#evoland oc
quibbs126 · 1 year
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Alright, not my best work as I’m not entirely satisfied with his design, though the more I look at it, the more fine I am with it. I just want to get him out
He’s in a more Chibi style based off of Cookie Run because I’ve forgotten how to draw humans and I had to go with this if I wanted to get a design down
This is an Evoland character I made up Sunday after listening to too much Fearless Hero from Puss in Boots
For context, the idea for him is that he’s like a folklore hero that has songs about him, and one of my characters for a hypothetical Evoland 3, Jovi, was supposed to sing about him (I made this guy up because the idea was Jovi’d sing some version of Fearless Hero but about some other hero, and I decided to finally give them an identity). He was real, but as a folklore hero from the distant future, he’s not really from any set time in the series, whether you’re talking about Evoland 2 or my hypothetical Evoland 3
Since he’s largely based off Puss in Boots, at least in demeanor, I wanted to call him Antonio, because Antonio Banderas, but I’ll be honest, he looks more like an Ashley to me, so that’s his name
So what his whole deal is and what makes him special is that he isn’t demon or human, rather half and half. Like Ceres, but he comes much later in the timeline, where there are more, so he doesn’t steal her thunder. But they’re still pretty discriminated against, as some still see them as a freak of nature. Ashley though, does not care in the slightest, and frankly, he loves being himself. Instead of seeing himself as someone who doesn’t belong anywhere, he sees himself as one of a kind. Dude’s got a major ego
Also unlike Ceres (and another character of mine, Holly), Ashley has a demon mother and human father. With his design I wanted to reflect his hybrid nature, with him having pink skin (I felt it was a good compromise between human skin and purple skin), and having bright blond hair; a hair color not found in demons, but also far too vibrant to be a normal human color. Also giving him the black sclera of demons, but blue eyes like a human. Also in giving him asymmetrical horns (he has another one, you just can’t see it under his hair, it’s pretty small. Also I kind of forgot to draw it)
Again, his personality is mainly based off Puss in Boots, or at least how he’s portrayed in the opening of The Last Wish, being very egotistical and loving danger, going town to town helping the common folk, while getting in trouble with authorities. He’s also considered pretty attractive, even if he’s considered a freak; calls it his “devilish charm”. He’s almost always seen smiling, you know unless he knows he’s in trouble, but even then he tries to play it off and use his charisma to get out of situations. He’s also quite a bit of flirt, though I’ll be honest I’m not sure whether to make him pan or ace. I feel like it should be one of the two, but I don’t know which idea is better
He’s also an incredible fighter, being capable of seemingly impossible feats (some of it is exaggerated in stories, but not all of it). I imagine he carries a sword, but also maybe guns? I’ve even considered changing the guns for fire magic, since it’s not ludicrous he has it. And whenever he comes to town, you can always expect a musical number from him and his guitar. Some of the songs about him are of his own composition, and some of those are altered so they’re less first person and more third person
I wanted to keep him as just a character in song, but also my brain wants to put him in the team and replace him with Rowan, and thus needing to humanize him, so to speak. I’m not sure I’m going to do that as he’s still considered like a living legend, and so he might be a bit jarring, but who knows
If I were to humanize him, the thing I have is that while he loves the limelight and wouldn’t change anything about himself and his life, he does feel lonely, as while people love him for being the daring hero or for his boldness or uniqueness, people don’t really love him for him, if that makes sense. They like the legendary hero, not the person. Yes, his family loves him, but they’re basically the only ones, and he doesn’t live with them, so he basically lives his life ultimately alone, even if he’s surrounded by other people.
He’s a very expressive person. I want to do like an expression page with him, though I’ll probably just use Puss in Boots as my reference
But yeah, I think that’s about it for him. Hope you like him!
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snimbusjavy · 3 years
The Assorted Pinned Post™
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Hello! My name is Javier and this is the Assorted Art Blog Pinned Post™, welcome to the aforementioned Art Blog! :D (For shenanigans, shitposts, and whatever I don’t do here, visit @the-cooler-snimbusjavy​ instead!)
You can call me Javy (he / him, 24yo, from Mexico, in a relationship), I shall be your guide on this grand adventure...
