#ffvii lucia
sasammy · 2 years
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Lucia warmup/cooldown from the other night
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altocat · 2 months
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someartistsammy · 5 months
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Soldier Shenanigans
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ffviiec · 9 months
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Final Fantasy VII - Ever Crisis
Character Intros
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g-vas · 5 months
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first soldier summary
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holly-fixation · 20 days
I'm gonna be honest, Glenn and his team, they're cruel to Rosen.
Rosen's entire life has been training to be and actually being the Eye of Rhadore. His sole duty is protecting his people by warning them to get off the islands during a mana torrent (basically exactly what happens to Mideel in the original game). He spends his time alone. He only has a dog. He doesn't cause any trouble, he just wants to help his people.
Both the P0s and Rosen didn't know the full extent of Shinra's mission until Sephiroth arrived. Rosen didn't know they were going to exterminate his people, and he's the reason they made it to his people's island in the first place.
So Glenn and crew, feeling guilty as hell, defy orders and attempt to save Rosen before the entire archipelago sinks. They think they're doing the right thing by saving his life, but what does he have to live for anymore?
Everyone he knows and loves is gone. Everyone he willingly chose to protect is gone. By the very hands of the soldiers trying to save him before the end.
Sephiroth is completely right. Their kindness would've killed them that day. You cannot help somebody who does not want to be helped. Rosen has no place in their world.
In that moment, it doesn't matter if they could one day find a purpose for him because they stole his purpose from him.
And then they had the audacity to say "come with us"? Glenn, Matt, and Lucia were too buried in their guilt to realize the cruelty of what they were asking. Sephiroth was the only one to actually listen to the very person his team wanted to save, even if by doing so they would never forgive him.
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yingxtkm · 6 months
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Deleting later.
Edit: why are y’all eating this up LMFAO I was not sane while drawing this 😭
It’s 2:30 am, this is by far the most unhinged doodle pile I’ve ever drawn in my life and I have to say I’m proud of it. 💯💯
Yeah do it Sephiroth
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silvergreenseraphim · 4 months
The First Soldier: Chapter Six
Japanese highlights + analysis
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Hi guys! Okay, let’s look right into this chapter-
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Opening with Team Glenn, we learn some small details. The Shinra dig will start soon, and Glenn marvels at how fast everything is moving. Matt credits Shinra power, Glenn credits their hard work as a team, and Lucia credits Sephiroth, who did most of the work. Glenn, being more humble now, admits that he cannot deny it, and remembers that he must tell Sephiroth about the payment.
However, he notes that Sephiroth does not seem interested in money. This is one of the first hints throughout this chapter that Team Glenn still do not fully understand what Sephiroth is to Shinra. It is a subtle but reoccurring pattern, particularly when the notion of “being fired” comes into play later on.
The English in this scene was good. No major changes.
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The chief engineer calls the team over and reprimands them for being too relaxed, saying that they need to do their jobs and clear out the monsters near the living quarters. Glenn awkwardly agrees to get back to patrolling, but first he asks,
“Hey, have you seen our squad leader?”
The engineer responds,
“If you mean that kid, isn’t he still out looking through the bodies? It’s disgusting. Please make him stop.“
Glenn is surprised and says, “Sephiroth is rummaging through the corpses?”
Matt notes that Sephiroth does often disappear/go off on his own, and Lucia says to look for him on their patrol.
(Seeing how the other Shinra employees behave and speak helped me see why Sephiroth had no luck asking around about his mother. They are only there to do their jobs, and don’t understand the child SOLDIER at all. It is very much an indifferent workforce).
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Next is the scene where we learn about the materia fragments that were shattered over time. This scene adds greater weight to the mako spring discussion in the Nibelheim flashback, where Sephiroth comments that the condensed formation must have taken ages. It takes a very long time for even small bits to form, and even then they can shatter.
There is the silly bit of banter between the team about using diversion pebbles/materia fragments, but I must note again that Glenn seems calmer and less cocky even in his jesting.
Then Lucia becomes visibly concerned and says,
“Looking through corpses…I wonder if he’s really doing that…”
Glenn responds,
“The chief engineer is just joking around right? There’s no way he (Sephiroth) would do something like that.”
