#fanbase rp
salted-caramel-tea · 1 year
That One Server is dying rb to make it die faster
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mishapen-dear · 9 months
HUGE probs to cc!forever btw i thought he added the furniture thing as a joke option to like- legitimately get under q!bad's skin to give cc!bad an excuse to give his cubito more problems. but no apparently his chat were just instigators and made that suggestion to him 😭
i'm so impressed by how he got blindsided by a Full Lore Mode angry q!bad and kept his cool, and worked to communicate, and admitted when qbad had a good idea about the voting (qbad could NEVER), and went and got Cellbit when he realized the language barrier was too much. absolute king shit over there. like here he is trying to legit make the server better on a meta level and gets blindsided by q!bad's lore problems and he rolled with it so so well. he's doing legit such a good job for the server
and this is like- me being a bad fan, and i know it was an accident, but im very grateful to him for how that shook out. every time bad starts to get a little lore moment or something dramatic for his storyline, it fizzles out or gets overtaken by something else. cc!bad has been doing a great job with his storytelling/roleplaying and building up a narrative of feeling unappreciated/like a helping object instead of a person (and i could GUSH about the parallels between qbad and qforever and how they recognized those feelings in each other) but!! the point is that cc!forever did it. even accidentally. he created a catalyst event that could finally get my favourite little cubito off of his rocker (FINALLY), and bad is a good person to get off of his rocker. this is going to be a gorgeous little storyline that i am going to enjoy so so much. forever wanted to do good for the server and the story and by god he has done it
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tacomedli · 10 months
So yesterday I was finally able to catch up on Jaiden's most recent stream, and-
I love q!Jaiden. So much. I want to scream.
How is her lore/streams so funny and yet so sad at the same time?!?!! I don't know how long her trip to Japan is supposed to be or when she'll be able to stream again but I really wish I had a fast forward button because I am going to DIE from all this suspense!!!
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anyway. am i allowed to say that yes aimsey is a good role player and they make really cool stories and i’m very excited for her being in purgatory, but i’ve always been kinda meh on them ever since they threw a little shitfit over the existence of bisexual lesbians a few months ago?? like it was kinda hypocritical that he was pissed over bisexual women who may also identify as lesbians, which is an identity that breaks the typical definitions of both of those labels, while also being nonbinary and a lesbian, which is also an identity that breaks the typical definition of both of those labels. ik it was a while ago, they did apologize and explain their reasoning, but it’s just left a bad taste in my mouth ever since
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penaconys-hound · 9 days
you’re 52 aren’t you Gallagher 😈
Maybe I am, maybe I’m not, who knows? I could be 3 or four if making it decades, I could be 13, I could be 13 in dog years.
Ether way I’m not saying which ones right
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enderspawn · 1 year
funnily enough thinking thru the mcytblr bracket some characters are getting knocked out bc they're too well-developed like. sorry you need to be shallower actually. this is an eye-candy and fucked up abt it zone only.
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silvcrignis · 11 months
Unhappy Hour || Claude & Victor || Open
A yawn, confused little noise & SHUFFLE of sheets as a curly head of hair popped up from black silk sheets before Victor's head tilted at where Claude was across the room. While Claude did not sleep at all he usually just LOUNGED in the bed, scrolling through his phone unless he needed to piss or eat but him being away from the bed for an oddly LONG time had roused his minion.
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"... Boss? It's like 2 AM why are you on the PHONE?"
Cue an IMMEDIATE muting of the call, Claude's voice tinged with a HARD malice.
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"Someone referred to my genitals as my "After Hours Eifel Tower" on Spindlegram so I am calling the FBI."
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commander-sammy · 1 year
Sammy kicks the door open and is rubbing her temples. "I am gone, for who knows how long...and everything is a mess, and there is glitter everywhere! Better be seaweed based glitter."
Nibbles the mutant bread roll bounces up and down "It's good to be home"
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malkmadness · 1 year
thinking abt making silly rp accounts for a few of my VTM blorbos . I saw some of my mutuals do it and now I'm inspired
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aforgottenmercenary · 1 month
Am i Replaying Fire Emblem Heroes? Yes Am I returning to the FE fanbase, even the RP space? HELL NAH!
