#finnceline baby
creamecream · 2 years
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“Don’t you find it strange?
Only thing we share is one last name,
Did I beat you at your own game?
Typical of me to put us all to shame,
Welcome to the family jewels,
Coal to diamond,
Sold to fools,
Welcome to the family jewels,
Simmer and suffer,
Can’t keep this cool,
I can’t keep my cool,
I can’t keep my cool,
Family said that I decided to live a loveless life,
Is it my fault we stay divided ‘cause I got too much pride?
Pass the parcel, wrap, unwrap,
And open up the locks,
Out come flying all the secrets of Pandora’s box,
Oh? you think I’m unfit?
Little did you know that I was cut for it,
No glass slipper will ever fit, ‘cause I could never see a diamond in it,
Welcome to the family jewels,
Coal to diamond,
Sold to fools,
Welcome to the family jewels,
Simmer and suffer,
Can’t keep this cool,
I can’t keep my cool,
I can’t keep my cool,”
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fyeahmeddy · 6 years
My thoughts on the finale. Sorry for the textwalling
It really is... something that the same week AT ends I get my first job. It’s been quite the week. Ends and beginnings.
Short and cheerful: I loved it and I fucking cried like a baby for minutes hearing The Island Song at the end. This show has given me so much, good and bad moments, that 6 years of emotional energy hit me like an avalanche.
More in depth: it wasn’t the finale I expected and that is somewhat bad. Lately, the pacing of the seasons felt weird (maybe because of the semi-official cancelation of the show mid-production, implied in a Hanna K’s tweet). The finale felt a little cluttered. Part of that was having so many characters in one same space that didn’t actually do anything at all. Betty’s fate wasn’t of my liking either. I would have liked to see more on the future of the characters.
But overall I actually liked it. It was an epic and beautiful story. It had a lot of hillarious and touching moments, moments to reflect on the growth of our favorite characters, moments to fangirl about and moments to cry. I really wanted for Betty to be happy with Simon and for Fern to live, but something as big as AT cannot go off without pulling and breaking some heartstrings. Seeing the future of Finn wasn’t as important as seeing him grow from a child to an almost-adult. At the end, like we know from the 1000+ future, his presence in Ooo was only temporal; waiving goodbye at him at 17, 26, 58, 132.... it’s all the same. At the end, life and adventure always find a way.
I know friends that wanted other characters to have more protagonism or more screen time. I understand that and I also wanted that. But we gotta remember that this was Adventure Time with Finn and Jake, and that PB and Marcy were there since the very beginning. Watching F&J grow and Bubbline being canon (a big debt) was everything in this series, anything else was just a bonus. And that’s why we are here, to create the content that satisfies us.
It’s completely ok to disagree with me.
This show meant a lot to me and always will. All the great jokes, all the nice finnceline and fubblegum and smokybear and finntress and bubbline and fubbline and bonfire and petrigrof and bubbline and etc..., all the visuals, the guest episodes, the friends I made along the way, our chats and shared excitement and headcanons and theories... all that is part of my life. I just can’t help but to love this show that gave me so much. You know me, irremediable optimist
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creamecream · 1 year
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“I aim before I kill,
Live only for the thrill,
It’s bad, I know, but still,
There’s nothing left to lose,
Don’t tell me it’s not fair,
Believe me, I’ve been there,
I’d much rather be alone,
If I’m sitting on a-
Sitting on a-
Sitting on a throne,
Count your blessings,
Count your minutes,
Played my game? hell, now you’re in it,
Bittersweet, my renegade,
And I’m anything but tame,
Grab your sword, you might just need it, cause I’m not afraid of cheating,
Oh, I hate to tell you this way,
Villains aren’t born, darling, we’re made,”
0 notes
creamecream · 3 years
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“The Princess Is Awake! All Hail The Princess Of The Nightosphere!”
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creamecream · 3 years
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Warnings: gore, vomiting, nightmares, panic attacks, heavily Finnceline worried parent sounds
Eliza stood on shaky legs, her head spinning.
