#except they're all rogues and kittypets
that-fema-corps-blog · 11 months
Day 179
January 28, 2023
Went birding around the area surrounding Distrito T-Mobile in San Juan for a couple hours.
Spotted a bunch of the usual birds. Greater Antillean grackles, bananaquits, grey kingbirds… The grackles are generally the first thing I see. And hear. I swear I hear their squeaky-gate calls in my sleep now. I’d much rather have the melodic sound of the coquí etched in my memory, but instead I’m subjected to the clacks and squeaks of these grackles in my dreams…
Gray kingbirds seem to be everywhere in Puerto Rico, though strangely, they weren’t as vocal today. Pairs usually sit on the lines and call to each other almost constantly, but I guess they were busy with something else this afternoon.
Bananaquits are tiny and a nightmare to spot if they don’t want you to see them, but they’re pretty much ubiquitous. I’d be surprised if I’ve submitted a checklist in Puerto Rico that doesn’t have at least one bananaquit in it. Most high-pitched, soft chirping noises are likely going to belong to one of them, although many warbler calls sound similar. Bananaquit songs manage to be simultaneously distinct and confusing; few birds have a buzzy song quite like they do, but the songs appear to be learned, which makes different individuals’ songs sound like potentially different species. I would be surprised if this species didn’t have regional song dialects/accents.
The feral pigeons here vary a ton in size, though the ones today were quite a lot stockier than the doves they were foraging with. They also seem to be the only pigeons/doves in the area that sometimes glide with their wings at a sharp dihedral. This appears to be for display purposes; I remember that the ones from the old Disaster Recovery Center would usually do the glide immediately after mating.
Saw a ton of white-winged doves. A pair noticed me looking, and each bird began flicking its tail and bobbing its head. They seem to spread their tails somewhat rhythmically as a stress response, rather than moving them erratically as is common with other birds. The white bars on the outsides of their tails accentuate this motion.
Quite a few Zenaida doves as well, though these guys were slightly shier than the white-winged doves. I don’t think I heard any of their songs today, which is somewhat unusual.
There are surprisingly few house sparrows in most places I go here. They’re not native, so that’s probably a good thing, but I still find it strange how they don’t even seem common in urban areas. I heard some far off and watched a couple follow each other between the traffic light poles, but that was about the extent of it.
Finally got a good enough monk parakeet ID for the life list, though I’m pretty certain I’ve heard them here before. They aren’t native to Puerto Rico but have established colonies along the island. Unlike the white-winged parakeets I’ve been seeing up until now, the monk parakeets have rather solid-colored wings without any obvious field marks.
Heard a bird I didn’t recognize in a short tree by the side of a road, but I never managed to see the bird itself. It sung very softly and awkwardly, reminding me of one of the introduced munia species. I wasn’t able to get a sound ID either; the recording would have been too soft, and I am not very strong at identifying quick and complex songs.
Walked around one of the artificial lakes and was surprised to see a plain greyish sandpiper and a pair of killdeer along the rock and concrete shore. I determined the smaller sandpiper to be a spotted sandpiper, so that’s another bird for the life list. These sandpipers are somewhat solitary and perhaps the size of a thrush, if that. They bob their entire bodies as they run across the shore, as if they are wind-up or drinking-bird toys brought to life.
The killdeer didn’t seem too thrilled about me staring at them, and one seemed to be starting a broken-wing display. I walked away.
Heard a very high-pitched siiii call, reminiscent of a Puerto Rican spindalis. It was a while before I actually saw the bird, but my identification turned out out to be correct. This particular bird was a female or immature.
I heard an unfamiliar call and began to look for the source. I spotted a fledgling that is likely a red-legged thrush. I later saw an adult thrush carrying a berry in that direction, which points to this fledgling being one of its own:
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Saw a surprising number of pearly-eyed thrashers today. Which was only two or three, but for them being fairly secretive birds, I’d consider that significant. Usually I hear their songs before I see them. Actually think I may have seen more of them today than the northern mockingbirds that are usually so visible.
