#fnf krusveto
commenter2 · 1 year
Ruv and Sarv meet and talk to Ruv's parents
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I talked about how Ruv's parents Krusveto and Rschvania deserve more fanart so I thought I make a pic going over what would happen if Ruv and Sarvente met them.
Now one obvious reaction is that while Sarvente is excited to meet Ruv's parents(or her in-laws if there married in a AU) Ruv has a wider range of emotions ranging from not caring, having no idea who they are, or being angry. His anger could be because they not only left him but that even when they escaped there deaths, they never tried to reach him like Selever and Ras did before they were born. Of course thanks to some help from Sarvente, Ruv makes amends with his parents and now they try to make up for the life they never got to have together. What could you see these characters talking about? Ruv and Sarvente are owned by Dokki.doodlez Krusveto and Rschvania are owned by owned by Handzy, NottCawthon and Pepperifier
base by MagicalKeyPizzaDan on DA
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cherrywbb-art · 1 month
Cara eu pensei numa coisa bem aleatória: vc acha que os ursos falariam com sotaque?
O pardo não conta pq até onde a gente sabe ele é dos eua mesmo, o panda é meio difícil dizer, por mais que não acho que ele tenha aprendido a falar chinês acho que tem uma chance dele ter ouvido a forma de falar das pessoas ao redor dele enquanto ainda tava tentando sair da china (desde que fugiu do habitat artificial que colocaram ele mas ainda acho difícil dizer já que apesar disso ele também foi pros eua ainda filhotinho), talvez o polar tenha um pouquinho já que ele aprendeu russo com o yuri (pelo o que eu me lembre? Preciso ver esse desenho de novo)
Aleatório mas eu tava com saudade de te mandar asks kkkkkk e mais uma perguntinha: vc assiste por onde? Não queria assinar streaming e não acho nenhum site com todos os eps em ptbr, sempre falta e eu até tinha a opção de ver em site gringo mas fico com um pouco de dó de ir lá pq prefiro a dublagem brasileira🥲
Na verdade, eu sempre gostei da ideia dos ursos terem algum sotaque, o Pardo provavelmente não teria PORÉM considerando que canonicamente ele é canadense, podemos imaginar que ele possa saber falar francês já que no Canadá é falado tanto inglês e francês, e no episódio do web encontro do panda com a garota (não) francesa, o Pardo fala com sotaque francês (foi só uma frase mas ainda é uma palavra) e então vem a questão: e se?.... E SE na verdade o Pardo fala francês que foi a língua predominante da região que ele nasceu, mas conforme ele perambulava por aí pra achar uma casa ele foi aos poucos aprendendo inglês e essa virou a língua predominante dele??? Sei lá uma teoria minha kkkkk
Em relação ao Panda, eu não consigo imaginar ele com um sotaque chinês, não é que não faça sentido, é que eu não consigo imaginar alguma voz com inglês com sotaque chinês, mas mesmo assim, não é improvável, e eu vejo o caso dele com o mesmo do Pardo, conhecia um idioma mas com saiu de onde ele era, acabou mudando para o inglês (embora no episódio da origem do Panda, pelo que mostra ele não tinha muito ou até nenhum contato com humanos, então acho um pouco mais difícil mas novamente não improvável)
Agora o Polar, COM CERTEZA ele tem sotaque russo, com o que ele aprendeu com o Yuri não duvido nada, embora nunca vimos ele falar no desenho (o spin-off não conta) eu acho que pelo menos ele falava russo e pra ter uma ideia de voz pra ele seria a do Krusveto, que é um oc/pai do Ruv de um mod de fnf. Claro que ainda a voz do Polar seria monótona como no original, mas é a ideia que eu tenho em mente pra ele kkkk
E agora sobre onde eu assisto: tem um site americano onde eu vejo os episódios inclusive o filme. É o wcostream, infelizmente ainda não dei a sorte de achar um site brasileiro :(
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An Fnf Edit Of Krusveto x Rschvania Ft. Taki, Selever, Julius, Sarv and Taki
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commenter2 · 1 year
Krusveto and Rschvania need more fan art
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I recently remembered the Friday Night Funkin mod "Partners in Time" which was the mod that introduced Ruv's father Krusveto and Ruv's mother Rschvania (or Krusve and Rschva as I like to call them) and I was surprised that there isn't much fan art about them. I mean when Selever and Rasazy were revealed, fans quickly liked them so its odd that the same didn't happen for Krusve and Rschva so I thought I make this to spread the word about them. For those that don't know about the characters from what I've seen, Krusve was a cop and Rschva was a criminal till something happened that got them stuck in the Nothing World but I like the headcanons I've been seeing around where Krusve was the only good cop in his area and Rschva was fighting against the cops and political corruption going on there and was deemed a criminal for it. When they met, things were awkward but with time and helping each other get out of a jam they eventually bonded till they fell for each other. Though things started off fine, things got harder when Rschva was made a prime target to find AND Krusve finding out Rschva was pregnant and though they tired there best they realize the only way to save there son was to leave him at an orphanage which turned out to be the best thing as they would eventually be caught and sentenced to death. At least that was going to be there faith had it been not for Selever saving them. Now the two are stuck in the Nothing World with their grandchildren where they watch versions of their son grow up but are bummed that they cannot be with him, at least not without some powerful magic to get them out. I could see a lot of fun fan art being made around these two like fun pics where they instantly take a liking to Sarvente, or a one shot comic where Krusve gives the ring he was originally going to use to propose the Ruv's mother to his own son so he can marry Sarvente in a moment where Ruv doesn't know what to do with his feelings for her. I know ill be making fan art about them when I think or see something that could involve them. characters owned by Handzy, NottCawthon and Pepperifier base by Catholic-Ronin
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commenter2 · 1 year
Imagine Krusveto and Rschvania getting married
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Imagine after spending a lot of time in the nothing world, Ruv's parents Krusve and Rschva started to fall for each other again till eventually they decided to get properly married. Don't let there faces mislead you, they are very happy about this. I could see Sarvente aiding in the ceremony (since she's not a real nun), Ruv could be his father's best man (since Krusve doesn't know many friends in the present) and Rasazy could be the flower girl which she hates but does it when she see it makes her grandmother and mom (especially her mom) happy. Characters from the Friday Night Funkin franchise will appear, like Boyfriend and Girlfriend. Girlfriend could catch the bouquet. Krusveto and Rschvania are owned by Handzy, NottCawthon and Pepperifier base by Chadartist99
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