#first time listen late night aug 7/early morning aug 8
365albums · 4 years
artist: Art Blakey & the Jazz Messengers
album: Moanin’
year: 1959
Art Blakey – drums
Lee Morgan – trumpet
Benny Golson – tenor saxophone
Bobby Timmons – piano
Jymie Merritt – bass
-I like every single part of Moanin’ (title track), esp the ending, just a really good number
-I love all of the solos in Are You Real, and the trumpet in Along Came Betty
-the drums leading into the BURST of trumpet ~2 min into Drum Thunder Suite!! so so good
-blues march isn’t my favorite, it’s good but it is a bit of a letdown after the super strong opening tracks. come rain or shine brings it back up to Great again though, and the alternate take of moanin’ is a great closer
-I really loved Lee Morgan on this, and I’ve heard his name before but didn’t realize he was on so many famous records
-the album is considered Hard Bop, which is said to originate w art blakey/the jazz messengers. there’s some stuff on wikipedia about hard bop vs bebop vs cool jazz, i definitely want to read more about it and listen to more albums. can’t let p schaap down!
-overall, really really good! I ordered the record bc I like the album so much
0 notes
orthodoxydaily · 4 years
Saints&Reading: Wed., Aug. 12, 2020
Commemorated on July 30_Julian Calendar
     The Holy Disciples from the Seventy: Silas, Sylvanus (Siluanos), Crescentius, Epenetos and Andronikos (1st c.)
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     The Disciple from the Seventy, Saint Silas, was a respected figure in the original Church at Jerusalem, "of the chief men amongst the brethren" (Acts 15: 22). The Council of the Apostles was convened at Jerusalem in the year 51 to deal with the question, whether it be necessary for Christians converted from among the Gentile-pagans to observe the (Old Testament) Mosaic Law [the Law-code contained in the Pentateuch, or Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament]. The Apostles afterwards sent a message with Paul and Barnabas to the Antioch Christians, in which they reported by resolve of the Council, Christians of Gentile-pagan origin were free from having to observe the prescripts of the Mosaic Law. But it was prescribed for them, nonetheless, that they refrain of partaking of foods offered to idols, from things strangled and from blood, to refrain from fornication, and to do naught else than that which be seemly (Acts 15: 20-29). Together with Saints Paul and Barnabas, the Council of the Apostles sent along members of the Jerusalem Church, Saints Silas and Jude, to explain the message in greater detail, since they both were filled with the indwelling grace of the Holy Spirit. Saint Jude thereafter was sent back to Jerusalem, but Saint Silas remained at Antioch and zealously assisted Saint Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, on his missionary journeys preaching the Gospel. They visited Syria, Cilicia, Macedonia.      In the city of Philippi they were accused of inciting unrest among the people, and for this they were arrested, thrashed with canes, and then thrown into prison. At midnight, when the holy saints were at prayer, suddenly there occurred a strong earthquake, their chains fell off from them and the doors of the prison opened. The prison guard, supposing that the prisoners had fled, wanted to kill himself, but was stopped by the Apostle Paul. Then, all atremble he fell down at the feet of the saints, and with faith accepted their "euangelos" ("good-news") about Christ. He then led them out of the prison and took them to his own home, where he washed their wounds, and was baptised together with all his household.      From Philippi Saints Paul and Silas proceeded on to the cities of Amphypolis, Apollonia and Soluneia (Thessalonika). In each city they made new converts to Christ and built up the Church.      At Corinth the holy Disciple Silas was ordained bishop, and he there worked many a miracle and sign, and there too he finished his life.      The Holy Disciple Sylvanus (Siluanos) preached the Word of God together with the chief Apostles Peter and Paul. In his First OEcumenical Epistle, the holy Apostle Peter makes mention of him: "This in brief have I written to ye through Sylvanus, your true brother, I do think..." (1 Pet. 5: 12). Saint Sylvanus was made bishop at Soluneia (Thessalonika) and died there a martyr, having undergone many a sorrow and misfortune for the Lord's sake.      About the Holy Disciple Crescentius the holy Apostle Paul makes mention in his Second Epistle to Timothy (2 Tim. 4: 10), saying that Crescentius had gone preaching to Galatia. He was made bishop there, and afterwards he preached the Word of God in Gaul (modern-day France). In the city of Vienna (modern-day Austria) the holy Disciple Crescentius established his student Zacharius as bishop. Having returned to Galatia, he died a martyr under the emperor Trajan (98-117).      The Holy Disciple Epenetus was made bishop at Carthage. In his Epistle to the Romans, the holy Apostle Paul writes: "Greet my dear Epenetus, who is from the beginnings in Achaia [alt. Asia] for Christ" (Rom. 16: 5).      The Disciple Andronicus is mentioned also in this same Epistle by the Apostle Paul: "Greet Andronicus and Junia [June], my kinsfolk, famed amongst the Apostles and even before me believing in Christ" (Rom. 16: 7). The holy Disciple Andronicus was bishop in Pannonia (modern-day Hungary) (Comm. of Saints Andronicus and Junia is 17 May).
© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.
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Hiero-Confessor Anatole II, Potapov the “Younger” of Optina (1922)
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Saint Anatole the Younger (Alexander Potapov in the world) longed to be a monk from his youth. His mother would not give her blessing for this, so he entered Optina monastery only after her death.
Anatole lived in the Skete for many years as cell attendant to Saint Ambrose (October 10). After his death Father Anatole functioned as an Elder, even though he was still a deacon.
Saint Anatole received everyone with love, and there were always crowds of visitors at his cell. He got very little sleep, since the people would not leave his cell until late at night.
The Elder was always very kind and ready to help anyone who came to him with problems or sorrows. One day he was visited by a man whose family had no roof over their head, and little money. No one was able to help him, so he began to drink. Then he decided to leave his wife and children and look for work in Moscow. Somehow he decided to go to Optina first and speak with Father Anatole.
As he was blessing the man, Saint Anatole tapped him lightly on the head. Then the man said that he wanted to die. When questioned by the Elder, the man poured out his whole story. Father Anatole listened patiently, blessed him again and told him that he would move into a new home in three days. This indeed came to pass, and the man’s whole life changed.
In the early 1920s Saint Anatole was mocked and tormented by soldiers of the Red Army. He endured much suffering, but continued to receive visitors. He was supposed to be arrested on July 22, 1922, but asked for time to prepare himself.
Soldiers came the next morning and asked the Elder’s cell attendant if he was ready. Father Barnabas invited them to come in, and they found Father Anatole lying in his coffin. The Lord had taken him during the night to spare him further suffering.
The Moscow Patriarchate authorized local veneration of the Optina Elders on June 13, 1996. The work of uncovering the relics of Saints Leonid, Macarius, Hilarion, Ambrose, Anatole I, Barsanuphius and Anatole II began on June 24/July 7, 1998 and was concluded the next day. However, because of the church Feasts (Nativity of Saint John the Baptist, etc.) associated with the actual dates of the uncovering of the relics, Patriarch Alexey II designated June 27/July 10 as the date for commemorating this event. The relics of the holy Elders now rest in the new church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God.
The Optina Elders were glorified by the Moscow Patriarchate for universal veneration on August 7, 2000.
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Corinthians 16:4-12 
4 But if it is fitting that I go also, they will go with me.
5 Now I will come to you when I pass through Macedonia (for I am passing through Macedonia).
6 And it may be that I will remain, or even spend the winter with you, that you may send me on my journey, wherever I go.
7 For I do not wish to see you now on the way; but I hope to stay a while with you, if the Lord permits.
8 But I will tarry in Ephesus until Pentecost.
9 For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.
10 And if Timothy comes, see that he may be with you without fear; for he does the work of the Lord, as I also do.
11 Therefore let no one despise him. But send him on his journey in peace, that he may come to me; for I am waiting for him with the brethren.
