinned in retaliation, enjoying the flushed and guffawed expression that marred your face.
“If ya’re gonna be the part, might as well look like it. I didn’t undress you fully or touch you too inappropriately, if that makes ya feel better.” He shrugged. Although you admit that he sort of have a point, still!
“What happened to me?” You opted to say instead, and he sat up along with you, you jumping slightly as his tail curled around your waist, acting as a small comfort.  
“You’re a demon. I took yer soul, and bound it to me. Wish ya could’ve seen it, ‘s so pretty an’ pure, an’ it fizzled nicely within me. Was the only way for ya to come down here, sorry.” He hummed, rubbing his cheek against yours in seemingly affection, eyes glittering as he let you process the words and his bizarre behavior.  
Demon. Were you dead? You had no heartbeat, did you? You let your hand rest against your pulse point, surprised by the soft fluttering. You looked at him with question.
“Demon, not fully dead, but not fully alive, either, an’ yeah, you’ll look forever like a human, since ya weren’t born like us. I took yer soul, and gave you one of the multiple that belongs to me. ‘S how we tie our lives together fer eternity, as if exchangin’ rings. You’re mine, and I’m yours. Romantic, isn’t it?”
“I have so many questions.” You murmured, instead. He smiled.  
“We have an eternity together, I’ll answer all of ‘em. For now, c’mon. Lemme show ya what yer magic is doing right now at this moment.” He stood up from the bed, offering you his hand, pulling you up to him as you accepted it. He opened the drapes to his balcony’s windowed doors, revealing an ashen gray sunlight that paled in comparison to the candles. Letting you take Charlotte out of her cage, he opened the doors as the two of you stepped outside.
You looked on in awe.
The balcony to your new home, an ashen gray-stoned castle, had a short amount of steps that led into a gigantic garden. You stared in amazement and joy at the flowering plants and trees that grew in your former realm. There were so many plants, you couldn’t name all of them, but you didn’t mind as you looked on in the neatly organized forage of a garden, enjoying the array of greens and different colors of flowering foliage. Your familiar squirmed, wanting to enjoy the plants and be free, and so you let her, knowing that she’ll be smart enough to stay within eyesight.    
“Beautiful, ain’t it? It didn’t look like this ‘fore you were here. Sure, some plants such as pomegranates n’ ferns grew, but since it’s such a deadened place, nothin’ really grew. I tried for centuries, n’ no such luck. It’s so beautiful ‘cause of yer magic.” His voice broke out of your thoughts, and you listened carefully as a hint of sorrow passed over his features.
“Pomegranates…?” Your mind raced to the odd familiarity of the setting. Greek clothing, the underworld, and now pomegranates? He leaned down and smirked at you, bringing your hand to his lips.
“Heh, because, ya know…” He grinned, enjoying the way you stared up at him in disbelief.
“You’re unbelievable.”
“Can’t say that I don’t have a sense of humor.” He chuckled, and you felt yourself relax, thinking of ways to steer the conversation into another turn.
“You really like this place, don’t you...um?” You wanted to curse yourself. You went through a psychological loop in becoming a queenly wife to a stranger, no less a king of demons, and you didn’t even know his name. How forgetful were you?
Ignoring your inner dread, he grinned as he held your hand within his, rubbing his thumb over your palm.
“Taishiro. Yeah, I rarely visit earth ‘cause all the shit I have to do, n’ so this is my favorite place to relax. Thanks to you, it’s blossoming quite well.” He admitted, pecking your cheek, tail flicking with delight at the prospect of your face pink with the affection. Oh, you were so cute, he crooned.
“What about the dead, Taishiro?” You wondered as you tried out, the foreign language rolling off of your tongue. He looked at you with interest, liking the way his name melded to your own dialect.  
“I’ll take ya on a little tour, how about that? Show ya what’s happenin’ and yer new home. N’ later, we can relax in our garden, take a lil’ break to enjoy our Honeymoon.” He purred, and you felt butterflies flutter nicely within your stomach and chest as you nodded.
“Yer familiar can stay outside. It never rains here, an’ she’s not really...alive, anymore. She’ll be fine.” He looked at the little rabbit that was chewing on a blade of grass, absentmindedly paying attention as you agreed, knowing that she’ll be safe.  
Without further ado, he took you back inside of the castle, beginning the day.