Matt agrees that there would be no need for it, and the team moves forward.
(It is very wholesome to see them believe only the best of Sephiroth despite what others think, and they are more perceptive and accurate about him anyway. This story constantly leads the audience to worry that Sephiroth always held darker traits before immediately disproving these concerns or at least showing that his reasons were always understandable. Team Glenn speaks for the more optimistic viewers at this point).
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Of course little Sephiroth is caught undeniably searching a body, and Glenn questions him in surprise. Sephiroth is confused at first, but then acknowledges that it does look wrong. Lucia asks him if he is looking for something. Sephiroth says,
“I lost the pendant with my mother's photo in it.. . . . . .I was looking for it. I was checking to see if someone might have picked it up and had it on them…”
(So, a small translation nuance; it is clear in Japanese that Sephiroth dropped it and believed that someone could have picked it up. He is not just looking under bodies, he is going through their pockets and all to see if anyone has it with them.)
Sephiroth chuckles and admits,
“Haha, I suppose I am a corpse-scavenger…“
(This is another case of Sephiroth’s childlike innocence mingling with his very dark reality. He lost his most precious possession like a normal child would, but now has to search for it among the dead that he himself laid to waste).
When the others understand, Glenn says,
“Alright, let’s look for it while we kill monsters.”
And Sephiroth replies,
“Thank you very much…that helps…“
The team moves on to kill monsters and search.
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Glenn notes the lesser number of bodies and Sephiroth points out that it was because of the monsters. Glenn shudders to think of dying in the area, but Sephiroth takes the opportunity to beseech them to not let their guard down. He says,
“You all seem to be feeling a little relaxed. You can never be too careful. You must protect yourself. If you don't apply this basic rule...”
Right then a monster swoops in and Sephiroth kills it, stunning the others. He concludes with, “…then even I can’t protect you.”
Glenn asks, “So, you’re protecting us?”
Sephiroth walks up to him and responds,
“It’s because you’re my team.”
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They are interrupted by more monsters, but when the fighting ends, Matt repeats what Sephiroth said.
“I’ll protect you because you’re my team…”
Matt glares at Glenn and says,
“I’d like to hear that from a team-leader I know who previously threatened to hit one of his own squad members…”
Lucia chimes in with the comment about that same team-leader making them be near his gross socks.
(They are both referencing the first chapter of the game, where Glenn’s outburst on the helicopter made it appear as though he were going to punch Matt, and when Glenn made a joke about his socks being so bad that they would pull Lucia out of shell-shock).
Sephiroth looks up at Glenn while shaking his head and laughs, saying,
“Ha…that’s the worst.”
Glenn remarks,
“But it’s “memorable,” isn’t it?”
Sephiroth thinks for a moment and says,
“Yes, I see. So, that team-leader fears being forgotten…”
This observation strikes Matt and even Glenn. They appear to rethink Glenn’s leadership style. Glenn does not protest the observation, but he ponders it.
(I found it sweet that Sephiroth did not judge Glenn, but pointed out what is likely a true insecurity of Glenn’s, but in a very mild and childlike way. Part of me even wonders if Sephiroth understood the fear because he too had struggled with it. After all, adult Sephiroth refused to be a memory even post-insanity.)
(Also, it is hard to fully explain, but reading this text in Japanese—it becomes easier to see how it is not just Glenn that influences Sephiroth, but also the other way around. It’s strange but…it feels as though Glenn has become…softer? Even when alone with his team, he is not disrespecting them so much or being so brash. It was his meeting with Rosen that helped him to develop sympathy for the “enemy” and it was Sephiroth that helped Glenn become kinder to his team. Even the way he speaks seems gentler. 
In the last chapter, Glenn was so harsh towards Seph at the beginning, but learned remorse and how to apologize when Sephiroth’s vulnerability was showcased. In this chapter, Sephiroth is the one to understand that Glenn might have been such a brash leader because he feared being forgotten, which was a very perceptive and empathetic observation, causing even Matt to reconsider. It was a very heart-warming scene). 
