#flawseer talk
flawseer · 7 months
On Mudwing Culture
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My last deliberation on Seawings and their eccentric insult vocabulary seemed to be well-received, so here is another one of my headcanons:
Mudwings are seriously into food.
I know, pretty revolutionary take when there is only a handful of named Mudwing characters, and two of them love eating so much that it either almost or entirely eclipses their personality.
But Clay and Ochre are not what I am talking about. This isn’t about a love of eating (though many Mudwings admittedly do have that). I’m suggesting that, out of all the tribes from Pyrrhia, Mudwings are at the forefront of food preparation and culinary innovation, to the point where a large part of their culture revolves around it.
The State of Food Preparation on the Continent
Pyrrhia as a conglomerate of different cultures largely sustains its populations through hunting and gathering. The average dragon, when the hunger pangs set in, will make a hasty trip into the nearest forest, cave, or scavenger den and round up some prey animals. In most cases, this prey will go straight from the talons to the mouth, or, if the hunter is a bit more forward-thinking, into the pantry, and then from talons to the mouth.
There are a few variations of this practice; Skywings may give the carcass a quick roast on an open flame before eating it, Sandwings may dry the meat out so the excess moisture does not upset their internal water balance, Rainwings will prefer fruit over meat. Icewings will nearly always consume their prey raw and unseasoned, as their extremely delicate palate is easily overwhelmed by intense flavors that may be released through cooking.
More complex forms of food preparation seem to exist mostly outside the scope of the general populace. The practice of “cooking” appears to be limited to the ranks of aristocracy, with dedicated cooks only found within the court of a queen or in private households of other high-born individuals. It creates a sharp divide between commoners and social elites, between the wealthy and (as Sea Queen Coral once put it so succinctly) the “eel-eating masses”. All exemplified through the differing standards of food.
And yet somehow, standing in stark contrast to everywhere else on the continent, nearly every Mudwing-- from the most low-born runts of the Diamond Spray Delta to the most decorated head advisors in the Queen’s palace --knows how to cook, and will do so regularly.
Why is that, and how did it happen?
Historical Benefits of Cooking
Most things that form the backbone of a culture usually start with some ancient practice that was useful at some point in time and then, as people kept doing it, eventually got absorbed into public awareness and became “the way things are done”.
Mudwings face a unique challenge compared to anyone else, as they are the only tribe whose combat prowess is significantly affected by their environment, specifically climate, weather, and temperature. Sure, you can take any dragon, drop them into an unfavorable climate, and they will generally perform worse than under normal circumstances. But the unique weakness of Mudwings is that they lose their breath weapon when they get too cold. Place an Icewing into a burning room and they will still be able to use their frost breath. Pluck a Sandwing from their dry environment and drop them into the humid, sweltering hell of the jungle, their natural weapons will still function. But make a Mudwing cower between two piles of snow for a while, and their internal fire will go out quickly.
As you might imagine, this is a bit of a liability when you have to defend your territory from Skywings hiding and scheming among the frozen peaks bordering your country.
So the ancient Mudwings had to figure out a solution to their conundrum, and what they came up with was this: They got a large pot and filled it with water, threw in all manner of meats, plants, and herbs, whatever they could find where they were holed up, then boiled it until it was good and filling. The hot food in their bellies helped them stay warm even at high altitudes and allowed them to stand their ground against the northwestern invaders.
Soon it became tradition for troops to share a hotpot the night before battle, and a rich variety of hearty broths and stews developed from there, as these were simple to make from scraps and could be reheated easily. The practice became so popular, the Mudwings kept doing it even during peacetime. Soon, in addition to the hunting of prey animals that was commonplace, Mudwings began to cultivate vegetable gardens to have access to a more stable supply of ingredients. Eventually, their growing understanding of agriculture allowed them to grow rice, which was especially well-suited to the abundance of wetlands found in their territory. Everyone was cooking now.
The Role of Food in Mudwing Society
If you ask several Mudwings which core values represent their tribe best, many would likely put forward some variation of “camaraderie”, “family”, or “loyalty to your sibs”. They are a very social people who form deep bonds with those whom they grew up with, and one of the most direct ways to grow close to someone is to share your meals with them every day. As such, the preparation and consumption of food is a vital part in maintaining cohesion between members of a Mudwing sibling group.