12 Now concerning our brother Apollos, I strongly urged him to come to you with the brethren, but he was quite unwilling to come at this time; however, he will come when he has a convenient time.
1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, To the church of God which is at Corinth, with all the saints who are in all Achaia:
2Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,
4 who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
5 For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds through Christ.
6 Now if we are afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effective for enduring the same sufferings which we also suffer. Or if we are comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation.
7 And our hope for you is steadfast, because we know that as you are partakers of the sufferings, so also you will partake of the consolation.
Matthew 21:28-32
28 But what do you think? A man had two sons, and he came to the first and said, 'Son, go, work today in my vineyard.'
29 He answered and said, 'I will not,' but afterward he regretted it and went.
30 Then he came to the second and said likewise. And he answered and said, 'I go, sir,' but he did not go.
31 Which of the two did the will of his father? They said to Him, "The first." Jesus said to them, "Assuredly, I say to you that tax collectors and harlots enter the kingdom of God before you.
32 For John came to you in the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him; but tax collectors and harlots believed him; and when you saw it, you did not afterward relent and believe him.
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Gen Con 2018 Survival Guide
This guide is the 2018 version of a guide that I did in both 2016 and 2017. My goal has always been to put a lot of useful Gen Con information in one place for beginners.  Gen Con can be a confusing convention because of the incredibly amount of variety available to attendees, and it really requires some preparation before attending.  The worst thing you can do as a beginner is to just show up and expect everything to run smoothly.  My best advice for newbies is to add some structure to your day (1 or 2 events), keep plenty of open time for exploring, and then try to utilize open gaming and special events during the evenings, depending on your interests.
I've also found that many folks who have been attending for years still mostly only focus on the exhibit hall, so there might be some new information here even for those people.  Gen Con is MUCH more than just the exhibit hall, but it takes some planning to find all the open gaming and extra fun stuff.
Important Links
(Permanent link for this guide)
(event FAQ)
(the best mobile site for all GC events, also tracks changes to the database)
(another option for browsing events)
(a good place to find touristy attractions)
(annual list of new releases/demo’s by Board Game Geek, NOTE that is the 2017 version, the 2018 version is not available yet, I’ll update when it becomes available)
(hashtag for pickup games)
 Future Show Dates
-Gen Con 2019: Aug 1 - 4, 2019
-Gen Con 2020: July 30 - Aug 2, 2020
-Gen Con 2021: Aug 5 - 8, 2021
-Gen Con 2022: Aug. 4 - 7, 2022
General Tips -Registration and badge pickup starts on Wed at noon and is open 24 hours from that point on. There will be a line at noon on Wed, but it will quickly die down. The shortest wait time is in the early afternoon (or very late night) on Wed.  It is far preferable to register Wed night rather than Thursday morning. -Try not to register on Thursday morning if you can avoid it, it gets very busy. Also give yourself time to get through the registration line.  It’s best not to schedule any events at 9am, especially if you get there at say, 8:30am. -After you pick-up your badge, don't forget to pick up your coupon book (it’s a separate line). The coupon book is a great value, and includes a lot of freebies for the exhibit hall, local restaurants, and other assorted things. -Don't bother lining up to enter the exhibit hall before it opens on Thursday unless you're desperate to race for some new release game or promo that might sell out. Honestly, it’s hot, uncomfortable, and claustrophobic. Wait until 10:15 or so after the initial crush has died down.  If you want to watch the opening ceremony it’s far nicer to watch from the 2nd floor balcony. -Make sure to pack some snacks and bring a water bottle. Water gets hard to come by, and the vending machines will often sell out.
-Outlets can be hard to find inside the convention center, so bring a portable battery pack if you think you’ll need it.
-Try not to carry around tons of bags of new games. We've found that this ruins our con experience. Only buy games when you know you're on your way back to your hotel.  If you’re not staying downtown, try to find somebody that will let you store your purchases for the day.  Or at the very least bring the back to your car instead of walking around the convention with heavy bags all day.  Also, don't be that person dragging a rolling suitcase. They are annoying for everybody. -Use hand sanitizer regularly, colds tend to spread quickly at game conventions.  Probably a good idea to pack some personal care items if you expect to be away from your hotel for most of the day.
