#eww t makes you hairy and acne ridden
scramratz · 7 months
Hi! Sorry if this has been asked before, but I saw you said you have PCOS and are on T, can I ask about your experiences with the changes and what to expect? (I also have PCOS and want to start T soon! Its been funny reading about some of the early changes on T and being like...oh I've already had that for a while lol)
I’d love to rant about it! It depends on how high your T levels were before testosterone, really. They’ll take blood tests right before they prescribe you hrt. That way your dosage isn’t too high. Too high of a dose could cause blood issues and wacky shit, I was near the higher end of the range considered “normal” for cis women so I only need to take .25 mg each week.
A lot of the effects on T are stuff you probably already have. Hairy ass, acne, even weight distribution. Pcos folks are said to have an “apple” shaped body. That’s just testosterones weight redistribution working it’s magic!
Lots of stuff did change, though! My voice got deeper very quickly! From what I’ve seen, it takes months for other trans dudes voice to drop but mine dropped within 3 weeks. Facial hair grew in darker around that same time too. I’m already growing a shitty beard 7 weeks in! Essentially, from the looks of it, my transition timeline is gonna be a lot shorter than other trans dudes.
In a way, it’s like my body was waiting for that extra push of testosterone. Like Pcos was this puberty limbo. My cystic acne has decreased. My joint pain has all but disappeared. Brain fog is gone too! Now I can’t be sure if it’s my pcos being treated or my dysphoria, but either way, it’s improved my life tenfold!
I can’t guarantee all this will happen to you of course, so let me know how your experience differs once you start! Good luck on your transition homie! Stay safe and enjoy the ride!
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