slbp-secret-cupid · 5 years
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To one of the sweetest, kindest people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting @faeriesplaygames
I wish for you all the love, support, and happiness ♥️ @otomelin
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guacameowle · 6 years
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My Reapernari showed up in dramatic fashion to @faeriesplaygames kitty roof party.
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saizophrenia-blog · 6 years
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Ok here are the last ones that got in before 10pm. Its closed now. Thank youu everyone! >:3 @otome--gokoro @minminami @atroniascreamsube @faeriesplaygames @recvel @eiriasu--sometimes
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dwtslbp · 6 years
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I’ve had this done forever but trying to find my reference again took forever XD
@faeriesplaygames and her MC avatar with our firefly.
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yoolee · 7 years
DWTSLBP (Dancing With the Lords)
OKAY. I am not tired of this yet and since brain is still too zonked to write I’m gonna keep drawing. 
TAG ME IN A PIC OF YOUR SLBP AVATAR - a) because they are pretty and I like seeing them and b) so I can draw them!
TELL ME WHICH LORD you are tagging in for! (if you’re already on this list I can move you or take you off, just lemme know)
First tag first served - whoever tags in first is who I will draw. I’ll like your post to indicate I’ve seen it! If I haven’t in 24 hours ping me in a message or something - I don’t always see my tags??
I’ll do the first person on the list, and once I get through all the lords, I’ll start again! Maybe!
IF YOU WANT, you can also indicate dance style category that you’d like:
CLASSIC BALLROOM (Quickstep, Waltz, Foxtrot, etc.)
ARTSY (Ballet or Contemporary)
LATIN (Salsa, Tango, Paso, etc.)
OTHER/LEE’S CHOICE (Hip hop, swing, secret Lee shenanigans)
I can’t promise specific styles because it depends on what references I can find, but I’ll try.
This is the sort of thing you will get. Eventually. 
I reserve the right to not finish >>;;
MASAMUNE: Hoebunaga (Classic)
Yemi-n (PM) (Classic, pref - waltz)
KOJURO: Tentori21 (Lee’s choice!)
MITSUNARI: Obscene-tevene
SAIZO: Kissingkeiji 
Saizoswifey (Latin - pref. Rumba)
MITSUHIDE: light-windsnow (Flowy, pref - ballet)
TOSHIIE/INUCHIYO: Sionainn-tabris  (Lee’s choice)
cavern-of-bells (LEE SURPRISE except probably not XD)
IEYASU: Irina291992 (Classic, pref - waltz)
Aeirwen (Classic, pref - V. waltz)
YUKIMURA: parawhore212 (Classic, pref - waltz)
NOBUNAGA: Sekaiiswrong (Flowy, pref - ballet)
Supporting/Unreleased Characters
NOBOYUKI: dreamfar628 (Latin, pref - tango)
SHIGEZANE: Nikkihime (Latin, pref - flamenco)
Thegreenfairy25 (Other, pref - Irish Dance)
TORAMATSU: Suzunesays (Latin, pref - tango)
MAGISTRATE (lolololol): Tallbutshort9
GENYA: Rose-of-Yonezawa (Latin, pref - salsa)
HOTARU: Faeriesplaygames
KOTARO: vogel-freie-fluegel (Other, pref. ring-around-the-rosy)
I’ll do other SLBP folks if you can link me a screenshot of their sprite! Tenka ninjas, supporting retainers, whatevs, man. I’m just trying to get more practice and I like dance references <3
IE - Oichi, Hotaru, Tsugutsugu, Yasumasa, etc.
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slbp-secret-cupid · 5 years
A little note from @faeriesplaygames to @yoolee!
My darling Lee!  How fortunate was I to pull your name in the V-day exchange?  At long last, my time to shower our goose princess with a little love has come!  
I thought of you and I thought of your motto for the new year.  
Fight Like A Goose!
And I thought to myself, of all the dear 2D folk we read about and adore and whom you find yourself affectionate toward, who would be the most likely to jump on board with that motto.  And the person I could see was none other than our earnest, always ready for a fight, Yukimura.  So here is a bit of modern fluff featuring one of your 2D husbands, with a special mini appearance by Saizo, since you've said they come as a pair for you.  Hope you enjoy this incredibly ridiculous V-day gift!
Reaching past your shoulder, Yukimura leaned in and tapped the keyboard.  Curious, your gaze flicked sideways to his flaming cheeks and nervous expression before you focused on the screen in front of you.  A somewhat generic but upbeat music began playing, with a driving beat behind it.  The screen faded from black and resolved itself into a image of Yukimura, only this was a Yukimura you had never seen before.