-Programs are available in multiple kiosks near the registration line.  We always grab one as a collector’s item, but for practical purposes, this mobile app is much easier to use to find events:
-Many downtown hotels are connected to the Indy convention center via a skywalk system, so it might be a good idea to learn how to move between the skywalks prior to the convention. Especially if its really hot or rainy outside, and you want to stay indoors:
Food and Drink -Most of the Gen Con  food trucks are located on Georgia Street, just outside the main entrance to the convention center. Additionally, some are also located along S. Capitol ave.  You can see a map here:
(The final map for 2018 will be posted a few weeks before the convention)
-Here are some recommended Indy food trucks:
They are nice, but there is a long wait during peak times. Only use the food trucks at odd hours! You'll thank me later when you're not covered in sweat after waiting 40 minutes for a slice of pizza. -The convention center food is overpriced and generally very subpar. With so many good options nearby, I don’t recommend the convention center food for anything other than a quick cup of coffee. -Use the nearby restaurants. There are a lot of them within walking distance. Restaurants with theme menu's, decorations and freebies (sponsored by Gen Con exhibitors):
-On Wed night on Georgia Street, there is always a beer tapping/opening party.  In addition, you can find various events going on during the week:
-Scotty's Brewhouse (better food than the RAM, sponsored by Paizo)
-The RAM (nearby, but very crowded, mediocre food and service, only use at non-peak times, sponsored by Privateer Press).
-The Tavern on South turns into the Munchkin Tavern sponsored by SJG.
Other good options: -Indiana City Market (a healthy walk, but the options are fantastic, it’s similar to the Columbus market for those of you who go to Origins, though smaller).  There is also a farmers market on Wed if you arrive to Gen Con a day early.
-Haveli Indian Cuisine (buffet, great food, very fast, close to the convention center).
-Claddagh Irish Pub (hardly ever a wait for food, also delicious).
-Yard House (chain, but lots of beer options, food is only ok).
-Cafe Patachou (great breakfast option).
-Rathskellar (Bavarian food and music, walkable, but a bit farther away)
-Bru Burger Bar (Good burgers and beer)
-St. Elmo’s Steakhouse (upscale, famous for their shrimp cocktail and being on an episode of Parks and Rec):
-Palomino (upscale Mediterranean, with vegan options)
-Bee Coffee Roasters (Best coffee nearby, caters to Gen Con, but very busy)
-Hubbard and Cravens (coffee and tea shop, centrally located)
-Cups Coffee and Tea (new place, opening on N Illinois St)
There are Starbucks’s in the following connected hotels:
-Marriot, Sheraton, J.W. Marriot, Hyatt Regency
Play Games -If you're a fan of Board Game media outlets like the Dice Tower, Secret Cabal or Shut Up and Sit Down you might get the impression that Gen Con is primarily a trade show, based solely on their news coverage and interviews.  I’ve been listening to these channels for years, and I can confidently say they don’t understand the convention from an average attendee’s perspective.  They only understand it from a media and promotion perspective.  Most BG media outlets focus on the new release games at the convention, and hardly ever explore the gaming at the convention. They will often say "it’s hard to play games at Gen Con".  Nothing is farther from the truth.  The truth is that Gen Con is primarily about playing games, you just need to explore the event list and open gaming areas and venture out into those places.  Media folks choose to do media related things at the convention, and they don’t actively seek out areas to play games.  My goal here is to help you find out where and how to play games easily and successfully.
