#fe3h fleche
favoredvassal · 8 months
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I have too much fun making those
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gghero · 1 year
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Azure Moon AU where Caspar recognizes Fleche and... intervenes after the whole Rodrigue debacle
Caspar now has to answer for an extremely traumatized teenage prisoner of war as tensions and resentment escalate around camp. The Faerghus Four are really conflicted about the whole thing but mostly stay out of it. Mostly. Others are not so charitable
But Caspar sees the good in everyone and is determined to not give up on Fleche... He knows he could never replace Randolph. He knows Fleche hates him and thinks he's a traitor. His own side of the family was never close to Randolph's due to the inheritance feud, but none of that matters now. He is tired of fighting family and friends and if there's anything he can do for her then you bet he is going to try to save this one person
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diceuki · 2 years
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kingdom dance 🎉
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I still think Fleche is underrated
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braincell-art · 2 years
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Fleche <3
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themattress · 8 months
FE3H: 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25
1 - Not "everyone" gets them wrong, but both Edelgard and Claude frequently suffer from truly terrible takes. Edelgard gets treated as a clear-cut, evil and/or stupid villain rather than the morally gray character with admirable qualities that she truly is, while Claude gets treated as a 100% reliable good guy when in fact he's far more complicated and has just as much potential to swing toward the dark side as Edelgard and Dimitri (though he's admittedly still more reasonable on the dark side than either of them). Tellingly, many fans got angry at Three Hopes for clarifying the truth about them rather than admit they pegged them wrong.
3 - Concerning takes on Edelgard:
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7 - "Hate" is a strong word; I don't hate him at all and think he's a good character....buuuut I'll freely admit that I have less fondness for Dimitri than I might otherwise have had due to the fandom's treatment of him. So many fans who accuse other fans and even the games' writers of "uwu woobifying" Edelgard in order to distract from her flaws and crimes do exactly that for Dimitri without a hint of irony. This is a guy who, prior to his redemption in Azure Moon and prior to his death in Silver Snow and Verdant Wind, committed the most personally vile, cruel acts out of all the Lords, with little to no remorse. That's really not something that should be minimized or brushed under the rug as if it didn't happen, nor is it something that any amount of trauma can excuse. Hell, Dimitri at the end of Azure Moon would agree with me here!
8 - The common opinion of Edelgard haters is that the Church of Seiros did little to nothing wrong and Edelgard is stupid or evil for wanting to destroy it, while the common opinion of Edelgard fans is that the Church of Seiros is rotten to the core and the best future for Fodlan is it being destroyed. I disagree with both takes. The problem isn't the Church, the problem is Rhea. And not in a bashing way, in an objective way that Rhea herself concedes to by the end of Silver Snow and Verdant Wind: she let her fear, grief and desire consume her and cause her to run the Church in a (though she of course didn't see it this way) self-serving manner that exacerbated the divides in Foldan. The bottom line is that a lot of Fodlan's problems could have been resolved if only poor Rhea had gotten some serious therapy.
9 - The Battle of Gronder Field's aftermath in Azure Moon. On paper, I like Dimitri's redemption arc, but I feel that the execution behind his big turning point was handled horrendously. Rodrigue, who is Felix's father and not Dimitri's, dying gets Dimitri to turn around while Felix himself barely reacts. Fleche, who had potential surviving and helping in Dimitri's arc while also being helped herself, is just casually killed off while only Dimitri finds healing and redemption. And Byleth just forgets that they have the power to turn back time, therefore allowing Rodrigue and Fleche's deaths to happen. Worst writing in the game, easily.
10 - All of the blatant mischaracterizations.
12 - Now, I totally get why many find him off-putting, but Lorenz deserves more love. He is among the biggest cases in the game of someone who struggles to unlearn what he's been taught for his entire life, but that's what makes him so interesting. And whenever he's actually successful at it, he's quite likable with his more humbled personality and bonds with others.
16 - The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and the Blue Lions. For the most part, it's a bog-standard medieval kingdom and character archetypes that have been done better elsewhere.
17 - More Edelgard vs. Hilda casual rivalry fics/art please; it's hilarious.
18 - Edelgard/Claude as a ship. So much potential there!
