#for Liam/Kit/Isac
interstellarfig · 1 year
Yeah, the Beastie Boys are great, but have you heard of the Bestie Boys? Because I dreamt about them last night and need them to be real.
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coldercreation · 1 month
What's the last thing/line you wrote?👀
Nathan was pretty sure the two of them had just been making out while they waited for Isac and Nathan to come out of the bathroom. Liam’s chin and cheeks around his mouth were slightly pink, like they usually became after Kit’s scruff had teased his skin for long enough, and both of their lips were looking tellingly red and slick.
Isac’s hands gave Nathan’s middle a little squeeze, and he leaned against Nathan’s back, rising up to his toes to whisper in his ear, “Why don’t you go sit in Liam’s lap? I think he’d really like it.”
“Wait, wow! Legs!” Liam blurted out, all silly, brown eyes wide as he stared down at Nathan’s thighs. (--)
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endeverous · 3 years
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It's @coldercreation's boys!! I love the pack so very much and have since I first found them; they're all so wonderful and lovely and I just had to draw them one of these days. I hope I did them justice! >_<
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coldercreation · 2 months
Would love to read the back story on Liam & Kits meeting/getting together! Absolutely enthralled with their dynamic. Is it common in ur world for two alphas to match up like they have or is it somewhat rare/odd? How did everyone’s parents take it? Did they meet before or after Isac was pack? Have so many questions on them haha!
Have been following your fic for years and it’s hands down my favorite, thank you so much for all of the incredible effort you put into it!
Oee thank you very much for the lovely message!!<3 It makes me soso happy to hear you've liked the series and have followed along for this long! :')
My Litty babies yess!! I have a post here on tumblr that outlines broad strokes of their (+Iz) background and getting together before Nat comes into the picture. Some of this info is sprinkled here and there in the actual series too, but the post goes over the main points of their backgrounds.
I'll reblog it for you after this, it's been a while since I've done that so it's about time I boost it up again so anyone who's not seen it might spot it!
Thank you again, it really means a lot to hear you've enjoyed the series and that it still has your interest after all this time. I appreciate it very much a lot xx
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coldercreation · 1 year
I really simply must ask, would Isac ever top Nat? Or is that not something that he's really into?
Hoping you're happy and healthy this fine evening :)
Hmm Iz would dom him anytime that’s for sure, but yeah, he doesn’t care for topping. Nor does he have any kind of pull for it the way Nat goes a bit baby-feral sometimes lmao 
Like, Isac could do it, technically. He’s not that bothered, but since they don’t make/let each other do stuff they aren’t 100% into just to please the others, he just doesn’t.
When it comes to Kit and Liam flipping the usual dynamic: Kit’s body, brain and instincts are all “nope! x” always and immediately lol. Does not like it, hurts, all the no’s.   
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coldercreation · 1 year
So hi hello! Moving on! lmao
I opened the sad!Kitty snippet doc this morning for the first time since February and it's actually like... not so bad? And there were some scenes in Liam's chapter I genuinely do not remember writing at all!! but I thought they were especially good somehow?? Wish I would get possessed like that more often hahah!
I pretty much wrapped the first chapter's draft, which is Nathan's POV. It's quite simple and sweet, setting the scene. It's currently at 4223 but since it's only a draft it's still needing some fleshing out. (My Excessive Bish™️ side of the brain gets nervous seeing such a "low" word count for me personally, because that much mean It's Not Good Enough!!! Need Moar!! // But I decided not to stress about it, the chapters can come out as short or long as they feel like. If all of the chapters work well as a whole, the that matters in the end.)
Liam's chapter is currently at 6135 words and it's the one that's going to be the most challenging. Lot more worldbuildy/dynamicbuildy and exploration in this one, so it's not just vibes, I actually have to think for this one ew 😭 It has some sizeable chunks still missing but I managed to write a good amount today already so yay!
Kit's own chapter is only at 3223 words right now and the most WIP, but this one should be pretty chill. Not 100% sure what to have in this one but I'm sure something will start to shape up.
(Izzy doesn't get his own chapter for this because he's pretty heavily featured in Nathan's and Kit's POV. When I planned this snippet I had been writing a lot of Isac, so I figured it was time to write the others more. But now I feel like I've not written Izzy in a while so I'm sure I'll end up writing more of him sooner rather than later heh) xx
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coldercreation · 7 months
How are the boi's celebrating halloween? Do they all dress up or just chill?
Could be either, depending on if there's something planned or not!
