#everwich episode
secrets-of-everwich · 12 days
06-2 Back at the Manor
[Electronic hum underlies recording]
Hello, this is Callie Hewitt. I’m safe, don’t worry. I have to say, looking back, that wasn’t my best idea. Stay out late in a graveyard after dark. I’m safe, and I’m not hurt, don’t worry. This is approximately fifteen minutes later, which is how long it took me to run out of the graveyard and run back home. I’m in my bedroom again.
I don’t think that was the Everwich Ghost. I didn’t get a photo, but I think I remember it. The figure was tall, and the Everwich Ghost is a child – it’s Charles. It also had really dirty hair, and, well, ghosts are generally incorporeal. I say that like I’ve had experience with other ghosts, I haven’t, but… General media says that. And the eyes. White eyes, not yellow. Every single report of the Everwich Ghost says it has yellow eyes. That’s like- It’s distinguishing feature. So, while I may not have been safe, chances are I wasn’t about to be murdered by a ghost. I hope.
Anyway, I found the letter from Cassia to her mother, it’s one of the letters on display. It never got sent.
‘It has been too long since we last confided in one another. It has, equally, been too long since I last saw Henry. Moving into his old house has been an adventure to say the least. I dread to think how he treated the servants for none of them to stick around the house.
‘We arrived; the house was empty. Save for some taps left running, and the trapdoor to the basement open, there was no sign of anyone having lived there for a while. The servants were nowhere to be found, and Bartholemew was concerned the servants had been treated poorly. This meant we had to buy our own servants. But the fortune left by Henry was big enough that it barely put a dent in our money.
‘Oh, mother, I am afraid. This house is making me uneasy. I do fear the spirits of my brother, and his family, haunt us for our arrogance, taking his home from his dead body. I do believe I hear footsteps at night, and I will awake to find doors open we did not leave open. I do not believe it is the servants – they have been specifically asked not to bother us at night, or go close to our rooms.
‘William is afraid as well, him even more so than I am. He keeps telling me he wishes to go home. I would have thought he was enjoying his new room – much larger than his old one. He says there is a mean spirit within the room that wants him gone. Bartholemew is often locked away in his study, he will not listen to our pleas. William says that the ghost of his cousin haunts his old room. Edward too says he can hear footsteps.
‘Oh mother, I wish to go home. But alas, Everwich Manor is our home now.
‘I do wish you are well, and I cannot wait until I can see you again.
‘Yours faithfully, Cassia.’
It’s definitely easy to see the grief that Cassia must have been feeling. And it makes it seem like William was in Charles’ old room – which, as I may have mentioned before – is the room that I’m currently in. It’s these sorts of letters, diaries and other personal statements that helps me create my theories about Everwich.
I wonder what happened to the servants. There’s no records of the servants leaving, or being told to go. They just disappeared. I hope they didn’t befall the same fate as the Florences and the Greenes. The servants for the Greenes left when the first murder of one of their family happened – Bartholemew. Then it was William. Then Mary, then Edward and Cassia.
Anyway, I think that’s all for this Secret of Everwich, thanks for listening!
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severevoiddragon · 6 months
06-1 A Week Later
[Electronic hum underlies the recording]
[Sounds of outside – the occasional bird and wind]
Hello, this is Callie Hewitt, recording on the 18th October 2021. And, guess what! I’m not actually in my bedroom. I decided to go on a field trip to the graveyard again. I’m here with Charles and Kitty Florence- Well, just Kitty, I guess. Kitty, do you have anything to say for your fans?
[Silence, other than wind]
[Callie laughs]
Sorry, I think I was going a little stir-crazy being stuck in my room. Sorry I haven’t been posting too, but I have a good reason. I’ve been studying Adam’s journal- Rin lent it to me. And also Char- Nevermind.
It’s currently early evening, and I’m trying to see if I can spot the Everwich Ghost. I’m here with my hot chocolate, lots and lots of layers because it’s absolutely freezing. Oh, I also have a lantern that I found hidden in a spare room at home. So far, I haven’t spotted the Everwich Ghost, but I have seen approximately 3 crows, a shadow about Xavier’s height, and Bert who is the caretaker of this graveyard four times. Thinking about it, the shadow could have been Bert actually.
