#extinguished (ooc)
roastyoualive · 6 months
I know I've posted about it before, but I will never not find it funny that Warren is 6'2 AS A FRESHMAN.
Like when the movie came out so many people thought he was supposed to be older than the rest of the gang until the supplementary material said otherwise, but like.......... Can you BLAME them??
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look how tiny they are. everyone in this picture is the same age. (Layla and Ethan are in the background, but Warren is standing BEHIND Will. He's just. He'd be accused of being a narc if he wasn't the one everyone thought was going to jail)
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iniziare · 1 day
Slowly but surely, as I'm dying listening to ZL voice-overs in a playlist. Tag drop #1: OOC.
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dayplays · 6 months
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Me adding two terrible women as side-muses in the same week.
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curiouskinetic · 1 year
would anyone else like a kiss from sora.... a smoochie
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yuelun · 1 year
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Interrupting writing (only momentarily) because everyone is doing this thing and after-dinner fatigue is absolutely kicking my ass. And also, let it be known, Min, that I hope you knew exactly what me answering this was gonna look like. /drum rolls (also I need people to know that this has been playing in the background this whole time and I'm jamming out).
What's your phone wallpaper: Zhongli. But I edited the picture way too monumentally much in Photoshop. On my phone, it has a black background., I've dimmed it because I don't like my backgrounds to be overall too bright, I've selectively brightened some of the veins/lines along his arms and legs— he's a beautiful man and he's beautiful on my phone, he's been on there since I first found the picture months ago.
Last song you listened to: 'Saturn' by Sleeping at Last, but specifically the violin version with Tim Fain. Since I called myself out on this yesterday, the following should come as no surprise: it's my ultimate favourite song for Zhongli/Guizhong, specifically from his perspective after her passing. Aside from that however, it's also simply one of my absolute favourite songs that soothes me to the core every time I listen to it. .
Currently reading: It's been paused for a while, but things I've most recently picked up and haven't finished? 'City of Souls' by Cassandra Clare, a franchise I love dearly, even if nothing will measure up to the first three books.
Last movie: Final Fantasy VII: Last Order, I'm a huge Zack Fair fanatic. But also, it's been a while since I've actively engaged in watching a full film because I don't currently have the attention span for it.
What are you wearing: I live in loungewear or a mix/match of lounge/sleepwear and other clothes; I'm just that kind of girl. Granted, with all the moving abroad twice over in the last two years— I no longer have all of my comfy things. I'll restock. But currently my pyjama pants, short sleeved turtleneck, fuzzy sweater and fuzzy socks. If you ever see me inside of my home without fuzzy socks or fuzzy slippers (you know, like those that look like animals? I'll be 65 one day and still wear them), you know I'm not doing well.
Piercings / tattoos: Neither. I don't even have my ears pierced and it's not even for any specific reason, because I'd like to get them pierced. I just never... got... around to getting them pierced? I would like to possibly get a script tattoo under my collarbone, or something on my inner lower arm in white ink (I do have specific ideas as to what, shh).
Glasses / contacts or both? I'm nearsighted, so glasses, technically— but my eyes either got worse or better over time and my old glasses now give me a headache. I haven't gotten new ones yet, but I see well enough to be okay in the meantime. But soon.
Last thing you ate: ... Chocolate. But I heated up my chicken stew. I love, love, love a good stew or roast. And honestly, I'm on a fries and cheesy pasta binge, so I'll likely have one of those later tonight as a snack as I will, very likely, once again stay up until 6am writing and doing my own head in, because I'm right back there.
Favourite colour(s): Depends on whether we're talking clothes or otherwise. Black is a safe answer, but I like a lot of my accessories in white.
Current Obsession: Guizhong, (Kay, don't look) Zhongli, the Guili Assembly, Liyue the greatest nation in any game to have existed ever; yes, in that order. I guess also coffee. And also, none of these are only 'current' obsessions, they're going to be my obsessions well into any kind of perpetuity. No, I don't need help, I'll drown here very happily. :)
Do you have a crush? Are we including video games because of so... absolutely not, obviously. Geez.
Favourite fictional characters? /takes a breath. Guizhong, Guizhong, Guizhong— oh, others? Okay, uh, Zhongli... Madame Ping, Cloud Retainer, Osial, Marchosius/Guoba because I'm absolutely insane, Yaoyao (did you know that Yuegui, her bunny, was made by Cloud Retainer? I still cry over that), Nahida (she's the only non-Liyue character but I'm in total and utter love), Ganyu (I'm so close to adding her as an NPC on this blog, I swear to god), SKY BRACER-- I have a problem, I'm aware. I'm just absolutely feral over Liyue and it's fine. Let's move on before I expose my love for them too much more.
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Tagged by: Literally no one, no one asked for my madness; they knew better Tagging: Be sneaaaaaky. <3
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wraithstill · 2 years
I’m fine in case anyone is wondering, I definitely didn’t just cry my eyes out in front of patti lupone & katrina lenk.
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riftdancer · 2 years
why are you here?
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To be loved. There's a certain charisma to you. Maybe it's obvious, or maybe it's subtle and hard to place, but people are drawn to you. It's likely you don't understand why, or maybe even struggle to believe it because you can't fathom what worth they see. Even so, you somehow end up with friends wherever you go and it's likely people develop frequent crushes on you.
