#flashbic writes stuff
flashbic · 23 days
Écrire un OS qui se passe après la fic que j'ai pas fini d'écrire, tout va bien
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flashbic · 5 months
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Cartouche: Prince des faubourgs | Cartouche: Prince of the Streets (Cartoon) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cartouche/Isabelle d'Entraigues Characters: Cartouche - Character, Isabelle d'Entraigues, Le Lorrain, Nero Falconi Summary:
Une tempête de neige s'abat sur Paris. Deux oneshots se passant lors de la même journée d'hiver: le premier racontant la journée de Cartouche, et le second celle de Falconi.
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flashbic · 9 months
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Je viens de réaliser que j'ai jamais fait de vrai post pour la fanfic ALORS VOICI.
Quelque part par méfiance, par mauvaise volonté
Lorsque Falconi est accusé à tort d'avoir tenté d'assassiner le régent, son affrontement avec la garde et sa fuite du Palais-Royal le laissent grièvement blessé. C'est par chance et bien à contrecœur qu'il va trouver refuge auprès des Cartouchiens.
On trouve quoi là-dedans?
Pas mal tous les persos! Avec Falconi et le Lorrain à l'avant-plan!
Côté rating: pour l'instant ça se situe pas mal au niveau d'un épisode standard, mais avec un poil plus de sang?
Côté shipping: Falconi/Le Lorrain, en mode gros slow-burn. Le pairing était pas prévu à la base, alors ça se développe tranquillement à travers le reste du plot, en fait.
Des tags en vrac: Found family, redemption arc, assassination attempts, friendship
C'est encore un WIP! J'ai en tête une vague idée de la direction que prendra l'histoire, mais considérant comment ça a changé en cours d'écriture jusqu'à maintenant, qui sait où ça ira. En attendant, ça reste un peu plus de 40k mots à lire...
(shout out à @cremsie pour la commission de qualité qui m'a motivé à reprendre l'écriture du truc. Le premier chapitre a été écrit l'an dernier et j'en ai commissioné une illustration sur un coup de tête !)
(Creme if you see this, biggest thanks again for the incredible commission! Hope you dont mind me posting it here, since it's for the prologue of this fic! The whole thing has passed 40k words, it's by extremely far the longest thing i've ever written and honestly? That good good art is what made it happen)
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flashbic · 12 days
No Archive Warnings Apply / rated T parce que le Lorrain est un peu trop horny pour son propre bien, un peu de angst pour la forme, Le Lorrain/Falconi
Falconi a pris la décision de rejoindre les Cartouchiens. Une décision évidente, et pourtant faire une croix sur le passé se révèle plus difficile qu'il ne l'aurait cru. Alors qu'il se questionne sur sa place au sein de sa nouvelle famille, le Lorrain interrompt ses pensées.
Je voulais attendre d'avoir un dessin pour aller avec celui-là, mais Woups, trop tard. Techniquement ça se passe quelques temps après La Longue Fanfic... qui est pas encore finie, mais c'est pas grave, ça peut probablement se lire tout seul comme si c'était juste un AU.
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flashbic · 18 days
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Cartouche: Prince des faubourgs | Cartouche: Prince of the Streets (Cartoon) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Cartouche - Character, Le Lorrain, Veuve Richard Additional Tags: pre-show shenanigans Summary:
Quelques temps avant le début de la Régence, un nouveau client se présente au Chariot d'Or. Avec ses vêtements luxueux et son allure distinguée, il attire inévitablement l'attention de Cartouche.
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flashbic · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Cartouche: Prince des faubourgs | Cartouche: Prince of the Streets (Cartoon) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Nero Falconi, Philippe II duc d'Orléans Summary:
Les duels étant interdits sur ordre du roi, Falconi paie chèrement son affrontement avec le Lorrain. Abandonné dans une étroite cellule du Grand Châtelet, il attend des jours meilleurs qui, semble-t-il, ne viendront pas. Alors que tout semble sans issue, quelqu'un lui tend la main.
