#fared al mahlool
ohsalome · 11 months
In 2015, Russia officially entered Syria an ally of Assad in order to kill Syrians and commit the most heinous massacres, such as bombing markets, hospitals, residential neighborhoods, city centers, and health centers. Until now, Russia and the Assad regime and its ally, Iran, are killing civilians in a semi-formal manner. daily. They committed thousands of massacres against the Syrians in many areas in Syria. As for the United States, unfortunately, it did not have a word in order to stop the criminals from killing the Syrians. The United States policy was weak in Syria and did not properly care about the civilians being killed by the Assad regime and Russia. In 2020, the Assad regime, Russia and Iran expelled me from my city of Maarat al-Numan and occupied it. They destroyed my memories, took my house and my father's shop, and stole everything we owned. Because of these criminals (the Assad regime, Russia and Iran), I became an internally displaced person without anything. I lost my memories, my city, my home, and literally everything.
To all foreign journalists interested in the Syrian issue, please be honest and forthright in everything you write about Syria. Don't forget the Syrian Revolution. Do not write “civil war.” It is not a Syrian civil war, it is a Syrian popular revolution that arose for the sake of demanding freedom and democracy. Please follow those who live on the ground (inside Syria) and take the news from them, do not trust any other source. Those who live inside Syria know all the truth and everything that is happening. Do not forget the detainees in the prisons of the Assad regime, who are subjected daily to the worst forms of torture. Research the Caesar Files [in August 2013, a military defector code-named Caesar smuggled 53,275 photographs out of Syria showing at least 6,786 detainees who died in detention or after being transferred from detention to a military hospital.] And also follow the organization I work with, Syrian Emergency Task Force, in order to know a lot of things about Syria.
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redjaybathood · 5 months
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Fared Al Mahlool is regularly reporting on Syria.
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Here he is on blue sky or twitter, here's where you can support him at kofi
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sadanandaom · 11 months
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thistabithahope · 1 year
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“This disaster is exceptional, and all it has revealed is that the mundane horrors Syrians have been enduring since 2011 have not yet abated.”
Syrian White Helmets Work Miracles After Earthquake | New Lines Magazine
Photos by Fared Al Mahlool
Donate to the White Helmets here
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stepagency0 · 3 years
بالفيديو|| معبر باب الهوى يكشف أرقاماً ضخمة للذين دخلوا سوريا.. وشاب “وحيد لأهله” يفقد حياته بحادثٍ مروع
أفادت إدارة معبر باب الهوى الحدودي مع تركيا، مساء اليوم الإثنين، أن قرابة 18500 مسافر من المقيمين في تركيا دخلوا عبر معبر باب الهوى في الأسبوع الأول من بدء إجازة عيد الأضحى المبارك لعام 2021م.
معبر باب الهوى الحدودي
والأربعاء الفائت، فتحت إدارة المعبر الحدودي رابط التسجيل للحصول على موعد لقضاء إجازة العيد في سوريا، بعد مباحثات بين الإدارة والجانب التركي.
وعلى صعيدٍ متصل، وثقت كاميرا مراقبة ظهر اليوم، وقوع حادث سير في منطقة تل الكرامة قرب مدينة سرمدا شمالي إدلب.
لحظات قاسية سجلتها كاميرا مراقبة لوفاة الشاب مصطفى ترمانيني إثر حادث سير اليوم الاثنين 12 تموز على طريق تل الكرامة – كفركرمين بريف حلب الغربي. pic.twitter.com/0Z1je3LWLo
— Fared Al Mahlool (@FARED_ALHOR) July 12, 2021
  حيث اصطدم سائق دراجة نارية بسيارة كانت بمحاذاة الطريق تحاول العبور، ما أدى لوفاة شاب على الفور.
ووفق ما تداوله نشطاء في إدلب، فإن الشاب المتوفي يدعى مصطفى ترمانيني، وجاء بزيارة للشمال السوري عبر معبر باب الهوى الحدودي مع تركيا لقضاء فترة العيد في المنطقة.
from https://stepagency-sy.net/2021/07/12/386513/
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ohsalome · 9 months
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(photo by Fared Al Mahlool)
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sadanandaom · 3 years
Please enjoy the amazing photos by Fared Al .Mahlool.
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