#fc ✧{simon}
alexbkrieger13 · 27 days
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beccaxwrites · 21 days
Simone Ashley Bridgerton S3 Gif Pack
Message me to have access to 82 gifs of Simone Ashley in Bridgerton S3 Pt 1. Simone is Indian Tamil. Please cast her correctly. All of these gifs were made by me. You are free to use them as long as you do not claim them as your own. Please do not add to other gif hunts. I do not have a problem if you use them in crackships, but you have to ask for my permission first and give me credit.  Like or reblog if you save or use any of them.
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katelynnwrites · 2 months
this chaos is exactly why i love them 😂
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ikram1909 · 3 months
stop they looked so confused 😭🥹
Their faces 😭😭😭😭
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lumossolemstuff · 4 months
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alexi-01 · 3 months
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the “played their best games against madrid and was incredibly let down by their teams” duo
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leveloneandup · 11 months
togethxr Sound on to hear what was going through my head when I saw Christen Press, Tobin Heath, Madison Hammond, & Sarah Gorden on the ESPYs red carpet 😅
*and Simone Charley
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pedripics · 5 months
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tresjoline · 4 months
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draumas · 1 month
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livelaughlovepedri · 2 months
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simone ashley (1-9)
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soccer-love · 1 year
Caro Simon x reader
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“EYYY.” Caro Simon screams as she gets up from the grass, shouting at the Leverkusen player. 
She had the ball and was running towards the goal, the other player was storming towards her and grabbed her by her jersey, forcing her to fall down. 
The referee blew the whistle, but not because of the clear foul, but rather because Caro hold onto the Leverkusen player and they fell down with her. 
“WHAT?” Caro adds as the referee gives Leverkusen a free kick. 
While almost the whole stadium is as upset about the referee's decision as the Bayern Players are, I smile. 
Not because I think it was a good decision, because it really wasn't, but because Caro is now exactly lookin in my direction. 
Giving me a perfect chance to take some photos of her. 
Since last season, I work as a photographer for the Frauen-Bundesliga. I can be right on the edge of the pitch, always there when they play and take photos of them. 
Right now I’m staying at the edge of the field almost at the half way line, trying to get some good shots. 
After one of the Leverkusen players, kicked the ball, the Bayern team quickly got it back. 
I look up as I see the Bayern Players running towards the goal but before they reach the box, some Leverkusen player kicks the ball away. 
Caro gets it and try's to shoot it to Maxi Rall who's standing just a couple of meters away from me, but she misses her. 
And before I even realize it, the ball is hitting me in the face, and I fall back. 
A pain goes through my head and I feel something warm running down my face. 
I press my hand against my nose, turning on my back.
“Oh fuck.” I hear someone saying, before I feel a hand on mine. 
“I’m so sorry.” the same person says before another voice cuts them off. 
“Turn her, on her side, it will help with the bleeding.” 
I feel the first person, taking there hand from mine and then softly grabbing me by my shoulder and waist, carefully turning me on my side. 
“What happened?” a man asks and I open my eyes a little. 
Some players are standing around me, from both sides, Leverkusen and Bayern. 
Kneeling on the ground next to me, there is a man with the logo of the Bayern Team on his shirt. And as I look up, I directly look into a pair of blue eyes. 
“The ball hit her.” the blue-eyed person says, her voice full of fear. 
“Wow.” I say, completely ignoring the pain in my face. 
The blue-eyed beauty gives me a irritated look before taking a tissue from the man a softly pressing it against my nose. 
“My name is John, I’m a doctor, can you hear me?” the man next to me asks and I look at him. 
“Thank good.” The blue-eyed beauty says and then I realize who she is. 
Caro Simon. 
“Okay, great. Do you think you can get up so we can bring you inside to take care of your nose?” he asks and I nod. 
He and Caro help me up, before another woman takes her place and they lead me inside the building next to the pitch. 
“We’re gonna take you into one of our first-aid rooms.” John explains and I just let them do there thing, the room is full of medical stuff and has a big window from where you can see the pitch. 
They lay me down and for a second I look over to the game.
“Okay, what's your name?” John asks and I look back at him. 
“Y/N Y/L/N, I’m a photographer for Die Liega.” I say and he nods. 
“Does your head hurt or do you feel dizzy?” 
“Nope, if we ignore the blood spilling out of my nose, I’m fine.” I answer and he smiles. 
“Okay, keep pressing this against your nose and I’m gonna put a ice pack on your neck, it should stopp bleeding soon.” he says and I nod. 
