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↪ Doesn't matter at all. Don't you worry about me, friend. Don't you worry if it doesn't feel the same 
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imthelcstprincess · 7 years
( @do-i-win-yet ☼ )
Rapunzel tried to keep herself composed.  She tried to keep herself from breaking from the overwhelming feeling inside of her.  He was back - Eugene was back...  No.  FLYNN RIDER was back.  And truthfully, she didn’t know what to think.  She thought about what would happen if he showed up in Corona again, and of course she knew she would never leave her husband, the person she loved the most; it was all hypothetical up until now.
She wasn’t overwhelmed because of how she felt, either.  She loved Tex - she was in love with Tex, and she always would be.  What overwhelmed her was that HE was back, and he still loved her.  And she didn’t return his feelings.  And what else?  He was HAPPY that she was happy.  He wasn’t resentful over the feelings being unrequited, that she found love in someone else.
But she still had to tell her husband that he was back.  He deserved to know.  So, with a breath and a gulp, she pushed on.  “Tex?  I have something to tell you.”  Already, her voice was shaky.  
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      @flynnigxnrider​ cont. [ x ]
Anyone (other than Rapunzel) grabbing at him in any way was never welcome, and particularly since he happened to be walking past a pub, he’d sprung around, muscles tensed, ready to defend himself if need be. But it was just… Flynn. It was Flynn. His wife’s first love. The guy who returned after years to declare that he was still in love with her. His stomach clenched unpleasantly and he looked the other man up and down for a moment.
They’d had a pleasant chat last time they’d met one another. Granted, they’d had no idea who the other was at that point… but still, they’d at least found some common ground. So despite the aggressive-seeming gesture, Tex grudgingly had to admit that Flynn deserved the benefit of the doubt. He’d give him a chance. His eyes narrowed a little as the strong smell of alcohol hit him, and he wrinkled his nose. Great. A drunk, heartbroken ex-thief. “A chit chat, huh? With a drunk bloke?” he mused, and sighed. Whatever. Why not? It’d be good for them to clear the air, regardless of whether or not Flynn was entirely sober. 
“Okay, okay, I’ll bite. What about, Bukowski?”
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islestolen · 7 years
FYI: Punzie and I love @flynnigxnrider
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ofwonderlost-blog · 7 years
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“I am not the sort for money. The things I need in life I can receive at my own will.” Cheshire explained in a rather relaxed manner. “You seem the sort tto be looking for something.”
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nononsenselady · 7 years
“I’ve never heard this song before! What the hell is it?”
“It’s called Night on Bald Mountain, get with the times Flynn.” 
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@flynnigxnrider from here. 
The Captain glared right back at him. “At least I have a family, Rider,” he retorted. “At least there are people who care about me. What have you got?”
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ofsecxndstar · 7 years
@ofwonderlost & @mythophobis (or @flynnigxnrider ) & OPEN STARTER
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     “Shhh....” Lucien explained as he turned around after tucking in the petite girl in his tent.  The young native pulled his hair back as he eye’d the other.  “She’s trying to sleep, if we need to talk... Let’s take it outside.”
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childrenofslumber · 7 years
        ( @flynnigxnrider )
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     “I know it seems like he’s never going to like you but he will.” Artemis stepped forward to stand beside Flynn, she was of course referring to Hercules. Her step-father was protective of the entire family but Hero was his baby, his blood. Her mother and brother knew of the thief just recently just like Hercules. But he’s known about him for months, kept her sister’s secret to protect the both of them. Love was precious and she’d never seen her sister so happy as she was when she was looking at Flynn, even just speaking about him. And it hurt the older princess’ heart for months when he was taken away from her. The Netherworld would freeze over before Artemis let her sister lose love like she had. “--I’m Artemis by the way. Nice to finally meet you, Flynn.”
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imthelcstprincess · 7 years
@flynnigxnrider​ | ☼
Flynnigan locks his gaze to Rapunzel as she speaks. Despite how the times have got him down; made him FEEL like a horrible person, her words created confirmation. That maybe, just maybe, Flynn wasn’t all that bad after all. ❝For the record, you’ll never NEED to repay me. I’d do it all over again as quick as a blink of the eye.❞ He laughs lightly as he rubs the back of his neck.
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Her lips spread into a soft, half smile and for another brief moment, she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.  It was reassuring to hear that he’d do it all over again if he could make the choice - and despite having her heart broken, she would, too.  Why wouldn’t she?  Because of those choices she found her way home.  “I still think I do.  Without you I would still be up there and I owe my freedom to you.  Even now.”  A brief pause, and she smiled again.  “Thank you.”
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there’s plenty of tex to go around wink wink 
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ofwonderlost-blog · 7 years
continue from HERE;; @flynnigxnrider
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“In Robin’s room.  After I put them in their own rooms,  Fredric went into his room and started things up again!” Rapunzel said, rushing down the steps of their home. Her hair was tanged around her face and her breathing was heavy. “I just spent the last twenty minutes trying to pry them off of each other!”
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islestolen · 7 years
flynnigxnrider replied to your post:    Pardon me, I am just giggling about the fact...
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@flynnigxnrider started following you. 
Now there was a face he didn’t expect to see again. 
Last time he’d set eyes on Rider, the man had escaped execution, stolen his horse and was about to marry the Princess. He’d fallen a long way... not that the Captain was even remotely surprised. But he thought the thief would at least have the decency to stay away. 
No such luck. 
Now he chased him through the forest. Romulus was holding his own, but Rider had Max. You couldn’t ask for a better horse. 
“I’ll get you this time!” he shouted. 
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ofthedarkwaters · 7 years
▼ What is their greatest fear?
Answered here
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imthelcstprincess · 7 years
( @flynnigxnrider | ☼ )
Rapunzel saw how much it really affected him, no matter how much he denied it.  She could imagine how disappointing that news was after wondering for his whole life, knowing and hoping that his parents were somewhere out there, that they had names...  Seeing the disappointment in his face broke her heart, so she placed a gentle, reassuring hand to his back, and offered him a gentle smile, though it was brief.  “I’m so sorry,” she whispered with a small breath.  “I can’t even imagine what you must be thinking right now.”
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