inhyecng-blog · 8 years
Send me a ¥ if you want to know my character's thoughts on yours even if they haven't met
╰☆╮”..............I wonder if I can ever wear his glasses one day. I also wonder if he gets a lot of compliments on how he looks....Probably. I only just met him...but I.....want to help him in any way that I can. If I can make him smile one time for him and not for me or anyone else, I think that’d be great.”
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There was the sound of clattering, like that of something fragile abruptly hitting the tile floor of the apparent department store. Naegi instinctively reacted and picked up the source -- a pair of glasses, thankfully without a scratch tarnishing them. Smiling in relief, he stood up and presented them to the person standing closest. He presumed they were its owner.
❝ Ah -- I picked them up before you, I’m sorry, ❞ he apologized regardless, tilting his head to the side. ❝ Here are your glasses. They look alright, I think. ❞
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crimsongaze-blog1 · 8 years
@excessiveknitting | starter ad
No matter how much he tried, he just couldn’t get this banjo to sound the way he wanted. And not for lack of effort, either. Crow had spent the majority of his day wandering the city and practicing with the unfamiliar instrument. For all of its similarities to a guitar, well, the sound was anything but, and the hedgehog was determined to find some harmony with the thing.
Currently, he was seated on a patch of grass in one of the Hive’s parks, strumming furiously, as though he might his old guitar. Instead of anything pleasant, the sound was high-pitched, erratic, and more than a little annoying.
Yet, for some reason, he was trying to sing with it all the same. After a few phrases, both he and the instrument fell silent, ears flattened to his head while he frowned.
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“C’mon Scarlet, you can do better than that...”
Sigh. A musician who couldn’t play. A sad thought to have--exactly why he immediately pushed it aside when it started to surface.
He had to pause, however, when his tail brushed something behind him, making him quickly look back. Almost immediately he recognized the obtrusion as a passerby’s leg.
“Oi, watch where you’re steppin’!”
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thiefguild-blog · 8 years
♚♤ ☯
Do you agree with fandom interpretation of your character?
the senmei fandom is extremely small, so there’s not much interpretation to be made. i certainly agree with what i’ve seen! the people that are in the fandom are generally really into all the characters and understand all of them, which i’m grateful for!
Is your muse liked or disliked by fandom? Does this affect your portrayal?
I’m pretty sure I’ve only seen positive remarks about Titus! He’s a likable character, I think! I try not to let much of any fandom affect how I write characters, so not really,, it’s good to know that there are people in the fandom that care for Titus as much as I do, though!
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chxme · 8 years
✦ Has your own interpretation changed from when you first began playing the character?
I think that it has changed! I may have portrayed her as being a little too shy when I first started her blog, but I think I’ve gotten better at balancing that out.
✍ Has new canon material ever forced you to adjust your headcanons?
Probably when the movie came out since I made this blog before it was officially on dvd since there was more stuff about Hanayo like when they went overseas. 
✎ What do you wish the author would reveal/had revealed about your muse?
I wish we could see what happened to the girls in the future like after they all graduate from high school. It would be interesting to find out what they went on and did, but I’m not sure if anything will ever be said about that with them releasing more Aqours material now.
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louxiu · 8 years
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Even beneath the stench of corpses coupled with the blood smeared on his face, Tatara could still tell the other’s scent even a block away. War has always had a bloody end, and that kind of aftermath is what brings out the flesh eaters among the shadows. You can say it’s like a feast for them, scavenging for left overs or even perhaps burying their identities underneath the chaos. But Tatara has more pressing matters at hand than to bother with food.
"Do you have a death wish? What are you still doing in this sector?" He almost sounds worried as he asks. Almost.
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nekosmatsu-blog · 8 years
✘ Any unpopular opinions about your muse?
uHM. UM. i dunno????? i generally have the same opinion on ichi about p much everyone i’ll. get back to you on this one if i have something
♢ What's your opinion on different interpretations of your muse?
✦ Has your own interpretation changed from when you first began playing the character?
THIS IS AN INTERESTING ONE BECAUSE ichi’s app was accepted Right Before episode sixteen, aka the Ichimatsu Incident, aka where everyone was like holy fuck ichimatsu the karamatsu boy. SO I GUESS NOT REALLY? it could’ve but i was Meming my first day as ichi and so i didn’t post until after the shitfest (anD I REMEMBER I WAS SCREAMING ABOUT THE EP W GRI AND HARU (my only two castmates on twitter at the time) ABOUT IT IT WAS GREAT) so no?? not really?? my app for him was vague as hell anyway ahhahahahdfafd
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backstrokes · 8 years
✘ Any unpopular opinions about your muse?
Not that I’m aware of? The Free! fandom is shall we say…a little too strongly opinionated for me, so I try and steer clear of text posts about the series and stick with the art/gifs! As for a personal opinion, I don’t think I have any that would be considered unpopular either.
♧ Any part of their canon portrayal you dislike?
Not dislike as such. There were moments where I wish he had a bit more backbone and asserted a little more authority - You’re a captain Makoto, why are you letting your team run circles around you! (Because you’re a mom and you love them, I know) That’s the bulk of my gripe with his character flaws though. I suppose towards the end of the series he did display more ‘gusto’ and less of a wishy washy sort of personality. That was nice. 