Every one of these groups will have a “Bigwings”, which is understood to be a combination of a leader and caretaker role. The Bigwings is aware of all of their sibs’ culinary preferences and needs and has all of the troop’s recipes memorized. When mealtime approaches, he or she makes the call on what kind of dish will be prepared and delegates roles and tasks to the troop. This is a daily exercise that builds the Bigwings’ authority and communication skills, and reinforces trust and familiarity between all siblings.
Next to the Bigwings is the Gatherer, which historically was a role assigned to one or more troop members who foraged for wild vegetables or hunted more prey if the previous communal hunt did not yield enough. While this is still true today, many Gatherers also maintain a garden or wet patch to source fresh vegetables or grain for meals.
And lastly there is the Communicator, which is a role usually assigned to the most social and charismatic sibling. The Communicator is vital for coordinating battle strategies with other troops, which, while very important, is not really all that relevant for this deliberation. What is relevant however, is the role they fulfill during peacetime, which is to set up joint meals between two or more sibling groups. This practice is critical for maintaining morale, as doing this regularly helps expand the troop’s palette and keep their Bigwings inspired. That way the troop’s collection of recipes stays fresh and innovative instead of turning stale and rigid.
Of course how much each troop values culinary exploits varies between individuals. Some Mudwing groups are outspokenly passionate about cooking and advancing their craft. They might view their work as an expression of art and get very upset or offended if you indicate that thinking about food is unimportant or a waste of time. Some extreme cases may even get angry at you if you waste ingredients or refuse to elevate a dish to its fullest potential by not seasoning it well or doing something else to ruin it. Other groups may be more relaxed and casual about food preparation, and a few might even not think about it much at all.
If a Mudwing invites you to dinner, it is paramount to figure out which of these groups they belong to beforehand, so you may get an understanding of how much of a threat this outing may pose to your health, especially if you are an Icewing or Seawing with a limited palate.
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Is there any evidence for this in the books?
To my knowledge, there isn't much. Mostly because there isn't much about Mudwings and their culture in general. Across all the books, only one of them has a Mudwing protagonist, and the vast majority of it is spent in the Sky Kingdom, so his roots don't get a lot of exposure. Then whenever another Mudwing comes into the story, they tend to exit it very quickly after, without being able to share more.
I made this theory for myself largely in response to Mudwing culture being such a big question mark. I initially came up with it when I saw a Mudwing gardener in Escaping Peril and thought "That could be a cool direction for the tribe." The guidebook that released recently gave me some additional pointers with regards to a few of the looser points of this theory.
I'm hoping it is interesting, or at the very least entertaining in some way.
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flawseer · 5 months
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Wings of Fire occupies this strange meta-textually dissonant niche. There are a lot of disturbing and even grotesque things happening in it, like people's eyeballs getting dissolved by acid, characters compelled by mind control to ritualistically disembowel themselves, families getting torn apart by war, several attempted genocides, and an alarming amount of parental neglect and abuse.
But then, due to its nature as a book series aimed at children, the story finds itself unable to dwell on these horrific events that would realistically do irreparable damage to anyone experiencing or witnessing them. The narrative just kind of stands at the side and tries to look away, waiting until it's over. Characters remain oddly chipper and unbothered by sights that would ruin an average person.
This is not an accusation. I understand why it is that way. Sutherland desired to write a story about dragons for kids, which is a valid and admirable endeavor. In such a framework it would likely be inappropriate to do a deep dive into the psychological depths of a cast of traumatized characters.
But as a fan of her work, I find it an enticing thought exercise to look at the events of the story and examine them in a way the original text doesn't. To dwell on these experiences and the emotions they would beget. You'll find that Pyrrhia is filled with millions of little stories that haven't been fully told. A mother, displaced in time through torturous imprisonment, finds everyone she knew and loved is dead, safe for a son whose trauma has warped him into a twisted, murderous monstrosity. A nephew loses his beloved aunt to illness and his abusive family likely will not allow him to attend her funeral or gain any closure. And many other tales that aren't really relevant to this silly comic page, but still equally as fascinating.
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flawseer · 6 months
Wings of Earth
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"For Wings of Earth, search through the mud, for an egg the color of dragon blood."
This line from the Dragonet Prophecy is very funny to me, specifically because it refers to the color of dragon blood.
