#fionn whitehead headcannons
theoutsidies · 5 years
Dating Fionn Whitehead Headcannons
•spoils you so much
-he takes you to get your nails done, takes you shopping, takes you to the salon, buys you food, whatever
“This is such a cute shirt!” You hold the piece of clothing up to your body.
“Okay, lets get it.” Fionn says already walking towards the checkout line.
•complimets daily!
“How did a bloke like me end up with such a pretty girl like you?”
“You look very cute in my sweater.”
“You’re so adorable!” He says as he pinches your cheeks, “my little princess.”
-and if you deny the compliments, he will not stop repeating it until you do accept it
“You’re so beautiful.”
“Not really.”
• G E N T L E M E N !! He’s opening doors for you, pulling the chair out for you, kisses your hand, takes your coat, and just respects you.
- but he’s also a geek
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” he sighes, “I can’t protect you. I’m not a tough,macho man.”
“What? We’re just watching Coraline”
-he also loves to tease the crap outta of you
-he likes to pick you up a lot. He likes to come up behind you and pretend to be a kidnapper, which terrifies you, but Fionn thinks he’s absolutely hilarious. He also likes to hold you like a potato sack and spin you around until you get dizzy, again he thinks he’s so hilarious.
-Aww he’s such a cheeky monkey :)
Fionn does this thing where he acts like he bite his tongue or cheek, and makes you check inside his mouth. But when you get close enough to his mouth he just kisses you, leading to a heated makeout session. Which was his goal the whole time
-your hands are always inside his
•DATes are soooo Romantic
-the first few ones were nice, usually at a restaurant
-but the deeper into the relationship, the usual date is cooking something at home, snuggling on the couch while watching a movie.
•speaking of cuddling, Fionn kinda hates it
-his arm wrapped around your shoulders while watching a movie, that’s GREAT! But when his arm loses blood circulation, and his face is covered in your hair, that’s when he wants to stop
-the only long cuddling position he accepts is him laying on his back while you lay on top of him. Your head pressed against his chest while your legs are intertwined.
“Y/N,” he shakes you, trying to wake you up, “I can’t feel my arm anymore.”
• the relationship was a secret
-so y’all were at a grocery store in the fruit/veggie section. You were busy looking at the shopping list when Fionn went up to you, squeezed your boobs, and said “These melons are ripe.”
- and you knew if someone caught Fionn touching you or caught you displaying affection to each other the relationship would be exposed, but you just had to kiss him. I mean, one lil kiss shouldn’t hurt. Boi were you wrong
-a friend texted you a photo of you & Fionn kissing at the store, it looked like it was taken by some paparazzi.
-like you know that iconic “oh oh oh ohhhh” in Big Time Rush when something goes bad, that’s basically what happened.
-you did get some backlash from fans, but when all the comments got to your head, Fionn was right there next to you, comforting you. Whispering sweet things into your ear.
•Kissing is amazing!
-Fionn absolutely loves putting Lil kisses all over your face when your busy doing something
-he’s so adorable, ugh, you both blow kisses to each other ,he catches the kiss in his hand and puts it in his pocket
-you’ll never admit it to yourself but one time you were laying on the couch( your head dangling off the couch) and he came over and did that iconic Spider-Man kiss, and you really liked and you both couldn’t stop giggling after
-holds your face when kissing, he likes to know that he’s got you and he’s protecting you
-making out is hot, so hot
-he gets really adventurous when in the mood
-Fionn loves making you flustered, and will study every different technique on kissing just to learn how to make you have more pleasure
-one time y’all were making out and he SUCKED ON YOUR TONGUE
he saw how your eyes went wide and was satisfied with himself
-if you play with his hair while making out he will groan into your mouth
-Also if you kiss his chest or collarbones he will cum in his pants
•Supportive Couple? Very much,Yes
-When you force him to watch his movies with you, he never pays attention to the film. But he watches you, and finds it adorable how you admire him
-you sometimes vist on set and stand to the side as they film
“How did I do today, love?” He asks wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
“Amazing as always.” You pucker your lips up for a kiss as he leans toward you
-one time He got very self conscious of his smile.