“c’mon, Liz,”
Eliza heard her brother’s gentle drawl that was reserved for her and the rest of their family. “you need to sit, you need to eat.”
Eliza started, pausing when Jericho put a hand to her face, and Eliza cuddled into her twin brother’s palm, the comfort of her sibling’s touch soothing her heated skin. “I don’t feel good, Jericho.” Eliza muttered into her brother’s hand. Eliza attempted to blink the soreness out of her eyes and focus on her brother, only able to focus enough to see him pull something over and dig through it, not registering as he held something to her mouth, just accepting it and chewing.
Eliza’s eyes went wide when the sticky, metallic taste burst across her tongue, getting stuck in her teeth, and she only managed to keep whatever Jericho had given her down because her brother was looking at her. “Jericho, what was that?” the vampire princess asked, still only able to focus on her brother, at least until Jericho held up a lumpy mass of meat for his sister’s observation. the clump of discarded and stray organs and meat making up a misshapen wet lump of gore, and Eliza could feel her hands start to shake at the sight of it.
“Jericho!” Eliza squealed, beginning to retch while her brother picked at the gross sinewy mass, licking his red and sticky fingers after he had touched it. “what’s the matter?” Jericho said, blinking. “we’re demons, El. we’re vampires. this is what we do!” Jericho dropped the bloody thing into Eliza’s lap, causing his sister to vomit onto the floor beside her, her breathing coming in ragged gasps as her eyes filled with tears, her throat burning as she tried to cough up the gore she had swallowed that her brother had given her.
Jake threw the door open when he heard his niece screaming, rushing into her room and onto her bed.
“Liz! wake up!!”
Jake yelped, shaking his vampiric niece awake, her red eyes wild and her claws digging into her bedsheets. “Lizzy-!”
Eliza began to cough and retch, choking over the side of her bed, Jake rubbing her back while she did so, the stretchy dog quickly grabbing a loose towel from the girl’s bathroom and laying it on the floor before she could actually vomit.
Jake opened his arms and let Eliza curl into him, his arms curling around her as she shook and cried. “it’s okay, Liz. it was just a nightmare. I’m here. I got you.”
“She wouldn’t tell me what was wrong.”
Jake said, shrugging and taking a small sip of his coffee. “something is clearly going on, but she won’t talk to me, bro.”
“It’s alright, brother.”
Finn said, but worried the thumb joint of his robotic arm between his fingers, his body langue clearly showing unease and worry. “I also wouldn’t blame you if she asked you not to tell me, then you didn’t tell me. I’m not gonna force my kids to tell me anything they don’t want to, you know that. but I am gonna be worried when my daughter is waking up screaming, then throwing up on the floor.”
Marceline put her hand gently on top of Finn’s, giving him physical comfort and bringing his attention to how rough he was being with his prosthetic. the vampire queen then pressed a kiss to the top of her boyfriend’s head, into his mass of golden curls, still messed with sleep.
“thank you for taking care of her, Jake.”
Marceline said, wrapping her arms around Finn and laying her face against his head, her cheek sitting in his head. “I don’t want to think about what could have happened if you weren’t up...”
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creamecream · 3 years
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“I had such low self esteem, I was a mess,
So I gave it all up for the Netherworld,
I’ve been here forever, girl,
If I was more clever, girl,
I would have stuck it out, knowing what life’s about,
Pain, and joy, and suffering,
Failing but recovering,
I’ll tell you another thing,
Everyone here is alone,
So if you are breathing? go home!
If I knew then what I know now,
I would have looked within and let love in somehow,
If I only knew the truth back then,
I wouldn’t have had my little “accident”,
Don’t be blind, you left your whole life behind,
See a shrink, call a priest, ask the recently deceased, death is final and you cannot press rewind,”
“Don’t jump when the light is red,”
“Toasters should be used for bread,”
“Never smoke cigars in bed,”
“Nietzsche was right, y’know? to live is to suffer, bro,”
“Don’t cheat on the one you wed,”
“Never whip a thoroughbred,”
“Angry pigmies shrunk his head,
Why did it take death to see happiness was up to me?