At face value, that makes sense. These kinds of eggs are relevant primarily to Mudwing culture, and it follows that they would call them "Blood Eggs", as they are the same color as the blood of their people, i.e. a deep red.
However, later we learn that this prophecy did not come from the impartial mouth of fate, rather it has been carefully engineered by the Nightwing elite circle to further their tribe's interests. With that biased origin in mind, note that they did not make reference to a "Blood Egg", which is the established Mudwing term for it, but rather opted to word it as "an egg the color of dragon blood".
Why do I think this is noteworthy? Well, by divorcing the subject from its Mudwing cultural roots like that, it becomes more of a general statement. It's saying "The egg is the color of dragon blood. Dragon blood is red." This statement is true for six of the seven Pyrrhian tribes. The sole exception are the Icewings- who happen to be ancient enemies of the Nightwing tribe -whose blood runs blue instead.
What this implies is that this prophecy was written in a way that covertly insults Icewings. It's insinuating they are not true dragons, i.e. their blood is not the appropriate color. That is on top of already overtly insulting them by not including an Icewing hatchling in the prophecy. As this prophecy is relevant to all the tribes on the continent, it ensures that every tribe will receive and accept this propaganda piece that insidiously proclaims Icewings as lesser beings, including the Icewings themselves.
Or that was the plan. In practice it went nowhere and its authors wound up shamed and humiliated. Whoops.
It is uncertain whether all this was intentional on Sutherland's part; I am likely putting way too much thought into a phrase that was just meant to sound good in a poem. But whenever I read this line, I picture Morrowseer, sitting alone in an empty cave with his writing scroll in front of him, smiling self-importantly while congratulating himself for sticking it to "those snow lizards in the north". Then he goes home and finds a note from his mate telling him she's gone out for the night and that he should de-frost himself some hot dogs in the sink.
And that picture is very funny to me.
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flawseer · 3 months
Jade Mountain Academy students
#1 - Seawing chapter
Part one of my attempt to draw all the students of Jade Mountain Academy. Keep in mind that a lot of these have virtually no usable character information available beyond one or two short quotes, especially the poor sods in the copper and quartz winglets. That means some of this data is going to be made up and will likely conflict with any established popular headcanons. Just trying to make sense of this for myself.
With that out of the way:
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Turtle, Prince
Tribe - Seawing
Winglet - Jade
Color - Jade green
Relatives - Princess Tsunami (sister), Princess Anemone (sister)
Clawmate(s) - Umber (Mudwing)
Favorite subject - Literacy
Least fav. subject - Exercise
Physical characteristics - luminous markings: large, polygonal, interlocking; royal wing markings; average size, slightly overweight
Other characteristics - socially subdued, low confidence
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Tribe - Seawing
Winglet - Gold
Color - Lapis blue
Relatives - Barracuda (cousin)
Clawmate(s) - Bigtail (Nightwing), Flame (Skywing)
Favorite subject - Cultural Exchange
Least fav. subject - Science
Physical characteristics - luminous markings: small to medium size, jagged; minor scarring; unusually small stature, lean and wiry
Other characteristics - unusual attachment to Princess Anemone, socially aggressive (suggest counseling), prone to self-injury (suggest monitoring)
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Anemone, Princess
Tribe - Seawing
Winglet - Silver
Color - Baby blue
Relatives - Princess Tsunami (sister), Prince Turtle (brother)
Clawmate(s) - Ostrich (Sandwing)
Favorite subject - Exercise
Least fav. subject - History
Physical characteristics - rings of petal-shaped patches around eyes; royal wing markings; pink accents in wings and webs; small stature, average weight
Other characteristics - animus wielder (necessitates close behavioral monitoring), socially domineering (possible maladaptive coping response, suggest counseling)
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Tribe - Seawing
Winglet - Copper
Color - Seafoam green
Relatives - none on site
Clawmate(s) - Alba (Icewing), Mindreader (Nightwing)
Favorite subject - Exercise
Least fav. subject - History
Physical characteristics - curly horns; luminous markings sharp and vibrant; strong hindlegs, stature and build otherwise average
Other characteristics - fastest swimmer
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Tribe - Seawing
Winglet - Quartz
Color - Violet blue
Relatives - Pike (cousin)
Clawmate(s) - Mightyclaws (Nightwing)
Favorite subject - did not disclose
Least fav. subject - did not disclose
Physical characteristics - luminous markings sharp and jagged; dark stripe patterns on neck scales; large stature
Other characteristics - socially outgoing, most enigmatic
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flawseer · 7 months
On seawing insults...