Ça faisait un moment que je voulais écrire un machin qui se passerait un peu après le duel!
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flashbic · 7 months
Fandom: Cartouche: Prince des faubourgs | Cartouche: Prince of the Streets (Cartoon) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Le Lorrain/Nero Falconi Characters: Le Lorrain, Nero Falconi, Cartouche - Character, Fleur d'Épine Additional Tags: Crossdressing, Costume Parties & Masquerades Summary:
Les Cartouchiens profitent d'un bal masqué pour se faufiler au Palais-Royal. Le Lorrain sait mieux que quiconque ce que ça implique: des déguisements somptueux qui empêcheront les autres visiteurs de les reconnaître. Le sien s'avère particulièrement réussi...
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flashbic · 10 months
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"Elle n'apprendra jamais rien si tu ne la corriges pas, imbécile! Qu'est-ce que tu attends?" Tous les regards se tournèrent vers lui. Le Lorrain ne parut pas offusquer du commentaire : il se fendit d'un grand sourire. "Fleur d'Épine apprend mieux avec la pratique. Mais si tu as des opinions sur ma façon d'enseigner, vas-y, je t'écoute…?"
with bonus tiny Fleur d'Épine, who just wanted to do some sword training and unfortunately has to witness this
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flashbic · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Death Machine (1994) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Hayden Cale, Sam Raimi, Weyland (Death Machine), Yutani (Death Machine) Additional Tags: Weyland and Yutani got better bc they deserved to, Post-Canon, AU, fluff i guess? Summary:
It's 2AM and Hayden Cale can't sleep.
@fritz-valentine said something about a post-movie thing, so this happened?
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flashbic · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Death Machine (1994) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: John Carpenter (Death Machine), Scott Ridley Additional Tags: this was supposed to be shippy but i fucked up, AU Summary:
For a mini-fic prompt on tumblr. Scott and John meet at the ER in the middle of the night.
@amandabel1man it’s super short but i had lots of fun writing it?? 
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flashbic · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Original Work Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: OC/OC Additional Tags: just a fuckton of fluff here take it, Dating Summary:
A cute alien and a shitty vampire go on their very first official date.
@kittenfightclub Here’s the thing!! 
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flashbic · 6 years
@spaceviking @kittenfightclub i kinda scribbled a thing because of that one fic prompt ask meme that i didn't reblog last week or so? i didn't mean for it to get low-key depressing, but then it kinda happened and i tried to fix it and i'm not sure if i managed or not. welp.
Scott buys too many things.
The door slammed open and Scott ran inside, and before Raimi could place a single word he grinned this big, almost too large smile of his. It was the one Scott always had when he got particularly excited about something; whether it was firing an employee he didn’t like, watching an contestant he hated lose on a TV show or buying an exorbitantly expensive suit. Whatever the reason was now, Raimi couldn’t help but smile back.
“Sam, you gotta close your eyes, I have to show you something.”
He walked over to the couch where Raimi was sprawled, grabbing him by the arm.
“What, did something amazing happen at work today?” Raimi replied, a chuckle escaping his lips when Scott used his other hand to cover his eyes. “You finally got that new phone you were talking about?”
“Don’t play stupid, come on,” Scott huffed before pushing him through the room and towards the door. “It’s a surprise, and you’re going to fucking love it.”
He led Raimi outside, keeping quiet but almost radiating excitement as he guided him by the arm through the doorway and down the small flight of stairs. They made a turn left and Raimi counted his steps until Scott made him stop on the concrete, near the mailbox. The sun was warm on his face and it was nice to see Scott in such a good mood; the last few weeks had been rough, something about a particularly stressful contract at work, Raimi had to admit his mind had often wondered whenever Scott had tried to explain the details of the whole story. Really, all that matter was that Scott was feeling better now.