People at Gen Con are playing games at EVERY available room in the following locations:
-ICC first floor -ICC 2nd floor
-Lucas Oil Stadium
-Lucas Oil walkway -Union Station -Hyatt Regency -Crown Plaza -Embassy Suites -JW Marriot -Marriot downtown -Omni -Westin
 In contrast, the exhibit area is less than ½ the total area of just the ICC first floor, and less than 1/10 of the total convention. The vast majority of the rest of the space (multiple ballrooms, every room in the ICC, and all convention space in Lucas Oil Stadium and ALL of the 8 connected hotels) is mostly gaming or related events. Gen Con is basically a gaming city. -It's not hard to play games at Gen Con, but unlike smaller “open play” conventions, you have to do a little planning in advance. You have 4 options: gaming in the exhibit hall, official open gaming, events, and unofficial open gaming. Events -Use the following website to find events: http://gencon.eventdb.us/
You can see new events as they are added to the event list here:
-Or the following app:
Both are mobile friendly and will be available at the convention. -Try and schedule a couple of events each day, but absolutely don't overbook yourself. It's important to have some structure to your day, but you're also going to want time to explore all of the interesting stuff around you.  For beginners I would suggest less than 4 hours of events each day. -Purchase some generic tickets so you can jump in on a game that is short on players.  Generic tickets allow you to just jump into an event that still needs players, without booking in advance.  Each ticket has a value of $2.00, so if the event is $6.00 you’ll need three tickets. The best place to do this is in the event ballrooms for Board, CCG and Mini events, and the Lucas Oil stadium. If you're into RPG's, they use the ballrooms on the 2nd floor (Paizo) or the connected hotels (Westin, Hyatt, J.W. Marriot etc.). -Unused tickets for scheduled events can be used as generic tickets at other events. Your event organizers should know this, but sometimes you need to explain it. If you miss an event, you can still get your money back this way. -Take note that the Board + Card game categories are at this point the majority of events at the convention. Even now, there are lots of spaces available to play interesting board games. -Don't schedule back-to-back events, especially if one is in the ICC and another is in a hotel. Give yourself some time to travel, and recognize that sometimes games run long. Tournaments are especially notorious for running over time.  The Magic CCG events ran by Past Times typically run an hour or two longer then they should, mainly because they are very disorganized.
-Make sure to get to your event location 10 minutes or so before it starts.  Especially since there may be people that are trying to get in with generic tickets.  If you’re not on time, your spot might be given away to somebody with generics. Open Gaming -The official place for open board gaming is the library and pick-up play area (under the Isle of Misfit events). This year it will be located on the floor of the Lucas Oil Stadium. It's a pretty good deal if you're going to stay there for a large block of time. Most people use this area to find other folks that want to just open game. Like other conventions, there are flags indicating "players wanted". The library is large, but will lack new releases and many euro classics. It's a step below the CABS library at Origins, but has been growing considerably in quantity and quality.
-Starting in 2018, open gaming space is available at the J.W. Marriot:
Location: JW Mariott: Grand Ballrooms 5 and 6
Hours: Thursday 8 am to Sunday 4 pm
Library tickets can be purchased here:
You can track the new additions to the library on their Facebook page:
-Games on Demand events are for open RPG gaming (once again under Isle of Misfit events):
-LARPS on Demand:
There are TONS of open gaming opportunities sponsored by companies or by game groups. Many of them are free. Here are some highlights for this year: -The Rio Grande room is always free to play games. They will often provide free food as well (located on the 2nd floor of the ICC):
-The Nerd Nighters are sponsoring a free "nerd night" for charity event, which will be mostly open board gaming, but also raffles and auctions:
-BGG is hosting a "hot games" room for the 3rd time at Gen Con.  This will include open play of new release games for 2 hour blocks of time: http://gencon.eventdb.us/title.php?EventType=ZED&Title=BGG+Hot+Games+Room
-AEG big game night http://gencon.eventdb.us/title.php?EventType=ZED&Title=AEG%27s+Big+Game+Night
-First Exposure Playtesting
-Ravensburger Game Demos
-Play the Best from Protospiel
-Gamecrafter Community Game Night
-Various game nights sponsored by Stonemaier Games
 -Carnival of the Damned
-Puffing Billy Ribbon (train games)
Unofficial open gaming -The Gen Con hashtag #genconpug is used by many to find potential players. It's a great resource. -You and your friends can use any open table in the gaming ballrooms if they are not being used for scheduled events. Just go to the appropriate HQ desk (Board Game, CCG, Mini, RPG) and ask for an open table. There are tons of tables open past 7pm and before noon, but very few during peak times. -The hotel lobbies at all surrounding hotels are gaming hot spots. You can often get in on games this way. -Wed night open gaming is mostly in hotel lobbies, the Union Station, and the food court tables in the ICC.