There weren’t many birds at the T-Mobile District or convention center themselves. Nor were there many people around the latter place. Something about the area feels liminal:
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I returned to the hotel and headed to the beach a few hours later with some teammates. No particularly notable birds, though there was this cat colony someone was feeding:
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polliwoggers · 1 year
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been struggling to draw lately so i went through some older stuff of mine and found this, only to realize i never posted it. i don't imagine anybody's still doing stuff for this weird social media-clan au thingy anymore, now that the meme of it has died down, but anybody's free to these names for whatever uses they want, if they want them :)
bonus lore to get it out of my head:
Yarrow-whisker was the previous medic before Quarrypaw, who has yet to gain their full status as a medicine cat in their absence
Geckopaw and Prairiepaw are siblings. Yewtail is only a so-so mentor at the best of times, so Foxfire effectively mentors them both. However, Prairiepaw has swooped in to support Yewtail when they decide to do something stupid and unsustainable on multiple occasions. they really shouldn't have been granted an apprentice tbh. i recently re-read Fire and Ice in the original warriors series so the parallels to Graystripe being a poor mentor to Brackenpaw are intentional
Skypelt came out of retirement to mentor Duskpaw, since they serve such similar real-life purposes. Skypelt doesn't understand everything their apprentice says or does but is generally supportive of such a similar application
Marsh-singer, Whitestep, and Thymeface are all siblings, and are collectively the youngest of the warriors (not accurate to the actual ages of the applications, but eh). to say they are all total gossips would be an understatement. they're also really interchangeable and forgettable. like the Runningwinds of apps.
depending on how positively you want to view the whole "reincarnation" trope some of the canon warriors books have, you could say that Tickpaw is a reincarnation of Musiclight. Otherwise, they just look really similar.
all of the "Cats Outside of Clans" cats are kittypets, with the notable exception of Furzebark, who is a banished rogue with a concerning amount of influence on the Clan(s?). maybe there's a whole band of rogues who are based on insidiously/surprisingly influential applications or online entities! various appstore/playsotre applications could fall under this category, as well as like. roblox, apparently. which is beyond weird to me since that's a game and not a wider application, but it got scarily profitable during lockdown, so...
Redpaw was Yewtail's sibling, but died during their apprenticeship. Probably to the same thing that killed Gravelpounce, but i have no idea what that would be
Flaxflower is generally considered WAY too old to still be alive (since the real internet explorer died a bit ago by now), but since he'd "find a way to be late to his own funeral", he has yet to kick the bucket.
the whole twittypet drama is EASILY the juiciest gossip the clan has had in ages, ESPECIALLY the half-clan checkmark-kits. in-universe, im interpreting the poor management of twitter that's been driving it into the ground irl as a negligent cat owner unintentionally driving their pet to spend more time outdoors with other cats (namely, dashclaw) to get away from them, which resulted in kittens. drummed-up anti-kittypet sentiment aside, many clan cats looking in on the situation just feel bad for her.
Vinewatcher is the most consistently "present" of the StarClan spirits, but is also the most consistently unhelpful. numerous potential prophecies later turned out to just be inside jokes of theirs they decided to continue rehashing into the afterlife. Quarrypaw, having not gotten much experience identifying what makes a legitimate prophecy yet, finds this exceptionally annoying behavior, and would like them to stop. They do not.
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sometimes i think about what would happen if the clans en masse got caught in one of those programs people do where they trap feral cats, spay and neuter them, and then release them. how would they deal knowing their entire way of life will die out because they cant have kids anymore. would they start like, aggresively recruiting rouges. steal kittens from kittypets.
i want that to be how the series ends
a massive tnr project, almost all of the cats get fixed and brought back except for the ones who are docile enough to be adopted (probably some younger warriors and apprentices, and definitely kits if they're caught) the absolute panic that would ensue
the cats who haven't been caught are like "we need to have babies RIGHT NOW" but it's futile, the clans' growth have slowed to a halt or is decreasing, they try to recruit loners and rogues and kittypets but there are very few that actually want to join or stick through with it and also just get captured
until the point where there's almost no new cats being born, the warriors are aging, there's so few left, they probably all join into one clan at one point until even that shrinks to only a handful of cats
and we see as the clans collapse
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blorboclaw · 2 years
What do you think would have happened if Princess gave Fireheart all of her kits? A dumb AU, but one that I'm curious about.
Their canon names are Zack, Taylor, Nami, and Livy, as far as I know.
