#ezria is endgame
buffyspeak · 4 months
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4.16 / 4.20
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tophsazulas · 2 years
The only high school relationship in pll that should been endgame is vandergomery
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bonivers · 10 months
2017 what a time…. steroline wedding… katherine back but she had a terrible wig then they killed her again….. delena human endgame…. stefan DYING…. ezria wedding….. i never lost so bad in my life. now imagine all this and you are 15 years old
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snixx · 9 months
Pll and SaB/Grishaverse :)
thanks for the ask!:D
favourite character: oof that's hard. emily, hanna or mona probably
least favourite character: garrett, ezra, wren or pretty much any of the guys on the show except maybe caleb lol
brotp: hann(ily!!!) also sparia though i do ship them romantically as well
otp: vandermarin <3 i also love me some angsty yearny emison this show has the best toxic codependent homoerotic queer girl friendships of all time fr
ot3: hmmmmmm I guess mona x hanna x caleb or the moms lmao
notp: do i even have to say it. the overglorified pedophilia ship
favourite storyline: it's been a hot minute since i watched the show but i love all the cozy liars hanging out in one of their bedrooms or coffee shop scenes so much?? i really liked the rainstorm and glamp mona storylines from s1 and aria/holden besties era and emily living with hanna to name a few
least favourite storyline: 80% of the later seasons but special shoutout to the AD reveal, the cece reveal, the fucking house, the baby rape plotline, all of ezria, every plotline involving wren, oh god I'm gonna go on forever I'll stop here
what i wish had happened but didn't: i wish maya didn't die:( and ezra was A and fleshed out into a complex villain that would've had so much potential
what i wish didn't happen: see least favourite storylines:') but the BIGGEST thing will always be ezria endgame
fav character: inej my wife <3
least favourite character: the fucking darkling he's so annoying
brotp: ninej <3
otp: unfortunately this one goes to the straights <\3 malina own my heart it's the orphans finding a home in each other/childhood best friends to lovers that gets me every time
ot3: manikolina maybe?
notp: darklina
okay I'm kinda sleepy and can't remember the storylines so I'll answer the rest later lol. but jurda parem and nina struggling with addiction and the ice court heist would definitely be some favourite storylines <3
fandom ask game!
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rebekahmikalson · 11 months
Rules: share some unpopular opinions about 5 different fandoms of your choosing. I was tagged by @shane-west and honestly, this is the type of venting I usually keep in my drafts so be prepared 💀💀 If you don't feel like doing it, no pressure but I am tagging @paceyjoeys @spcecowboyyy @infp-obsessing-over-everything @mikelogan
THE VAMPIRE DIARIES I think most people think Matt is a useless character. I mean he literally hated everything about vampires except when it was convenient for him. That being said, I do wish we actually got to see a relationship between him and Rebekah. 
PRETTY LITTLE LIARS I know there are hardcore Ezria shippers out there, but the glorification of Aria and Ezra’s relationship always bothered me. Once he started teaching at Hollis, they made it seem like their relationship was okay and they could be out in the open since he wasn’t her teacher anymore. Um the fact that he was her teacher wasn’t the only issue. Regardless, SHE WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL. The show never once made it seem like it was a problem that she was under 18 whether he was her teacher or not.
ONE TREE HILL Don’t hate me for this but the show was better after Lucas and Peyton left. Season 7 was one of my favorite seasons. I think Clay and Quinn coming in gave the show new life. Lucas and Peyton just whined all the time and Peyton had no right to be so upset and jealous that Lucas was with Lindsay in season 5. Jake and Peyton should have been endgame.
GREY’S ANATOMY I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but how does this show still exist?? It’s just ridiculous at this point. I stopped watching in season 13 and even that was a lot. How many disasters can happen with one hospital??
SHAMELESS They completely ruined Fiona’s character. Early seasons Fiona was all about her family and sacrificed a lot for them that I think it was so out of character that she left. I get that she wanted to find herself outside of her family and be her own person without everyone relying on her and that Emmy Rossum wanted to leave the show, but I just hate how her storyline played out in the later seasons.