When I was thinking of their Halloween yesterday and tried to channel what they'd be doing this year, my brain simply reported back with:
Everyone was working or had unrelated plans so they did nothing extravagant this year, just chill. They watched a couple of not-too-scary-for-Kit Halloween movies in the evening to enjoy the spooky vibes. Isac popped some flimsy cat ear headbands on himself, Liam and Nat, and called it a day :') xx
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coldercreation · 1 year
Would you mind posting an update on what snippets are in the works rn?<33 Like which are indefinitely on hold, which prompts (or like how many) you’re working on etc? Can’t wait for the next one!
Ohh hmm, let’s see!
I have a bunch of unfinished things floating about, I tend to start new ones whenever I’m stuck writing something or just get a brief idea in my head. Usually, whenever I get a prompt, I write down whatever comes to mind for that. These unfinished docs I have are anything between like a single sentence to a few thousand words.
These are all WIPs and I keep adding stuff whenever the inspiration strikes, and basically everything I write has been inspired by a bunch of different prompts! 
In no particular order:
The Sad!Kitty story.
A very AU version where Isac's meeting Lit for the first time, out on a night out. He’s just on a demon rampage bc he wants to have sex for the first time lmao this prompt was so creative and funny, love it<3
Nathan trying to celebrate an achievement only to feel dismayed bc his mum is… his mum (she’s happy for him but Nathan still ends up feeling like it isn’t a big deal after all. Too many feels to explain here lol). He protest-buys himself a chocolate cupcake and sticks a candle in it. It’s more of a feel-good one than it sounds here.
Pretty early on into their relationship, Kit comes home from work to find Nat in pre-heat and starting to nest. I have posted a text conversation from the beginning of this snippet.
Alpha!Nat AU: “Ok if you’re doing AUs, how about some twists: Nat growing up in a pack w the boys, as an alpha, with no og hurt background? What would he be like? What would the pack and the dynamic be like? Maybe his first rut w them? (—)”
Literally just a couple of lines of Nat being all blushy and thinking how Kit is so handsome, and then saying it out loud when called out for staring. 
Lizzy snippet, just them hanging out when they were still just getting to know each other. I have posted bits of this at some point too.
Nat being a good boi and doing more kneeling, but also finally getting to satisfy his curiosity for using his mouth. 
Lithan, basically the As just getting handsy with a sleepy Nat. I should start a sleepy boys being filthy soft on the couch -series at this rate hahhaah
Litzy meeting Sammy for the first time
Izzy having a panic attack over uncertainty with his birth control :( This one is just a few lines and I don’t like writing it bc I hate feeling Isac like that. The prompt asked for Isac having something rough happen & how he'd react, and I figured it’d be a good way to explore his issues with this topic. It was not a good idea I hate it why did I think I should scare him with one of his biggest fears horrible let my bunny be happy!!! 
Link visiting Nathan’s family
Link visiting Liam and Kit’s home town/families. <-This doc basically only has this one line. 
Izzy coaxing Nat into wearing some pretty underwear because he knows the As would pass out. Nat’s not personally that into wearing anything like that but he’s not against it and finds out that he’s very much into the reaction he gets lmao
More stuff with Nat’s friends
Some less specific angsty Nat snippets/notes
A filthy prompt-fill for the filthyspicy anon who wanted some spicy free use Nat. Anon you are filthy and I love you hahaha<3 
Liam getting teamed up on by everyone else until he’s all whiny and babie and loved to death. Or well, it’s mainly Kizzy bullying him while Nat is being v helpful and a good boy, and doing what he’s told to keep wriggly Liam in place. Heavily based on a prompt as well.
Izzy’s heat/preheat/nesting/instinct stuff, nothing specific in this yet, I just want to write more about it at some point
Haven’t started this but I do want to write more about the Lizzy dynamic where Isac/his O is the more dominant all the way through
Ohh and I have a couple of lines of some more Lucy and Nat just hanging out but I don’t know what to write for it so it’s just… there.
I have some more but these were the ones I could easily see just by opening my docs.
SO uh yeah. I keep trying hahahah I’m just having a hard time completing things :’) These are all technically actively in the works, so nothing is on hold, but my 'actively' has been a bit ehhh xx
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coldercreation · 2 years
do you think that maybe we could perhaps get a lil sneak peek at the kit rut snippet👀👀
Ahh might as well, I have already spoiled most of this thing anyway lmao! xx
(--) “Should we leave?” Kit heard Isac stage-whisper. Nathan stifled an amused giggle in response.
Kit blinked, his mind feeling heavy and sluggish, his mouth hot from the kiss. Kisses.
