#feral mishearing names is my new favourite running gag
its-not-a-pen · 1 year
Feral<< Brother, we found you a new boyfriend. >> Maul << No thanks, I dont . . . WAIT IM NOT GAY !!!>> Savage<< Yes, you are.>> Maul << I DONT WANT A BOYFR
 Feral: Brother, you gotta face the facts. This relationship is totally one-sided! Cannoli doesn’t hate you the same way and no amount of senseless violence will change that! Not to mention, these Jedi aren’t loyal. You spent twelve years faithfully loathing him with all your heart but he gets a new rival every week! First Ventress, now this Dooku guy--y’know it’s a terrible double standard--
Savage:  Yeah. You orchestrated a whole military coup on Mandalore for him, killed his girlfriend, and he STILL leaves you on read. This guy is SOOO self-centered.
Feral: There’s lots of other boys for you to hate! Um...what about “Mace Window?” I dunno if you’re into older men, but he’s sensible, a good fighter, and totally single right now--Also he was friends with the “Cue-ball Gym” guy you murdered so you’ll have a lot to talk about while you're fighting to the death!
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