Shaking his body smoothly to the beat, just a slight jerking of the hips and shoulders, nothing too fancy, he kept perfect time with the music.  He wore his trademark color in the form of a t-shirt that was practically painted onto his muscular torso with your new motto emblazoned upon it.  His snug jeans molded to thick, firm thighs and the combination was mouth-watering.  Surrounding him were dozens of oversized, glitter-glazed donuts, sparkling under flashing lights.  
You choked as a burst of laughter nearly tore its way from your throat.  You covered it with a dry cough into your hand, smothering the smile you couldn't stop if you tried. What kind of wildly cute antic was this?  A music video?  Seriously?
Recovering, you tried to concentrate.  Before your eyes, the screen changed to a close up of Yukimura from the waist up, raising his arms dramatically as the word, "Fight!" flashed over his head.  In quick succession, two more images of him with larger and larger font over his head flashed.  Fight, Fight, Fight!  
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You gasped as two geese appeared on your screen wearing bandanas to match Yukimura's shirt.  This must be some kind of sorcery, some kind of cute voodoo. They seemingly bobbed their adorable heads in time to the music under a banner which read, "Like a goose!"  
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The sequence repeated itself a couple more times before returning to the original screen.  Yukimura plucked something from the waistband of his jeans.  He raised a glittery paper heart, miming his heart beating out of his chest in time to the music.  The two geese waddled in from each side to flank him.  As the music stopped suddenly, Yukimura winked and blew you a kiss, his hand pressing the paper heart over his own.
Unable to resist the impulse, you jumped out of your chair and flung your arms around the real live version of Yukimura standing anxiously beside you.  You couldn't believe this silly, earnest, dufus of a man made you a music video with geese of all things, geese and glitter donuts.  And all to show his support of you, to get on board with your motto for the new year.  What a gem, what a treasure, what an absolute sweethear-
-Snapping awake suddenly, Yukimura blinked and shook his head.   Looking around, he noticed Saizo reading nearby.  He leapt to his feet as though driven by incredibly urgent matters.
"Saizo!  Where do I find geese?!  I need geese!  For Lee!!"  
"Do we now?" The man didn't even look up from his book at this.  As though this were entirely normal and not at all strange or sudden or heck, impossible.
"Yes, this is IMPORTANT, Saizo!  I have to train them.  And I need glitter. And lights."
"Mhmm, yes, dear."  An amused Saizo cut off his frantic babbling and gazed fondly at him.
Yukimura had a LOT of work to do.  But for his Lee, their Lee?  He could do it, he was postive.  He was absolutely sure that between the two of them, they could do anything for Lee.  
So there you have it, modern Yukimura has a secret fantasy about being an idol and smooth AF.  Please enjoy these outtakes of Sockimura in action.  He was kind of a diva, to be honest.  But the geese were 100% professionals.  
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yoolee · 7 years
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@faeriesplaygames MC avatar with Kenshin! There aren’t words to describe how much I adore ballet shapes--choosing a reference was really hard.
Original Headcanon | Full Size | Reference  | Others
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dwtslbp · 7 years
Organizing Stuff
(If you don’t see your username here, that’s because I like to get through the list before I go back and duplicate lords, so it’ll be next round if I go another one!)
Hoebunaga + Masamune
Irina291992 + Ieyasu
parawhore212 + Yukimura
Kissingkeiji + Saizo
Faeriesplaygames + Hotaru
Obscene-tevene + Mitsunari
Tallbutshort9 + Magistrate (I didn’t give you a choice sorry but I have an idea XD)
 vogel-freie-fluegel + Kotaro + Ring around the rosy
Suzunesays + Toramatsu
dreamfar628  + Noboyuki (*or other style)
You can get bumped up to this list if you pick Shingen, Kenshin, or Hideyoshi! No one picked them, poor lords D: 
Next round:
Shigezane + His-pretty-little-doll
Shigezane + Otome-souls
Shigezane + Thegreenfairy25 (Other, pref - Irish Dance)
Ieyasu + Aeirwen (Classic, pref - V. waltz)
Toshiie + cavern-of-bells (LEE SURPRISE except probably not XD)
Saizo + Sengokugenkigirl
Saizo + Saizoswifey (Latin - pref. Rumba)
Kojuro + Candidquip
Masamune + Yemi-n (PM) (Classic, pref - waltz)
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