-The corridor between the ICC and Lucas Oil Stadium is lined by vintage arcade games near the ICC, but then later by open gaming tables towards the stadium.  This is a nice quiet area for open gaming. Exhibit Hall
-The 2018 map can be found here:
This is a nice list of all the exhibitors and most of their websites:
-ALL gaming in the exhibit hall is free. Just make sure you know if they are allowing full games, or only shortened demo versions before you start. Many companies will let you play the full game, but not all. -Thursday and Saturday are the busiest. Friday and Sunday are the slowest and the best option for moving well through the exhibit hall and getting in on demo games. -Many companies run special (free) events at their booths. Flying Frog Games for example has Shadows of Brimstone play and painting events all convention long that are not advertised in the event list. However, these in booth events are often printed in the onsite program book. -Many companies give out promos at their booths, but not all of them announce it! You should always ask if there are promos while you're purchasing an item. -Just about all the exhibitors take credit cards. But don't use credit, bring cash. The wireless in the ICC is very slow and often goes down. If you try and pay by card, you'll constantly run into problems. Cash is more flexible, faster, and helps lines move quicker. You can haggle with vendors and resellers, but not with the publishers (or at least you shouldn't). -If you are trying to quickly maneuver through the exhibit hall, try and avoid the following booths while walking since they create bottlenecks: -FFG -Paizo -Asmodee
Unless of course one of those booths is your destination.  Walking along the outside of the exhibit hall tends to be fastest if you need to get somewhere fast.  More specifically, walking along the back wall is the easiest way to get around. In general, it’s always slow moving in the exhibit hall, so plan accordingly. -Make sure to check out the art show in the exhibit hall, even if you aren't planning on buying anything. Many of the artists are really talented. You can pay the artists directly, and if you ask they usually have no problem signing it for you. -Feel free to take pictures of cosplayers (with their permission, always) outside the exhibit hall, but NOT IN THE EXHIBIT HALL. If you do this, everyone at the convention will hate you. This is one of the main reasons why traffic slows down in the exhibit hall.
-While we’re at it, please be respectful of everyone in costume. They want to enjoy the convention as well. Take pictures when they are posing, but not when they are trying to play a game or shopping. Use your people skills.  Constant picture demands are really frustrating for people that want to enjoy the convention as well. -If you're interested in new releases, be sure to ask which days/times the booth will be releasing them for sale. Publishers will often follow a schedule, e.g., 100 copies each morning at 11am. Or 200 on Thursday at 10am, and another 200 at Saturday at 10am.
Mega Games, Entertainment Events, and other Cool Stuff
-I think it’s important as part of your Gen Con experience to find a few special events that you could never do at a small convention.  Here are some ideas for 2018.
-National Security Decision Making Games
-Two Rooms and Boom
-Escape Rooms (we find the ones ran by CU adventures inside the convention to be the best)
-Gen Con Survivor
-Ruins of Atlantis Masquerade Ball
-Gen Con Dance
 Parking and Transportation -If you're commuting into the convention, don't even try and get a parking space nearby unless you arrive before 8am. It won't be possible and you'll get really frustrated trying to enter the parking garages with hordes of people wandering by. Find one that doesn't allow overnight parking (those fill first) a good 5-10 blocks away and just walk. -If you're staying downtown and just need to stash your car for a few days overnight, you can use one of the nearby (e.g., mall) garages if you don't mind paying $25/night, or you can use an uncovered lot a good 5-10 blocks way for $5-10/night.
