#fnaf roderick
snowe-zolynn-rogers · 6 months
Also, something I can’t stop imagining:
Blood Moon being manipulated by Roderick in a way they don’t notice at first but they gradually become more and more stockholmed by Roderick to the point they don’t remember how to do anything by themselves besides killing.
It gets to the point where Blood Moon is neglecting themself and Roderick is controlling their entire life and Blood Moon is simply Roderick’s servant and Blood Moon’s needs and health is neglected. If they get injured, the injuries don’t get treated because they ‘failed to properly succeed’.
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ribbedpleasure · 7 months
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venn diagram with fnaf labelled on one side, tfothou labelled on the other, “old men fucking” in the middle
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 10 months
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So how about I regale you with a story of a dear friend of mine? My name… remains unimportant
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Roderick, gesturing to Paxton* cmon, at least TRY and give him some advice!
Chris: *long, silent sip of coffee* fine. Watch your drinks always. Also cyanide smells like almonds.
Roderick: …. You’re never going to let go of that are you?
Chris: who would?
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Maddy c’mon tell them about your legendary FNaC AU
Hello absolute complete stranger, yes I will use this chance to shill my story. If you guys like my writing of Sun and Moon, then you'll probably like this! It's fnaf related, a pretty hefty book. Heres the summary of the current ongoings:
It's about two brothers, Roderick and Vinnie. They have a rather normal life, Roderick taking the more parental role over his younger brother while their father is busy, and a friend named Kate. She's known the two since they were all very young, it's always just been the three of them and Roderick liked that plenty. But as fate would have it, the friend group is bound to grow; Now the quiet southern boy and very enraged Mexican are also apart of the group!
All the while, the kids are connected from a thread: Their fates are tied both to the Fazbear establishment and each other.
Check out the story if you'd like more details about how they met, and how they meet their fates
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Fnac meets Undertale
Hey so remember when I said that my soul characters originated from a group of other ocs that I made for another fandom? Well I decided that “hey, might as well shove more ocs down my followers throats!” and thus here we are, with the info dump about the original group as well as a short blurb about how they’d most likely interact with the souls. Disclaimer: if you don’t know what fnaf is, or what fnac is even, look it up- this won’t make sense otherwise. 
Chester parallels with Bentley
Chester (possesing Chester the Chimpanzee for obvious reasons):
- died at age 25 from being bludgened to death with a banjo
- the first of his friend group to die
- best friends with another 25 year old named Pedro, there is no soul variant to him but he’s basically a short black haired hispanic man whose very loud and swears a lot
- Chester himself is kind of a massive pushover, very mild tempered, polite albeit a bit shy, and also has a Texan accent
- Interacting with Bentley would be headache inducing, but he’d be too polite to tell the child to shut the fuck up. Out of all of the animatronics, he is possibly one of the best at dealing with children and Bentley isn’t all that hard to please. He’s had kids far more challenging then a little boy who needs something to use his mass amounts of energy on, so he can handle it fairly well. 
Cindy parallels with Paige
Cindy (possesing the Cindy animatronic for, yet again, obvious reasons):
- about 24/25? it’s been a while since I’ve talked about these characters alright
- still orphans, still twins (you’ll meet her sib later)
- was the second of the group to die, was crushed by a machine
- used to be very shy and soft spoken while alive, but after death grew some spine and stepped up as the cheer leader of the group to keep moral high despite the shitty situation
- despite her relative maturity, she would absolutely SQUEAL when seeing Paige. She loves little kids, and Paige is just the sweetest little thing. She’d want to play with her SO MUCH, rules be damned. Paige would also be quite fond of her, and probably feel comfortable talking her ear off about fairytales. 
Vinnie parallels Justin
Vinnie (Sad puppet aka Vinnie puppet):
- 21, the youngest to die in his group
- has an older brother, Roderick, who was 25. He is Roderick, possesses the Rat animatronic and is the William Afton of the fnac group. 
- his brother basically stopped him from falling into ruins by taking care of him through everything
- was killed by accident, got in the way of his brother and was stabbed in the head. The third to die.
- Used to be very soft, naive and sweet similarly to how Justin is but after his death became reclusive, sarcastic and depressed. 
- Seeing Justin would be both nice and really hard for him, because on one hand being reminded of his naive youth is refreshing and helps him feel some sort of hope to counter the hopelessness of the situation. But on the other hand, it’s a bitter reminder of what used to be when his brother wasn’t a murderer and his friends weren’t ghosts. He’d also just feed him, a lot XD let the child eat like ten burgers and then pass out on the floor. Usually they cost money but eh, he needs it.
Carl parallels Keith
Carl (possessing Candy the cat):
- the same age as Cindy, cause they be twins
- died from being sawed open by a very VERY psychotically pissed Roderick.
- had an opposite character arch to his sister. He went from being one of the most boisterous, talkative and jokey people in the group to being a shy anxious mess. Losing your only family member will cause that sort of mental breakdown.
- spent much of his early life taking care of his sister, slight parentification
- Meeting Keith would be pretty mixed just like with Vinnie. He loves seeing such a bright eyed young boy, but at the same time seeing that he too has to take on the responsibility of parenting other children, especially a fully orphanage of them would be upsetting. But he’s such a sweet boy that he’d still want to be around him as much as possible.
Kate parallels with Isabelle
Kate (possessing Cat):
- 25 (?) years old, maybe a little bit younger
- hung herself, was the second to last one to die and the only one who didn’t die directly from Roderick
- Roderick has a crush on her, the three of them (Vinnie, Roderick, and Kate) have been friends the longest.
- really not like Isabelle... at all. She’s a tomboy, likes sports and other more guyish stuff. This didn’t change all that much after death, though she did try and hold the group together with Cindy. They are very close friends.
- so Isabelle and Kate wouldn’t have much to talk about really. Kate likes mechanics and robot maintenance, sports and stuff like that while Isabelle likes ballet, classical music, and other more stereotypically girly stuff. They wouldn’t get along or not get along, they’d just have a neutral relationship: not arguing but also not being able to relate with each other about anything OTHER then the fact that they both like the socially awkward glasses boy in their groups. SPEAKING OF WHICH-
Saving the best for last, Chris parallels Paxton!
Chris (possesses Old Candy):
- the oldest of the group, 28 years old
- was the last to die, and was poisoned with cyanide
- went the majority of his life being a loner until Vinnie as an eleven year old boy sought out talking to him when he was eighteen.
- quite possibly more serious and closed off then even Paxton, equally as snarky and sarcastic as well. And a workaholic to the extreme. Basically just Paxton given more time to bloom, minus being mute and British.
- due to how similar they are, they would... barely speak to each other. Left to socialize to each other, they would end up sitting there an hour at least before someone comes into the room and tells them to stop being freaks and talk to each other. Basically force them to have a strenuous conversation with small talk and lots of moments of dead silence. Chris isn’t a kid person, which is funny considering he owns a childrens restaurant. 
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