“I know this is something you wanted, and I couldn’t resist…”
Raimi grinned. “Is it a dog? ‘Cause I know you said no, but hey, it’s not too late to-”
“It’s not a dog, Sam,” Scott cut him, and though Raimi could hear the smile in his voice he could also imagine him rolling his eyes. “We’ve talked about this, it’s not happening. Plus, this is way better. You’re ready?”
“I was born ready. Ready to own a do-”
“Please shut up.”
Before Raimi could add another word, Scott took his hand away from Raimi’s eyes, letting him see. Blinded by the sunlight for a moment, Raimi blinked, looked around… and his stomach dropped.
In the parking spot, next to Scott’s cherished silver Ferrari was a car. Next to the sleek sports model it looked like a monster; all gleaming black metal and wheels, almost more of a truck than a car, really. The windows were down, and so Raimi could see the leather seats, the hundreds of buttons on the dashboard and, hanging from the mirror, a short gray chain from which hanged a little Millennium Falcon-shaped charm Scott had no doubt added as the final touch to his too-expensive gift. Raimi paled and opened his mouth to speak, but before he could utter a word Scott started rambling excitedly :
“Okay, so, I know it’s big, but you needed a new car, and I figured why not get something you could use to bring along your billion weird friends with you when you go for a drive, right? And then I found this one, and guess what, it’s electric! So you won’t have to feel bad for driving it, and if your friends try to give you shit for it you can just tell them…”
“Scott, it’s-“
“…I swear I tried to find a decal of one of those awful bands you like to put on it, but none of them had any merch, Sam, because turns out you’re their only fan. Or maybe I just didn’t look in the right place, but honestly my first idea seems more plausible. But I guess you can always ask Yutani to design you something if you want, it’s your car after all…”
Raimi grabbed Scott’s arm and squeezed it gently to get his attention.
“I-I can’t accept this. It’s a car.”
“Oh, come on,” Scott laughed. “It’s a just gift. I knew you’d like it.” His smiled weakened a little. “You do like it, right? I can still get a different color if you want, I thought red might be a little too flashy for you, so black seemed like a good pick…”
Raimi shook his head, trying to find the right words to avoid getting into a fight he had already endured a few times before.
“We’ve talked about this before… Scott, I could never afford this car by myself, you can’t just… throw stuff at me like that.”
“It’s a gift, Sam.” Scott replied with a dismissive gesture. “You don’t have to afford it, that’s the entire fucking point.” His smile disappeared as he seemed to grow impatient. “You can just tell me if you don’t like it, it’s fine.”
As always, arguing calmly with Scott Ridley was about as effective as talking to a brick wall. Raimi sighed and ran a hand through his hair, trying to keep his cool. “It doesn’t matter if I like it or not, I can’t accept it. It’s a great car, but I can’t. I bet you paid even more for it than for your own car!”
Scott shrugged, exasperation pointing into his voice. “So what? I just wanted to buy you something nice! You needed a car anyway; I wanted to buy it, and I bought it, and now I’m giving it to you. What’s the fucking problem?”
Raimi sighed and put his hands in the pockets of his hoodie, keeping his eyes on Scott and pointedly avoiding the car.
“I don’t want you to buy me expensive stuff like that! You should’ve asked first, at least. It’s just too much, Scott, I don’t want it. I’d never be able to repay you, and-“
“You don’t owe me anything, you idiot!” Scott interrupted, losing patience. “Why can’t you just take the gift and be fucking happy about it?”
“I’ve told you before!” Raimi snapped. “You’re always buying me all those expensive things, and it’s just… weird, okay? It feels wrong! It’s too much, I don’t want you to be spending so much just for m-“
“For fuck’s sake, Sam, don’t tell me what to do. You’re not my mom. I wanted to spend that money because it’s fun! This was supposed to be nice! Why do you always have to ruin everything?” Scott glared at him, brow furrowed and with that weird, almost manic look in his eyes that Raimi had learned to recognize. It meant Scott was confused, but also fully ready to pick a fight if Raimi was not careful with his next words.