OK I love it.
So we don't know what Cloudtail's kittypet name was at first so we don't need to know their canon names either but we've got (including Cloudtail) three males and two females right? Wrong! Sex of either non precised by canon nor out-of-canon sources so now except for Cloudtail they’re all female because we need females in this clan!
I think we get a slight logistics problem here, you see.
Brindleface could feed Cloudtail alongside Ashfur and Ferncloud because he was 1 kit.
With four more kits... I'm not sure we can save them all. They're gonna die.
Except if we ask Speckletail to help too? She has lost all her kits save Snowkit, so we might be able to get her to nurse a few of them.
So we've got a nursery with Ashkit, Fernkit, Snowkit, and our little kittypet-born kittens: Cloudkit, Sootkit (Zack), Foamkit (Taylor), Cypresskit (Nami), and Rootkit (Livy).
I think at this point, Tigerclaw just has a nervous breakdown, throws the towel and leaves the clan with Darkstripe and Dustpelt because he can't bare any longer that half the clan's next generation is kittypet. Longtail stays because he's half too coward to leave and half too loyal. He'll come back you'll see.
Do you know who should have been conceived three moons after Cloudkit's arrival to make sense? BrambleTawny.
So Goldenflower doesn't take Tigerclaw as her mate. And we've got no TawnyBramble.
Also Bluestar sees her deputy leave and is like shrugging life has to go on and Whitestorm is our new deputy because wtf Fireheart you messed up big time and how did you even fit five kittens in your jaws.
Barely two seasons later, when the kittens are apprenticed (and ouch do you realize we were already short on warriors and i might not have enough mentors for all of them???).
Runningwind gets Sootpaw, Willowpelt gets Foampaw, Fireheart gets Cloudpaw, Frostfur is forced to get out of the nursery now that her kits are out too to take Cypresspaw and Goldenflower same with Rootpaw.
In order to hide from the other clans the origin of the five new apprentices, Bluestar pretended at a gathering that Brindleface’s two other kits didn’t die and that Goldenflower had a new litter.
Anyway Thunderclan is getting huge. Tigerclaw however was not exiled, he left on his own. And no one knows about Redtail’s death and his crimes, so he’s not desperate yet. He still has a chance with Thunderclan.
He attacks Thunderclan with a bunch of rogues, Darkstripe and Dustpelt.
Dustpelt is horrified because he definitely didn’t plan that when he left the clan as a protest. He slips away and goes warn the clan. Whitestorm thanks him and leads the battle against the rogues. all the apprentices smother Tigerclaw to death. That’s it. No more Tigerclaw.
Darkstripe is killed too because I don’t care about him. Dustpelt is officially made a warrior (he left as an apprentice, and was named Dustclaw by Tigerclaw, but Bluestar names him Dustpelt and makes him a thunderclan warrior). Sandpaw becomes Sandstorm. Brackenpaw becomes Brackenfur.
So many apprentices, so many more cats to help in patrols, in battle, in fires... no one dies, neither elders nor Yellowfang nor the non-existent Bramblekit, in the fire. Tigerclaw doesn’t kill Runningwind since he’s dead. And since Tigerclaw was no longer Bluestar’s deputy, she doesn’t spiral down.
In Rising Storm, the senior apprentices are made warriors. Thornfur, Brightpelt and Swiftfoot (changing the names of Thorn and Bright since now they are made warriors by Bluestar not Firestar). You know what else happens? So many more apprentices mean Snowkit is not taken out by an hawk! And so Brackenfur gets Snowpaw.
SootSorrelRain are born yadda yadda. Soot is not named Soot because there’s already Sootpaw/Zack, so he’s named Amberkit (after his eyes).
In a Dangerous Path, only Snowpaw, Ashpaw and Fernpaw are apprentices as the others became warriors, as:
Cloudtail, Sootnose, Foamclaw, Cypressear and Rootstripe.
Since there is no big Tigerclan nor Bloodclan threat (and the pack was not fed by Tigerclaw and was foudn by twolegs), they go through a peace and prosperity time. New couples get together:
Sandstorm x Fireheart, Thornfur x Sootnose, Brightpelt x Swiftfoot, Dustpelt x Rootstripe... (Cloudtail will later get with Ferncloud, Foamclaw with Ashfur and Cypressear with Snowkit/Snowstorm).