       It was obvious that you were still in shock, and that this wasn’t a dream. He opted to say nothing about your state, as he introduced you to the castle, and the many rooms within. Of course the first thing he had offered to show you, was the dining room, stating that you were probably hungry, and a nice breakfast had been made for you. You blushed furiously, not acquainted with such treatment, and he grinned, pinching your cheek and you huffed at him.
“C’mon, Sweetcheeks, the staff’s all here, n’ they’ve been waitin’ to see what’s been in my bedroom fer about two days.” The sentence had surprised you.
“Two days?” You looked at him owlishly, and he shrugged.
“Turnin’ a human into somethin’ else, takes a toll on the receiver. I’m surprised that it was that short, to be honest.”  
 You walked along side him as the interior looked unique and odd, nothing of it that you’ve seen before. Colors of orange, gold, and red melded into a comfortable, royal setting as the hallways twisted. Each one sported different types of framed pictures and paintings of animals, spirits, and demons of which were new to your eyes.
 Taishiro smiled at your awed and innocent wondering as he began talking, introducing you further into his world, entrancing and entrapping you into the Greek and Japanese themes that he so loved, and you couldn’t help but feel fitted in comfortably within your new home as the two of you continued on-wards towards the dining room, your stomach feeling empty.  
You talked along with him, trying to learn and get used to the idea that yes, this was your husband. Your demon husband who was oddly being affectionate with you, despite his earlier, snappish attitude. Although, you were not minding it, preferring the brushing of hands, eyes meeting yours, and little touches, rather than the first thoughts of possibly burning in hell for eternity. He intrigued you, leaving you to wonder on how were you this lucky and yet foolish. All too soon, however, he had guided you into his favorite place that was second to the garden.  
 The room was beautiful and spacious, with multiple dining ware, vases of freshly cut flowers, and cloths laid neatly upon the long table. The staff were well dressed in their own lesser version of Ionic chitons, small bands of gold littered their collars and wrists, but nothing too extravagant like you and your husband’s. He sat you down, the smell of bacon, eggs, and biscuits wafted deliciously to you from the silver plate sitting in front of you. You could feel your mouth all but water as your stomach grumbled with an awakening realization. Taishiro sat next to you, chuckling at your eagerness.  
“I know that yer not human, anymore, but we demons can live on an’ indulge on such human foods. Thank our chefs fer goin’ out onto the earthen realm, n’ huntin’ down the stuff.”
“Thank you.” Came out, and who you guessed were the chefs, bowed with gratitude. You tried not to shovel the food greedily into your mouth, paying mind to try to eat with grace. You blanched, feeling a bit of the egg yolk dribble down your chin, and you jumped as Taishiro didn’t miss a beat in taking the opportunity to swipe it from your face with his forefinger, eyeing you with a dark look mixed in with a cocky smirk as he began suckling on said finger, rolling his tongue around it, and pulling it out of his mouth with a wet pop.
You felt as if your face, chest, and ears were burning as he then groaned.  
You weren’t burning in hell with actual fire, so you guessed he had to come up with other ways, you guessed.  
The two of you finished in silence, him grinning with knowing want at your expressions, liking the way how easy and fun it was to just tease you. After saying your formal thanks to the staff, the two of you continued onward.
 Most of the rooms, other than the main bedroom, that he had led you, were guest rooms, and the others were sleeping headquarters for the staff and his underling sons. Speaking of which, it did not take you too long to be introduced to them. Cue in bright laughter, oddly mixed in with a rather gloomy aurora caught your attention, and lo and behold, down the hall is where they stood.
“Oooh! Is this her, Tai-chan?!” Noticing your presences, a red-haired young man turned his attention towards you. He nor the other young man were dressed as glamorous as the two of you, but they were unique. The red haired boy, along with the black haired one, both had pointed ears, but that’s where the line was drawn. Red had scaled, burgundy wings, furled neatly behind his back as his reptilian tail wagged slowly, he sported a sharp-toothed grin and radiated sunlight.
The gloomy man had a crystal ball within his clawed hands, cape and hood cloaking his figure as he stared at you.
“Who else would it be?” He muttered slowly, sarcasm lost on the other.
“Eijirou’s the dragon, an’ Tamaki’s the sorcerer. Boys, this is yer Queen.” Taishiro made a short introduction.  
“Nice to meet you!” As well as “Hello.” Greeted you, and you mimicked their greetings, surprised by the welcome. You replied your own greetings, feeling a bit nervous.