If I knew then what I know now,
I would have laughed, and danced, and lanced every sacred cow,
I thought I knew, but I was wrong,
‘Cause life is short, but death is super long,”
“I exploded!”
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creamecream · 4 years
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New laptop, new background.
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creamecream · 4 years
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An Eliza to go with smol Jericho!
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creamecream · 4 years
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“You paint the scene,
With the colors of an enemy all over me,
For your friends to see,
After just one misstep,
And now I’m hanging by my feet,
Out of sight and out of reach,
I stole the moon,
I made the stars align,
I showed you how to fly,
And you made me the bad guy,
I fought for you,
I kept you safe at night,
I would have risked my life,
And you made me the bad guy,
(1, 2, 3, go!)
You made me the bad guy,
You made me the bad guy, yeah,
You made me the bad guy, yeah,
Guess I forgot-, guess I forgot history repeats,
What’s lost and found-, what’s lost and found we’re too blind to see,
So show me how-, just show me how the villain was me,
When I stole the moon,
I made the stars align,
I showed you how to fly,
And you made me the bad guy,
Eh, yeah,
When I fought for you,
I kept you safe at night,
I would have risked my life,
And you made me the bad guy,”
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creamecream · 4 years
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“You left me out of your sight for one second,
And look what happens, nightmare time,
It’s worse than you could imagine,
Not sex and not drugs,
Just demons taking over my life,
No more family vacays together,
‘Cause your only daughter’s under the weather,
And if you actually paid attention to me,
You’d see I’m not your seed,
I’m not your angsty teen,
Not matter what you believe,
The apple’s fallen far from the tree,
It’s not my fault anymore,
No more curfews to be late for,
It’s not my fault anymore,
No more being worried and waiting by the door,
Did you know that I wanted to live with you?
(Look what happens, nightmare time,)
And when you needed to fight, you gave him that too,
(Demons invading minds,)
Did you know Jeri let his boytoys sleep over?
And you’re right about Jer, he’s a hardcore murderer,
And if you wonder what led your daughter astray,
Well, daddy wasn’t here to stay,
Not your seed,
I’m not your perfect teen,
I’m fucking seventeen,
At least I was before you left me,
Why does it hurt to love you?
Why am I in pain?
Why does it hurt to know you?
You let me down again,
If I turned my insides out, would you even know that I was there?
Why does it hurt to love you?
Why does it hurt to love?”
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creamecream · 4 years
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“Didn’t you say that you’d protect me?
Didn’t you?”
“I tried, I tried,”
“Is that how you’d help me?
Is it?”
“I tried! I tried!”
“Don’t help me anymore, Jer,
You are dead, Jer, in my eyes!
Someone has replaced you,
Jer, I hate you,
Go and die!”
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creamecream · 4 years
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A demon princess in the rain.
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creamecream · 4 years
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“Don’t even try,
You’ll never understand him,
Waste of your time tryna decipher his demeanor,
Losing your mind,
He’ll never follow your commands, sir,
Heart is frozen,
Full of anger,
Face like an angel but he’s far from that,
He makes up his own rules, he never looks back,
He does as he pleases,
He knows that you need it,
Make you cry, no point in hiding,
He loves the sight, fear in your eyes,
He does as he pleases,
He knows that you need it,
Cloudy skies, he doesn’t mind,
He’s from the fires,
Plan your demise,
He does as he pleases,
He knows that you need it,”
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creamecream · 5 years
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“Making bacon pancakes,
Making bacon pancakes,
Take some bacon and you put it in a pancake,
Bacon pancakes, making bacon pancakes,
Bacon pancakes~”
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creamecream · 5 years
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*When your cousin casts you as the “sexy bad boy villain” in her first full-length play.*
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creamecream · 5 years
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Day 18
Prompt: Flight
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