#fanboy kinchan is my new favorite headcanon
lune-kuruta · 4 years
About episode 12 season 2 of Boueibu...
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Okay, so we already know that the Student Council “does not sing” (yeah, right...). But what were they doing and thinking while watching the Defense Club singing for the whole galaxy?
Probably watching the show just mildly interested. When the song starts being more catchy, he lets out one of his usual exclamations of polite surprise (”Ah ~”). Internally wonders whether the Defense Club used to rehearse that musical number at school, since they were quite good for an improvised show. Still, they would be able to hear them from the Student Council room, wouldn’t they?
As the “Like!” icons spread all over the stage, he just nods his agreement and thinks to himself that it would be nice if the show was broadcast in Earth as well. He also tries to figure out which kind of tea would better go with an idols battle like that.
Speaking of tea, he notices a slight increase in temperature along with... steam? Must be just an impression... anyway, he gives a side look to the other two.
“Ah ~”
Well, he is not that surprised.
He curls a lock of his hair imagining himself in the spotlight singing so much better than those guys that the whole galaxy would love him and make him their idol instead.
Sometimes he catch himself looking to Io and admiring his elegance even in a situation like that. Okay, maybe his spotlight fantasy could be a duet instead of a solo...
Then his eyes insist in focusing Ryuu once in a while. He wants to convince himself that Zaou’s incompetence would spoil Io’s perfect performance, but the truth is that light definitely favors Ryuu’s sparkly eyes and bright, confident smile, and his voice is not that bad either.
His musical fantasy becomes a rivalry fantasy in which they duel for the chance of being Io’s partner until their fans all over the galaxy start begging them to get together, and then the duet becomes a trio and...
Is it getting hotter in here? That might be out of my anger, for sure...
He tries to get back to the first idea; daydreaming about Io is okay, but with Ryuu Zaou is definitely too much!
He is kind of skeptic in the beginning because, seriously, would anyone imagine that lazy Yufuin singing? He will probably snore into the microphone! And why is he always that close to Atchan? Kinshirou is really tempted to get on the stage and take Atsushi away from all that mummery.
From the very moment Atsushi’s lips part to sing the first line, Kinshirou starts blushing. He tries to hold himself and keep a rigid posture and a blasé expression, but Atchan singing and smiling is just too much to handle. He covertly takes a few photos with his phone -- all of them are kind of blurry and shaky, but they would do. He burns out of jealousy and envy of all those alien creatures who are able to enjoy the show and vote for Atchan. His thumb starts itching.
He silently reaches to Wombat and casually asks him how to purchase posters and other stuff from outer space -- just out of curiosity, not that we would ever display any interest in covering his room with posters and action figures of Battle Lover Epinard fighting, singing, dancing or just existing.
He gets back to his place just in time to see Atsushi smiling brightly to them while singing. He starts fantasizing Atchan performing that lovely way just for him and tries his best to keep his poker face. Then he notices Arima discretly looking at him and all the steam coming out of his own heated face.
EDIT: I’ve posted an abridged version of this text on Archive of Our Own. Please feel free to check it out if you’d like!
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