#fellow nonnatuns are great
alice1nwond3rland · 7 years
I was tagged by @inspoartist & @sincerelygeertje (thank you)!!!
Rules: Tag 10 of your followers you want to get to know better.
Name: Corinna (yes, with one ‘r’ and letter ‘n’ twice)
Nickname: I don’t really have one! I’ve always wanted one, because all my siblings have one. I guess there’s one my mom uses...Corinee-weenie
Gender: Female 
Star Sign: Cancer 
Height: I am not really sure, it’s either between 5′3, 5′4, or a wee bit higher (but I am average I think)
Sexuality: Honestly, not really sure in that department. All I know is that I’m single AF!
Hogwarts House: On Pottermore I was sorted into Hufflepuff! But sometimes I feel like I’m a Ravenclaw (the aesthetic of Slytherin is quite appealing though)!
Favorite Animal: I love all my furry, creepy, and beautiful creatures! But my favorite would have to be a horse!
Average Hours of Sleep: Oh yikes, honestly depends- I aim for 7 hours, but 5 hours or less is the norm!
Current Time: Well, it’s 10:32 am
Dog or Cat Person: Oh, can’t I be both! I guess my track record says dog, but I love cats!
Blankets: I have two, one that adds extra warmth and the other is my “Hobbit” blanket (Lonely Mountain and all)!
Dream Trip: To travel to Europe; especially London, Scottland, and the Netherlands (*squeals*)!!
Dream Job: To become a Forensic Pathologist (determining a person’s cause of death, but I could do without the paper work)!
When I made my Blog: My archive says November 2014 and lurked...for like 2 years (woah)!!
Followers: 155 (edit: totes forgot to add)!
Why I made a Tumblr: Let’s see, I was 18 y/o at the time and really wanted to share on a platform with others who had similar interest! I lurked on a number of subjects and one day, I stumbled upon gifs of Turnadette and found my people!
Reason for my URL: Oh, for the love of ‘Lewis Carroll’ and his story on “Alice’s Adventures and the Looking Glass!” I love the tale and how at every turn, Alice is faced with difficulties in growing up and elements testing her patience!
Let’s see, who has and hasn’t been tagged: @clonethemidwife, @pixiejessd, @silentkw, @lbiscuit5,  @1curioussoul, @kienova66, @nurse-franklin, @swearronchanel, @westcoastwilma, and @weshallc (if you were tagged again oops and if you weren’t tag, still do)!!!
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snoopctm · 4 years
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CtM Thursday Thoughts
Call the Midwife Unite Week 2
Episode 6x08
Welcome back, Nonnatuns! It’s Thursday again, and it’s time to share some random thoughts about the latest installment of Call the Midwife Unite, featuring episode 6x08 and the after-show interview with Jenny Agutter and Helen George. More thoughts follow:
First, I want to say that I love episode 6x08! It’s one of my all-time faves for a number of reasons--Turner and Shulienne moments, definitely, but also the overall balance of the episode and the way the stories are blended together. I think this is a great episode for Trixie, as well, which is why I think it was great to have Helen George on the aftershow. I had originally been hoping for Jenny Agutter and Laura Main, but I think having Jenny and Helen worked well, with each representing different major arcs on the episode as well as being able to share thoughts on the episode in general. I would love to see Laura participate in a future CtM Unite as well, though.
I read along with Twitter more closely this week than I did last week, and it was fun! It was fun seeing the cast members put in their comments (Stephen, Jenny, Laura), as well as fan comments as the episode played. It was fun to watch people following along at slightly different paces. I also saw some fans noticing that Netfilx cuts a lot of scenes. My advice as always--get the DVDs (they are unedited)! 
It was especially fascinating in the after-show noticing how they handled the technical difficulties in light of something Jenny said about Helen before. She mentioned that the cast members do keep in touch off set, but Helen often acts as a facilitator/encouragement in communication. Then later Jenny was having trouble hearing the interviewer, and Helen just starts repeating the questions so Jenny can hear them! It’s cool to see how helpful she was without even seeming to give it a second thought. I love the dynamic between the cast members and getting to see some of their real personalities in these interviews. 
I also have to mention that while I love the whole cast, I have some partiality to the original cast, so it was fun hearing Jenny and Helen talk about what it’s been like to be on the show since the beginning. I also liked seeing their genuine praise for their fellow castmates, especially Laura Main and Linda Bassett this time. 
It’s still weird for me to watch happy Barbara scenes.  I wonder if they’ll ever do a rewatch of 7x07. That would be emotional!
So, that’s all for this week! What did you think, Nonnatuns?
As for next week, I found myself torn between voting for episode 2x08 or 6x04. I ultimately chose 2x08, but it looked like 6x04 had slight lead. It will be interesting to see what episode is chosen. Next week--more thoughts! Stay tuned!
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mg-bsl381 · 6 years
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The Call the Midwife tour is great. It’s fascinating to see the real locations behind our favourite scenes. Well worth a visit even if you have to travel over 5000 miles or a mere 200! Sadly the Turners were unavailable today as the surgery was closed. (Also they have moved from the flat!) However my fellow Nonnatuns, the surgery and the flat really are just around the corner from each other.
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alice1nwond3rland · 6 years
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Merry Christmas Eve and Day to my lovely Nonnatuns!! Wanted to give my thanks to all the cards I received this year (I just love this fandom so much, it has given me so many opportunities and amazing friends)! Wanted to first say thank you to @ilovemushystuff (she is just the best and is always so lovely/amazing; she’s the real MVP)! Thank you to @dullroarofspace for the lovely drawing! Next, thank you @turnt4turnadette for the lovely card and equally amazing fanfic (such Turner family goodness)! Thank you @hellsbellsellesbelles for the beautiful card (it was wonderful)! Also, thank you @kienova66 for the Turnadette feels from your card, the fanfic was brilliant (yours is on its way haha)! And finally, thank you @staywith-her for your super sweet card (along with the photoset entailed inside)!! You all have been so lovely and amazing! 😊😊🎅🎅
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