Mistyfoot and Stonefur discover Bluestar is their mother, the rest of the forest discovers that too, Bluestar steps down and lets Whitestorm become Whitestar while she retires as an elder under the name of Bluefur. Whitestorm takes Fireheart as his deputy.
Fireheart and Sandstorm go to revive Skyclan. He dies, but he’s got so much kin in Thunderclan that no one in Starclan cares. Sandstorm comes back alone, Whitestar had already named Brackenfur temporary deputy in Fireheart’s absence, Brackenfur is confirmed deputy.
At the beginning of TNP, Sandstorm is the only one who knows about the kin of his kin prophecy. Squirrekit and Leafkit are born from Thornfur x Sootnose, while Whitewing is born from Brightpelt x Swiftfoot, and Cloudtail x Ferncloud have the DustFern kits of canon). There are other kits around so the prophecy could concern anyone from the second generation of niblings, which means a choice between:
Thornfur x Sootnose’s kits: Squirrelflight and Leafpool (still paws at the time)
Dustpelt x Rootstripe’s kits: Pinepaw, Oakpaw and Maplepaw
Cloudtail x Ferncloud’s kits: so far we’ve got Shrewpaw and Spiderpaw, + HollyLarchBirch who are just born.
Ashfur x Foamclaw’s kits: Chestnut and Cricket kits/paws/blaze only paws)
Cypressear x Snowstorm: Icepaw, Windpaw, Skypaw.
With so many more mouths to feed, when the Twolegs arrive, most of the apprentices die, all the elders, all the kits except Birchkit.
When they arrive at the lake, the survivors receive their warrior names:
Squirrelflight, (Leafpool is alive but medcat), Pinefall, Mapleleaf, Spiderleg, Chestnutblaze, Skywing. All the others? Dead.
No Brambleclaw means the Thunderclan chosen one was Squirrelflight. No Tawnypelt means Rowanclaw was Shadowclan’s. No Tigerstar means no Hawkfrost/Mothwing btw so Mudfur will die without an apprentice. Cinderpelt will be in Riverclan the night of the attack to help them so she doesn’t die right then and now. But most importantly, she gave all her responsibilities to Leafpool as she had to go train a riverclan apprentice, so Leafpool doesn’t leave with Crowfeather.
(the Three are Squirrelflight, Spiderleg and Skywing btw)
Thunderclan is flooded with Fireheart’s kin. The only ones who are not related to him are Sorreltail and Brackenfur’s kits, and Daisy’s. The Great Battle coincides with the Eclipse, after which Whitestorm dies and leaves the leadership to Brackenfur... er, Brackenstar. He chooses Squirrelflight as his deputy and things go on. By the beginning of The Fourth Apprentice, Daisy’s and Sorreltail’s kits have been assimilated in the mating pool and every single cat in Thunderclan can be traced back to Fireheart. They die of consanguinity in three generations (even if they shouldn’t because they are all more or less cousins anyway). Skyclan finds the lake because Starclan decided to guide them more directly, and take Thunderclan’s old territory. Plenty of trees, and a rock-walled camp? Great! Brackenfur becomes a skyclan warrior after having stepped down from his position after a new kind of illness took out everyone in the clan because they all had the exact same antibodies and immunitary defenses (outsourced from Fireheart/Cloudtail’s lines).
That’s pretty much it.
TL;DR: if Princess had given all her kits to Fireheart, Whitestorm would have become leader after Bluestar, Snowkit would have survived and Spiderleg would have been one of the Three.
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There's a very strange pair of rogues in the area. They're not quite loners, because they do aggressively guard a territory of their own, it's a portion of an abandoned mineshaft not far from town. No one really knows their names except a select few.
One is a very sleek, tabby ticked male with a missing leg and a notched ear named Whisper. He was neutered in a trap-and-release and his leg was amputated during the same capture. He's a very tricky sort, having learned his way around being a tripod very easily. He's also strangely aware of the ongoings in both the city and the clans and often uses this information in fights or for blackmail, giving him a rather rancid reputation among both groups of cats.