From the coroner of my eyes I notice that the game is finished and that the Bayern Players are celebrating. 
“They won, 2:1.” John informs me and I nod. 
After a couple of minutes the bleeding becomes less and John gives me a bottle of Protein shake. 
“There is some Magnesium and Iron in it, that you lost with the bleeding.” he explains and tells me to drink it and keep laying down for some time. 
He tells me that he needs to go and check on his team but he will come back in a couple of minutes and that if I need anything, some other people of the med team are standing outside. 
After some minute I hear a slight knock on the door and then someone comes in. 
Its Caro. 
“Hey.” I say and she closes the door behind her. 
“I...I am Caro Simon, I’m the one that hit you with the ball, earlier.” she says and looks at the floor before looking back at me. 
“I just wanted to apologize. I didn't mean to hurt you and I’m really sorry.” 
“Its okay, I know it wasn't your fault.” I say and smile at her. 
“How are you feeling?” she asks and steps a little closer. 
“Good, the bleeding almost stoped and I don't feel any pain.” 
“That very good, I know what it feels like to get a ball in the face and no pain is a really god sign.” 
“Yes and really Ms. Simon its not your fault.” I say and she scrunches her nose. 
“Please just call me Caro, I feel really old when people call my by my last name.” she says and I nod. 
“I’m Y/N, by the way.” 
“It’s nice to meet you Y/N.” 
“Its really nice to meet you too, Caro.” 
She opens her mouth to say something when someone opens the door. 
“Hurry up, Simon. Georgia can’t distract John anymore.”
My eyes widen as I realize its Lina Magull.
“Yeah.” Caro answers and Lina closes the door again. 
I give Caro a questioning look and she sighs. 
“I kinda promised John do leave you alone after I apologized but I acutely wanted do ask you something.” she says and looks down at her shoes. 
“Then ask if you want.” 
“Can I...um...can I take you out for dinner, as an excuse for hitting you.” she says, stumbling over her own words. 
Its kinda cute actually. 
Caro smiles at me and pulls out her phone. 
“Can I have your number.” she asks and I nod. 
I enter in my number and as I’m about to give her the phone back, the door opens. 
“Now Caro. John is coming back.” Lina says and this time she actually comes in, grabbing Caro by her arm. 
“Sorry, but she really needs to come with me or else John is going to kill her before you two can have your date.” Lina says and smiles at me.,
“I’m glad you’re okay.” he says and I stand up. 
“Can I go?” I ask and he nods. 
“Of curse, but if you feel any dizziness, nausea or headaches please go see a doctor.” he adds before wishing me a good day. 
Most of the fans have already left as I go back outside again to grab the stuff I left on the sideline, well its actually just my camera. 
My phone vibrates and I pull it out of my pocket. 
Its a message from an unknown number, a video. 
I open it and realize its filmed inside the locker room of the fc bayern woman's team. 
“Hey, Y/N.” Caro says and she's the one holding the phone. 
“Hi Y/N.” some of the players add. 
I see Sarah Zadrazil, Lina Magull, Mala Gross, Karó Vilhjálmsdóttir and even some of the injured players like Giulia Gwinn and Linda Dallmann. 
“We are so sorry that you missed the last minutes of our game.” Sydney Lohmann starts, one arm over Klara Bühl. 
“And we are really sad about it because you take the best pictures of us.” Glódís Viggósdóttir adds. 
“But I think the ones from the first 86 minutes are really good too.” Tuva Hansen  says. 
“We hope that you’re feeling better soon.” Lea Schüller. 
“And that we will see you on the pitch again soon.” Georgia Stanway adds.
“Have a good day, Y/N.” Caro adds and the smile on her face  only gets bigger. 
“See you at the next match.” the whole team says before raising up there water bottle like they wanna say cheers to me. 
Before the camera goes off and I just keep smiling at my phone.
Another massage papers under the video. 
“Everyone was really sad for you <3″ 
And under that another massage. 
“Hope you have a good night, C.” 
My smile grows bigger and I press my phone against my chest before typing an answer. 
“That's really cute.”
Its been five days since this happened and for tonight Caro invited me our for dinner. 
We went to a small restaurant in Munich she told me that is absolutely great and it was just wonderful, the food was absolutely delicious and Caro was charming, funny and maybe a little fit flirty but maybe I just imagined that. 
We decided to take a walk after because its a warm summer night and none of us feels like going home right now. 