Scott’s inability to understand why shoving an ungodly amount of money in Raimi’s face made him uncomfortable was enough to make Raimi want to bash his head against the nearest wall. It would have been so easy to keep going, to turn this into a full-blown fight. His instincts were screaming at him to do it, to reject the gift harder and make Scott angry because he just never listened when Raimi tried to explain. Still, fighting would not help anyone here, and when he got angry Scott was even less inclined to listen…
So Raimi took a deep breath and tried to calm down. He would try and explain again. He would do it as many times as he would need to, and eventually Scott would understand. It was a work in progress, and a lifetime of bad habits and questionable behaviors could not be changed in just a few months...
Raimi reached out and took Scott’s hand. When he spoke, his voice was serious but calm :
“Let’s go talk inside, okay?”
Scott took one last look towards the black car, seemed to think for a second, then turned his attention to Raimi again. He did not say anything, but followed him back inside the house.
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flashbic · 6 years
this was not supposed to be so fucking long i’m not proofreading it you can’t make me
Inlé Volepelt was born and grew up in Riverleaf, from a family that’s been member of the leatherworkers’ guild for many generations. As the youngest of her family, she probably would’ve been destined to a different line of work, leaving the family trade to her three older brothers, if she hadn’t shown exceptional talent for it. As it was, she got to join the guild instead of being destined to a family life. Despite her skills, she never quite got out of her brothers’ shadow, finding happiness in her work and not paying much attention even if they sometimes took credit for her work.
She was just 17 when she met the man who later became her husband, a smooth-talking merchant from Merrivale who dreamed of one day doing business in Port-Mystere. An observant and smart man, he did not take long to learn the name of the artisan who created some of the sturdiest and most delicate pieces of leather armor sold by the guild, and before long he and Inlé were talking. Where many would’ve seen only a shy girl more interested in her work than in making conversation with strangers, Clay Dewclaw saw an opportunity… For several weeks he visited her almost every day, charming her and making her feel more important than she had ever felt before. He made promises and made her imagine a different life: a life in Port-Mystere, where she would make the most beautiful armors and delicate leather jewelry. It was exciting, and it did not take long for her to fall in love with this man who made her feel unique and important.
When he asked for her hand, she said yes without a hint of hesitation. A few days later, even before they were actually married, they left together for Port-Mystere.
Maybe they could’ve had a good life. A talented salesman, Clay did not struggle with selling all the clothing and items Inlé could make. And for awhile, things were fine… But Clay wanted more. He wanted the lush life of a nobleman, and what money he made never satisfied him. He spent it all, and when he did not have anything left, he started to blame his wife for not providing enough for him to sell. His resentment turned into anger, and before long Inlé found her life more miserable than she could ever have imagined. 
She did not blame her husband; instead she redoubled her efforts, telling herself that if she spent more time working, then things would be fine. Things would go back to the way they had been, and she would be happy again.
Of course, that did not happen. Years went by, and things only got worse. Inlé grew quiet, and developed a gift for attracting as little attention as possible. Her step became silent and her voice nothing but a whisper, when she even bothered talking at all.
It was on a bright summer afternoon that the mage visited the shop. Inlé was tending the counter alone (a thing she had found herself doing more and more as time went on, to the point where she had started bringing some of her crafting tools there instead of working from home), her husband having left early in the morning. The visitor spent a long time looking at the items, asking questions and, surprisingly, showing interest in her work. In return Inlé asked about the man’s field of study, about magic and its workings, soon delighted by his stories of adventure, discoveries and impossible feats. After years of barely talking to anyone, she was starved for conversation, and as the old mage was in no hurry to leave, they spent the major part of the afternoon discussing (the old man doing most the talking as she marveled at his words). He showed her a few simple spells, demonstrating them to her and smiling patiently whenever she asked questions and clumsily attempted them herself, with limited success.