19 - Silver Snow. Yes, it's the most unpopular route in Three Houses. Yes, its execution is ass. Yes, its character dynamics are wasted. Yes the final boss is an absolute nightmare. But I like what it was trying to do, damn it! With enough tweaking, it coulda been a masterpiece!
20 - The Heroes' Relics. I get why they're a big deal, but I can't bring myself to actually care about them beyond a gameplay level. And yes, that includes the Sword of the Creator.
21 - Dimitri, Faerghus, the Blue Lions and Azure Moon! Haven't you been paying attention?
24 - Edelgard, of course!
25 - I have sometimes heard complaints that the Golden Deer get the short end of the stick because their backstories, families and home regions tend to get less focus compared to the Black Eagles and Blue Lions. This is missing the entire point. The Golden Deer don't represent a single, powerful entity, but a diverse alliance of city-states, one that has been particularly shaky as a of late. The individuals are not as important as the unity - the alliance - between them is. The focus isn't meant to be on the Golden Deers' backstories, families and home regions, the focus is meant to be on how they gel with one another despite their differences and what they achieve together. In any case, Three Hopes granted more spotlight on half of their homes and families, so it's not like they're totally deprived of that either.
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damnilovefaerghus · 1 year
(It's me koroart heh heh) for the Fe3h asks how about 26, 27, 28 & 29 ? :3c ✨️
oh these are gonna be hard lmao
26. Who is your overall favorite character?
My babygirl, light of my life, raven-haired sharp-eyed jewel of his nation, resolute and noble, lord of many, he of the oddly charming sparse facial hair, Volkhard von Arundel
yeah it's Rodrigue who did you all expect
27. Which character do you feel "meh" about?
Surprisingly enough, Ashe. I know he has a good number of ties to various sides of the Kingdom and Lonato's conflict, plus a sympathetic background, but his whole character and his approach to life and duty remains a resounding "meh" to me. Maybe if he'd been more than just a cinnamon roll?
28. Which character do you not like at all/hate?
The girl with a knife whose entire existence is justified by being a glorified plot device for killing a sympathetic father, who then gets ganked herself with no further characterization or use of her role in the plot, and whose sole role is telegraphed from approximately the moment she appears
I will leave it up to your imagination whether I am talking about Kronya or Fleche
29. What character should have gotten more development?
also give me more Dedue lore I demand it (Hopes did better but I want more!)
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resonantlightning · 2 years
Azure Gleam and Golden Wildfire spoilers below
It's kind of a relief to be playing golden wildfire after azure gleam. I'm aware that Claude makes some VERY questionable decisions (also Gloucester commits a war crime in chapter five lmao) but azure gleam was so fucking bleak. Seeing Edelgard reduced to a shell and all of the empire just trudging along, knowing she's not really there, was such a bummer. It just isn't fun to battle a villain that isn't motivated.
Until you invade them, of course. And while what you're doing in AG when you invade the empire is just as justified as what you do in SB (if not more so) it's framed in such a heavy and awful way that I felt shitty playing it. Also killing Fleche as the other characters comment on how young she is really sucks.
And again, I don't think it's an issue inherent to the route so much as how it's presented. I struggle to see how anyone could feel like AG isn't kind of a buzzkill. Like, even if you hated Edelgard, wouldn't you rather take her out when she's herself? Victory against her just feels so hollow. Even if she was turned into Hegemon Edelgard it'd be more fun because at least then you're fighting a tragic monster. Battling Edelgard at the end of AG feels like I'm battling a trauma victim being forced to fight via her mind-controlling uncle because that's what's happening.
Listen, FE3H and FEW3H has some heavy shit in it. You're supposed to feel things and to some extent question the value of what you're doing. But everything you do in AG is more or less justified. It just sucks.