When Kit turned his head, he found both omegas looking at them. Nathan had his head on Isac’s chest, Isac’s hand petting through the mess of his hair.
“Leave?” Kit croaked, his brows furrowing. His arms tightened their hold where they were wrapped around Liam. “Who’s… Who’s leavin’?” 
Kit didn’t like the sound of that.
His alpha really didn’t like the sound of that.
Suddenly his eyes felt far mistier than they had any right to be, and Kit felt like he needed to make sure that… that everything was okay?
Everyone was okay?
Who was leaving?
Where were they going?
Why were they going?
How was Kit supposed to take care of them if they- if they weren’t close to him?
Kit turned his head to eye the room, starting to lift up, while also trying to make sure he was holding onto the sweet alpha pup under him. 
“Ah, baby, no,” Isac was already soothing, fond amusement paining his voice. “No one’s going anywhere, ‘was just teasing. I’m sorry, we’re here, all here.”  
“Not going?” Kit asked, still frowning. His expression smoothed when Nathan reached out to grab his hand, slotting their fingers together. 
“Not going,” Isac confirmed patiently. (--)
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coldercreation · 1 year
I have this thing in my head for a while about Isaac having a hyperfixation which the boys kind of indulge fondly annoyed because it takes over the apartment or their time like idk why but I see Isaac as a plant daddy but then he forgets to water them and the rest kind of does it for him but the plants keep coming lol idk if this is OOC
Oh gosh yes he completely totally 100%tly absolutely would, the second I read this I could see it happening in my minds eye aasdfghj😭
Dude would just suddenly start bringing home all these cool and pretty greens and researching the crap out of them and figuring out which type of plant needs to be on which side of the flat to get the right kind of light and and and
But because he's Isac he'd also get distracted by literally anything and everything, so he'd have a hard time keeping up with the watering even though he'd try so hard and worry about killing them😭😭
Kit'd try his best to care for everything right and even start researching for any specific plant needs once it becomes clear it's become a group project. He'd definitely treat them like lil pets because he's a soft boi and would feel bad seeing them wilting or struggling. Bet Kit would be the one to start naming them too.
Nathan would actually know what he's doing and be the one who makes sure the ever growing jungle thrives (Even when Isac brings in some super rare and difficult plants because "look how fuckin' cool this one is??"). Nat's super organised and likes to keep track of everything, even when it's not for mitigating his anxiety and compulsive tendencies, so the plants would really just make sense to him and fit into his routines. He'd find them calming and rewarding too, so he wouldn't mind so much.
Liam would be too scared to touch them, probably terrified that he'd be labeled a plant-murderer if he messed up and over-watered poor Steven or Pearl-Madeleine or Kiki or... He'd just be his usual Good! Supportive! Boy! -self and let Isac tour him around the flat and dutifully and happily listen to him rant about the plants and look and ohh! at any new growth he's shown and hear about whatever obscure trivia Izzy's found the most recently xx
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coldercreation · 1 year
AHHH I just wanted to say your wolf AU is amazing! I loved it! I’m hooked and i wanna know what happened afterwards 😍 Did Kit join the pack eventually? are they all happy ever after? will you ever do a part two with all four of them? they’re so adorable. likeee maybe a part two of Kit trying to win over Isac and “tame” him. or maybe Kit and Liam can catch up? idk like i know they’re fictional but i want to know all about them. they’re my comfort characters <3 even when they doing the naughty 😂❤️
Ghhhawshshsdsh how you tempt meee like disss😭😭
I have like 12345679 WIPs I need to write... I was just innocently scrolling through my inbox (I'm very behind in responding I'm soso sorry<3) and now I have yet another tab open because I had to go and find the doc that has this message/my prompt notes in it asdfgh
As if I don't already have like a hundred writing tabs open just to have them in my face and glaring at me to write hahaha xx
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coldercreation · 2 years
Lizzy WIP
“Oh,” he said, hands settling on Liam’s shoulders, small and effortlessly powerful. “Could scent you earlier a bit, but what’s got you this excited?”
That was when Liam fully noticed the way that heaviness in his body was accompanied by a lowly simmering arousal, the crotch of his trousers stretched tight, his cock pressing insistently against the stiff fabric.
Liam kind of just grinned, slowly, a bit sheepish, a bit lopsided.
“Didn’t really notice, to be honest.” Liam had to clear his throat to get the words out, his voice crackly and rough. “Before- before you mentioned it.”
Isac looked at him quizzically, but then just huffed out another laugh. “Was your alpha feeling good, hm? Well pleased with a pretty O at your feet?”