“Tamaki, would ya show ‘er the souls? I’d like for her to know what’s on the lower layer.”
“Sure.” Without further question, the scryer demon began murmuring his own spell as you stared into the crystal ball, watching with amazement at the sheer focus that was being put into it as it began to reveal answers to your questioning mind.
“See what yer magic’s been doin? Told ya, Nightingale, yer magic’s one of a kind, an’ yer not focusing on it, right now, but see what it’s doin’?” Taishiro gestured towards the mass of ghostly shadows within the ball. They seemed still, as if time had stopped them.
“Rather than deafening screams, wailing, and clattering of chains, we have this. They’re calm, awaiting to be reincarnated. It’s the most quiet that we’ve heard in centuries. None of us has yet the need to intervene and waste our time.” Tamaki opted to explain for you, a small hint of a smile graced his features, while Eijirou smiled warmly.
“It eases their suffering, too! Your magic to them is like a lullaby! You can’t hear it, but others can! It’s why Tai-chan’s been so calm-
“Anyway! Let’s go to the garden, yer not too tired, right? We can continue this later.” Taishiro interrupted swiftly, ruffling each boy’s heads as he gripped your hand rather gently, tugging you along back towards the familiarity of the garden, as you swore you heard two chuckles behind you.
         “There is a teeny, tiny detail that I need to explain.” Taishiro dragged you further into the depths of the green foliage, slowly but surely darkening out the sunlight as you couldn’t help but shiver a little due to the anticipation. Where was he leading you? You guessed that he could see in the dark, but you couldn’t, feeling yourself stumble a little.  
“Taishiro, I can’t see.” You offered, and you heard a chuckled huff.
“Guess I gotta carry you, hm?” The sentence was your only warning. You let out a shrill yelp, feeling him lift you up with little to no effort into his arms. You liked the way how he gripped you, and seeped into his warmth as he continued walking to who knows where, and oddly enough, you trusted him.
“In order to fully complete the bond,” He startled you, as he finally broke the silence in what had seemed minutes. Setting you down, he snapped his fingers. Orange floating, flickering lights that resembled candles appeared right after, dimly illuminating the area around them. Your eyes adjusted, taking in the scenery that the lights were willing to show. It was a spacious area of smoothed down grass, white lilies and red roses crowned around it, giving it a magical, romantic feeling.
“you need to finally receive part of my power. Sure there’s multiple ways of sharing a mate’s essence, I just thought that this would be more fun.” He gave you a wink, and you felt your heartbeat quicken with a little nervousness. Yet, you found yourself not really surprised. He was your husband, after all. The thoughts of you becoming a demon, him being your mate, and that you ruled souls along with your new family, had been whirling around your head silently. It was only natural to continue, right?
“Only if you take the lead.” You offered, and he smiled, leaning down to finally mesh his lips upon yours in a secured kiss, tail swishing wildly as if joyed. Although a little snappy, he was also sweet and devilish in a teasing, fun way. You guessed that he was probably stressed from working and worrying too hard, thus you didn’t really hold it against him.
“Alright.” He led you to the clearing, laying down as he pulled you down on top, you basically straddling him, heat creeping up to your neck and ears as his clothed hardness poked at your equally clothed entrance. Not bothering to take any clothes off, he rocked his hips, groaning with guttural want as you let out a whimper, feeling the silk cloth of your clothing stimulate your clit as he rutted lazily up against it. His eyes focused up at you as he held your waist tightly, helping you rock your hips in sync with his as his tail rubbed itself against your sensitive, itching to feel you.  
“Can ya smell yer own arousal? Mixin’ in nicely with our flowers? Ya can cum anytime ya want too, okay?” He brought you down to kiss your clavicle and neck, your hands gripped his hair as your fingers threaded though the soft tresses and horns, keening as his own teeth latched onto the juncture of your throat as he suckled, minding his bottom tusks as he bit harshly, kissing the bruising skin with tenderness. You choked out a whimper as your hips bucked a little more roughly at his actions, causing him to groan.  
You could feel yourself clench with want as his precum and your wetness soaked through your undergarments, creating a slicking friction as the wet squelching noises echo through the dimly lit darkness. You looked down at him through lidded eyes, eyebrows furrowing as you bit your bottom lip, noticing that he mimicked your expression, if it wasn’t for the gritting teeth, You liked this side of him, too, you thought through your itching need to cum.  