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(The next sequence is devastating and I believe it caused some minor controversy with fans because of how Glenn speaks, but I can affirm that the tone in Japanese seems to aim for sympathetic character development. As I mentioned before, Glenn is different to the character we first met, and his arc is becoming more clear as we move forward.)
As the squad looks through the bodies, Glenn notices that there were not many Rhadoran remnants left, and Matt suspects it was because of their living conditions and the endless battle with monsters. Glenn remarks that it must have been a hard lifestyle. He then says,
“...I don't really understand why Rhadore hated the Mako reactors…I mean, there's no such thing as convenient (as the reactors), right?”
They are swiftly interrupted again by monsters, causing Sephiroth to say that they seem more interested than usual.
“The monsters seem more interested than usual.”
“They’re excited about live bait!” Glenn says.
“If you want to be bait, I won't stop you, but as a SOLDIER, please fight first.” Sephiroth urges.
When they clear out the area again, Matt considers the similarities between the Rhadoran believes and “Planetology” or the “study of the star.”
“When a person dies, their life returns to the planet with their consciousness and heart and intersects with the energy of life circulating around the planet. The idea is that a new life will eventually be born from it. The life around this planet is what they call “qi” (mana). The “qi” going around the planet enriches people and nature and the planet itself. It would be unthinkable for Rhadore to consume such an irreplaceable energy.”
Glenn is still confused, and then Sephiroth interjects with,
“Dr. Hojo talked to me about this…
“No matter how rationally and logically we explain things, there are people we will not be able to share understanding with. That is because they see the world differently.””
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Glenn argues that such things won’t matter if someone dies, and that it would just be better to accept an easy life instead of fighting so hard against it. He points out that Rosen is the only one left, and says that if the Rhadoran beliefs are true, what will become of the last Rhadoran boy when he dies? When he is gone, no one will be left, and people will forget Rhadore.
Sephiroth sadly shakes his head and turns away, saying that,
“The planet remembers…I am certain that is what the people of Rhadore believe…”
Glenn receives his epiphany, and understands that the Rhadorans resisted the consumption of mana/mako because it would erase all memories of life. He is suddenly overcome with sadness and turns to kneel and honor the fallen soldiers. The others do the same.
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(This scene was, in my opinion, intended to deliver a strong message, but was maybe limited by the story-telling style. Some people were shocked by Glenn’s questioning why the Rhadorans all died for their beliefs when he is with the very company that wiped them out. But I think it does help to remember that this war between Shinra and Wutai was something that soldiers like Glenn and his team only had seen one side of until this point. They were a survey team working for money after all, not the ones directly sent to kill the Rhadorans until Sephiroth arrived, who did most of the work anyway, and even shocked the others with his conditioned ruthlessness in the previous chapter.
Shinra is a propaganda monster, and undoubtedly played off the war as something the Wutaians started and were responsible for, as well as the Rhadorans. It does sound like Glenn is genuinely confused here, especially as someone who was probably used to Shinra being the default government for everything.
“Why would these people willingly die and fight Shinra for trying to make their lives easier?”
But that is the simple darkness of imperialism. Shinra was going to erase something very important to the Rhadorans for the sake of “convenience.”
Glenn only sees this after Sephiroth himself acknowledges the Rhadoran faith. This is where a change of heart occurs. The Rhadorans were fighting for a genuine reason. Of course they were.
I actually felt this was a very meaningful sequence after translating it. Very good attempt at addressing imperialist destruction.)
Afterwards, they keep up the search and Matt asks if Sephiroth is sure he dropped the necklace in the building they are in. He says he had it before the ruins, so he is sure it must have been in the building. Lucia explains that it might be difficult to find if they haven’t already. Sephiroth tiredly shakes his head and says,
“It’s okay. Thanks to everyone for looking together, I think I’m about ready to give it up.”
He is saying that since everyone looked at the same time, he is ready to accept that he has to let the photo go. If they can’t find it together, then it is truly lost. The others become downcast on his behalf, and then Glenn moves over to one of the dead soldiers. He suggests they bury them as a way to say sorry, though he is not sure if that is their custom. Either way, Sephiroth immediately says that he will help, and Glenn is grateful.