Probably yes?
Was that appropriate to- to admit, though? 
“Was comfy…” Liam said honestly, voice rather small. He was feeling a little too… raw? Exposed? But- but in a good way.
“Yeah?” Isac shifted closer on Liam’s thighs, his arms wrapping behind his neck, legs spreading further to accommodate Liam’s. “Does pup often get all hard just from feeling comfy? Because that’s adorable.” Isac leaned down then, like he wasn’t making Liam’s head spin with his bold words. His lips pressed hotly against Liam’s ear, “Or did staring at my arse for twenty minutes maybe help a little bit?” (--)
Here's a lil sneak peak from a Lizzy snippet (WIP) I wrote a while back! I'm currently not actively working on this as I'm focusing on the other story, but here we go anyway! This one takes place when Kit and Liam have only just started seeing Izzy, and Limo is feeling all sorts of young and starry eyed and Iz obviously loves the attention lmao xx
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coldercreation · 1 year
Do you have thoughts on how Kit and Liam got together? Or Kit, Liam, and Isac?
Ohh yess indeed-o I do<3 I reblogged an older post for you, it should be right below this one on the blog xx
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coldercreation · 2 years
So I’m kinda new to your writing (thoroughly enjoy it btw, it’s become my favorite original work) so I’m sorry if this has already been covered, but literally just occurred to me - ‘Link’ is Liam, Isac, Nathan, Kit?? 😭 feel a bit foolish only just now figuring it out
Helloo! Ohh how awesome that there's still new people finding my stuff! It always makes me so !!! when someone's been able to discover a story I wrote that they have enjoyed<3
And yess, that's where LINK comes from!! :D I just used it in the tags at some point and then it stuck, but isn't Link so cute though?? It was completely unplanned but I'm really loving it for them hehe
Thank you so much for reading, and thank you for the sweetcute message xx
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coldercreation · 2 years
Omg. Does kit and Liam come home to a spacey iz and caring nat? I bet they're so proud.. i can totally see Liam getting all snuggled up in there when i sees it 👀😍🥹
Heheh indeed they do<3
I think they felt a bit reckless for having to dump Isac on Nat and heading out themselves, knowing full well that Isac was starting to reach destruction mode😭
Lads had a proper surprise rushing home to a flat that wasn’t completely torn apart, and instead just had a cuddly-spacey Iz clinging to Natty while he quietly finished his work :(( 
Lit would both 100% take advantage of floaty Izzy's freebie cuddles kjhehe xx
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coldercreation · 2 years
I adore the most recent Nat/Kit chapter, Nathan in subspace is so sweet! Any chance you'd write Kit's point of view of that scene or a similar one? His comment of "Killin' me, Nat" is so intriguing and seeing the difference between Nat here and Isac in All For You from Kit's point of view would be very interesting. Thank you for sharing your writing!
Awh thank you so much, I’m so glad you liked it!! I felt super accomplished when I finished this one because I was a) actually able to write it lol, and b) I genuinely enjoyed the process! Great to hear it turned out well and enjoyable, I wasn’t too sure after struggling with writing for so much heheh<3
Definitely putting Kit’s pov on my prompt list! I think it’d be an interesting one too for sure. Iz and Nat are very different in this context so the way Lit go about it changes a lot as well. 
Think the main difference probably comes from how for Isac letting go is easy and simple, he just often enjoys being hella difficult about it hahah! It’s fun and satisfying for him that way, and the As also get that sense of satisfaction when they inevitably ‘win’ after having to work for it. Whereas for Nathan it can be a bit scary and intimidating, since he’s still learning that he can actually trust the others to be there for him even if he gives up control (and his hyper vigilance). It goes against everything he learned growing up, so it’s very instinctive for him to resist that to feel safe :(
The pack knows it means a lot when he does let his guard down, it’s like the ultimate sign of trust so it makes them all very emo when it happens. With Nathan it’s more about figuring out how to get him there (usually it happens by accident when it’s just natural and he’s feeling especially comfy/safe/wanted), rather than what happens when he’s already down. 
With Isac it’s a whole game of trying to keep him in check even once he’s down, because he’s a feral little beast and will sniff out any signs of leeway and will test it lmao. Liam sometimes deals with Iz by making him be sweet and soft, which is “stupid fuckin’ mind fuckery” according to Isac, which is also probably why it works on him so well heh
So yeah, as we can see from the amount of ramble, there’d definitely be a lot to explore with this topic!
Thank you so much for reading and for the suggestion xx
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