When the old mage finally left the shop, taking with him some jewelry, a pair of gloves and a wolf pelt, Inlé watched him go, her head buzzing with new thoughts and a longing she hadn’t felt in a long time, a desire for a different life, away from the one she had. But of course she could not leave… After all, she was married to a man who, while he often treated her badly, provided her with stability. Over the years, she had learned to accept her situation, and the thought of escaping it terrified her.
And so this longing surely would have died inside of her, if not for Clay. When he came home that night, not having showed up at the shop for the entire day, he was in a horrible mood. He rolled her eyes and snarled when Inlé tentatively mentioned some of the things that had happened to her that day, he showed disdain at the food she served him and, when she dared to ask him where he had spent the day (gambling, attempting to meet someone - anyone – who might’ve helped him make some money real quick), he snapped and screamed at her.
After long years of that same routine, Inlé had been in that same situation far too many times to count…  But for once, she refused to be quiet. In a trembling voice, she spoke again, so low Clay almost did not hear her. And for a second time, she asked where he had spent his day.
It was all Clay needed to lose his patience. He had hurt his wife before, on rare occasions, but never had he been faced with any form of insubordination. This was certainly not something he would tolerate, not even once. He rose from his chair, fangs bared and hackles raised, and grabbed Inlé by the wrist before she could avoid him.
Her reaction was quick and unplanned. When Clay’s hand closed on her wrist, tightening painfully, she cried out and did not even think: her mind went back to the words she had heard earlier that day, to what the old mage had shown her… and before she or Clay could form a single thought, the fingers of her free hand moved and the incantation escaped her lips.
The fire bolt hit him right in the face.
Clay fell back, shrieking in pain, and Inlé did not wait for him to understand what was going on : she ran. Only stopping to grab a change of clothes and the money she had brought home that day, she left the house under the moonlit sky, running as far as she could. She travelled away from Port-Mystere with only two goals in mind: to never set foot in that town another time, and to never cross paths with Clay Dewclaw again.
She travelled alone, each quiet footstep she took lifting the weight on her shoulders a bit more. At night, when she was alone and attempted to get some rest, she practiced the few spells taught to her by the old mage. As she found herself enjoying her newfound freedom (as scary as it still seemed to her a lot of the time), Inlé let her steps guide her to the small town of Ruinscape. There, she found the invitation left by Sherry, a poster that mentioned a new guild. 
If she had to adapt to this new life full of adventure and danger, it would certainly be better to do it with friends…
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flashbic · 7 years
Last sentence
Was tagged by @thestateofardadreaming ! One of those "show the last sentence you wrote" memes :D
Last thing wrote was part of my attempt at translating the Bear Book in French. Still need to get back to it, but here's the last sentence of chapter one:
"Mange, dors et continue d’être poilu; demain tu vas crever."
And for something that's not in French... i had another Bear Book thing in progress. Not sure if i'll finish it, but here you go:
"He missed his Camaro, with its shiny, bright red paint and its comfy, cool leather seats."
Tagging @spaceviking and @kittenfightclub ! Apparently i'm supposed to tag as many people as there are words in the sentence, but lol that's not happening. Maybe @amandabel1man if you feel like it?
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flashbic · 7 years
@spaceviking @kittenfightclub i wrote this weird thing during my no-internet vacation because i just kinda liked the setting but i have NO IDEA what’s going on and oh god just take it and headcanon whatever you want or finish it i don’t care??
When he first saw the car on the side of the road, Weyland almost didn’t stop. He was distracted by the music and by the sound of Raimi (half-asleep on the backseat) and Yutani (on his right, backward on the co-driver seat) arguing about some movie they had both seen but could not remember the ending of. From time to time Weyland intervened in their conversation, throwing some idea around and only making it harder for them to remember, enjoying the confusion.
What made Weyland stop was not the car - a sleek sport model, sharp-looking with its steel-colored paint and gleaming chrome- but the man sitting on the ground next to it. He wore a dark gray suit and black shoes, and his white-blond hair shone under the scorching-hot summer sun. Despite his expensive-looking clothes, the stranger sat in the dust, hugging his knees, his jacket discarded on the ground next to him. 