While I’m waiting, I thought I’d talk about Adam’s journal. There wasn’t much else. It was mostly discoveries, and a lot of information about Everwich Manor I already knew. Turns out Anne was a good friend of Adam’s, and was hoping to be a nurse. I hope she got her wish. It seemed like Adam ended up forgetting about his book, which was… Annoying.
[Twig snap]
What was that? Probably some animal. It’s definitely getting late, I swear it wasn’t this dark when I started recording this. And it’s only been a few minutes. Do I wrap up my search now? No, no I won’t. The ghost could appear at any moment.
[Silence, other than the wind]
I do have an umbrella, right? I think I have one, at least. Hold on.
[More rustling]
Here we go. Just in case. I mean, I don’t think it’s going to rain, but. You can never be too careful.
Oh, I could talk about the Greenes. Yeah. I never finished with them, did I? How much did I say? See, I’m distantly related to the Greenes, which is how my parents came into possession of this house. There was Cassia Greene, who was the wife of Bartholemew Greene, and sister of Henry Florence.
Wait, I’ve said all this haven’t I?
Who’s there?
You shouldn’t be out this late, miss. I’m just doing my last round. Getting dark now.
Oh, hi Bert. Yeah, I probably should pack up soon. Just a few more minutes?
I trust you miss, but I really think you should be getting home.
Okay, I’ll start packing up now.
[Footsteps retreating]
[Footsteps underlies the recording]
So, I’m having to finish my watch early. I’ll just finish my story. The Greenes inherited Everwich Manor, and then were killed, mysteriously. Look, here’s their graves. Bartholemew, Cassia, Edward, Mary and William. They disappeared soon after inheriting the manor. But they knew there had already been disappearances. There’s a letter, back at home, from Cassia to her mother, that I don’t remember off the top of my head, but it says something like, ‘Mother, this house has the spirits of my brother and his family. I wish to leave.’ Or something.
[Footsteps stop]
Who’s there? Bert, is that you?
[Silence, other than wind]
Who are you?
[Normal volume]
There’s a figure on the path. I can barely see it, it’s mostly in shadow. What I can see is… Dirty hair… Greyish eyes… Oh. It’s gone.
Listeners, I think I just saw the Everwich Ghost. But, why was it so tall? And why would a Ghost’s hair be dirty- Wait.
Generally, those who see the ghost get hurt. Get killed. Oh no-
[Running, twigs snapping, panting]
0 notes
secrets-of-everwich · 19 days
06-1 A Week Later
[Electronic hum underlies the recording]
[Sounds of outside – the occasional bird and wind]
Hello, this is Callie Hewitt, recording on the 18th October 2021. And, guess what! I’m not actually in my bedroom. I decided to go on a field trip to the graveyard again. I’m here with Charles and Kitty Florence- Well, just Kitty, I guess. Kitty, do you have anything to say for your fans?
[Silence, other than wind]
[Callie laughs]
Sorry, I think I was going a little stir-crazy being stuck in my room. Sorry I haven’t been posting too, but I have a good reason. I’ve been studying Adam’s journal- Rin lent it to me. And also Char- Nevermind.
It’s currently early evening, and I’m trying to see if I can spot the Everwich Ghost. I’m here with my hot chocolate, lots and lots of layers because it’s absolutely freezing. Oh, I also have a lantern that I found hidden in a spare room at home. So far, I haven’t spotted the Everwich Ghost, but I have seen approximately 3 crows, a shadow about Xavier’s height, and Bert who is the caretaker of this graveyard four times. Thinking about it, the shadow could have been Bert actually.
While I’m waiting, I thought I’d talk about Adam’s journal. There wasn’t much else. It was mostly discoveries, and a lot of information about Everwich Manor I already knew. Turns out Anne was a good friend of Adam’s, and was hoping to be a nurse. I hope she got her wish. It seemed like Adam ended up forgetting about his book, which was… Annoying.