The Introduction™
I am a LEGO fan as well as an artist and have been so for most of my life. I only started to draw seriously during the lifespan of the videogame “LEGO Universe” back in 2011, desiring to bring to life the many characters and world found within it (the main reason as to why it’s what I upload the most of).
My art is mainly reflected by my interests at times, which include (but are not limited to):
LEGO in general (mainly original themes like Ninjago, Ultra Agents, BIONICLE, etc.)
LEGO Universe
Dark Souls (mainly DS2)
LEGO Universe
Darkest Dungeon
Evoland 2
The Massively Multiplayer Online Game, LEGO Universe
And for good measure, LEGO Universe
The Rules™
You’re still here? Epic, means you may have some interest in staying after all! :D If so, please keep in consideration:
Act like a proper well-behaved human being. As in, no hate, no racism, no anti-LGBTQ+, nor any other inherently problematic behaviour. Trust me, it’s truly not that hard.
No NSFW here, ain’t nobody asked for that.
You can use my art as headers, profile pics, and all that jazz. Just lemme know if you do.
You may feel free to send asks and so here or on my other blog! So long as you consider what I mentioned above.
The Shameless OC Plug™
I have some OCs too! I tag them under #yuno-nightshade, #jhane-laurence, #general-coremh, #annete-liang, and #lena-malakoff
You can learn about them here!
You may follow me over on Twitter too, where I ramble about LEGO Universe like the madman I am, plus art and such just like I do here!
Oh and by the way, my art commissions are open :0
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Thanks for visiting! Enjoy your stay!
Or don’t. I’m not your boss
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ayonaikbis · 7 years
Ayonaikbis.com – Beredar foto bus Harapan Jaya  Double Decker buatan karoseri Adi Putro, yang pada waktu lalu juga sempat heboh dengan merilis bus Legacy Sky Sr 2 XHD Prime dengan mesin terbaru HINO RM 380. Dan kini si kuda jingkrak dari Tulung Agung ini siap memberikan sensasi baru dengan menghadirkan bus tingkat yang pastinya akan membuat panas jalur Jawa Timuran.
Nah menurut foto yang diupload di instagram oleh @hendra.mo bus terbaru Harapan Jaya Double Decker ini bermesin SCANIA K410Ib triple exle yang merupakan kompetitor berat dari perusahaan bus dari Jerman Mercedes Benz OC 2542 RF.[irp posts=”3937″ name=”Livery Bus Evolander SHD”]
Dari sumber yang kami dapatkan dari website PO Harapan Jaya foto chassis SCANIA K410Ib ini di upload ke website pada tanggal 15 Mei 2017 dan berikut ini  foto lengkapnya:
Chassis Scania K410Ib Harapan Jaya
Chassis Scania K410Ib Harapan Jaya
Chassis Scania K410Ib Harapan Jaya
Chassis Scania K410Ib Harapan Jaya
Chassis Scania K410Ib Harapan Jaya
Nah dengan bus terbaru model Jetbus SDD kuda jingkrak ini masih menggunakan livery yang menjadi ciri khas yaitu berwarna putih dengan paduan warna orange dan livery bergambar kuda jingkrak sebagai simbol alat transportasi.[irp posts=”4054″ name=”Livery Bus Agung Mulia Jetbus SHD”]
Harapan Jaya Double Decker by hendra.mo
Nah inilah sekilas informasi mengenai bus terbaru Harapan jaya Super Double Decker karoseri Adi Putro, dan saat ini belum didapatkan informasi lengkap bus ini, apakah melayani reguler atau pariwisata dan waktu resmi rilis kejalanan pulau Jawa.[irp]
Jika ada yang memiliki informasi lebih lengkap silahkan berkomentar dan jika informasi ini bermanfaat silahkan Anda bagikan ke media sosial Anda 🙂
Sumber : IG @hendra.mo dan poharapanjaya.com
Wow Harapan Jaya Double Decker Ayonaikbis.com - Beredar foto bus Harapan Jaya  Double Decker buatan karoseri Adi Putro, yang pada waktu lalu juga sempat heboh dengan merilis bus…
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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Here, have Ashley doing the Puss in Boots crying meme
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Also in which I show his other horn, his ear and his hair not flowing. Also without his jacket
Oh and by the way, those circles on his arms are supposed to be bullet scars. I had a thing (back when I was definitely going to give him a gun) where he’s basically like, “oh yeah trust me, I‘ve been shot at plenty” and shows off his arm scars. They’re mostly just from guards trying to catch him as he runs. He’s got more, those are just the ones on his arms
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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Here’s some drawings from my hypothetical Evoland 3 characters