My partner @flamebringer0 has seemingly been busy writing down a bunch of his WoF headcanons, so I figured I should write down one of mine too. No, I don't claim this to be canon in any shape; I just like thinking about this kind of stuff.
Setting aside the more recent, squid and shark-themed additions to the vocabulary courtesy of a certain foul-mouthed princess, classic seawing insults are infamous among the pyrrhian populace as being rather underwhelming. If you were to get into an argument with an elderly seawing and push them over the edge, you may find yourself getting called a "clam stack", a "flat rock with kelp growing on both sides", or something similarly innocuous-sounding that'll leave you more confused than offended. Their apparent lack of potent zingers has given seawings a reputation among the other tribes (especially with sandwings) as mild-mannered fogeys with no bite in them.
Are seawings just an unfathomably lame cabal of fops, perhaps even the most boring tribe on the entire continent? Of course not! As it turns out, these seemingly harmless phrases are incredibly offensive... if you say them in Aquatic, that is. Uttering these mild expressions in the seawing luminescent language happens to result in exceptionally harsh blinking and flashing patterns that irritate your eyes if you look at them directly. Flashing them directly into someone else's face is sure to ruin their day, because they may spend the rest of it with a throbbing headache. So the next time you're at a tavern and a seawing calls you an "even-clawed crab", be thankful they happen to be talking with their mouth.
As a side effect, this linguistic eccentricity has caused some seawings who are particularly traditionalist or were raised in strict households to completely avoid these expressions, even while speaking verbally and in a non-aggressive context. You will catch them awkwardly dancing around using certain words, opting to make up new, stilted descriptors to avoid embarrassment. If you see a seawing suddenly hesitating mid-sentence and seeming unable to "spit it out", chances are this is what is happening. So do the right thing and be kind and understanding. Or don't, if the alternative is really funny.
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flawseer · 3 months
What are your headcanons on the Nightwing Tribe's views on Art? Do they like it, or, like some humans, do they think it is a waste of time?
It's somewhat ill-advised to paint an entire culture composed of many thinking, feeling individuals with one brush; there will be Nightwings who fall into one or the other camp, and others still who haven't really formed a definite opinion on the matter. But in terms of general societal norms and expectations, I think I imagine it like this:
The ancient Nightwing tribe, circa 3000 AS and before, had an active art scene. We actually see some glimpses of this in the Darkstalker Legends book. There were implied school classes on painting and (presumably) other art forms, and art pieces were being displayed at fairs and public celebrations. The hallways of the palace were decorated with mirrors, and there were glassblowers making sculptures and such. I believe Nightwings may actually have had an affinity for glasswork specifically; not only because of the glass sculptures, but a Nightwing with glasses appeared in that book, and Mastermind also had glasses in the graphic novel adaptation. It was probably practical for them, since they lived right next to the continent's largest sand pit back then.
When the Nightwings relocated due to the whole Darkstalker debacle, their priorities must have shifted. Not much at first; there were probably efforts to restore their old way of life as authentically as it was possible on the island, which would have included artistic expression. But over the years, with the volcano becoming more active and reducing the quality of life, the tribe shifted gears into a "survival first" mindset. With their very existence threatened, the tribe needed to become more efficient. The Nightwing government became much more overbearing and artistic pursuits were regarded as frivolous; if what you were doing wasn't filling bellies, improving the quality of life, or advancing Nightwing interests, you were seen as wasting time and resources and may have experienced pushback from your neighbors. The tribe needed soldiers, doctors, scientists, hunter-gatherers; and kids needed to be pushed towards those careers so the supply didn't suddenly run dry.
I don't believe artistic endeavors were completely suspended during that time though. That's kind of impossible; where there's life, there will be art. But I imagine artistic pursuit became more of a counter culture thing, practiced as a way to voice discontent with the poor life standard and the crown's apparent inability to provide a better existence for the people. Think subversive, anti-authoritarian displays, likely created anonymously. Naturally, the Queen would have been cracking down on this eventually, declaring such outlets as acts of delinquency that were eroding the moral foundation of Nightwing society.