“Looks like this guy is having car problems,” Weyland said, putting an end to Raimi and Yutani’s conversation.
As Weyland pulled on the side of the road, behind the stranger’s fancy car, Yutani sneered. “And I suppose you know how to fix it.”
Raimi grinned back, remembering Weyland’s latest attempt at fixing their car’s steering wheel, which had almost resulted in tragedy when Raimi had taken the car for a drive and had crashed into a wall not even 2 blocks away from their apartment, unable to turn left when he had needed to. No harm done, but it had been pretty close.
“Maybe he just needs a ride,” Raimi said, getting out of the car as soon as it stopped and walking toward the stranger.
The warm summer wind ruffled his hair as he stepped outside the old white van, its doors speckled with rust and mud, Weyland following close while Yutani got out too but chose to stay behind, rummaging through his pockets to find a joint and a lighter.
The stranger looked up as he heard Raimi approach, and Weyland immediately noticed the way he tensed, his pale blue eyes narrowing just a little, not because of the brightness of the sun but because he was wary of what a trio of strangers in a shitty van might do to him. His gaze settled on Raimi, watching his every move, and Weyland couldn’t help but smile, knowing that, for all his tattoos and tough looks, Raimi would never think of hurting someone without a good reason. Weyland slowed his steps and stayed behind, knowing that if they spooked him too much the stranger might refuse their help even if he needed it.
“Hey man,” Raimi called to him. “Are you okay?”
As he observed the stranger more closely, Weyland noticed more details: his icy-blue eyes were bloodshot, and while his pale hair looked perfect his jaw was badly shaved. The short stubble made the man appear a bit older than he probably was, and Weyland guessed that he was in his late twenties, not much older than Raimi and Yutani. In the dust next to him, close to the jacket, were two empty cigarette packs, an empty water bottle and bits of metal and plastic that looked like they might have been parts of a cellphone once. There were footprints in the dust; long trenches that were the result of someone kicking the ground. Other parts of the broken cellphone were a bit further away.
Someone was having a bad day.
The man looked at Raimi, then turned his attention to Weyland and Yutani before settling on Raimi again. When he spoke his voice had a soft southern drawl to it, and his tone was wary and tired.
“Fuck off.”
Raimi frowned and looked to the ground, noticing the discarded items Weyland had already seen. 
“We probably can’t fix your car, but we can give you a ride to a gas station if you want. What happened?”
The man glared and hugged his knees closer, his fingers digging into the fabric of his pants.
“I’m just sayin’,” Raimi added, still trying to be nice, “Staying here isn’t the best idea, with that sun. There isn’t a lot of people passing through here, and it might be awhile until someone else stops to help.”
He stepped closer and the stranger imperceptibly flinched back, looking with disdain at the hand Raimi held out to him. Still, there was hesitation in the man’s eyes as he seemed to consider Raimi’s words.
“Are you headed north?” he asked, still not touching Raimi’s hand. 
“Nah, east,” Weyland answered. “I don’t mind making a detour if it can help though. What’s your name?”
The stranger barked a humorless laugh, a hard grin tugging on his lips as he stared at Weyland.
“Wouldn’t go back there even if you paid me. Who are you?”
“I’m Weyland.” He nodded toward his friends. “They’re Raimi and Yutani.”
“I’m Scott Ridley.”
He said his name with pride, as if it meant something special, a name to be feared and respected. Weyland did not recognize it.
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flashbic · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Death Machine (1994) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Scott Ridley/Sam Raimi Characters: Scott Ridley, Sam Raimi Additional Tags: gratuitous fluff, featuring Raimi's questionnable taste in movies, Scott/Raimi AU Summary:
It's Christmas! Raimi decides to introduce Scott to one of his favorite movies.
@kittenfightclub here’s a thing! i think @spaceviking had originally sent me a Death Machine/Star Wars crossover prompt, but i couldn’t think of something clever to do with it so this happened.
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