I don’t actually remember what I told you guys about them last time, so I may end up repeating myself here
So first off this has just been a thing in my head; so Rowan here is currently dating some sort of crime lord, and I feel like this should be relevant at some point in the story, so maybe at some point in the story they end up meeting him, and probably subtly flirts with Rowan, and after the fact he’s teased for his supposed relationship with this guy
Also, Rowan’s blushing isn’t just a thing because I’m using purple shading, he actually blushes purple. I think that was another reason I drew this
Speaking of Rowan’s boyfriend, I tried to draw him down at the bottom. I think he looks fine, but he wasn’t exactly how I envisioned him in my head. I think he was going to have a boa, but it didn’t pan out. Maybe I’ll try and figure out his outfit at a later date. But for what I drew, I took inspiration from some outfits for Professor (Augustine) Sycamore, and for the character design, I kind of took visual inspiration from someone’s Warrior Cats oc, who’s design gave me particular vibes (this is the post if you want to see it). Basically someone who has a position of power that seems like just a socialite who doesn’t really deserve their high position because they don’t seem capable enough, but as it turns out they are very capable and use their charisma to their advantage
Also, that’s not what he actually looks like, but I’ll draw that at a later date. But to give you an idea, he uses a lot of products to make himself look nice
Next we have some drawings of a young Juno and Jovi. Jovi’s supposed to be a bard/musician (no he is not named after Bon Jovi, he’s named after Jove, to go with Juno’s naming scheme), and plays a lot of instruments, but he first got his passion for it from his sister, who played the ocarina. One day she got him one of his own, and he excitedly started playing it too, with them often duetting. This is what sparked his passion for music, and over the years he collected more instruments and learned how to play them (he keeps them all in that bag you see him carrying), but he still has the ocarina Juno gave him and still plays it. Juno still plays her ocarina, though she doesn’t play any other instruments, and the two do duets from time to time
Also, Jovi will no longer be a main party member, just a side character. However he will be important to Juno’s story
And then I drew a younger Jill. Not sure if I said before, but back in the day she was a wildly different person, being very flashy and confident. She would participate in illegal underground fighting tournaments, becoming champion of the ring by time she was like 15-16. However after a particular incident, the same one that caused her and Rowan to split, she left the town and went out on her own, and she changed her way of life, just becoming a simple nomad. That fighting ring probably comes back into play later in the story, like we go there to fight or something, and she reluctantly has to come out of retirement
I’m debating whether her power should be Earth or Light. Earth because she’s a heavy hitter with incredible strength, but Light because it works with her previous flashy personality and serves to put her in a dichotomy with Rowan, her ex, who has shadow powers. Also it’s more a secondary/tertiary element, like the other ones here. I’m just not sure which one works better
Also I’m not sure if her name should be Jill because…I dunno, it feels too plain? Like it’s just a normal name, as opposed to other main characters in the series who have more uncommon or object names. I have been considering the name Lazuli, or slight variations of it, because of her having so much blue
Also also, I’m wondering if I should have her be her younger self, because as a middle aged adult, she’d have restraint, and she and Namone (oh yeah I’m also changing Amonne’s name to Namone, I just think it flows better) wouldn’t get into many shenanigans because of it, but that wouldn’t be the case with her younger self. But on the other hand, given that younger Jill had basically no restraint, and Namone would have no concept of restraint, I wonder if they’d be too chaotic. Also it means I’d have to change her relationship with Rowan, since he’d stay the same age, but that’s lesser. She’d still have story elements to work with though
But yeah, so here’s just some stuff. Hope you enjoy! (Granted I doubt few people are going to actually look at this)
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