He could tell that you were getting desperate, hell, he was, too. Yet, he wanted you to come before he did. Taking both hands away from your waist, he placed one underneath your ridden up clothing, and another cupped one of your bouncing breasts, thumb rubbing roughly over a nipple. Taking pleasure in the way that you were staring down at him, swallowing thickly, he let his hand slip into your soiled undergarments, making sure that every time your hips bucked forwards, you could feel his fingers brush against your clit.  
“T-Taishiro~!” You gasped, and he moaned, slipping two fingers in as he continued bucking, envying the digits as they stretched your tight and wet heat. Your juices were now dribbling down, creating more of a mess as his now four fingers pumped in and out of you, crooking them and stretching your walls with a gentle fervor as his dick slid between the folds of your labia, continuing to rub against your clothed clit. He ate up your desperate expression, knowing that he was no better as the both of you were about to cum. He picked up his pace as your face was buried in his shoulder, panting loudly and letting out breaths of need.  
“Y-ya know, I haven’t done this in centuries. ‘M gunna fuck you so good. Would ya like that?” He nipped at your ear, and you whined wantonly as you felt yourself tighten around his fingers, gripping them like a lifeline and he hissed as you came, cum soaking and dripping everywhere as you stilled, fingers grasped in his hair tightly, and damn if he loved that feeling. He stilled, awaiting for you to recover as you panted, lying against his chest as tears and a little bit of drool temporarily stained your flushed face. He kissed you softly, removing his soaked fingers from your fluttering heat, lust boiling within him as he imagined his cock in there.
“How do ya want this? Missionary and doggy are pretty good positions for first timers, either way, I’m going to claim you, Sweetheart.”
You looked at him through your wet lashes, as if contemplating on what you want.
“What do you want?” You asked instead, and the question caught him off guard, but he grinned.
“You.” He didn’t hesitate.
“Then have me.” You felt a blush at your own statement, but you really wanted to continue.
“Ya sure?”
“Anyway you can, Taishiro. I trust you, you’re not going to hurt me.” At this, his expression softened as he then kissed you with such a tenderness.
“I won’t, but my instincts are screamin’ at me to take ya right here on the ground.”
“Then do so. We have an eternity together, right?” You pondered, and he frowned a little.
“For your-
“I trust you.” You interrupted, looking at him dead in the eyes, as if challenging him. He couldn’t help but smile at your spitfire attitude.
“As my Queen commands.” He kissed your cheek.
It was the only warning you really had, but your blood was on fire with heat and want, and truthfully, if he wanted to hurt you, he had every opportunity to after you wiped away the salt from the pentagram.
Shedding off the both your clothing, the both of you stared unabashed at each other, a red flush tinted his face, and you were blushing furiously. You weren’t really acquainted with seeing an angry-looking cock, veins visible as a drool of precum leaked onto the ground, but here it was, twitching slightly at your intense gaze. The golden glints caught your eye, and your eyes widened with surprise.
“Y-you have piercings-!” You guffawed as he laughed.
“Oh! You’re so cute! Easy to reach’n stimulate, Babe.” He winked and you swallowed thickly as he then decided that enough time was spent staring, and now he wanted to touch you, more.  
 He placed both garbs neatly on the ground as he gently maneuvered you onto them, your stomach and breasts were cushioned as you gripped the clothing, knees on the cool grass as you basically laid out bare for him.  
 You jolted as you felt his hot, fat tongue lick a long stripe along your leaking sex and clit, his hands gripped your thighs, squeezing them gently as he decided to make a meal out of you, first. You could only lay there, whining and panting, trying to move your hips in his tight grasp as he licked you with fervor, taking extra time to suckle at your clit, chuckling as he also sopped up the extra slick running down your thighs, kissing them gently and you moaned.
“Taishiro!” You whined at him, silently pleading for him to get to the main event.
“Oh? Ya wanna be fully tainted by the devil?” He purred, and you nodded. You knew that he had to take care of his need, too, and he didn’t admit it, but he was getting a little impatient.  
“Easy there, Hon. If anythin’ bothers you, say somethin’, and we’ll stop, m’kay?” He finished, getting an affirmative from you, as he then grabbed his dick, leading it to your sopping entrance, and pushing a little bit in. He was amazed on how the muscles to your opening were loose, letting the head of his dick catch the rim, slipping a little inside.