The other is a small ginger cat with nothing particularly noteworthy about him appearance-wise. But personality-wise is a very different story. His name is Click because of how he chatters and clicks far more often than most cats(that little chattering they do when they see a bird outside a window). He doesn't talk much and is usually seen just... watching. He's a very skilled climber and, due to his small size, can often sit in places larger cats can't. Such as on skinny little branches where he knows the muscle-dense clan cats can't climb on without risking the fall.
The mineshaft is close to the place the medicine cats gather every fullmoon, and Whisper is prone to finding Pinestep on his way to the place and pestering him.
Click, on the other hand, can often times be found playing with Clamp, a scrawny black cat who used to be a stray in a construction site.
Clamp has a pretty obvious neurological condition, very forgetful and scatterbrained, but he also has really bad days where his legs don't quite agree with his brain on where to go. It's not as extreme as some kittypets; he can still put up a hell of a fight, as Crowpaw learned during the winter when he was forced to stay in the city.
He was, after all, a feral on his own for the first few years of his life.
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bloozki · 1 year
You gave me the warrior cats brain rot and made me come up withh some names;
Kaeya - Frostsight/Frosteye
Diluc - Hawkdawn
Xingqiu - Rainwatcher
Chongyun - Snowheart
Jean - Galestar (Galerush)
Lisa - Moondew
Xiao - Steelclaw
Amber - Adderleap/Amberleap
Klee - Cloverkit
Venti - Songbreeze
Zhongli - Goldnose
Ningguang - Mountainstar (Dirtflower)
Raiden - Levinstar (Levintail) or Thunderstar (Stormtail)
Bennet - Suntreader 
Razor (literally a dog that was adopted) - Tanglefur
Nahida - Vinestar
Dainsleif - Nightglow
Traveler - Brightfur
Paimon (?) - Silverhope
I know Ninnguang and Raiden change their names with their titles, but I headcanon it being symbolic. E.g Ningguang proving her worth, or Ei being forced out of her sisters shadow.
Furthermore maybe you get your name (or achieve warrior status and/or are in the running for deputy) when you receive a vision. Jean for example is Varka's deputy; but if she was taken out then anyone with a vision could become deputy.
Mondstat like in-game would take in all sorts holding to the spirit of freedom and choice. For that reason they have a lot of former kittypets (Eula), rogues, and even a dog from time to time. As long as you honor the warriors code you are welcome. I feel like that would cause even more tension in Kaeya though. 'Knights' are sort of another name for warriors, except they take on more duties around the clan and in general caring for it's well-being.
Medicine cats are hard to figure out... I feel Diluc partially blames the old medicine cat for not being able to save his father (Dawnstep). Perhaps in Dendro Clan there's a deep seated grudge against medicine cats because Nahida was once a medicine cat. Not only replacing their archon but leaving the clan (generations ago) susceptible to sickness. Maybe the fallen clan of Khaenri'ah didn't have the natural healing powers of a medicine cat(s) and instead relied on Khemia a forbidden healing technique(?)
As for the archons, I feel like they're the intermediaries to Starclan. They pass like ghosts awarding visions to those they think hold the spirit and strength of their clans. Raiden is an exception she's both leader AND archon, but for folks like Venti and Zhongli they just sort of blend in.
Oh voidless you are OUT OF YOUR MIND /VVVPOS I LOVE ALL THE NAMES YOU PICKED OUT FOR THEM... the fact that Razor is a dog I'm giggling so much-- Maybe I'll doodle headshot for the Anemoclan Knights to get out of art block :]]
I was thinking that while they do have normal healing remedies for wounds and all that, the clans are searching desparately for cats who can heal Abyss Corruption. Imagine a regular cat without a vision getting attacked by a rifthound... While cats with visions have small resistances towards Abyss Corruption, only a select few (plus the traveller) have capabilities to actually reverse, and heal the corruption process.
Can I also say Suntreader is a PERFECT name for Bennett? That's so good
If you, or anyone else come up with names or ideas, I'd love to hear them!