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The next scene was clearly translated into English. As they bury the bodies, the dig begins and Sephiroth explains that they will need to evacuate to the sky in thirty minutes, thanks to a possible mako eruption or “torrent of qi” caused by Shinra’s explosives. Glenn remembers Rosen’s words, and Sephiroth says they need to hurry.
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The following sequence is endearing as Sephiroth makes shortcuts for the team. He reveals a unique power that allows him to create great bursts of energy from simple materia fragments. The others are stunned. Glenn, in particular, cannot believe it even after Sephiroth explains. He says,
“No, it’s impossible! Sephiroth, you’re amazing!!”
In the next scene, Glenn is initially ready to chop down a tree to form a bridge across a river, but Sephiroth steps in and says his way will be quicker. Where before, Glenn would have been eager to lead the way, he kindly steps aside and lets Sephiroth take over. Glenn is once again verbally supportive, and says,
“Ha! As expected.”
Sephiroth says,
“As expected of a modified human (cyborg), right?”
Glenn says wasn’t going to say that, nor was he thinking it. Sephiroth says,
“Really?��.I’m a little disappointed…”
Glenn is confused and Sephiroth shakes his head,
“I don’t really understand it myself…”
Bringing his head low and his hand to his heart again, he guesses,
“It’s just…nothing you guys say makes me feel bad, so I want you to be able to say anything…”
(The English got the point across as well, but Seph is sincerely saying that he trusts them because they don’t say things that hurt him, so he doesn’t want them to feel as if they need to hold back their thoughts. He is pointing out that he has grown to feel safe with them because they are not malicious with their words. It feels like he discovers the idea of trust in relationships right here).
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Glenn perks up and says,
“Alright then, I’ll tell you what I think!! I’m counting on you, squad-leader! Now, let’s go!”
Sephiroth enthusiastically responds with “Yes!” and they move on.
The waterfall scene is largely the same. Glenn fully goes to Sephiroth to lead this time and hands him the materia fragment. He asks if Sephiroth can use it like before, and in Japanese, Sephiroth endearingly says he doesn’t want to “make things go boom” but that he has an idea. He freezes the waterfall and Glenn voices his praise again.
When they finally draw close, Glenn stops to think of Rosen, but Sephiroth urges him to hurry. When they get to the overlook, it becomes clear that Glenn and the others are struggling with remorse over the Rhadorans and Rosen being in danger. They exchange glances and Glenn almost says something to Sephiroth, but stops himself.
Sephiroth himself is far more concerned about them, his team, and their safety. The divide is obvious, and a choice will have to be made.
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They arrive as the last ones to the Shinra helicopter and the engineer is ready for them to evacuate, but Glenn begs the man to delay the dig so that he can go and warn Rosen, thus setting his plans in motion without forewarning Sephiroth. The engineer refuses despite Glenn’s pleas and brings up the amount of money Shinra has put into the program. Glenn shouts,
“This isn’t about the money!”
And punches the engineer, much to Matt and Lucia’s exasperation.
The engineer says,
“I'll report you to headquarters! I can even have you fired.”
Glenn does not care. It is the first time we have seen him willingly dismiss money and fight for something else. He tells the engineer to get on the other helicopter, and Matt tells Lucia to make her decision. She apologizes to Sephiroth and hi-jacks the copter. Sephiroth simply turns his back quietly.
The final Stamp battle occurs afterwards as an interruption, and the team finishes the job, with more remorse from Glenn about messing with Stamp’s island. Then the engineer flies overhead and drops down the ladder, offering one more chance. Lucia says,
“Will Sephiroth also be disposed of?”
Matt reminds her,
“It’s okay, we’re the only ones at fault. There are witness too.”
With this, the team says goodbye to their leader, and Glenn tells him,
”Sephiroth, take care! Don’t overdo it/push yourself too much!”
They run off, leaving Sephiroth to evacuate, but he hesitates. The engineer shouts,
“Hurry up and get on, hero!”
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But our hero can’t leave his friends just yet!
He runs up to them and Glenn is surprised. He says,
“You came…….are you sure? If you get on this helicopter, you could get fired, right?”
And the chapter ends with Sephiroth’s simple reply,
“I’m special.”
Glenn just laughs.
