magnetic-tide · 2 months
Well! the sharks won!
and the flames!
nothing else happened at all for the entire rest of the day!
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tbh i do find it fucking hilarious that out of all the 13 books in the a memory of flames series the one with the WORST ebook formatting is
#10. silver kings.
adamantine palace was published in 2009 and the ebook is mostly fine except for some odd spacing here and there around italics.
silver kings? 2015. stripped the formatting right off the fucker. no italics. nothing bold. a+++ gollancz
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sergeifyodorov · 11 months
matty tkachuk 4 character ask >:]
i learned of our dear mr daddyissuesrat from DRAICHUK PRIMERS of all things there were flamesposters determined to get us into it. crazey
he is a far more complex character than some of u may think… actually im not gonna go that far there are too many machuk scholars on this goddamned web site. for the sake of gamegrowing i won’t lament too much more on that but anyway i think he’s really a testament to the power of charisma; if u are a dnd type of guy and u make a dnd character of machuk that is his number 1 stat. yes above strength. he understands more than i would say. Any hockey player out there. the power in knowing that the nhl is a show for people’s entertainment… the glory and gore of it all. he can dance the dance more than the rest of them can. it’s in his nature to play to the audience, love or hate. Very edmund kinglear. 
also watching him skate badly is entertaining as hell
i think theres something really to be said about his failed smythe run… how his dad called the cats soft and then allegedly started the brady’s better chant (brady is better and it’s crucial mattylore that u know that) but he refused to listen and then the cats snuck in. and how after sniping that ot gamewinner he looked at his teammates and told them we will be back here for game seven, and he was right, and they won that too. and also his devastating amount of up-fucking during the carolina series and then the dramatic fall from grace when he broke his sternum in the cup final. war god…
with his current status as the nhl’s protagonist what couldn’t u write w matthew in it… personally i think he’s too genre aware for something weird and bendy and full au-type so you’d have to go abt as mundane with it as u could. keep him in the real world let the people confuse him as opposed to the universe. i think a healthy dose of family drama would do him well. not that he’s not already experiencing that but we know so little about the REAL internal machinations of the tkachuk’s web you could make it go however you like
he literally does not care about leon draisaitl at all (nor vice versa). it was kayfabe he was pushing a narrative…
that being said. He DOES care about a certain soft-spoken finnish captain of his… he and sasha . sasha and matthew. tkacharkov. Marriage 4 the ages get ready because they have 7 more years together to get neASTY in the state of florida… 
now i dont know if u scrape the gossip blogs like i do when i need a little entertainment… i dont believe any of what they say naturally but when a pattern comes up that suits my needs i become intrigued. the gossip blogeurs are saying that matty’s girlfriend is a setup fake relationship for pr purposes and that brady and taryn (or at least brady) hateeee her. because it is not only funny but furthers my queer agenda i am compelled to believe it
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rechiigu · 1 year
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Blue Flames
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yo tasahre is still kicking?!
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lmao i just realized it's been so long since i've reread silver kings that i don't even remember which of the characters survive
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so yeh the berren trilogy is still the low point for now but until now i didn't realize that trilogy #4 is also gonna be set in deephaven (house of cats & gulls is the title of book #12). i like berren's books better this time around, it probably also helps that my english is better now than it was uhhhhh ~10 yrs ago. i still remember that i always mistook "bloody judge" for "bloody juggler" lmao. I'm also a lot better with names now.
almost done with book 5. :3
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silence: you're human, pathetic mayflies, you have no purpose but to feed us, what could you possibly offer us?
jaslyn: cuddles?
silence: ...ngl i'm a bit tempted here
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god i love being the entirety of the barely active fandom but i've restarted reading A Memory of Flames yesterday, now that the 4th trilogy is completed, and i forgot how much FUN this is. super problematic. but so much FUN! it's also my first time reading 1-3 in english (wait hang on i knew i had one of the first 3 in english and i just glanced at my shelf and it's literally the first book lmao wtf so it's not my first time reading book 1 in english but anyway) and i'm noticing so many good stupid puns :D it's a fun grimdark read and i love the concept even though a lot of the initial work gets retconned within the first trilogy and plenty of it doesn't make sense but :D God I Love These Books
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