I don't know, I can just picture Fierceteeth leaving an unflattering graffiti of Morrowseer and Battlewinner on some wall in the shade after being reprimanded for sneaking into the rainforest and seeing firsthand what the Queen's regime was depriving them of.
Now that the Nightwings have relocated yet again and are living in conditions where they won't have to worry about either suffocating or starving to death 24/7, I believe artistic expression will see a general resurgence in popularity. We already kind of saw this with Mightyclaws, who has taken up painting (the story frames it as Starflight having suggested painting to him, but judging by the apparent quality of his work I believe he already had a prior inclination towards it, and Starflight's suggestion was to make use of a pre-existing hobby as a therapeutic outlet, rather than to start it up). So yeah, art is on the upswing again.
Those are probably my thoughts on the matter.
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flawseer · 8 months
WoF Reference guide - #01: Turtle, Squid, Pike
I'm rather fond of the way characters are rendered in the Wings of Fire graphic novel adaptation, so whenever I draw WoF stuff, I like to lean into that style.
A problem I often run into there though, is that while the dragons in the comic are very expressive, members of the same tribe are sometimes difficult to tell apart, especially in close-ups. Reading the second one in particular is a bit of an undertaking, with a lot of Seawings that look very similar.
So to help myself out with that, I've started doing a style guide for my own reference that attempts to diversify the designs a bit while hopefully still keeping the basic principles introduced in the comics. Just a collection of my own headcanons really.
I wasn't really intending to publish any of this, but then I showed some of my friends and they said "This is cool", so... I suppose here we are. I've done about 20 of these by now, but I'm going to have to polish them a bit first so I don't just throw my dirty sketches at people.
Okay, that's probably enough talking, let's show something for it.
Flawseer Headcanon Refs
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Build is somewhat heavy-set/chubby; hates exercise and tends to get second helpings during meals.
Facial structure very soft, round, and smooth; big nose; upper lip ends in a slight point like a little beak.
Eyes are bright, warm, and friendly.
Forehead fins are round with no sharp angles, average distribution of gaps.
Horns are smooth and curved backwards, with a small upwards barb at the end.
Luminous patches in face are polygonal, orderly. Ventral patches are roughly square and relatively large. Patches on limbs, back, and tail are polygonal and tend to cluster together and interlock, like pattern on a turtle shell.
Neck plates angular, slightly reminiscent of turtle shell.
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Very petite and underdeveloped frame; scrawny, light-weight build with barely any fat or defined muscle.
Small head; youthful face; somehow nose is always wet.
Eyes are large; expression usually either guilty-looking or close to bursting into tears.
Horns are nubby and curve upwards, dull ends.
No defined chin barbels whatsoever, but a few nubby points growing out the back of the jaw.
Luminous patches on face, limbs, and back are thick, swirly spirals with splotches dotted around, or small clusters of 2 to 3 splotches by themselves; ventral patches are ring-shaped and look similar to suction cups, tail thus looks like a squid's tentacle.
Ventral fringe is very small and wispy, dorsal fringe made up of small leaf-like shapes that are oddly spaced out.
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Build is somewhat runty and small; lean with wiry muscle; overall reminiscent of a draconic chihuahua and about as noisy.
Pointy face with sloped forehead; furrows on nasal ridge from excessive scowling; jaw juts forward with a bit of an underbite.
Eyes somewhat angular but still open; expression serious and dutiful.
Forehead fins angular; frayed with lots of gaps and blemishes.
Horns are bendy and pointed; smooth but covered in numerous small scrapes and blemishes.
Chin barbels are pointy and sharp-looking, but soft to the touch.
Face and body show a few small nicks and scars everywhere; little cut across the side of the mouth; ears are nicked and frayed. All of these accumulated from training accidents and reckless behavior.
Luminous patches on face and ventral side are small, flecky, like shards of broken glass; patches on limbs and back are large and pointy, shaped like spades or arrowheads.
Ventral and dorsal fringe pointy with small nicks and tears.
And that is it for now. Next batch is probably going to be... I don't know. Webs, Nautilus, and Riptide maybe.
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flawseer · 7 months
WoF Reference guide - #02: Nautilus, Webs, Riptide
Another one of these headcanon visual references I've made for myself. I guess this one is the "Talons of Peace Seawings edition".