“My teeth are so gross.” He shared as studied his smile in the mirror again.
“No. You have a very pretty smile.”
“Do I really?” He flashed smiled at you. One that made you heart swoon.
“Yes. I can hundred percent confirm you do!”
-Fionn also supports you through thick and thin. He supports you through stressful times and times when you feel like shit.
•he gets weirdly turned on when you take off your bra without taking off your shirt
•Will do anything to see you smile
-your shoulders hurt? Bam! Done, you’re getting a back massage from Fionn
- it’s 3 am and you want a candy bar? BAM! Done, he ran to the nearest store
-you want him to sing to you? bam, done, but sung very hesitantly and very shyly.
-You wa
•he really likes baking!
-cookies? His favorite
-and I know it’s super cheesy but flour fights are a common thing.
He’s also very corny, one time you had frosting on ur lip and he did the cliche thing but saying “you got something right there” and kisses off the frosting.
-he loves making stuff from scratch cuz he can say that it was, and I quote “It’s like our lil baby. We made them.”
•Babies? Yes Fionn loves them
-if anyone has a baby he wants to hold em
-if you have lil baby cousin/siblings/relatives if he snatch them and play legos with them
“I want Fionn to be on my team!!!” The child demands as they point at him
“No! Fionn is playing with me!” The other one bickers
“guys, t-th-there’s no teams in twister.”
-He also knows how to comfort a child and just make them laugh
Tumblr media
(This photos makes me uwu so hard)
-he really wants kids and wants to start a family <3
But of course, he doesn’t want em right now, in the future
He thinks he’ll be a great daddy.
•Christmas is his favorite holiday
-he’ll go sicko mode during the holidays
-he legit put up Christmas lights right after thanksgiving
-hangs mistletoes everywhere cuz he wants your kiss
You’ll have like 30 gifts under the tree,
-don’t get me started on him Christmas shopping
He will spend hours inside a store,looking for a gift for you, and come out of the store with no presents.
Fionn says he wants to find the most perfect, and wonderful presents for you.
-you try to make a gingerbread house together but end up just eating all the frosting and candy
“So, we have 1,2,3,4,5, 5!” He says counting, “I think we’re missing a gumdrop.”
He looks up from the candy only to see you chewing on the sixth gumdrop.
“oH! My lil cheeky girlfriend stole it!”
Okay I’m done
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sunflowerdjarin · 5 years
Pairing: Stefan Butler x Reader
Summary: Stefan could only use one word to describe you: Heaven
Warnings: There’s some smut (nothing too wild, don’t get your hopes up) under the cut. 
A/N: Unedited, unedited, unedited
It was the only word that Stefan could use to describe you. He found heaven in every touch, look, even movement you made. He could never properly describe these moments with you straddling his waist, his hands on your thighs with his head laying on the plush pillows. He felt like he could see every dust particle glimmering in the sun falling in through the window, but those glimmers never compared to how your hair caught the sunlight. His mouth fell open trying to find the words to speak. You were too good to be true was all he could think as your lips turned upwards into a smile. Even your cupid’s bow seemed to be heavenly. You leaned forward, your hands falling onto Stefan’s chest as your lips came dangerously close to his.
Heaven was your soft lips on his. He swore you tasted like honey and strawberry. He knew it was just your chapstick, but the taste still caught him off guard while reminding him of home. Heaven was your hands cupping his face, your clothed chest pressed up against him. Your fingertips felt like satin to him and he wanted nothing more than for your hands to be all over him. Though the same could be said for you as you felt his hands glide up your thighs, to your hips, and up your shirt. Your shirt seemed to glide right off of you as your lips were separated for a moment. Your lower lip dragged across the tip of his nose for a moment.