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blimbo-buddy · 1 year
19 or 21 or 23 for the get to know the wc artist
19: Where do you think kittypets/rogues/loners go when they die? StarClan? Dark forest? Somewhere else? Explain
So it's hard for me to explain but I imagine that with all three of them, they're in kind of a normal "ghost residence" but it's not like limbo or purgatory, they're all just kind of chilling out, free from Starclan's grasp. Specifically with Kittypets I imagine that they are also with their owners in the afterlife but as cats usually do, they'll wander off sometimes to go do their own thing. Again I'm shit at explaining it, but because all three don't believe in Starclan (with some exceptions like Barley), they don't go to either Starclan or the Dark Forest when they die. This is a good thing by the way, fuck Starclan.
21: If you could, what rule would you remove from the warrior code and why.
I'd remove the warrior code all together. In all seriousness though I'd ditch the entire "A warrior rejects the soft life of a Kittypet" rule. What a bunch of fucking idiots am I right.
23: Do you own a cat?
Yeah, we used to own three actually. First cat died of old age at 21, second cat somehow got out of the house and we haven't seen her since, and the third cat is still alive (We obviously kept them all inside. Keep your fucking cats inside the house, everybody) Edit: I should also add that while we didn't own these cats, they came by a lot for food (we got a lot of strays in the area) and we ended up naming some of them: First was Baby-Face he's light grey, second is Mr. T who was a slightly darker grey color but good fucking god dude he was ripped, third was Strawberry who is a strawberry blonde color (He might have been just a normal pale color but I swear he had a bit of pink to his fur, third was a big dark brown cat who we never named, then the most recent one is Goldie who's a tortoiseshell and she has the brightest fucking gold eyes
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blackbirdpaw · 6 years
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ShadowClan cats are rather small in size, the smallest Clan around the lake. This always surprises outsiders when they learn of this, because ShadowClan's reputation of being the cruelest of all the Clans is known to anyone who hears rumours of the wild cats. But it's true; ShadowClan have always favoured small and compact bodies, this favours their ability to be undetectable and stealthy. They sport large eyes and ears, narrow heads, short fur, and slim bodies. ShadowClan sport darker colours, blacks, blues, torties and deeper shades of red. Classic and mackerel tabbies are common. White spotting is very uncommon in ShadowClan, and dilution doesn't commonly pop up with the exception of blue. Solid is the most common pattern found on ShadowClan cats, but tabbies and torties are not rare by any means. Outsiders have been known to underestimate ShadowClan because of their small stature, but it is always a mistake made at their own peril. ShadowClan are exceptionally skilled in battle.
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ShadowClan are a surprisingly philosophical Clan, something that many other cats around the lake don't realise. ShadowClan is viewed to have a weak morality, to be harsh rogues who kill without second thought. It is true that ShadowClan are the most ruthless of all the Clans, that through corruption and general ideals that they have always been rather callous. But ShadowClan also have deeper thirst for understanding. They like to dig deep into feline nature and behaviours. ShadowClan are a very devoted group of cats - casual isn't a word in their vocabulary. They are so very devoted to each other and every aspect of Clan life. Their focus on ideals and morality is very strong, but their morality doesn't exactly equivocate to honour or goodness like their ThunderClan neighbours. While all the Clans are greatly influenced by their leader, ShadowClan takes this to a whole new level. ShadowClan's mindset and entire function differs depending on their leader's personality and opinions. This creates very unpredictable and unsettling Clan in their rival's eyes. It also leads a clear path to corruption. There is less, but more distance between leader and clanmates than the other Clans experience. There is always a significant separation between leader, medicine cat and the rest of their Clan. But in ShadowClan, this differs from the rest, as the leaders are almost parental figures. They deal very greatly in the lives of their Clanmates. They oversee the training of every apprentice, regularly patrol with warriors, and are just very involved in Clan life on top of regular leader behaviour. ShadowClan, despite being so interested in morality and behaviour, are very survival orientated, and will put everything aside in sake of it. Their core values are wiliness and pride. ShadowClan cats have an excessive amount of pride and superiority over the fact that they are ShadowClan, and cats are expected to defend their Clan above all else. They must be proud of every action they do, every word they say, everything about themselves. Craftiness and cleverness are also very important to ShadowClan cats - they value their brain over all else.