He froze when you froze at the sudden prodding, opting instead to move his hips rather gently, not going further as you got use to the feeling of what’s already inside you. He decided that rubbing your clit was a good idea, and was rewarded as he felt you loosen up a bit, knees spreading out further as you bit your lip, feeling the gentle rubbing of calloused fingers.
“C-continue.” You murmured, feeling the other piercings now slide past the muscle. It was a delicious feeling of being stretched and stimulated, feeling yourself loosen as you took more of him in.
“Almost in, Sweetheart.” He murmured gently, his other hand rubbing soothing circles between your shoulder blades. Finally, he moved the last couple of inches inside of your burning heat as he refused to move, letting the both of you take in the feeling of being joined together.
“Ya alright?” He grunted, silently pleading for you to give your affirmative for him to move. He was relieved when you nodded, amazed at himself for gently rocking his hips as you were basically sucking him in. You were in a daze, feeling every inch, vein, and piercing churn your inside walls as your breasts rubbed against the silken clothing, clit still being stimulated as he took care of you.
“Y-you can mo-ve fa-faster, T-Taishiro.” It sounded more needy than you liked to admit, but he didn’t seem to mind. He leaned down, resting his chin against your shoulder as he basically enveloped you from above, one hand rubbing your clit, and the other holding himself from fully crushing you as he let his hips buck with more fervor, both of you seeing each other’s needy expressions.
“Takin’ me in-oh! So well, Darlin’. Ya’re s-suckin’ me in so-damn! Nicely. Don’t know ya that well, but ‘m so fond an’ proud of ya.” He kissed your cheek tenderly, contrast to his hips positioning themselves in a new angle in a snapping motion. Your head spun with stars as you felt the piercing on his tip, hit something inside you, letting out a “do that again!”. He would chuckle, if that statement didn’t turn him on so much.
“Y-you’re doing such a g-good job, too! Ah! Like y-you a lo-ot!” You admitted, trying your best to return such actions of affections. He rested his cheek against your cheek, taking his free hand to interlace his fingers with yours as he felt you tighten when he rolled his hips, aiming for the spot that kept making you clench.  
“’C’mon, cum fer me, Baby. Lemme feel ya milk a century’s worth dry.” He growled into your ear, eager at the prospect as much as you were as you suddenly stiffened, your walls tightening around him desperately as you let out a whine, chasing the fleeting feeling as you reached down and gripped his fingers onto your clit.
“T-Taishiro! O-overstim-ula-t-ed!” You cried out, tears pooling around your eyes in frustration as your body kept clenching around him and the electricity of your high was going haywire, consuming you into a mess.
“J-just a lil! More!” He tore his hand away, sitting up as he gripped one hand on your waist tightly, and the other pressed down on your back, snapping his hips, churning your sensitive walls with an animalisitc frenzy. You could only whine, laying there and taking it as your mind was in a blank state as you felt him get bigger, suddenly. To your relief, he gave one final thrust.  
A hot warmth coated your raw insides, mixing in with your own cum as you felt him still. You whined softly as you felt full. Moments passed as the two of you huffed and panted, letting the cool air chill the two of your sweaty bodies down. He pulled out of you gingerly, you whimpered at the loss as you felt cum and slick leak out. He paid no mind, plopping down to the side of you, and pulling you back onto his stomach as the two of you took each other in, cooling down from intense highs.
He cupped your face, and began trailing soft kisses wherever he could reach, and you couldn’t help but rasp out giggles, the fog clearing from your head as you descended back towards your normal mental state of closure.  
“Beautiful. Mmm, ya took me so well, an’ ya looked so pretty n’ debauched. Don’t care, I’m gunna say it, Princess. I love ya.” He admitted so softly, hands smoothing down your back as you felt your heart softened as you gazed down at him.
“I love you, too. I know for sure that I will love you more when time passes.” You kissed him tenderly, letting your own growing affections seep into the kiss, and he let out an odd guttural of purring, enjoying the fulfilling feeling of a partner doting on him. The lights flickered, as if trying to lull you to sleep, but you weren’t sleepy, yet.
“I want to talk. What’s your favorite color? Why do you purr? How did you meet your sons? I want to know every bit about you.” You murmured into his chest, peeking at him through lashes, enjoying the surprised and pleased look that you were receiving. You didn’t care about the time, letting him ramble at each question you had, enjoying the way his heartbeat quickened as his breathing chest fell up and down, him talking excitedly as he threw in his own questions, pleased to know about you, more.