Stefan was unsure of religion, but every time he saw your body it seemed to solidify that if there was a God; they would have crafted your body to perfection themselves. His fingers dragged across the goosebumps collecting on your sides causing a shiver to course through you. You pulled away from Stefan for a moment to tug his shirt off of him. Stefan would typically squirm away in moments like this when your fingers dragged down his chest, but he was too busy concentrating on you. He watched as a strand of hair fell onto your forehead other pieces slipping past your ear and falling to frame your face.
You leaned down again, your lips pressing against his bare chest as you inched down. Your hands messed with the buttons on his pants as your kiss lowered to his hips kissing each his right hip bone then his left. You could hear Stefan’s breathing hitch as he pressed his head further back into the pillow. You tugged his pants down only to snake your hands back up his legs and to trace out the line of his prominent member being strained in his briefs. You hooked your fingers into the waistband before tugging them down as well.
Heaven was the sight of you with his length in your mouth. The feeling of your mouth was like velvet, and seeing you look up at him through your thick lashes. Your eyes glassy with tears due to his length hitting the back of your throat. “God, you feel like heaven.” Stefan muttered as his hips jutted upwards. Your eyes fluttered closed upon the sensation. His words sending a shiver down your spine. You knew Stefan was about to come undone as one hand gripped your hair while the other one tangled into the sheets.
Heaven was you with cum dribbling down the corner of your mouth. Your cheeks flushed red, your eyes wide and filled with tears. “And you taste like heaven.” Your voice was low and caused a moan to escape the back of Stefan’s throat.
Heaven was you being underneath Stefan, your legs wrapped around his waist. You threw your head back as Stefan hit the spot. A moan escaped your lips as your hand found itself tangled in Stefan’s locks. The noise was enough for his cock to twitch inside of you. You were like silk around him and he could barely handle it. You were an angel below him, how your lips were pouted and slightly parted, your eyes boring into his, your hair splayed all around you creating a halo around you.
Stefan was unsure of religion, but if there was a heaven, he was sure this was it. His head laying in your bare chest after hitting your highs. You were tracing patterns into his back with one hand while running your fingers through his hair with the other. You were both breathless and covered in a thin layer of sweat, but neither of you seemed to mind. He understood why people made decisions their whole life that would even get them the slightest chance of getting into heaven. He would do anything to be in your arms like this during any possible chance he could get.
“You are absolute heaven, my love.”
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George Mackay In The Trenches Songs and Showers
Otto Farrant Pretty Boy MI6 - Part 1
Fionn Whitehead Everything & Nothing - Part 1 
Ethan Landry Before You Go - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
Series Beautiful Ruins - Royal!Dean x Knight!George Ch.1 / Ch.2 / Ch.3
George Mackay - Baby’s First Walk George Mackay - Meeting at an Award Show George Mackay - Lazy Morning George Mackay - Wedding Day George Mackay - To The Oscars George Mackay - Dust
Dean-Charles Chapman - Dating Headcannons
George Mackay, Dean Charles Chapman - Three’s A Crowd Part 1 / Part 2 
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sunflowerdjarin · 5 years
The Sun and The Moon
Pairing: Stefan Butler x reader
Summary: You’re the sun and Stefan is the moon
Warnings: None, its purely fluff
Stefan typed till his fingers were numb. Everyday Stefan typed code till his fingers were numb and his wrists ached. He blinked harshly at the computer screen, the patterns of blue, green, and red boring into his eyes. You leaned against the frame of his door. Your head hitting dully against the wooden frame watching as Stefan had no clue you were there. You moved to sit down on the edge of the bed. The frame holding the bed squeaked lightly as Stefan whipped his chair around.