[Twig snap]
What was that? Probably some animal. It’s definitely getting late, I swear it wasn’t this dark when I started recording this. And it’s only been a few minutes. Do I wrap up my search now? No, no I won’t. The ghost could appear at any moment.
[Silence, other than the wind]
I do have an umbrella, right? I think I have one, at least. Hold on.
[More rustling]
Here we go. Just in case. I mean, I don’t think it’s going to rain, but. You can never be too careful.
Oh, I could talk about the Greenes. Yeah. I never finished with them, did I? How much did I say? See, I’m distantly related to the Greenes, which is how my parents came into possession of this house. There was Cassia Greene, who was the wife of Bartholemew Greene, and sister of Henry Florence.
Wait, I’ve said all this haven’t I?
Who’s there?
You shouldn’t be out this late, miss. I’m just doing my last round. Getting dark now.
Oh, hi Bert. Yeah, I probably should pack up soon. Just a few more minutes?
I trust you miss, but I really think you should be getting home.
Okay, I’ll start packing up now.
[Footsteps retreating]
[Footsteps underlies the recording]
So, I’m having to finish my watch early. I’ll just finish my story. The Greenes inherited Everwich Manor, and then were killed, mysteriously. Look, here’s their graves. Bartholemew, Cassia, Edward, Mary and William. They disappeared soon after inheriting the manor. But they knew there had already been disappearances. There’s a letter, back at home, from Cassia to her mother, that I don’t remember off the top of my head, but it says something like, ‘Mother, this house has the spirits of my brother and his family. I wish to leave.’ Or something.
[Footsteps stop]
Who’s there? Bert, is that you?
[Silence, other than wind]
Who are you?
[Normal volume]
There’s a figure on the path. I can barely see it, it’s mostly in shadow. What I can see is… Dirty hair… Greyish eyes… Oh. It’s gone.
Listeners, I think I just saw the Everwich Ghost. But, why was it so tall? And why would a Ghost’s hair be dirty- Wait.
Generally, those who see the ghost get hurt. Get killed. Oh no-
[Running, twigs snapping, panting]
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06-3 A problem
[Electronic hum underlies recording]
It’s gone! Adam Ives’ journal. It’s gone. I don’t know where it is. I was just looking for it, to double-check an entry, and… It’s not where I left it.
[Knocking, sounds of normal wood being knocked until the sound turns more hollow]
[Rustling, sounds of something heavy being moved]
Okay, phew. That’s still there.
[Rustling, sounds of something heavy being moved again]
Okay, it’s just Adam Ives’ journal that’s gone. Oh wait- This is approximately an hour after the end of that last recording. I can’t believe the journal is missing. I mean, yeah I left it on my bed, but I wouldn’t expect anyone to have stolen it! My window’s shut. Locked.
[Callie’s voice is trembling]
Every time I find out something important, it gets taken from me. Every time I come close to figuring it out, something happens that means I can’t. The last piece is always stolen from me. I’m hitting a dead end. I know what’s wrong with the town, I just… The Everwich Ghost, why is it here. That’s what I want to find out. I want to know how to kill the thing that’s infesting the town. And I want to know the truth. The truth about Everwich.
Come in?
Hi, Callie, you asked me to ask Em if she could give a statement?
Oh, yes! Come in, Xavier!
She said yes, but on the condition it’s alone, and here when I was around. She’s still a little shaken from… Everything that happened a week ago.
This is great! Did she say when?
She’s busy with a chemistry test, she said in a week or so should be good. She’ll come round.
Thank you! Wait, X, while you’re here, can you give a statement?
Sure, why not.
One moment.
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secrets-of-everwich · 6 months
05-2 The Book
[Electronic hum underlies the recording]
[This recording keeps glitching out, a lot more frequently than before]
Hello, this is Callie Hewitt, recording on the 11th October 2021, approximately an hour after the last recording. I’m here with Rin and Asher, and…
We were right. Something was wrong with Emilia.