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ShadowClan cats are known for their stealthiness. They are cats of the night, undetectable and elusive. ShadowClan are masterful fighters, using their wit and ambush skills to win their battles. They put this skill to use in both hunting and fighting. They're known to use the most force and tricks in their fighting, gaining them a reputation for brutality. While they're not as bad as they're known for, they're certainly not opposed to harsher treatments of others, or using their fearful reputation to good use.
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ShadowClan cats are not what you'd call lazy, but they're far from the workers that ThunderClan and WindClan are. They believe that cats need leisure time, as overworking their warriors can cause exhaustion. That's their excuse, anyway! They're more likely to do things in short bursts - put all their energy into a task, have it done really well, put all their time into that one task and then rest. The other Clans would assume that ShadowClan all speak in cryptic riddles, torture their apprentices in their spare time, then go and terrorize kittypets for fun. In reality, ShadowClan are just like any other Clan, and are no stranger to fun and enjoyment. ShadowClan are more than aware of their negative and feared reputation, but rather than do anything to disprove it, they like to use it to their advantage. After all, keeping the other Clans scared protects ShadowClan's isolation, as like RiverClan, they view themselves as very different from the other Clans and like to keep their culture to themselves. Having the other Clans fear them prevents attacks, and means they have some form of rule over the other Clans. If a ShadowClan and a RiverClan cat got in a debate, RiverClan would say that surely, it is better to rule with love than fear? ShadowClan would scoff.
They do have an interesting air of melancholy about them. Many cats theorise it's the souls of countless cats killed at the paws of ShadowClan coming to haunt them, or misinterpret it as bad vibes, because "ShadowClan cats are creepy." But in reality, it's ShadowClan's own sufferings and hardships that follow them around, as out of all the Clans, they have suffered the most over time. ShadowClan have the interesting method of art and storytelling through the use of bone carving. They save bones found in prey, and carve stories into it. ShadowClan writes with pictures and written word, a language known to ShadowClan only. When a cat dies, the medicine cat removes one of their bones, commonly a leg bone, and someone close to that cat will carve their life story into it.
They celebrate the least events out of all the Clans. Their holidays include
Day of Peace: This holiday, celebrated early leaf-bare is a multi-Clan celebration, where contests are held and words are exchanged.
Freedom Day: ShadowClan celebrates ShadowClan's freedom from the reign of Brokenstar. ShadowClan remember ThunderClan's aid in driving him out, but also the way they protected him after his exile. It's often debated among the ShadowClan cats, whether ThunderClan should be remembered as heroes or not. Regardless, they also recognise WindClan's suffering when Brokenstar drove them out, though they don't openly acknowledge it to WindClan. They celebrate this by a leader's speech and promise to be good, and
Leader's Festival: In order to celebrate the leader's contribution to the Clan, and the Clan's work in general, ShadowClan partakes in a feast, and gives pinecones to the cats they admire the most. It's almost a competition among apprentices and young warriors, whoever receives the most pinecones is the best warrior. The more mature warriors, usually the middle aged and senior warriors regard each pinecone as an honour to receive. On the second day, the Clan all engages in a game day, where teams compete against each other. The third day is quieter, as the Clan gathers and weaves the leader a wreath of weeds and wildflowers. The medicine cat presents it to the leader. The kits and apprentices are usually very engaged in this task.
The Gnawing: ShadowClan has a day of honouring history and art forms by bone carving. Some cats carve pictures, some words. Some tell stories, others simply make art. It isn't competitive.
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mandareeboo · 2 years
🚷💢 For Tinytail!
🚷: How do they view kittypets, rogues, and other outsiders?
WildClan as a whole is very accepting to outsiders, and Tinytail is no exception!! Blood only matters if it clouds your judgement, in her eyes. That said...
💢: Who do they NOT get along with?
Tinytail is not an easy cat to get along with. She got a lot of shit growing up about being so small, and she's given it back tenfold. Though she's getting on and seasons and her bullies are basically all gone, she's not afraid to snap at young'uns either. She's especially salty about Redleap going into TreeClan territory and "stinking up the prey-pile" with what she brings home.
The reason Dogpaw was given to Tinytail is the same reason you put wood on a fire. They're both angry jerks, and they feed off of each other, fighting and hunting and competing with each other. It puts Dogpaw's father, Amberheart, on edge, but he knows better than to argue someone who could do far worse to him than destroy his vocal cords.
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