“Ah~! I don’t think ya can’t get any cuter~.” He rubbed his nose against yours in affection, and you were surprised to hear the familiar purr echo through his chest.
“What about your purring?”  
“Yeah, happens now an’ then when I’m truly happy.”
“That’s wholesome and cute.” You admitted truthfully, liking the way his eyes danced with light at your confession.
“I wanna go again.” He said suddenly, and you flushed, realizing that he was stirring to life, again. You didn’t mind. You told him, and he smiled, kissing you.
“We’ll take it a lil’ more slow, this time. Face to face. Preferably ya kissin’ me, more.” He smiled, pinching your cheek playfully. You kissed him in false retaliation.
“Yer still a lil’ wet, so ya wouldn’t mind if I just-?” He asked, and you nodded, feeling his member catch onto the rim of your used entrance, the both of you moaning as he slid in easier, this time. You were wet and loosened, and instead of focusing on chasing your highs, the two of you paid attention to each other.
 Not many words were said as you did what you pleased, kissing, touching, and enjoying his softened expression at your inquisitive hands as he held onto you, returning your affectionate gestures as the atmosphere resonated with the flickering candles: soft and romantic as the two of your hips met in a slow, sensual pace, not racing against time as you felt him continue to purr, much to your satisfaction.  
You were still satisfied from earlier, but he still managed to make you cum again, this time it wasn’t as intense, but it didn’t matter, for your head cleared a little more quicker, getting to enjoy his desperate look as he quickened his pace. He looked debauched and desperate, eyebrows furrowed downward, pools of wetness gathering at his eyes as he bit his lip, only to open his mouth and call out your name as once again, he came inside of you.              
   “Damn, I think that I can forever make love to ya.” He panted out, sweaty chest rising and falling as one of your hands soothed circles around his waist, the other bringing his own to your lips as you kissed the back tenderly.
“I feel the same.” You admitted truthfully, and he let out another set of purrs.
“Oh my goooooood! Oh my god! Sister! Where have you beeeeeen?! It’s been like, a year since we’ve last seen you!” Your friend hugged you tightly, relieved tears threatened to spill. Taishiro and you had decided to take a visit on the earthen realm to collect the rest of your things, if the villagers hadn’t destroyed your hut, that is. Luckily, your place was left untouched, and you came across the wondering group of girls, fretting over you, your state of dress, and looking at Taishiro with concern.
“Sis, did you finally summon a hireling? He doesn’t look like a gremlin?” One asked. You had to keep in your laughter as your husband’s eye twitched with annoyance.  
“Um, I used a different method on the summoning spell. This is my husband, Taishiro.”
“King of hell, keeper of souls, blah blah. Look, me an’ my Queen are going to go, now. Yer all annoyin’.” He griped, snapping his fingers as the portal to your home had opened, not giving your friends time to wave their goodbyes as he dragged you home, and oddly enough, you didn’t mind.
          Your eyes glinted in the moonlight as the juice from the pomegranate seeds stained your lips red as you eyed the stunned man. Centuries had passed, and you and your husband had lost track of time, not aging as your magic grew in power, melding perfectly with his. Your adopted sons had moved on, finding their own mates, bringing them to your realm to visit regularly, and your love for Taishiro grew immeasurably.
  Unfortunately, since he was an ancient demon, he had to reincarnate once every one thousand years, letting his soul reset into a body although resembled his own, his memories were long gone, leading you onto a twenty-nine year old man-hunt for your reincarnated lover.
“I may have a use for you, yet.” You let the words soothe over the young magic user, his eyes widened in something akin to recognition, although confused.
“Alright, Dumplin, What’dya need?” His accent was the same, except it belonged to a young man, this time, and not a demon.
“I’m Queen of hell, lady of the lost souls, and I’m in need of a king.”
 “So familiar…” He gripped his head, eyeing you with confusion, yet there was a hint of your husband’s glint within those eyes.
“It’s because you know me. Very well.” You hummed at his confused expression.
“Alright, I’m curious. Lead me.” He gave in.
You smiled. It wouldn’t take long for the two of you to be reunited, after all.
End! Give Thanks and Credit to Rita, or youtubequeens on tumblr for the idea and us brainstorming! I tried to fix any plot holes, I fell in love with the setting and mythology and other things, so I’m pretty proud of this fic :3
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