adobsoncomics · 11 months
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COMICS THAT I NEVER MADE AN "EVIL TOM PRESTON" COMIC VERSION OF: Maybe I'll consider making this into a comic to celebrate the tenth anniversary of "Evil Tom Preston". However, what bothers me about this comic in particular is the idea that "[pissing] tons of people off" with a "controversial view" ultimately means you're either in the wrong place to share it, or the view isn't significant enough to genuinely upset people.
If I were to share controversial views in the wrong context, like being a flat earther or—even worse—a Trump supporter in San Francisco... it could easily and rightfully provoke anger. But for me to then strawman those who would be rightfully upset, it brings up questions of what it says about me as the creator for depicting them as such.
Alternatively, if I express safe """controversial views""", like say "Super Mario 64 isn't that good of a game", the lack of a legitmately strong backlash renders the comic pointless. And if anyone does get overly upset about a harmless position, their disproportionate anger suggests deeper issues. In both cases, "owning" them is a waste of my time.
Ultimately, I found it futile to turn this into an "Evil Tom Preston" comic. I just couldn't find a way to remake the original comic in my brand of anti-humor, and any attempt to make it entertaining would undermining the essence of Regular Tom Preston's message (however shallow it was). ... That said, if I could take a stab at it today... GUY 1: People really got mad at you for this comic? EVIL TOM: ...yeah... I piss tons of people off because of my very controversial views! GUY 1: Such as? EVIL TOM: Oh, stupid things... Like how I don't think Super Mario 64 is the greatest Mario game ever made... GUY 2: WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU? MARIO 64 IS THE--- EVIL TOM: Hey hey, no need to shout. I know I'm in the minority here, although honestly it's not that big of a deal. But that's just how I feel. Let's just agree to disagree. GUY 2: ...Oh, ok, sorry for yelling. EVIL TOM: No worries! Enjoy the rest of the con! I mean... maybe that could work? But that would still require me to imply that Evil Tom had """controversial views""" that had incited serious anger from people, and that just doesn't make any sense to me. It's even harder to make it today because I'd like to think that Regular Tom Preston has since realized that strawmanning his opponents is a stupid trope and not worthy of a cartoonist like him. Afterall, his original comics were made well over 10 years ago, people can change... right??
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"Representation Matters, except when it doesnt" - Evil Tom Preston
I’m sure we’ve all noticed how—long story short—Regular Tom Preston spits so much game about how important representation is in media, and while he’s not necessarily wrong about that, he IS definitely more “do as I say, not as I do” about it. 
Like, he hardly includes ANY marginalized characters in his work. And of the ones he DOES include, they’re either his favorite characters who just happen to be from a marginalized class or are at least not “white"—such as the "Gems” in Stephan Galaxy or whatever it’s called—or are victim(ized) characters in his political comics. 
Well over at my EvilTomPreston deviantART page, I posted a journal entry (well, more like a small essay with sources cited) covering his really terrible execution of “representation”. Hopefully you guys enjoy the read and find it inspiring. At least I’m now inspired to start a “Regular Tom Preston Representa-o-meter”, just to keep track of his characters and see how well he puts his values in action.
Keep up the good work guys! — Evil Tom Preston
“Oh hey, Evil TP! I’d be more than happy to share this with everyone. And you’re right, I think the only “marginalized” original character he’s ever made was a rampant sex pervert trying to force herself on a girl who wasn’t interested. Nice catch! And nice journal too.” -THOAD
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With all these talk about eviltompreston, I decided to check the deviantArt page, and hey, he actually shared something new a few days ago. It's not an comic that riffs on the Andrew Dobson original, it's just an edit, but it's something, right? deviantart(.)com/eviltomp/art/The-Last-Jedi-and-TomPreston-754056513
Ooh, neat! Here’s a clickable link for people: https://www.deviantart.com/eviltomp/art/The-Last-Jedi-and-TomPreston-754056513
Oh hey, I saw that on the Kiwi Farms. Didn’t realize he’d made that.
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