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blueflare7pkmn · 11 months
Love having one of the Rotomblr blogs I follow going through the horrors and the other baking bread.
I want bread!
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galaxies-unknown-a · 2 years
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“....... I don’t like where this is going...”
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odusseus-xvi · 10 months
So Etoiles was rping yesterday with BBH saying things like "We need to be careful, I like Forever but he might get manipulated or brainwashed, I don't trust this" etc... And immediatly people started jumping at his throat either saying "But Forever is NOT weak !!!! >:(" or "Ah ah you are just salty you losed, if you don't know how to lose just don't play the game." and Etoiles had to say himself afterwards "For f*ck's sake it is RP... It's annoying, if you don't have a big fanbase people will jump on you if your character doesn't worship their "main character". That's the problem with semi-rp, they think I'm actually mad." So that's a thing. But I also wanted to touch on something related :
It makes SENSE for q!Etoiles to see q!Forever as vulnerable or even weak. q!Etoiles is a warrior, he sees the strength in people through their courage, and physical prouess. Throughout the presidential process he showed everyone he wasn't afraid to put himself in danger : He fought hardcore dungeons, the codes multiple times and survived. He saw q!BadBoyHalo do similar things, but q!Forever stayed in his base doing his things, and q!Etoiles never got wind of what he was doing, so to him, he hid for the full campaign. Two things that probably didn't help in the last few days : When q!Cellbit called q!Etoiles for the lore dungeon, he came, but he also saw the minimal reactions q!Forever had when q!Cellbit went down, he saw as fear the fact q!Forever didn't come to help. And secondly when q!Forever proposed the competition, the last days, when q!Etoiles had only one life left, and moreso a competition that (in Etoiles' eyes) q!Forever made sure was unwinnable for q!Etoiles. Now that q!Forever is president, q!Etoiles is confused : HE showed his strength, HE showed he could protect everyone... But now he is worried, he doesn't know of q!Forever's actual strength, and this potentially weak person is now supposed to lead and protect everyone.
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cringesnail · 9 months
I'm too tired to scroll the tag to see if someone already talked about it so I will.
Here are the (non-rp) reasons Baghera gave for why she didn't interact with Forever as much as in the beginning:
- People saw them as a duo almost immediately and it stresses her out, she was afraid that people would expect them to do everything together
- At some point (not anymore) she decided to distance herself from some people with a big fanbase because of the harassment she faced at the beginning
- For the last few months, they've both spend a lot of time building alone so they didn't see each other
- They're not necessarily on the server at the same time (not sure what she meant? They're often there at the same time)
- She goes to see different people for different reasons
- People focus on the fact that they don't spend as much time together as before but they still do spend time together
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sweet-potato-42 · 6 months
From a meta perspective bolas team did a perfect job in becoming the most popular team and marketing (whether intentionally or not). like its quite impressive to see:
they set themselves up as underdogs day 1
they had a fun insane behavior thing that people were attached to
they had awesome imagery with the gas masks and being red
they had a group of ccs who were very close to each other beforehand and had great dynamics and were great at rp
They streamed all together at the same time
I have to say they did a great job at making themselves seem like the better team and painted blue as the enemy (like its fair of them to have done but anyone can say some of their comments were kinda biased)
the BOLAS chants are peak way to rally people together
Had the advantage of bigger ccs with intesne fanbases
the rivalry with bbh was also fun to see
they were sometimes the targets and victims and losing (highlight sometimes, they were not weak, they won a lot) and did a great job and focusing on that and using it as fuel
In the end they were great at what they did, too good at it, which caused the fanbase to be super biased towards them and some elements of it was what caused so much drama.
New ccs: please be worse at marketing for our sanity
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prencheese · 4 months
Big shoutout to BBH and Tubbo for getting real abstract and funky with their lore presentations lately, like BBH *literally died* and his pov for the past 3 days has been the ghosties (the watchers!) fanbase, and letting the egg admins run the show
and G O D do pomme, dapper, and richas know how to rp!!! i'm so happy their admins are getting their time to shine as their own main characters
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