-Park Whiz and Spot Hero are good resources for finding parking spots:
-Lyft is good in Indianapolis, and Gen Con has a special partnership and discounts with them this year:
-Gate 10 parking is the official parking vendor for Gen Con.  They are located about a 25 minute walk from most downtown hotels, and also offer a shuttle, but in our experience it can be pretty slow:
Auction -The Gen Con auction is fantastic, and is a long-lasting tradition at the convention. It's located across the hallway from the exhibit hall on the first floor of the ICC. -All items need to be listed in advance at: http://www.livegameauctions.com/ -You cannot spontaneously bring items to sell that you did not preregister at the website above. Don't be that guy who wheels 50 board games into the convention center to sell without preregistering them, you'll have to wheel them straight back out. -The live auction runs from Thursday morning to Saturday night, and there are multiple theme sessions.  The charity/collectable auction tends to have interesting and valuable items.
-They will post the schedule outside the main door on Thursday. -People can list items in the auction store if they are below $50 (prereg still required). This is the best place to get amazing deals at the entire convention. There is often a line to get into the store, especially at peak times.  Keep checking back at the auction store throughout the convention, because items that don’t sell via regular auction will get added to the store.
-Check out this forum in June and especially July.  There will be a virtual flea market for 2018, and math trade as well:
Explore and try things outside your comfort zone -Gen Con fills every single room and all event space in the following: -ICC first floor -ICC 2nd floor -Union Station -Hyatt Regency -Crown Plaza -Embassy Suites -JW Marriot -Marriot downtown -Omni -Westin -Explore these areas! You'll often find weird little events, people doing silly things, or gaming options you didn't know existed. This is the real Gen Con, and it goes far beyond rushing for new releases in the exhibit hall. -The hallway going to the Lucas Oil stadium is lined with vintage arcade games, and you can also do all sorts video gaming in other areas, usually found on the 1st floor of the ICC:
-There are tons of newbie friendly RPG games for Call of Cthulhu, Dungeons and Dragons, and Pathfinder. Same for miniature games.  2 hour “learning events” are very common, and a good way to get a taste of a brand new gaming system. It’s usually pretty easy to find space in these events, or get in with generics. -True Dungeon and anime events are in the stadium. Even if you didn't sign up for True Dungeon I would recommend taking a walk down to the stadium and checking out their free area. It's a pretty incredible fantasy set-up they have (think haunted house but for D&D). If you do sign up for True Dungeon as a newbie, make sure to arrive 20-30 minutes early. There will be people available to help you make your character. It's extremely simple and you don't need to worry about the rules, it’s very intuitive. -The area outside on Georgia Street will have live entertainers, parties and other special events each evening.
-Check out the 2nd floor of the ICC, you'll often find underused areas: -Rio Grande Room -Open Crafting Room -The Quiet room (room 211) if you need to relax and get away from the crowds. -The mini paint-and-take (free) and the display cases with the winners of the various mini painting competitions.
-Kids activities are located at the Lucas Oil Stadium this year.  There will be large “kids zone”, but always ask about supervision and don’t just drop your kid off without asking:
-Werewolf and other social games (two rooms and a boom, the resistance) pop up like weeds in the ICC hallways starting around 11pm. Don't feel weird about asking to join, these groups are accommodating to everybody.  The more the merrier. -The convention is open 24 hours and there is always people around playing games, though it dies down between 3am - 8am. Many restaurants and bars are open most of the night in downtown Indy, some like Scotty's pretty much never close during the convention.  White Castle and Steak and Shake are good last resorts if you’re desperate for late night food quickly.
-Check out the seminar list, especially if you’re interest in game design, writing, or industry trends:
-Most importantly, go outside your comfort zone.  Try something completely new.  Do a demo of a new type of game in the exhibit hall, try a totally new type of event like the National Security Decision Making Games, an Escape Room, or type of board game you normally wouldn’t play.  GC offers plenty of opportunity to try new things. Hope this helps!
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