“Hey.” You spoke lightly as you saw how startled he was. “I just came to see how you were doing. I haven’t seen you in a while.” You continued. You could see the guilt flicker through his eyes as his mouth fell open, but nothing came out for a moment, “I’ve just been working. I’m sorry.” He could never voice how much he appreciated your patience, though you were quite stubborn and persistent when it came to him. “I meant to see you. I just got caught up in this.” He looked down at his hands as he stretched his fingers, the digits rejoicing in the feeling of not being scrunched up over a keyboard.
“I know you did.” You tilted your head to the side, taking note in the bags under his eyes. He looked worn and tired. “Why don’t you come lay down with me for a minute? You deserve a break.” There was a beat of silence as you held your breath waiting for him to either accept or deny your request.
He nodded shyly avoiding your eyes as he stood up from his chair before sprawling out on his bed. He laid on his stomach, his loose curls falling on his forehead. You laid down next to him, facing him as you grabbed his hands. You pressed your lips against his fingertips. The warmth from your lips and hands caused the numbness to edge away as Stefan let out a content sigh. His eyes fluttered closed as you let go of his hand. You moved your hand to the back of his neck as you worked your fingers up into his scalp.
You smiled as you noticed Stefan’s lips part slightly as you continued to play with his hair. He opened his eyes once again, his eyes falling onto you. He was caught up in the glow of the sunlight off of your skin. You were like the sun to him. You were always bright and glowing. You seemed to bring warmth and light to everyone you had ever met. Anytime Stefan was around you, he swore he had never felt more loved and never felt so warm.
Your light always aided Stefan in more ways than one. Whether it was the comforting smile that you gave him on the way to Tuckersoft, or how you held him close the night afterwards when he couldn’t figure out why he said no to his dream job. The warmth from you holding him to help calm him as he wracked his brain for answers. Even though he couldn’t find the answers, he knew that where he always belonged was in your arms.
Stefan’s hand moved to your cheek, running his fingers along your cheekbone. “You’re like the sun.” The words tumbled from his lips laced with hesitation. He looked at you as you blinked back with wide eyes, listening to everything he was saying. “You’re just so warm and full of light.” He inched towards you slowly, his lips barely an inch away from yours. “I feel like I just gravitate towards you.” His lips pressed against yours gently for only a second before pulling away. “I’m just the moon... I just live in darkness.” You paused for a moment trying to find the words to say. Stefan was the moon, but not in the way that he had viewed it. “No, you’re the moon in the way that you are so breathtakingly beautiful.” You took another pause as you thought again. Stefan’s mouth opened to argue again, but you moved your hand to his cheek and moved your thumb to ghost over his lips. He understood immediately as his lips pressed close again.
“You’re there during times of desperation. When the nights are long and lonely, people look for you. And without a doubt, you’re always there.” You looked at him, “And you shine just as bright as the sun.” You whispered to him. You moved your thumb away from his lips as he finally got to say what he had been wanting to say.
“The moon only shines, because of the reflection from the sun.” The corners of his mouth perked up slightly, proud of his statement. “Okay, Mr. Technical, but at the end of the day, you still shine brighter than all the stars in the night sky.” You giggled as you playfully rolled your eyes. Stefan’s arm moved around your waist and pulled you into him. “I’m just saying that I wouldn’t shine as bright without some help from you.” He sighed contently as his eyes fluttered closed.
“You’re my sun, my moon, and all my stars.” You whispered lightly as you noticed Stefan smile before pulling you into him. Your head rested on his chest as it rose and fell with his breathing. “As are you, my love.”
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sunflowerdjarin · 5 years
Partners in Crime
Pairing: Stefan Butler x Reader
Summary: You and Stefan are partners in crime, for better or for worse
Warnings: Death, mentions of blood
Stefan couldn’t remember a moment in his life when you weren’t at his side. You two were partners in crime from the moment you met.
Stefan trudged out of Tuckersoft, his eyebrows furrowed and grumbling under his breath. He walked over to the bench where you had perched yourself during his interview. “So?” You asked excitedly as you looked up to the boy towering above you. Stefan chewed the inside of his cheek, “I was offered the job, but I didn’t accept. I mean, they’ll release the game, but I won’t really work in the office.” His eyes were trying to look at everywhere except for yours.