Xavier isn’t here because he’s got work that he’s already super late for, and Emilia isn’t here because she needed to have food, but I have assurances that she’s okay.
Well, she was okay when we left her.
Don’t say that, I’m sure she’s still okay! Why wouldn’t she be?
Ash, she was-
Okay, cutting you off there before you spoil the entire episode. I’m sure my one listener – who’s surprisingly already listened to the last episode! Wow! … Can’t be Xavier then. Sorry, I got sidetacked, I’m sure my one listener wants to keep the suspense! First of all: The book.
Got it here.
Because that last episode had like- No explanations, and was solely talking, let me talk about the book-
Can I do it? I can definitely talk for a while, and I’m very good at explaining things, or so I’ve been told, plus this detective stuff is so fun, it’s like I’m in my own little piece of theatre!
This is real life, not theatre. Let Callie do it, this is her thing after all.
Aw, ok.
This is an old book, written by Adam Ives, also known as Rin Ives’ grandfather. It’s a little diary book, with drawings in. How did you come to get this, by the way Rin? You just said your grandfather gave it to you.
He said I may find some entries useful. He’s definitely the eccentric type, I’ve no idea how he went on to be a CEO.
I like your grandfather, he’s funny!
I wonder if he knew about Em somehow… Hm. Anyway, the page we’re looking for is around April 1962, a week or so before Jill was nearly killed. It doesn’t describe what Adam was going through, but explains how he’s discovered something while exploring the Abandoned Manor.
OH, for the record, Everwich Manor was left uninhabited between the early 1910s and 1993, when my parents discovered they’d inherited it due to a familial link to the Greenes. I was gonna explain more about this in last episode but. Obviously that fell through.
[Recording glitches increase in frequency, making this section almost inaudible]
The manor was abandoned, and so a great place for teens to explore. This page explains the creature it found living in the basement.
Wait, show me that drawing-
That’s what I saw. That’s what X took me to see, when we went into the basement!
[A pause]
That tiny thing? You said it was huge!
No, it wasn’t tiny- Wait, why do you think it’s tiny?
There’s a scale in the corner.
Oh. Well the one I saw wasn’t tiny, it was huge.
Huh. Strange.
[Sounds of a radio being tuned]
[Radio static growing louder]
[The voice sounds distorted]
The rest of this recording has been… Lost. Please refrain from listening to the rest of this podcast. History will be repeating itself, if I have anything to say about it.
[Sounds of a radio being tuned]
[Radio static growing quieter]
[Recording sounds as normal – barely any glitches]
I hope X – or Rin or Ash for that matter – didn’t get hurt by that thing. I’ll have to keep an eye on them. Make sure they’re all okay. There’s definitely more to this story. Like why Emilia was doing some experiments. I want to get a statement from her. Rest assured, I will not be stopping this podcast until I’ve found all the answers. This has been Callie Hewitt. Thank you for listening to this Secret of Everwich.
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secrets-of-everwich · 7 months
04-1 I’ve Got It
[Electronic hum underlies the recording]
Hello, this is the 7th October, and this is Callie Hew- You know who I am.
I’ve got it. The missing piece. It’s Charles. I’m sure of it. See, I was doing a tour of the Manor, and we got to the part- I should start at the beginning.
We do tours of the Manor, you know, to get money in. People pay a surprising amount to listen to me, X, or someone else to drone on about Everwich and the Manor’s history. I mean, I’d be one of them if I wasn’t the one doing the tour. I’ll make a second part to this where I describe the tours of the Manor in detail. Anyway, we go to a spare room in the middle of the tour, where we keep all of the paintings of the Florences. All the ones of Charles were destroyed before we got there. Like, his face is ripped out.
[Getting fainter]
Hold on, let me get one and show- Wait. No. Try to describe- Give me a second!
[Door opens]
[A pause]
[Door closes]
[Getting louder]
So, basically, it’s an early 19th Century portrait, because all the high-up people had enough money to get portraits of themselves and their kids. There’s one of Kitty, Henry, and Esther, but that’s not the point. This one is of Charles. And- His body, it’s normal. Kinda green-ish clothes, with hints of blue. Pale skin, but not deathly pale. Then you look up the portrait and- No face. It’s like someone has got a knife and ripped up the canvas. Right on the face. It’s sort of creepy, to be honest. But then you can see their ginger shoulder-length curly hair fine.
