#first person to tell me vincent is wearing a cape and not a coat gets gutted ok i know. i know. shh. it's for the joke and it IS iconic
stirdrawsandreblaws · 9 months
friend had an idea and i made a thing based on it. behold:
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walteinsamkeit · 4 years
So @gdrawsthings​ “challenged” me to do the 10 outfits from animation I wish I owned challenge and it’s the last day of the decade so imma let my weeb ass out I guess. 1. Undertaker’s robes, Kuroshitsuji
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You can make fun of me as much as you want but I don’t care: this is legitimately the coolest outfit I’ve ever laid eyes on and I’ve had this opinion for over a decade. Not only is it a very accurate representation of the actual costume Victorian funeral mutes wore, it’s also just rad as fuck and you can’t convince me otherwise. I would wear this every single day. I would never take it off. Love what he’s done with the mourning lockets. You can tell this man knows what he’s doing even though he’s batshit insane. That’s the energy I wanna take with me into 2020.
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It also just looks comfortable as hell and it’s layered so I won’t get cold.
2. The Foreign Set, from Bloodborne
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Simple, dapper, effective. Everything a good outfit should be. I love the colors. I can see myself accompanying my wife to tea in this, as well as cutting roses in the garden, or working on a taxidermy project.  3. Ardyn Izunia’s outfit, from Final Fantasy XV.
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I want people to be able to look at me and know one thing with absolute certainty: this man is here to look extra and be gay.
4. Vincent Valentine’s cape, from Final Fantasy VII.
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Now that I’m on my weeb shit anyway let’s get it over with. I’ve never known for sure whether I wanted to BE Vincent or whether I wanted to be WITH Vincent. Now I’m gay AND edgy. He always kinda reminds me of a wraith, with that ragged red cape of his. I think that’s very sexy of him. 5. Madam Red/Angelina Dalles’ red dress, Kuroshitsuji.
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Haha gottem you thought I was done didn’t ya. Well you thought wrong. I love this dress. The color, the bustle, the style - a bit reminiscent of the Victorian side-saddle riding habit, especially because of its shorter length. Lovely! 6. Glacia’s dress, Pokémon.
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I love the color and the cut. It’s simple, sweet and graceful. The gloves do me in every time. 7. Mal’Damba’s Chancellor outfit, Paladins: Champions of the Realm
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Although I love his default outfit just as much if not more it’s not a very practical thing to wear so I went with his Chancellor coat for this one. It looks stately and fancy at the same time. This man is probably a scholar. You can probably trust him. You probably shouldn’t. That’s a look I could go for.  8. Skye’s Heartbreaker outfit, Paladins: Champions of the Realm.
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This? Fits my personal brand perfectly. Hear me out. It’s cute. It’s frilly. It makes you wonder if I suck dick for a living! Why, I might! Wouldn’t you like to know? Buy me a drink first. Just kidding. Please leave me alone. I didn’t come out of my cave for the first time this month just to be harassed. I just want to sip my malibu cola and look on fleek. I even bought waterproof mascara for the occasion. (Also I think my girlfriend would love to see me wear this.) 9. McCree’s serape, Overwatch.
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I’m sorry @ my girlfriend, I’ll probably never wash it and it will end up smelling like wet dog and dirt. Not cigarettes, though. I know you don’t like when I smoke. I couldn’t just finish this goddamn thing without at least one cowboy outfit. I had to include all my aesthetics and McCree has a very special place in my heart. What I’m trying to say is: I’m gay.  10. Widowmaker’s Black Lily skin, Overwatch.
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At this point I’m beginning to question how many of the stuff that made it on this list qualifies as animation and also at this point I’ve decided that I have been working on this for too long to care. This dress is phenomenal. The purple, the lilies on the fabric, even the shoes look amazing. Maybe it’s because she’s purple herself. You can’t go wrong with purple on purple. I may not be purple, but I’m always cold, so I’m as close to it as I can be without being dead.  I’m not going to tag anyone but if you want to do this you can go right ahead and say I tagged you. This took me approximately ten hours and 20 years off my life expectation but I had to finish it before the end of the decade. Happy new year fuckers. Have a good one. Loki out.
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