#fc: hamel patel
tarninausta · 2 years
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@arwenindomiel‘s tolkien south asian week day 2 | minimalism + elves + tragic heroine | ELWING THE FAIR
Too late the ships of Círdan and Gil-galad the High King came hasting to the aid of the Elves of Sirion; and Elwing was gone, and her sons. Then such few of that people as did not perish in the assault joined themselves to Gil-galad, and went with him to Balar; and they told that Elros and Elrond were taken captive, but Elwing with the Silmaril upon her breast had cast herself into the sea.
- J.R.R. Tolkien, The Silmarillion, “Of the Voyage of Eärendil and the War of Wrath“
[ ID: An edit for Elwing, consisting of four graphics. Each has an image set on a white background with a red frame, and contains text reading “Elwing”
1: Hamel Patel, an indian model with black hair and brown skin. SHe’s wearing a white sari with black detailing and is walking away from the viewer, looking over her shoulder
2: The overgrown ruin of an ancient indian building
3: Green treetops
4: A white bird with a black head, in flight
/End ID ]
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nerajaana · 3 years
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Racebend AU
House Martell: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.
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stonedregulus · 2 years
no it is for sure kind of a funny hc but for some reason i feel like it works bc paul rudd is handsome but he leans towards being Just Some Dude type of handsome and lyall at his core is Just Some Dude who likes to hunt boggarts. when it comes to remus w/ the andrew garfield fc i imagine jenny slate as hope, but there are soo many possibilities for her depending on the remus fc. and i dont have anyone for effie yet, but for monty, i lean towards amitabh bachchan during his great gatsby era.
Okay see I agree that Lyall is just some dude, and Paul works for that but the problem is that I just hc Lyall with a beard and being a tough guy, you know? Like he goes out and hunts magical beats for a living. Like I’m thinking more like Idris Elba.
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Like look at him. This guy fights monsters okay?
Okay I love Jenny Slate so much and can totally see her as Hope. I love it. Okay but what about Maya Rudolph?
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For Effie, I normally fc Priya Mani Raj and for young Effie, I fc Hamel Patel!
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I’ve been using Oscar Isaac for latino Monty!
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luomistaide · 4 years
Liste de faceclaims
salut les zouz, suite à une suggestion super intéressante de @sarcastic-and-vicious on a décidé de vous publier une petite liste de poc qui mériteraient un petit peu de votre talent ♡ (si vous souhaitez ajouter quelques noms de fc underrated -ou sous-représentés dans la commu rpg française- à la liste ou quelques liens vers des répertoires, n’hésitez pas à nous DM)
Adut Akech, Anh Wisle, Anisa Stoffel, Anok Yai, Aïssata Diallo, Banita Sandhu, Bhumika Arora, Curtis McDaniel, Damaris Goddrie, Duckie Thot, Earth Vangwithayakul, Ebonee Davis, Grace Bol, Halima Aden, Hamel Patel, Hilda Dias Pimentel, Imaan Hamman, India Graham, Jack Pililaau, Karly Loyce, Keith Powers, Kelly Gale, Logan Browning, Marquis Crawford, Mekhi Lucky, Mona Tougaard, Neelam Gill, Nidhi Sunil, Nisaa Pouncey, Nneoma Anosike, Nyakim Gatwech, Nyane Lebajoa, Oran Efergan, Pooja Mor, Q'Orianka Kilcher, Rasika Navare, Reece King, Rick Mora, Saffron Vadher, Samile Bermannelli, Sharon Alexie, Shivani Persad, Sonali Singh, Sydney Harper, Tashi Rodriguez, Willow Smith, Winnie Harlow, Yara Shahidi, Younes Kahlaoui, Yvesmark Chery
et pour ceux qui souhaiteraient découvrir encore plus de visages méconnus, n’hésitez pas à aller fouiller le tag discover du tumblr de @kawaiinekoj 
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tucahq · 2 years
» 𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘨𝘦 ;  mw fcs and majors?
mishti rahman, kiele montgomery, zion moreno, lori harvey, helena nguyen, jamilla strand, ash levi, hannah kim, nailea devora, logan browning, jennie kim, lisa onuoha, kim ehwa, glowprincess, aj clementine, hamel patel, duckie thot, brigette lundy-paine, amandla stenberg, nic kaufmann, lorenzo zurzolo, evan mock, dominic fike, elliott fletcher, clinton moxam, cris calenda, aron piper, lucas white smith, keith powers, aaron liebregts, chance perdomo to mention a few.
as for majors, i would love to see someone really into robotics or cybersecurity, game development, marketing, environmental or criminal law, or political science.
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