☯ Is your muse liked or disliked by fandom? Does this affect your portrayal?
Dude, the fandom loses their MIND over Makoto, he is loved LOVED! I guess the only way this affects my portrayal is that I’m always 10000% nervous over what I write and comparing it with Makoto’s canon process, probably over thinking and over analysing everything. He’s a character worshipped by the fandom (sometimes to pretty creepy extents) and it makes me super self aware of messing up.
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louxiu · 8 years
“Oh, it’s you again.” Tatara retracted his hand, giving the other the opportunity to get the book before them. It wasn’t even the book he thought he wanted as he misreads the title on the book’s spine. He’s still getting used to this reading thing.
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“The Knitting Answer Book.” He calls out the title, giving Sekine a questionable and dismayed look.
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bunjijumping-ca · 8 years
What’s their posture like in a normal situation?
Under most circumstances, Bunji keeps herself very compact and seemingly on alert. Arms tucked in at her sides, legs together, ears forward. If she’s holding something, she’ll usually keep it close to her chest. If she isn’t, she’ll clasp her hands in front of her.
Describe their hands.
Bunji’s hands are incredibly soft to touch initially. The fur there is very fine and silken. If you were to really grab them, though, you could definitely feel the developed muscle underneath. She also has someone larger knuckles on average than someone her size because of all the fighting and training she does.
What is one of their favorite items?
Her Lopunnite stone. It reminds her both of home and her trainer. She was really distraught when she lost it, but the night she got it back was probably the most peaceful night of rest she’s ever gotten since being in the Hive.
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mudandopiel · 8 years
✬ :Something minor they enjoy
She really enjoys the sound of the sea. It’s soothing for her. It represents life, something the word she comes from is pretty much void of. She also loves the moon, it brings familiarity to this foreign place.
✭ :An obscure interest
I do not know if Las Noches was equipped with a library, but I think Sung-sun would be a very good reader. She would particularly like thrillers and horror stories.
✮ :A moral standard
Loyalty is important to her, and once she swears to stand by someone’s side it will be an oath she will abide for until her death.
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mageswake · 8 years
contentness, hesitation, excitement
Headcanon meme: nonverbal emotional displays;CONTENTNESS
A soft smile, loose posture, and relaxed features are a way to know Genis is content. He often lowers his defenses when content, which can be dangerous.
Stumbling in his steps, a wry frown, and jerky movements all can be tell-tale signs to this kid’s hesitation! 
Excitement is one of the easiest emotions to tell apart with Genis, mostly due to his inner vibrations! He can’t sit still (which is abnormal) and his face brightens up with such joy it’s contagious.
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maarcelline-citta · 8 years
1, 2, 3
01:What should we call you?
Call me Emily! 
02:What other communities do you RP in?
right now, my most active blog is Marcy here, but I also hang around over in the Uta no Prince Sama rp world
03:Do you have more than one muse?
hoo boy. here we go:
my muses are: Marceline (Adventure Time); Haruka Nanami (Uta no Prince Sama); Ryuko Matoi (Kill la Kill); Bee (Bee & Puppycat); Clint Barton/Hawkeye (MCU Avengers); Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles).
they’re not all active, and i haven’t had a chance to rp on all of them really, but i do have blogs for all of them.
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teapirating · 8 years
♕ 回
mun related asks (no longer accepting!)
♕ - which fictional characters are your favorites?
{{…So many. And my tastes in characters are all over the place too. Here’s a rough list of the ones I can think of off the top of my head, by series but otherwise in no particular order! England, of course, and also Lithuania and America from Hetalia. Lilynette, Szayel, and Nnoitra from Bleach, Ichimatsu from Osomatsu-san, Miles Edgeworth from Ace Attorney, Lucius, Reyson and Emmeryn from Fire Emblem (7, 9/10 and 13 respectively), Wally and Winona from Pokemon, Einheria and Jackal from Bravely Default, Peridot and Lapis from Steven Universe, Karkat and Nepeta from Homestuck, Ishimaru, Sakura, Peko, and Kuzuryuu from Dangan Ronpa/SDR2, Pyrrha and Lie Ren from RWBY, Echo from Pandora Hearts, the Sound Five - especially Kimimaro and the twins - from Naruto, Kano from Kagepro, Ling and (mostly second) Greed from FMA, Lupin and Sirius from Harry Potter, and Nagisa from Free. There’s probably more that I just forgot about, and also a few series that I like most of the characters but don’t love any of them enough for them to become a favorite. Like I said, so many. Also a bunch of them are dead so that’s eternal pain fun.
回 - what are your top four favorite shows?
The only anime (or any show in general I suppose) that I faithfully follow on a roughly week-to-week basis is Detective Conan, so that’d be first place! Hetalia would be second because I am following the World Stars manga right now, and I like rewatching the anime eps because they’re short enough to be snuck in between classes and the like. And… wow, I don’t actually watch a lot of stuff. I really enjoyed the Dangan Ronpa anime so there’s that. As for one more, I think Supernatural is really cool and I like a lot of the characters, but I don’t have time to catch up on… it was 8 seasons when I first started getting interested in it and now it’s 11? So yeah I mainly follow it via watching the really short clips of individual scenes of episodes. Even if I’m not getting the full story that way though, I still enjoy it!}}
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