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makeyouminemp3 · 2 years
I woke up today and I chose violence
Can u plz rank Quinn’s canon ships?
well damn... I mean, I usually wake up and choose violence everyday, everytime I decided, "let me be hateful cause I'm petty and bitter"
quinntana - I don't care what anyone says, it is by technicality canon since they did sleep with each other, twice
fabrevans - I mean, the rest was hard to choose cause I have an immense dislike for all of quinns canon male relationships. but I'll put her and sam here because I found them more tolerable, I guess. but they were just SO boring
quick - I don't like them either but they had somewhat cute moments that I enjoyed. them being endgame felt like a fever dream. yet again, the entirety of this show is
biff/quinn - they lasted like an episode and he was just so stuck up and slut shamed her. I'm so sorry, chace crawford but your character sucked so badly. cause I can't look at him and no think of nate archibald (who would never imo but I only got like 5 episodes into GG so)
fuinn - an absolute fucking recipe for disaster. they were never a good couple in the first place, it was toxic as fuck, they both cheated on each other, like bro. and then getting back together in season 2 made zero sense to me. tv shows shouldn't try to put back together a couple that never worked out at all (I'm looking right at you, stranger things and andi mack) if a couple is just flat out toxic, and one had feelings for someone else while in a relationship, it's not gonna work out. it never worked out
quinn/the professor from yale - a married man in like his 40s going after a freshly 18 year old girl who's also his STUDENT? yeah, no. it's ezria but a million times more creepy
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themarinaalexis · 2 years
I know Ezria was endgame in the original show but, do you think that, given how the fandom, pop culture and society in general have started to actively condemn those kind of relationships and their glorification in media in recent years, there would ever be any kind of callback or mention of them in any other show in the PLL universe?
Hmm I had to think on this one. I'm really not sure. I think that if Marlene and co. were at the helm of another PLL show/movie/reunion/whatever, Ezria would absolutely still be going strong. She seemed to see no issue whatsoever with their relationship and treated it like her ultimate OTP. I can't imagine her backtracking and admitting that she was wrong.
As far as Roberto or another team, it's harder to say. The little "Ezra's Books" Easter egg in OS made me think that this show isn't going to be outright condemning their relationship, if they were to come up at all.
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emisirrelevant · 2 years
Now that we know PLL Original Sin got renewed for Season 2, I will proceed to give a list of what I would like to see this season:
• I love Tabby, but hopefully they slim the film references down- I don't want to go through that again for another season- she can still like film, but don't make it her only personality/have her quoting every other minute
• ERASE THE FACT THAT THIS SHOW IS CONNECTED TO RIVERDALE. Probably unlikely to happen since the writer of Riverdale himself made this show too, but imo it wasn't necessary to connect universes. We already have Marvel, chill.
• ALSO AN IMPORTANT ISSUE/POINT- LET IMOGEN GIVE HER BABY TO SOMEONE ELSE OR GIVE ME IMOGEN TRYING TO RAISE THE BABY HERSELF- I still can't believe they did that right at the end of the season. It's not too late to fix it!! All they have to do is say right at the beginning of season 2 ep 1 that they acknowledge how bad "ezria" is and get that baby to safety.
• And last but DEFINITELY not least, ahem- Tabogen endgame.
Some or all of these may or may not happen, but it's still worth bringing attention to them, I think. It's fine if you admit you made a mistake, but if you keep repeating them they won't ever get fixed unless people like us fans speak up about it.
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xgoddessoffandomsx · 28 days
The new season of pll spin off back tracking on aria and ezria being parents and having imogen say “they got a weird vibe from ezra” actually hate it left a sour taste in my mouth like.. i swear this “woke” crowd will ruin everything so were only having the most boring infantilizing “ships” on screen.. im so tired of “dark” shippers getting shit on by not only antis but now even the ppl making the media as if they didnt create it in the first place.. gd the gas lighting fr .. anyway ezria theyll never make me hate you!! Like lol you made them a couple back when and endgame dont back track now bc of the people who are afraid of a little fictional spice and a fictional student / teacher relationship like.. im a teacher myself and would rather hurl knives in me but aria and ezra r a fictional ship and different its ridiculous we live in a day and age where this is apparently impossible ughhh sorry for the rant im just hurt and upset
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adanseydivorce · 9 months
pretty little liars and the raven cycle!
Pretty Little Liars 
will do show first then books :)
favorite character: Spencer Hastings!! Mona is a somewhat close second and I love all 6 of the main girls but Spencer is everything to me
least favorite character: Ezra Fitz. Byron Montgomery is in second place which makes sense as they are practically the same person 💀
brOTP: I’ll say Spanna even though I also like them romantically, and Spencer and Jason have a really interesting dynamic as siblings/foils that I appreciate a lot
OTP: Vandermarin and Spemily, Vandermarin’s probably #1 ultimately because they’re soo the canon love story of Pll… but Spemily is so underrated imo and it’s my favorite Spencer ship and Spencer’s my favorite character so that gives it something extra for me. 3rd place is Spencer x Mona
OT3: going to say Hanna/Mona/Alison is ultimately the most fascinating one to me in the narrative but I’m open to a lot of different poly combinations with this show
NOTP: I don’t like any of the main het pairings but especially not Ezria
favorite storyline: Spencer’s 3b arc and Spencer’s 4b arc I love when my fave is suffering and in a spiral it’s fascinating xd. 4b is probably my favorite section of the show period between the Spencer addiction plot (which definitely has it’s issues in the writing but Troian is just fantastic playing it), Shadow Play, the EzrA stuff and Aria’s processing which I find very engaging especially in She’s Come Undone, it’s also where Emily/Alison is most interesting to me because of the attention given to Emily processing her feelings (attention that it never given again after this :/) Hanna stepping into the role of detective more than Spencer and Spencer and Emily’s fights so a lot of interesting shifts in dynamics caused by them knowing Ali is alive now, Ali’s coded diary… I just love it in all it’s messiness xd.
