#extreme closure with Ed and Iz
izzysillyhandsy · 7 months
It is finally time for me to try writing about The Scene.
There's so much happening and changing within seconds. I feel that the whole history of Edward and Izzy is played out here, for (from their point of view) the last time.
We start off with Ed waking Izzy up, taking out his pistol (to Izzy's confusion) and then handing it to Izzy.
They are close, Ed is calm and fully in the moment. It is such an intimate moment, the way Ed tilts his head down in line with the pistol, never breaking eye contact.
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And Izzy, who at first was trying to fend Ed off, now looks at him like this:
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What is actually going on here? It seems like a return to something they've done before, like a memory of a tender moment. Of course, this is right after Ed tells Iz about the dream. Maybe it's just the closeness, or the fact that this must be the first moment in forever where Izzy is the sole focus of Ed.
But I feel that there is a story there, something in their past that makes Izzy - what is it - happy? Nostalgic? Regretful? I don't see turned on here, it's much softer than that.
"Good for you." (slightly sneering) "It was good for me." (completely sincere)
You don't need me to tell you this has more than one meaning.
Ed touches Izzy's hand as he stands up, "It was just what the doctor ordered."
The first half ends - these were the good times. Spending time together with weapons aimed at each other :). I think this was when both were young and relatively innocent, when life was exciting and the two of them were best friends, possibly even closer than that.
But now the second half starts.
"Anyway, it wasn't even like that."
Also has a double meaning.
"No, in my dream - I was standing. Just like this."
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Ed turns his back to Izzy, making this an execution instead of an act of intimacy.
Izzy first raises the pistol, laughs brokenly and desperately. It feels like this was also a situation they'd both been in before. The laugh sounds like "No, we're not doing this. Once was enough."
I think a similar scene happened when they were young, and the next bit strengthens this theory for me.
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Izzy puts his hand over half his face, his voice changes and he calls Ed "Eddie" for the first and only time in the show:
"Oh, you're scared, Eddie? To sc- to scared to do it yourself?"
Hornigold also calls Ed "Eddie", and I think Izzy is kind of channeling Hornigold here. Maybe, back on Hornigold's ship, Ed was ordered to execute someone and couldn't. And maybe Izzy had to do it for him. Maybe Izzy had to do lots of traumatizing things for Ed. Maybe the person executed was someone Izzy and/or Ed cared about. And maybe Ed started to resent Izzy for it. The way Ed is spreading his arms out, the way it seems almost staged - it's like Ed is saying "kill me like you killed him".
OR maybe this is how Izzy pep-talked Ed into becoming Blackbeard, which would be much darker (and harder for me as an Izzy apologist). But Izzy telling Stede that Ed's complete breakdown is like 50% his fault may point to events in the past where Izzy thought he had to push Ed into the Kraken-zone to secure their and their crew's survival. Maybe he did this often, especially at the beginning of their Blackbeard fuckery.
What is remarkable though is that Izzy hides his face with his hand, then forces out the words, almost choking on them. This clearly has importance and history - nothing so far in the whole show was forced out so violently - so I am heavily leaning towards a traumatic experience for Ed and Izzy both. It definitely crashes Izzy down from his nostalgia-high real quick.
Now Izzy's voice changes back to his own, but he speaks really fast and without inflection, trying to get everything over with:
"Go on clean up your own fucking mess I'm not doing it I've been doing it all my fucking life."
(without thanks I might add)
"Fuck off."
Izzy's finally, finally had enough.
Ed acknowledges, resignedly, and leaves. I think he expected it to go this way.
Izzy shoots himself. I think Ed also expected this.
Ed says he loved him best he could. It's over. He goes to his own death.
This scene is only a few minutes long, but as I said in the beginning, I think they're reliving their whole relationship here, first the good times (which are quickly devalued - "But it wasn't even like that") and the bad times (I did this for you, but for nothing - "Fuck off").
As Ed says to Frenchie, he's had closure with Izzy. He's shown him what it was like for him. Izzy's also had closure with Ed. From now on, Ed has to carry the weight of his decisions himself.
Both die.
(and then both indestructible fuckers come back)
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