This appears to be a direct reference to Sephiroth’s future statement about always knowing he was special or different since he was a child.
The word is the same.
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“Exceptional, unique, beyond ordinary…”
But this line from Sephiroth is actually more upsetting to me than funny or cocky, because yes, there is indeed a chance he is merely being proud about being able to get away with his current actions due to his status as Shinra’s hero, but…
There is also the chance he knows he cannot be fired or disposed of because Shinra would never let him leave. They have control over him. He is different or special in that sense too. He is a prized possession, unlike the others.
I have yet to see, but I wonder if Sephiroth knows that he is risking severe punishment for his actions by helping his team and will not be met with a simple lay-off, but since this is his last chance to help and be with his team, he is ready to pay the price. If they are fired, he may not see them again. Now is his chance.
His hesitation at the helicopter is sincere. He clasps at his heart and everything. I don’t believe he is being light-hearted when he tells Glenn he is different. In the English, it came off more prideful, as though Seph were daring Shinra to come after him. In Japanese, I get the feeling he is making a sacrifice. 
Sephiroth also believes it is his job to protect his team. If Shinra tries to harm them, he will have to face that. I fear that for now, Sephiroth has not learned that Shinra will not just punish him, but they can also kill people he considers friends.
I also think this chapter was full of foreshadowing.
Even the scenes with Glenn praising Sephiroth and making an effort to do it honestly and constantly felt as though it were meant to be a contrast for what could be shown later if the Shinra higher-ups appear and catch Sephiroth in the act of treason.
I am very proud of him, but I am very concerned for him now.
(I have more thoughts on Sephiroth’s relationship with Team Glenn after this chapter, but I will save it for another post! Hope you guys enjoy this one in the mean time!)
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rottenpumpkin13 · 27 days
gives miniroth a baja blast
*Glenn watches Sephiroth happily sip the drink*
Glenn: Aww. Is it good?
Sephiroth: M̶̨̦͇̩͕̟̙̳͓̜͓̠̃̈́̍͒̍́͑͊̏̌͂̋͛̕ͅ ̵̢̡̺̙̣̰̣̤͓̩̦͚̠̖̟̘̠̜͙̫̗͖̅͑͗͐̽̊͆̓̽͊̋͑̈̇̅̓͠Ǫ̸̛̪̮̞̩͇̞̪͍̇̑̓́̊͗̇͛͒̈́͑̈́̚͘̚ͅ ̴̢̧̨̛̜̦͕̱̭̬͙̳̼̝̬̠̰̆͊́̆̉́̂̔̂͘͘R̸̢̢̧̲̻̤͙̺̬͎̩͉̘̖̣̒ ̵͚̺͓̯̦͔̙͓͎͎͚̲͎̟̗̩̰͉̟̭̯̝̩͍̊̐͊̾͆̍́͑̆̋̿̈̽̔̀̏͗̏̈̉̄̐̿͘͘͝ͅË̶̡̨̩͈̘̤͉̩̯̻͕͕̥͓͈̲͔̣̱̙̊̌̄͗̈́̋̽̄̏͝ͅ
Glenn, while Matt and Lucia are screaming in the background: How adorable!
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naiveff7 · 7 months
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I know I am very slow on this one, but since these four didn't get to enjoy the lighthearted summer fest I figured I would let them have some watermelon smashing fun.
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svphirothlvr · 8 months
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brother and sister your honor
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sasammy · 2 years
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Posting back to back apparently. Anyways another Lucia :] she's my silly little dude
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altocat · 3 months
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I'm not okay.
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someartistsammy · 6 months
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Made an extended lineup for the chibis + a version that has all of their more realistically sized models as well.
LGM + AGS version under the cut for myself.
5/26/24 EDIT: This keeps getting notes and I have no clue if people will see this but 3ish months back they released a wallpaper with the girls showing Lucia as possibly taller than Cloud, if not at least the tallest of the girls, so it can be assumed that the scaling for the FS characters might be off due to being modeled separately.
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guardianot · 2 months
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Sketch + requests from Insta
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catboyidia · 4 months
OMG STOP THIS IS ADORABLE!!! the yuri wallpaper for valentines day 😭 why are they all so precious together though ahhh!!!
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