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mildlyeldritchcats · 1 year
Things Missing From The FE3H Limited Edition Artbook
It might be everything missing, it might not be, idk
Non-final designs in general - the artbook only has the finalised versions (with the slight exception of Mercedes, whose hair is its pre-release colour in the artbook) rather than showing things like the lords' early designs (since the lords had early designs, I'd imagine that the other characters and things did as well)
DLC Content (e.g. designs for the Ashen Wolves, Abyss concept art, etc.), which makes sense because it hadn't been released yet
Cutscene storyboards
CGs (e.g. S Supports, story CGs)
Post-timeskip designs for the characters that have them and aren't the lords
Jeritza (the Death Knight is in the artbook, but not Jeritza as he appears in the monastery or in CF)
Adult Sothis (appears (briefly) in the intro cutscene, the painting on the covers of the artbook and limited edition, and in an unused placeholder version of the Zanado CG from Chapter 2) (design is mentioned to exist in a Nintendo Dream interview)
Lord Arundel
Duke Aegir
Fleche (CF Fleche and AM Maiden)
Anna (only default/War outfit, Tricky Merchant is DLC)
Ionius IX
Younger Dimitri (from AM flashbacks)
Younger Edelgard (from AM flashbacks)
Swords: Armourslayer, Athame, Blutgang, Cursed Ashiya Sword, Iron Sword, Mercurius, Rapier, Sword of Begalta, Sword of Moralta, Sword of Zoltan, Training Sword, Wo Dao
Lances: Areadbhar, Arrow of Indra, Brave Lance, Crescent Sickle, Gradivus, Iron Lance, Javelin, Killer Lance, Lance of Zoltan, Lúin, Scythe of Sariel, Short Spear, Silver Lance, Spear of Assal, Training Lance, Venin Lance
Axes: Axe of Ukonvasara, Axe of Zoltan, Crusher, Freikugel, Hammer, Hand Axe, Iron Axe, Killer Axe, Mace, Short Axe, Silver Axe, Steel Axe, Training Axe, Venin Axe
Bows: Blessed Bow, Bow of Zoltan, Killer Bow, Longbow, Mini Bow, Parthia, Steel Bow, Tathlum Bow, The Inexhaustible, Training Bow, Venin Bow
Shields: Iron Shield, Kadmos Shield, Lampos Shield, Leather Shield, Seiros Shield, Silver Shield, Talisman Shield
Staves: Asclepius, Caduceus Staff, Circe Staff
Gauntlets: Iron Gauntlets, Steel Gauntlets, Training Gauntlets
Missing genders of classes: male Dancer, female Wyvern Rider, female Wyvern Lord
Missing classes: Enlightened One, Emperor, Great Lord, Barbarossa, Soldier, Fighter, Lord, Mercenary, Thief, Brigand, Brawler, Mage, Dark Mage, Priest, Hero, Warrior, Great Knight, Bow Knight, Dark Knight, War Master
Missing monsters: Altered Golem, Flying Demonic Beast, Giant Bird, Giant Cralwer, White Beast, Silver Snow versions of Immaculate One (where she's flaky and glowing and kind of looks like she's burning from the inside out)
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unxpctedlygreat · 2 years
The no-Byleth recruit route for SB is kinda ehhhhhhhh
Unlike AG, you never control Randolph, you don't get supports with him or anything
(And to add to the injury, he's Fleche's brother and I'm still mad about her killing Rodrigue in fe3h 😂)
It's sad he died I guess but it just doesn't have the same emotional impact as Rodrigue dying in AG bad route
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Protag: Monica
Fleche: Caspar
Egliette: Linhart
Harpae: Dorothea
Lisette: Hubert
Enjel: Kronya
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readythefanons · 2 years
old-tober: favorite ingredient
Hello friends, this time around our OldContentOctober theme is “favorite ingredient,” which is to say a favorite trope, dynamic, or other element that you incorporated into your work.
Per my usual, I have a few :)
- “Karen is Not a New Yorker,” which is Daredevil (netflix TV) fanfic. Ingredient: re-telling with a focus on a woman from a franchise that is has a protagonist who is a man. When I was inspired to write this fic, I wanted something in the vein of “an avalanche of detour signs” but for Daredevil. In my youthful hubris, I thought I could do something cool like that (spoilers: I got a few thousand words in and stopped.) But this is the first installment, and it stands alone just fine. It was really fun to explore what Karen’s origin story could be (this was written when only season 1 was out)
Rating: T. Gen. 1K.
