#finished the quest. WHAT IF I CRYY WHAT IF I CRY WHAT IF I CRY....
starsandthorn · 17 days
literally cyno and cyrus family moments are killing me. they are so...
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funavae-blog · 7 years
percy jackson post #1
hello motherfuckers, i'm here to talk about my favorite book series of all time and you're gonna either read this or scroll on but i dont care b/c it's 4:19 in the morning and i just finished crying about percy jackson so lets go ok first off, the percy jackson/heroes of olympus series is my absolute favorite and i would and will cut a bitch for it. i read the whole percy jackson series when i was in fifth grade, and oh b o y what a journey. i remembered the exact moment when i read that sally got her ass kidnapped and when on their quest, percy realized he had been betrayed by luke, and grover and annabeth struggle to come to grips that luke is not the luke they once knew ....... i'm teary-eyed someone kill me then i remember when percy met tyson and defended him, i remember grover was kidnapped and percy had these dreams/visions of him in a cave, alone, s c a r e d i remember when percy held the world, and he had matching grey hairs with annabeth. he made a couple new friends, some who died too soon he met nico and bianca, children like him, children of one of the big three i could feel his guilt and sorrow when he told nico the death of his sister and i OH GOD IM CRYI N GBIYCHT WHAT TH E FCU K ............a n y w a y s and when it described nico's facial expressions of finding about his sisters death i b r o k e bitxhjxjd then he met rachel, and he had this growing feeling for annabeth, and he went through some shit here at a young age and hE AND ANNABETH KISSED AHHHHHHH BITVH GOT ME SO FUV KING SHOOK then the final battle against kronos the pain that went through him seeing annabeth hurt this sense of responsibility as the leader the grieving of the many friends who died in the battle the growing of relationships and the ending of life for luke but yhe beginning of his relationship w/ annabeth like bitch i'm so shook & the fact that in the trials of apollo he passes his flame on to tje next generation makes me so heartbroken i watched percy grow up frOM MIDDLE SCHOOL TO A BOY GETTING READY FOR COLLEGE do you understand how b i t t e r s w e e t that feels? i love this series so much like shit i bust a nut just thinking about it ( this is the first post in my pjo/hoo rants/vents/something bc i will N E V E R get over this series )
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