With this one and the last entry taken together, there are now two father-son pairs between them. One of my sub-goals with this was to examine and identify traits that would plausibly be passed down from parents to their children. We'll see how that goes.
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Build is average, neither particularly fat nor muscular. Size is average too, but he has a tendency to stand very straight and rigid to make himself look taller than he is.
Proportionally large head; small, exceptionally dry nose; high cheek bones; pronounced Adam's apple; stubbly barbs growing out the back of the jaw.
Eyes and general resting expression have an air of self-importance and aloofness to them.
Horns curve upwards and are somewhat smooth, but not perfectly so.
Luminous areas on face and body form an intricate pattern of interlocking and crisscrossing black spirals that turn a bright neon green when lighting up.
Dorsal fringe made of leaf-like sections shaped like curly waves, with large gaps in between sections; ventral fringe is small and wispy.
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Build is slender, bordering on gangly; tends to slouch, bad overall posture, makes him look small despite his size being slightly above average.
Head is somewhat elongated with bottle-shaped nose, similar to sea horse or dolphin; cheeks are sunken in.
Sad, tired-looking eyes, heavy eyelids; not particularly emotive. Slightly near-sighted.
Forehead fins are orderly and uniform in size and thickness, but with many splits and blemishes.
Horns extend straight backwards, smooth, little hooks at the end.
Luminous patches on face, limbs, and back are blotty and uneven with no clearly defined shape or size; ventral patches are narrow and slitted, shaped like rice grains.
Ventral and dorsal fringes wavy and all in one piece, reminiscent of sea foam.
Has a small luminous birthmark between two claws of his left front talon.
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Frame is rather tall and well-built, muscular, fit.
Head shape angular with bottle-shaped nasal ridge, pronounced jaw and chin.
Eyes are open and friendly, but unnaturally dark for a Seawing. Tends to look serious and dutiful.
Forehead fins sweep forward, shaped in a way reminiscent of a wave about to crash onto the beach; texture is very rough with many splits and blemishes.
Horns curve backwards, texture smooth but shape somewhat twisty and gnarled.
Luminous patches on face, limbs, and back are blotty and uneven, fragmented in small clusters like freckles; ventral patches small, shaped like pomegranate seeds.
Ventral and dorsal fringes upright and protruding evenly, all in one piece.
Not quite sure who to do next yet. Maybe Gill, Coral, and Tempest.
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flawseer · 7 months
Since we are at the mercy of Tumblr's layout, here is a pinned post to hopefully add some structure to this blog and future-proof it.
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About this blog
This is a blog where some random internet person (me) airs their thoughts and talks people's ears off as a hobby, mostly about dragons, more specifically about the Wings of Fire novel series written by Tui T. Sutherland. Sometimes I also draw pictures and/or sketches.
Here's what's what to help you find your way around. More categories may get added in the future as they become relevant. Images will usually have descriptions in alt text.
Stand-alone posts:
#flawseer art - Artwork that was drawn by me.
#flawseer scribble - Also artwork by me, but less polished/more experimental.
#flawseer talk - Posts where I ramble about something, mostly my own headcanons. I don't expect anyone to take them seriously, but maybe you'll have fun reading them regardless.
#flawseer story - Posts that have a narrative element, be it a written story, script, or comic.
#flawseer stupid - Miscellaneous and sometimes inane nonsense posted on a whim.
Referential posts:
#flawseer reblog - Post made by another person that I reblogged, with or without commentary.
#flawseer reply - Reblogs that I've added commentary to, or responses to prompts submitted to me.
Content Tags:
Preferences and sensibilities vary from person to person, and not everyone wants to see every piece of content. I will add these tags to my posts if they are relevant so you can block content you don't want to be exposed to. More tags will likely be added over time.
swearing - Will tag if expletives are used. Some of the less severe swears might remain untagged.
romance - I'm a very sappy and sentimental person myself, but I also want this place to be welcoming to people with ARO or ACE viewing preferences, so if a post contains romantic overtones, I will tag.
Notable Projects:
On Seawing insults - (link)
On Mudwing culture - (link)
Wings of Earth - (link)
Foeslayer's Lament - (#1) (#2)
JMA students collage - (#1) (#2) (#3) (#4) (#5) (#6) (#7) (#8) (#9)
3000 AS collage - (#1) (#2)
Also check out the blog of my partner, Flamebringer.
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