Karen is not a New Yorker. She was born in Connecticut and raised in Vermont, but New York City is her first ever crush. The city that never sleeps. The Big Apple. When she’s short and chubby-legged, she loves the glitter and glamor. Skyscrapers and fountains and dramatic dip kisses in the middle of the street.
- "What You Make of It” which is Fire Emblem Three Houses (FE3H) fanfic. Ingredient: found family. I LOVE found family, yall, and I finally got to write a fic with this. The premise is basically, what if Leonie ended up fostering queer youth during the war? And then we were off to the races, and Lorenz was there too (of course) and I just had a wonderful time thinking of their little family with its dozens of kids. (It’s not actually that many, but they end up adopting a lot of kids.) One commenter said they liked how the kids felt like individuals and the relationships between Leonie & Lorenz and each of the kids felt unique, and I can’t think of a higher compliment.
Rating: Gen. Leonie/Lorenz. 6.8K.
“Uh, Leonie… who is that?” Claude asked.
“This is my apprentice!” Leonie said proudly, hands on her hips. Next to her, the small child followed suit, putting their hands on their hips and puffing out their chest. They looked to be eight at most.
“Uh-huh,” Claude said.
“No,” Lysithea interjected firmly. “Apologies, but—no. That is a child—and if anyone says ‘it takes one to know one,’ I will scream—and not old enough to be your apprentice.”
“Piper is the best mercenary apprentice I ever had,” Leonie said. The child in question—Piper apparently—crossed their arms and nodded.
- “Twitterpated” which is also FE3H. Ingredient: the author’s favorite thing. This was inspired by fleche, and also the fact that I love birds!! I love them. I love fics where it’s about some hyperspecific thing, and you can tell the author is into that think irl. :)
Rating: T. Leonie/Lorenz. 3.5K.
Without realizing what was happening, and mildly against her will, Leonie had ended up becoming the Vice President and Co-founder of the UF Leicester Chill-Ass Bird Watching and Nature Appreciation Club.
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It is AMAAAAZING how you don't even have to go half a post in these Good People who crow "she started a war!" before you see something shitty like mocking people who feel bad that they killed a 12 year old in-game and explain why it should be celebrated. I am TIRED.
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kanomitri · 3 years
Dimitri vs Fleche Parallel
Tw/Cw - Death, mentions of decapitation, trauma, and stabbing
Okay, but Dimitri and Fleche.
I'm in the middle of my Azure Moon replay, soaking in EVERYTHING,
and I just hit the end of Chapter 14.
Uh, as a reminder, this is the chapter after you've just reunited with your students and the monastery is being attacked. What's most important here is the dialogue Fleche shares with Randolph (the enemy general of this chapter whom you must defeat and Fleche's older brother). The transcript is as follows:
Randolph: It would seem the report that the Knights of Seiros have returned was accurate. This is going to take some effort.
Fleche: Brother... I heard a rumor that there is a vicious murderer among our enemies.
Randolph: Who knows if there's any truth to it. Though I admit we have lost some soldiers recently.
Randolph: Whether he's among them or not, taking on the Knights of Seiros is extremely dangerous.
Randolph: You're not ready for the front lines, Fleche. Stay in the back and support us from there. Understood?
Fleche: No! I want to stay with you! I have to---
Randolph: I need you to understand, Fleche. I will come back, I promise.
Fleche: Fine. I trust you, Brother. Please... be safe.
Randolph: All units, prepare to attack!
(Source: The game itself. I copied it from the Log)
Now, aside from the fact that Randolph using Fleche's name while Fleche only says "Brother" is heavily reminiscent of Seteth and Flayn (wow, even the names are similar - Fleche and Flayn), I was listening to this exchange intently.
You see, last time I listened, I was clowning on them because - duh, they're gonna die lol. Dimitri is on my side 🤪🤪🤪 (I later learned that my Dimitri was NOT that powerful, as this was my first playthrough and I had little experience back then. My current Dimitri would absolutely demolish though).
This time, however, I recalled Fleche from last time - she was the one to nearly assassinate Dimitri, and accidentally kill Rodrigue.