“So, being a professional player has always been your dream, huh?” I ask and she nods. 
“Yeah, I just love having a ball at my feet and...I don't know how to explain that but its just such a great feeling to be out there on the field.” she says and I cant help but get lost in the sparkle that filled her eyes as she started talking about it. 
“ I get what you mean, its the same for me with photography, being able to be so close to the players and the game is really cool.” I explain and she smiles. 
“Have you ever been on the filed?” 
“No, photographers aren't allowed to go on them, you know. We could damage there expensive lawn.” I say and she laughs before grabbing my hand. 
I feel my heart stopping for a second and then beating like crazy, as she pulls me into a side street. 
“Where are we going?” 
“To my car, I wanna show you something.” she says and stops. “But only if you want.” 
“Of curse.” 
We drive to the north of the city and after some time I realize that we’re really close to the FC Bayern Campus. 
“You wanna go do a late night work out?” I joke but she shakes her head. 
“Nope, I want to show you something.” she says and stops at the parking lot of the campus. 
We get out of the car and again she grabs my hand, leading me to the building that is next to the field where they normally play. 
She pulls a key out of her pocket and lets us inside, but we just go trough and out at the entrance of the field. 
I’ve only ever seen the field during the games or at the Media Days but now its kind of magic. 
The big lights are off and there are only some small ones, surrounding the field. 
I see Caro smiling and she softly pulls me to the edge of the field. 
“Are you ready to do something new?” she asks and I nod, laughing. 
We step onto the field and walk around stop at the center spot. 
“Maybe its crazy, but I always feel like there is this sort of energy coming from the field.” she says and I nod, not because it's crazy but because it's true. 
It’s hard to explain, but it's like you can feel the strength and energy that everyone that ever played on this field had felt, their happiness, anger, joy, everything. 
“Close your eyes.” Caro softly demands and I do it. 
I feel her coming closer and again my heart starts betting like wild and as she wraps her arms around me from behind, I’m pretty sure to die now. 
“Imagine, the seats are full of fans, screaming and shouting of joy, because you just won a game and your teammates are running up to you, hugging you and screaming. And the stadium is starting to sing.” she says and softly starts humming the melody of a song I know but I cant tell what it is right now. 
“FC Bayern forever number one, You can call us the champions of the world, FC Bayern forever number one.” she softly sings and I laugh. 
And it's almost like I can see it and hear it. 
“Thats really cool.” I say and turn around, her arms still wrapped around me and only then I realize how close we are. 
I notice her eyes flickering down to my lips for a couple of seconds before she looks back up at me. 
“I have to tell you something.” she says in the space between us. 
“I’m kinda glad that the thing with the ball happened last weekend, I mean it’s terrible and I didn't want you to get hurt but I....I noticed you already like weeks ago.” she says and her cheeks turn a little red. 
“Normally the photographers we have change but you where the same for a lot of games and then you where here at the media day and I always wanted to ask you out but it would have been really wired so...” 
“That way it was good that this ball hit me.” I finish her sentence and she nods. 
“And your nose is still very beautiful.” she says making me blush. 
Again she looks at my lips and I close my eyes before slowly leaving closer. 
I feel her breath on my lips before we meet in a soft kiss, she moves her hand from my back to my cheek and pulls me closer, rubbing her thump over my skin and making my knees weak. 
“I would really like to do that again after...a second date maybe?” Caro says as we break apart. 
“I would love that.” I say and she smiles before kissing me again, but only for a second. 
“Sorry, but your lips just look really kissable.” she flirts and I laugh. 
“Don't be sorry for that, I like kissing you.”   
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katelynnwrites · 2 months
pls post linda’s story 🙏
may i present the locker room chaos ✨
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firetfly · 1 year
˙   ៹    ♡  𝐒𝐈𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐊𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐋 gif pack ,
𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧! in the source link you’ll find 700 medium gifs ( 268 x 150 ) of simone kessell in yellowjackets s02 and outlaws. every single one of these gifs was made from scratch by me and for roleplaying purposes. do not: repost the gifs, include in your gif hunts, claim as your own or edit in anyway. like or reblog would be greatly appreciated if you found this useful.
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content warning: drinking, fire, blood, smoking, kissing.
important note: please do not use my gifs if you were blocked by me, for sm*t situations, celebrity rp as themselves or ‘t*boo’ rps.
if you enjoy my work, consider buying me a☕ or take a look at my commissions information.
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They finally get to lift the trophy, and get covered in beer
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