#finally being done w/ school is like. oh my god i'm free. it cant hurt me anymore.
satellitedyke · 1 year
graduating college tomorrow 👍
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bridgyrose · 3 years
Heya! I'm really glad you enjoyed writing that Faunus!Cinder prompt. If you feel like like revisiting it again, could you write another bit for it?
Apologies if it's a bit of a long prompt.
Awhile after revealing her secret to Ruby and Neo, Cinder is suddenly starting to hiding her wings again, becoming more irritable and and distant. Neo and Ruby try to give her space at first, but when Cinder starts wincing whenever something for someone touches her back and they end up finding the burnt remains of discarded feathers, Neo or Ruby suspect the worst.
They confront her about it, hoping to get some answers and provide comfort. But in the end it is revealed that Cinder is busy molting. It makes her wings very sensitive and it is something she is very self conscious about?
Feel free to add as much angst as you want XD and a tag for @incorrectspicecreamquotes ;)
(@incorrectspicecreamquotes )
Ruby sighed as she watched Cinder from a distance, missing her girlfriend. Cinder had started getting a bit… irritable and cranky, no longer wanting hugs or even cuddles, which Ruby understood that she might not be in the mood all the time, but it still seemed off even for Cinder. Especially since she was now going on a week of this attitude. 
Neo sat down next to Ruby, looking for some sort of sign that Cinder was starting to feel a bit better. Or at least was willing to be near them. 
Ruby shook her head. “She’s still a bit cranky. Although, the last time I saw her, she smelled like smoke and burning hair.” 
Neo sighed and pulled out a charred feather she head picked up near the dorm. It was still warm to the touch, which means it wasnt long ago that flame had met the defenseless feather. 
Ruby hesitated for a moment when she saw it, immediately knowing what had been done. “N-no… that… that cant be right… she wouldnt… would she?” 
Neo shrugged, not quite sure how to answer. She had the same exact thoughts that Ruby was having: that Cinder was finally trying to get rid of her wings. And none of that sat right with her. She pulled out her scroll and started running through Cinder’s schedule, trying to find the right time to confront her. 
Ruby peered over Neo’s shoulder, looking over the schedule as well. “We could try to hit her up after Remnant History. I’ve got Peach’s dust class around then, which isnt too far off. And there’s a few empty classrooms near that period that we could get her into.” 
Neo shook her head and pointed to the class after, suggesting they get with her then. Neo had a free period before then that she could use to set up anything they needed to make sure Cinder would come with them and talk.  
Ruby thought about it for a moment and smiled a bit. “Alright, if you can get her into a classroom after that, then we can finally talk her out of this. Just… be ready to stop her from harming herself. I dont want to see her in any more pain.” 
Neo nodded, putting her scroll away and using her semblance to start blending into the crowd to make her way to a room to set up. 
Cinder groaned and winced as someone ran into her back, sending a bit of pain through her spine. One the pain died down, she could feel an itch flaring up with the dry skin on her spine. And of all the times for her to be going through… this… Well, at least class was over and then she could have a bit of time alone to finally finish-
Cinder sighed as she heard the familiar voice she’d started to grow fond of. “Ruby, I’m sorry, but I’m really busy-” She couldn't finish her sentence before she was dragged down the hallway and into an empty classroom by her girlfriend. Once they were stopped and Cinder could regain her balance, she looked at the younger girl and sighed. “Ruby, I need to get back to the dorm-” 
“Not until you tell us what’s going on.” 
Cinder was about to ask until she saw Neo appear next to the door, holding out a charred feather. She looked between her girlfriends and the feather before sitting down. “Its… not what you think.” 
“Cin, we know you’re having issues with being a faunus and we just want to help.” Ruby took Cinder’s hand and smiled at her. “We’re your girlfriends. You can tell us anything.” 
Neo nodded and took Cinder’s other hand, looking up to her with pleading eyes. 
 Cinder hesitated for a moment when she finally realized what Ruby and Neo thought this was about. “W-wait… you… you think I’m hurting myself, dont you?” 
“W-well, yeah. You’re trying to burn your wings off, arent you?” 
“What? No! I’m molting and it’s irritating as fuck!” Cinder took her shirt off and turned around to show her wings: feathers were matted every which way, a few looking more vibrant than before while others looked charred and burnt. “I’ve been trying to burn the feathers off to help speed this up. You dont understand just how frustrating it is to be itchy and in pain with these once a year. Usually I’m lucky enough that it happens when I’m not in school, but this time, of all times, it had to be with finals for the semester. And I cant even spar like this either because the second I try to do anything, my wings hurt as feathers try to loosen up!” A few of Cinder’s feathers started to glow as she used her semblance, a small explosion of feathers leaving her wings in charred bits. “I just want this to be over with.” 
Neo gently walked around to Cinder’s back and carefully touched a wing. A few of the feathers had a little wax on them that seemed easy enough to wash out with a real bath. With a few careful strokes, Neo started getting a few of the loose feathers out of Cinder’s wings. 
Ruby sighed in a bit of relief at Cinder’s explanation. “Oh thank the gods. I thought you were trying to burn your wings off.” 
“I… may have thought about doing that when I was younger, but… not anymore. I just…” Cinder sighed and looked away from Ruby. “I’m sorry I worried you. I wanted to take care of this on my own and well… I guess I went a little overboard on trying to be alone for it.” 
Ruby nodded and gently hugged Cinder, making sure to avoid her wings and not put a lot of strain on her back. “We understand. Just let us know how to help and Neo and I will do what we can, alright?” 
Cinder nodded and winced as she pressed into the hug. “Think you could help me wash my wings? I think I’ve got a few charred feathers that are a bit… stuck.” 
“I can help tonight.” 
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