Before, I saw this conversation as relevant simply because, "Oh hey, that guy's gonna die! Yup, there he is. Wait, Dimitri, calm down-"
I completely forgot Fleche, so when she came and claimed we killed her brother, my mind blanked. I thought similarly to the rest of the army - her brother must've been some soldier we killed. Oops. ╮(╯_╰)╭
Then, as the conversation closed, a small thought dawned on me:
That reminds me of Dimitri.
To be blunt, a lot of things do (I think about Dimitri just about 24/7 and thusly, I think about Dimitri parallels non-stop) but this was a first for me - and the thought stuck.
Yes, yes... Fleche was like Dimitri - seeking revenge for fallen family, a vengeance that would take her life.
She reflected what Dimitri could've been - and is - in another route. Another way the story could've been told.
Allow me to explain:
Firstly, Fleche was worried for her brother, and she survived the battle where he died.
This was, oddly enough, the first thought to come to mind to explain this, but hear me out.
In an earlier conversation (pre-timeskip), just after the Jeralt is killed, Byleth speaks with Dimitri, where the latter reveals more about his experience back in Duscur, as a way to empathize with the Professor - including some words about his stepmother, whom he loved as his own flesh.
Dimitri: ... My stepmother, the kindest person I had ever known, left me behind and disappeared into the infernal flames. ...
(Source: The Cause of Sorrow/Script - Fire Emblem Wiki)
Dimitri and Gilbert's C-Support reveal that Dimitri would not have lived were it not for an external influence.
Dimitri: (To Gilbert) ... You saved my life at Duscur. I have only gratitude for you, no blame to speak of. ...
(Source: Dimitri/Supports - Fire Emblem Wiki)
No doubt, Dimitri was extremely worried for everyone of the Kingdom during that battle - friends and family alike - but I focus specifically on his stepmother mostly because it's later revealed that she has something to do with the Tragedy, and I sometimes like to have a tragic sense of humor :]
Similar to Dimitri's concern for his stepmother, Fleche worries deeply for her brother, Randolph. Both of them are kept from the front lines and live the battle, but still bear witness to the murder of their family - for Dimitri, that included his stepmother, and for Fleche, that's her brother. Both survived where their beloved family fell, and they had a feeling it would happen.
Second, Fleche seeks revenge.
This is not a hard one to prove. In Chapter 18, as Fleche prepares to kill Dimitri, she shouts:
"[The pain of being stabbed is] nothing compared to what my brother felt! You will never be forgiven, you know. I will never forgive you!"
(Source: Blood of the Eagle and Lion (Azure Moon)/Script - Fire Emblem Wiki)
If that's not vengeance, I don't know what is.
Third, her vengeance is her death, but she does collateral damage in the process.
This one is also fairly obvious - after stabbing Rodrigue she's killed - but there's also a bit more to it.
Yes, Rodrigue's death is an important step in Dimitri arc as it caused him to view both life and death differently, but you can also use it as parallel fodder (as I have).
You see, during other routes (Verdant Wind and Silver Snow specifically), Dimitri comes incredibly close to killing Edelgard (they are literally on the same battlefield, and she's even severely wounded in the process!) but he fails to finish the deed. He severely damages the Imperial army (alongside the Kingdom and Alliance forces, as cited in the event, "A Visitor"), but Edelgard lives. He dies.
Similarly, Fleche comes incredibly close to killing Dimitri. She even does collateral damage (aka she killed Rodrigue) - but she ultimately fails. Dimitri lives. She dies.
In essence, Fleche is a Dimitri that would've been - a Dimitri that is - had he not been corrected. Ironically enough, she helped him - saved his life even.
And people give all the credit to Byleth. ┐(´ー`)┌
Anyways, that's just a thought I had that I may or may not have put too much thought into haha. I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed it but that's my two cents at the very least.
TL;DR - fleche is lowkey a manifest of dimitri
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No offense but I think Fleche should be allowed to stab whovever she wants. Just a little
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bylaudelekha · 3 years
wait question to my fe3h friends:
how is fleche related to caspar again? i know that she's randolph's younger sister, but i'm not sure how she's related to caspar. they're both from the same house, and i did think that they were siblings but the fe wiki really went no and said:
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like? it makes sense but i'm not sure lol
clarification would be much appreciated! thanks!
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