#fatty gets fat
jakegains · 2 years
Jaden had halways been a skinny guy, he always wanted to get bigger.
When he went back home one day, he walked past a fastfood place. Without hesitation he grabbed some food and went home. Once home, he place the bag on the tabel and took out his delicous food , 2 burgers and some fries with a bottle of coke. After some time he took the last bite.
"That was a good meal!": he said to himself.
Unlike other days, Jaden felt still hungry today. So he walked to the kitchen and took a leftover pizza, that he would have trown away otherwise and ate it.
"That feels good... I am full" he says, before going to bed.
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The next moring he wakes up feeling bigger, all that eating from yesterday made him get fat!
He enjoys his slightly bigger belly, he starts to rub it and push it.
Troughout the day he eat more and more, he straks with a big breakfast, snacks, a huge meal, more snacks and that evening he eats a lot of fastfood!
"OOF... I feel like exploding!" He tells.
His belly was big and round bigger than ever!
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But he does like his new big and still growing belly!
Pictures are from: @littledadbod , thanks for the pictures!
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fatguysgetbigger · 2 years
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"I think you should stop drinking all those sodas, Tim!"
"Why should I?"
"They are making your belly softer!"
"That is not so bad, is it? I like these drinks to much!"
"No, it doesn't matter! You look good with a little fat on your belly!"
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stuffedteen · 2 years
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Nico's German exchange (9/19)
The next morning, Nico stared in the mirror.  Nico was getting fat.  He pinched his once hard abs with his little sausage fingers.  Where he had had adonis-esque abs, his fingers were now swallowed by Nico's bulging pot belly.  Even with his tank empty, his pudgy belly still hung out over his belt, covering the top button on his pants with his flabby mid-section. 
He continued to play with his soft middle, jiggling his gut with his hands and watching his belly jiggle and shake after he firmly slapped it.  His stomach now formed a soft round potbelly, which flowed over his pants and constantly poked through his tight tshirts.  His ass had also ballooned so much that he had trouble squeezing it into the shorts he had brought from Italy.
Jiggling his fatty belly, Nico's thoughts were interrupted by the smell of sausages and bacon coming from the kitchen.  He raced downstairs, with his belly poking from his undersized shirt, salivating at the thought of breakfast.
On the dining table lay a full spread of eggs, bacon, three different types of sausages and bread.  Jonas was already sitting at the table, shovelling greasy food into his greedy mouth.  Nico quickly sat down and began to devour breakfast.  He shoved four sausages into his mouth at a time, letting the grease trickle down his chin and the crumbs fall on his shirt.  He then wrapped three eggs in 4 strips of bacon and shovelled it into his mouth, allowing the soft yoke to drip out of the side of his lips, through his now greasy beard, down his chin and onto his shirt.  Jonas appeared to be in a similar predicament, with egg yolk and grease from the sausages and bacon dripping down his chin and staining his tight shirt.  While Jonas didn't have a hairy black beard like Nico for yolk and grease to accumulate in, the crumbs of sausages and grease where getting caught in his blonde stubble, making Jonas look as gluttonous as Nico.
Once the eggs and bacon were done, both boys took 5 slices of bread, smothered each slice with butter and nutella and then stacked all 5 and ate them like an American hamburger.  Melted butter ran down Nico's greasy face and down his chin and the nutella smeared all across his lips.  The food was just so good.  Both boys sat at the table nursing their bulging stomachs, loudly burping and letting off gas.  Their shirts were stained and their faces were covered in grease but they didn't care.  They sat at the table with their belts undone in with state of pure ecstasy on their greedy faces and they waited for Jonas' Dad to come downstairs and drive them to class.
"Good morning fellas" they heard from the top of the stairs as Jonas' Dad, Herr Koch, descended the stairs.  "Looks like you boys enjoyed breakfast then" he said upon reaching the kitchen.  "You boys keep eating like this and you'll be real men in no time" he said, slapping Nico's belly and watching it jiggle.  "Glad to see you're growing a German appetite Nico" encouraged Herr Koch.  "Soon you boys will be real German men, just you wait" he said, lifting up his button up shirt to reveal his soft, hairy and round beer belly.
"Best get to class then" said Herr Koch attempting to get his two lethargic boys up. "I better clean this mess up and then get started on lunch!"  Both Nico and Jonas started salivating at the thought.
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fatloverwall · 26 days
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Candii kayn have gotten so big that she doesn’t fit in jeans anymore
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italinafatlovers · 2 months
Candii Is so fat now 😍😍😍😍😍
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honneywithuhhtummy · 2 months
#honneywithuhhtummy 🤤
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batzsgr · 2 months
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Ever since I moved in with my boyfriend, I've felt a bit different. Can't quite put my finger on it, though. Hold up, he's baking me something right now. Be right back.
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prettynora · 2 months
So soft 🥲🙃
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jakegains · 2 years
Kevin had been playing football since he was a little boy. For the last couple of weeks the coach has put Kevin on the sideline, Kevin was the 12th player of the team. While his teammates trained a lot each day, Kevin only trained once a week. He was waiting to be a player on the field again! His teammates followed a strict diet, any leftovers of their meals were given to Kevin.
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bellygettingfat · 27 days
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Before and after I let myself go :)
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stuffedteen · 2 years
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Nico's German exchange (8/19)
That night, despite his resolution an hour ago to reign his wild gluttony in, he guzzled drink after drink.  As he swayed shirtless on the dance floor, he could feel his now permanently bloated beer belly grow.  As he drank beer after beer he set his eyes on Jonas - was it just Nico's intoxicated state or was his once fit exchange brother now sporting an impressive gut, albeit smaller than Nico's bulging stomach.  "Damn Jonas looks good" thought Nico as Jonas turned to him, winked and then let out a massive burp.
**buuuurrrpp** The girls chatting Jonas rolled their eyes and quickly headed off to find more desirable guys, leaving just Nico and Jonas.  Jonas came up and put his free hand on Nico's soft belly.  "What do you think dough boy" he drunkenly slurred between sips of his beer.  "Why don't we go and get something to fill our guts" he said before slapping Nico on his growing pot belly.  At this Nico uncontrollably let out a massive belch **BUUURRRPP**  "Nice one big guy!" responded Jonas "sound like a yes to me".  And with that the two growing boys set off to ensure they would be completely stuffed by the end of the night with fattening German sausages, pork and potatoes.  Any commitments to stay in shape had been drowned by the fatty beers and Jonas' constant encouragement.
That night the two boys headed home nursing incredibly swollen and bloated guts, both almost the size of a basketball.  They stripped into their briefs and collapsed into Jonas' bed, each nursing their gassy beer bellies as both boys loudly snored and fell deep into a food and beer coma.
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lukesfatties · 2 months
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When you can see the belly button through the tight dress 🫠
(Bbw Casey, Reiinapop , goodgirlgrow, cutiedonut, dairyqueen94, lana2002)
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3chub3 · 3 months
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very much giving butterball, stuffed tummies are soy cute ^_^💝
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bellyfairy · 1 month
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Before and after a good meal
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batzsgr · 2 months
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Think someone swapped my protein shake... It seemed more filling lately...
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babybbwstufff · 3 months
fuck I turn myself on…
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