#for bakugou no good deed goes unpunished the boy cannot catch a single break
eliza-dearest · 6 months
You 🤝 Me at that Bakugou Post
You have opened a can of worms. I'm so sick of people denying the truth, and the truth is that Bakugou has always been flawed, dumb, and, frankly, kind of a loser. He gets punished by the narrative for said flaw of being dumb and not thinking regularly. And that, dear Goofy, is why I adore him as a character. I embrace the punching bag-ness of his story arc. The man is a comedy show's worth of odd karma waiting to happen. Man could be one of the impractical jokers.
My evidence is as follows to my theory, manga spoilers ahead:
Tells Izuku to swan dive w/o thinkin -> instantly is called out, gets caught by the sludge villain, has to be saved by said loser shitnerd he told to die along with his literal idol while he's covered in sewer goop. Also because he got saved by shitnerd, shitnerd now has his idol's quirk.
Top score in the entrance exam -> speaker of sports festival/people scout out their class -> says something dumb and impulsive -> instantly makes everyone hate him and as a result his entire class.
Denki said his personality was hot trash and nobody liked him. The class just kinda agreed??
Big power gauntlets to boom with -> almost kills izuku without thinking bc 'he'll dodge' -> is stalled, outsmarted in the end, and fails his first exam.
Yeah he won the sports festival but he also won because the other guy wasted his strength with loser shitnerd. Also because he's raging, they put him in a muzzle. Like a dog.
Final exam. Against Toshi. With Izuku. Spends too much time arguing and decides to go off on his own. Gets punched into the letter C for going in with no plan and being an idiot. Has to be saved by Izuku. Again.
Winning the sports fest on a technicality -> throwing a tantrum and being muzzled -> getting targeted for kidnapping and going off on his own -> entire class is injured, hero loses a quirk -> his idol losing his ability to fight/ending his whole career AND having to get saved AGAIN.
Got chewed out by his mom for threatening her. In front of All Might.
Develops an odd relationship with Izuku n All Might, accidentally becomes son-in-law
Gets to take license exam early! -> is too aggressive and doesn't get it. Deku does though, as does everyone but him and the guy he won against in the sports fest -> while everyone is dealing with the yakuza he's babysitting kids and learning to cool his temper. Shoto now thinks they're besties. He's befriended more idiots.
Gets his license! Misses the entire arc, a man is now dead. He's falling behind.
Goes to an island! Saves the entire place and potentially the world, gets to use All Might's quirk -> forgets all of it and only has broken bones. OFA said 'no we wanna stay with Izuku'
Interns with the number 1 hero -> It is endeavor. Izuku is also there. Shoto invites them to the worst family dinner ever.
Loser boy has MULTIPLE QUIRKS?? and they got triggered bc someone insulted him? That's embarrassing. Now he's gotta go to secret quirk meetings because like it or not, he's involved now.
Gets a quirk upgrade! -> is instantly impaled by shigforone bc he moved without thinking to save Deku. -> announces hero name in dying breaths without thinking -> everyone makes fun of it. Even the villains.
Awakens from a coma to ambush Izuku. He's run off to become a vigilante. has to chase him down in the streets and have an entire army restrain him and he only comes home when he BARES HIS SHAME to him. In front of their entire class.
COMES BACK TO LIFE, RIPS AFOS ARMS OFF -> Calls himself "Kacchan of the Bakugous" on a live broadcast. Is actively fighting with a hole in his chest. Probably dehydrated and delirious. Has a JEART.
Quirk upgrade -> it comes from the fact that his body is in so much pain. The more it hurts, the stronger the boom.
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