least favorite storyline: Ezria and the deadnaming both were terrible. A lot of post time jump storylines
what I wish had happened but didn’t: Ezra going to jail, men being held accountable for literally anything, for the writers to care more or at all the last two seasons I think anything even slightly good that happens post time jump is thanks to the actors and not the writers and even most of them seemed tired
what happened that I wish hadn’t: Ezra/Aria endgame male chars being given unwarranted grace in general
favorite character: Aria Montgomery she has a slight edge over Spencer if we’re going with book versions of the chars specifically.
least favorite character: Wren since Ezra is less relevant in the books
brOTP: Spencer and Hanna + Spencer and Emily
OTP: Aria x Noel and Aria x Emily
OT3: Aria/Courtney/Emily
NOTP: Spencer/Wren since Aria/Ezra is less relevant in the books
favorite storyline: Emily faking her own suicide to then hunt down Alison in the last book slayyy.
least favorite storyline: Spencer’s romantic storylines in the second half of the series why so many flops :/ and then the Wrencer endgame yuck
what I wish had happened but didn’t: I wish Hanna’s arc had been stronger in the second half of the series although I’m not a fan of her post jump arc in the show either so…
what happened that I wish hadn’t: Wrencer endgame ugh.
favorite character: Blue Sargent there was a time when I readily considered her my favorite character in anything full stop still one of my forever girls I adore her.. Adam Parrish is a close second love him to pieces <33
least favorite character: I don’t really have one, I’ll say Kavinsky but mostly because he’s overrated/his stans are insufferable, while I’m reading he works fine within the story (this is the same way I feel about the Darkling actually)
brOTP: Blue and Ronan, Calla and Persephone and Maura, The Gangsey as a group
OTP: Bluesey ultimately but also Adansey and also Pynch and also Blue x Noah I contain multitudes <3
OT3: there is a lot of poly shipping potential in this series… Blue x Gansey x Henry is practically canon and I love them but I also am very into Gansey x Blue x Noah and Adam x Gansey x Blue… and Ronan x Adam x Gansey is also good…
NOTP: Ronan x Kavinsky less because it’s toxic I’ve shipped worse more because again the fandom is annoying
favorite storyline: the entirety of Blue Lily Lily Blue there’s so much in that book I adore, Persephone mentoring Adam, Blue and Calla scenes and Blue’s internal conflict while her mother is missing, Gwenllian and her dynamic with Blue and learning more about mirror abilities/what Blue is, Adam’s character arc in that book in general, so many of my favorite Bluesey and Pynch scenes and Persephone’s death is a gut punch that really works and the title… I love it :).
least favorite storyline: the ending of TRK is kind of anticlimactic even though I still love it like the other books
what I wish had happened but didn’t: Blue’s arc to have better closure in book 4
what happened that I wish hadn’t: the whole Adam and Ronan being racist to Henry part :/
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hfrpfanmail · 11 months
Question for Lucy Hale: If Ezria wasn't endgame, who could you see Aria ending up with?
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jcforsapphics · 2 years
I'm currently rewatching pll (which is something I don't think I've done since like 2017, 2018) and holy shit the ezra and aria thing is even worst than I remember
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birdmans · 3 years
fuck astrology signs—which teen drama television showrunner do you wanna fight?
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cal-york · 3 years
The episodes where we’re supposed to think Ezra is A are infuriating. That man is so manipulative. Not to mention the fact he had a habit of dating minors. He should have been a villain
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7prettylies · 5 years
2 -A less years
Hi Little Liars! It's June 27th, 2019 which means that today was the day that Pretty Little Liars ended. Though we can sleep as peacefully as the liars can at night, and we have a spin-off, the original PLL forever has a special place in our hearts.
So thank you, to Marlene King and all the cast and crew who brought Sarah's work to life & something to be excited for every Tuesday night.
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pllfanatic · 5 years
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