You may or may not have given up on pursuing them, but you almost certainly possess strong passions and ambitions that are part of what make you so compelling. If you do choose to chase after them, then others probably find your dedication inspiring and yearn for the same sense of direction. But if you've decided to abandon your dreams, you probably feel hopelessly aimless and as if there's no worth to anything you could do. In that case, it's not unlikely you feel as if there's no worth to you.
But however unlovable you might feel, people can't help but find things to love about you. Maybe it's your sense of humor, or your contagious laugh, or how one can't help but fall in love with the way you overflow with excitement gushing about the things you like. Someone loves you and in doing so they're able to love this world that much more because you're in it. That's because being able to exist in the same time and place as you, to have the privilege of enjoying your company and witnessing all you have to offer is a precious, wonderful thing.
You're a force that inspires love, one of those small, unspoken miracles that all pile up to make this world a place worth living in. You're a highlight in the lives of many, whether or not you know it. The beauty of your existence is that you need not accomplish any great or famous feats to make it meaningful. People can't help but find meaning in being able to know someone like you. You've probably saved someone without even knowing it. You exist to be loved, to make someone else's life more lovable just by being here. By loving you, someone is learning to love this world and the life they have within it. Do not doubt the worth in that. Lives like yours are what people live for.
tagging: feel free to swipe if you wanna do it!
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asks-of-the-stars · 9 months
I'd better get to using this blog. Anyone up for an ask call?
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deadkenndy · 10 months
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roastyoualive · 6 months
favourite  colour(s)  :  purple and black <- Same
favourite  flavour(s)  :  lemon, miso, garlic, blue raspberry
favourite  genre(s)  :  horror (especially small town horror), cyberpunk style sci-fi, fantasy
favourite  music  :  punk, rock, metal, alternative. A bit of musical theater in there too, why not? And some good old fashioned comedy tracks. Love me some arrogant worms. … And wrestling themes. 
favourite  movie(s)  :  the Lion King (the original animated version), Princess Bride, the Scooby Doo Wrestling movies for a completely different reason, the OG Friday the Thirteenth, Beetlejuice, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
favourite  series  : not gonna lie, i don’t watch a lot of tv - don’t have the time. I did like the early seasons of The Mandalorian, Book of Boba Fett, Stranger Things is good, Cobra Kai, Wednesday, Ghost Adventures, Steven Universe, She-Ra… That kind of thing. 
last  song  :  looked what the cat dragged in - poison
last  series  :  does Monday Night Raw count?
last  movie  :  i THINK it was the Barbie Movie at a sleepover??
currently  reading  : working my way through both Mick Foley’s biography and Witches Abroad by Terry Pratchet
currently  watching  :  Listening to Hannah Alonzo’s anti-MLM story videos while I do drafts!
currently  working  on  :   Some commissions, sewing a jacket, cleaning my room, and it’s leg day today so I have to do that too.\
tagged by: @miercolaes
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proctored · 1 year
>> TAGS ..
「  ⚔️  」  ⇾   tag .   *   ━ words .
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lordlymaelstrom · 1 year
.//tags & tags
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dayplays · 6 months
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So this is what happened while I was conscious.
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mantleoflight · 1 year
//Catch me thinking about all the changing and transforming shenanigans Echo gets into and thinking about my jack arse of a wish dragon, Ashven, and how he'd actually put wishes into his bones so that he can get strength from guardians who wish or believe on his bones.
//And because Echo uses it for good luck, it becomes charged with her wish/expectation of it being "Good Luck" with her actual wish being to "change things." "Things" being the way things work.
//I think this wish would actually be interpreted as making Echo into the actual agent of change - first with her and Xol (Forming attachment) and then with her becoming Ehkos bc in both scenarios, Echo's direct interactions with folks are what really bring about changes.
//But now that I'm thinking about this, I'm really curious how Echo's wayward wishes might be perceived by others, both hive and guardian alike.
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yuelun · 1 year
I'm a week late with a stupidly cute icon for Guizhong because it's baby dust flake Guizhong and everyone needs to see her. But also yes, I'm late, I apologise, I like to think it's better late than never.
Tag drop #1: General
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birdhcuse · 1 year
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Emil is more extroverted than he assumes he is.
Unlike Hal (who prefers to shut himself in), Emil only isolates himself because he feels like he has to—whether it be providing for the family, not wanting to bother people, or not knowing how to approach people. Since the rest of his relatives dominate conversations, Emil believes he's just "the quiet one" even though he'd have a lot more to say if he was actually allowed to speak.
The more social side of Emil mainly presents itself around his coworkers and Jasper. (It's starting to show up around Jewel too, but it's still awkward because Emil still has it internalized that he has to push everything else aside to be Jewel's caretaker.) His coworkers might not all be as enthusiastic about architecture as Emil, but they like listening to him talk and his info dumps can be pretty useful. Jasper encourages Emil to fully be himself, without having to worry about being annoying or step out of the spotlight in order to let other people shine.
Hal could go weeks without seeing another person (assuming his familiar is around); Emil would get very depressed if he were isolated for that long. He was absolutely miserable before Jewel moved in and even then, he still has dips in his mood sometimes because he doesn't know how to ask Jewel for things and he'll just suffer in silence until she decides to ask him to keep her company.
Not that Emil doesn't value some alone time (and large gatherings tend to overwhelm him), but he needs other people in order to thrive and doesn't fully realize it because he's so used to feeling alone.
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