“That’s still good. You’re working on your game and doing what you want with it without anyone interfering.” You spoke with the same excitement as when he walked out of the building. Stefan looked finally looked at you, seeing you beam with pride. The corners of his mouth perked up seeing you with light in your eyes and a bright smile on your face. He knew he would part the sea for you if you asked, “Yeah. You’re right.”
It didn’t matter when or where, you were always there to provide a helping hand or words of comfort, which Stefan always constantly needs.
You pushed open the door to Stefan’s house walking past his dad who flashed you a sympathetic look. He had called you earlier to say that Stefan was having “some troubles” and was refusing to see Dr. Haynes. Stefan’s dad cared about Stefan, but never showed the effort to help him. You sped up the stairs to open Stefan’s bedroom door.
Stefan sat on his chair with his knees tucked up to his chest. His desk was a mess and some of the contents were knocked to the floor. His shoulders were shaking as soft sobs escaped his lips. “Hi honey.” You spoke softly as a warning as you padded your way through the room. His head perked up to look up at you before he turned his head back to wipe his tears away aggressively. You crouched down by his chair, placing a hand on his arm.
“What’s going on?” You whispered as you tilted your head to the side. Stefan was fiddling with his fingers as he sighed. “I’ve hit a rut. This route for the game is going nowhere and I don’t know how I managed to mess it up.” His voice became more tinged with anger with every word before he sighed again. “I’ve tarnished my desk in a fit of anger and knocked my tea over onto some of my papers.” He motioned towards the papers that were stained light brown.
“Okay, how about we take a step away from the game for a minute? You can lay down and take a nap and get something to eat and I’ll clean up your desk and transfer all the information on your tea papers onto new ones.” You rubbed his arm as he looked at you, blinking out tears. “That sounds really nice.” He whispered lightly, wanting nothing more than to give you the world. He’d stop at nothing to give you everything he possibly could. You pressed a kiss against his forehead as he stood from his chair before crawling into bed.
The last thing he saw before he went to bed was you reorganizing his whole desk. When he woke up hours later, his desk was clean, his tea stained papers now in the bin. Your neat handwriting was sprawled onto some new clean papers cause a flicker of a smile to flash across his face. He came up behind you as you were still sitting in his desk. You were going through his pages of notes and comparing it to the game.
“Stefan, babe, I don’t think there’s any problem with this route. I think maybe your patience was running a little thin.” You turned to look up at him to see that he wasn’t paying attention to the game at all. He was staring at you, a lazy sleepy smile on his face. “You’re probably right.” He mutters before pressing his lips into yours. “Thank you, my love.” He whispered against your lips causing a shiver to go through your body.
Stefan didn’t know what he did to deserve you. He wondered what steps were taken in his life for the universe to gently place you in front of him.
You stood wide eyed in front of Stefan, his knuckles bloodied and dried blood slightly peeling off of his face. You were the first person he called afterwards. You were the only one who ever slightly understood him. “Stefan, what happened?” Your tone was more stern with him. Tears were filling his eyes as he realized his tone and what was happening. “I just couldn’t handle it anymore and I just… snapped.” His voice cracked at the last word and you found yourself subconsciously taking a step back.
“Please, I’d never hurt you.” His voice quivered as he noticed how you were now fearful. He fell to his knees in front of you as he hugged onto your legs. His head resting on your thighs. You ran your fingers into his thick curls. You looked up at the ceiling as you held back your own curls. You furrowed your eyebrows trying to figure out what you were going to do.
“Stefan, I could get in trouble for even knowing about this.” You looked back down to see him letting go of your legs and moving to hold his face in your hands. “I’d never let anything happen to you. I’ll take all of the blame if anything happens.” You stare at him for a minute before letting out a shaky breath. You had never expected partners in crime to become a literal phrase.
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