[Sounds of a large painting being put down]
So, I got thinking. If the Everwich Ghost is Charles, and the Everwich Ghost doesn’t want to be seen, that must be why everyone who sees them gets attacked. When Charles was a kid, he didn’t like too many people being around him at any one time, so would often run away.
[A pause]
I think, I mean, this is just an assumption. Based off that newspaper. From that James person. That’s why. Yeah.
Anyway, he didn’t like people seeing him, so maybe that transferred into their ghost form? Ghost-ness?
But why’s the ghost not been seen for about 10 years? That’s a good question. There’s definitely been a dropoff in the number of deaths and disappearances. The police say it’s better security everywhere, but no. I think it’s something to do with the Everwich Ghost. There’s been less weird activity recently. It’s confusing, because if Charles kept being seen, people wouldn’t just- Stop seeing them? Unless it's to do with everyone staring at their phones. Ugh, I come up with an answer, and it just raises more questions.
[A pause]
I think I’ll ask Rin about her grandfather. See if he’s got any information. I feel like I’m so close, yet so far. I’ve said it before, but I really do feel like the entire town is against me! I’ll discover something important, then it transpires that all the information I need to collect next got burnt the day before in a stupid fire!
I’m going to keep carrying this recorder around with me, so I can talk into it at any moment. I’m determined to find the answers. I will!
Oh, I’ve had an idea.
[Radio static for a moment]
[Sounds of Outside – people talking, birds, footsteps]
Hello, this is Callie Hewitt in the graveyard. I went to see the Florences’ graves. I can’t remember if I mentioned it before, but the Florences’ bodies lie in the graveyard. I’ve spoken to the caretaker before, he showed me the records of all of them being buried, at the same time. Except, there’s no record of Charles body being buried. It just explains that this is a cenotaph – a grave without a body. Which is. Interesting. Also, the grave is broken in two. While Kitty’s, for instance, reads:
‘Here lies Kitty Florence, 18- [radio static covers the date] to 18- [radio static covers the date], daughter of Henry and Esther Florence. Beloved by her friends, and family. A beautiful sister, daughter, and friend. May her body rest in peace.’
Charles’ reads:
    ‘-Friends, and family. A handsome-. May his body re-.’
The top half is missing. Here you go, Charles, here’s a flower. I don’t think you ever got many.
[Radio static]
I’m back in my bedroom now, this has been a Secret of Everwich thanks for listening!
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secrets-of-everwich · 6 months
05-1 Interesting Coincidence
[Electronic hum underlies the recording]
Hello, this is Callie Hewitt recording on the 11th October 2021! I’ve been looking for more interesting disappearances, and I’ve found one that may work!
Bartholemew Greene, Cassia Greene (neé Florence), and their children, around a year after the disappearance of the Florences, were the second major disappearances. They were set to inherit Everwich Manor from the Florences, and had only just moved in, when they also disappeared. This was what sparked the rumours that Everwich Manor was haunted, and it was left empty for years, but that’s a story for another time.
Cassia was Henry’s younger sister, and as their parents had died of old age a decade before, the Manor went to her husband. Technically it should have gone to her, but this was the Georgian era and so [sarcastically] obviously the women couldn’t inherit property! That would be absolutely stupid! [normally] Ugh, that’s one part I hate about the Georgian era. Anyway. You’re probably thinking right now ‘But Callie, what about Charles? The body was never found?’. Charles had been missing for a month when the other Florences died, and nobody really seemed to care about either the Florences, or just Charles specifically to look for him, so the house went to the Greenes. Obviously nowadays it doesn’t matter, since there’s no chance Charles is alive, so…
Anyway, the story. Cassia and her children, Ed-
[A knock on the door]
[Door opens, sounds of someone walking in]
{Voice} Hi, uh, Asher gave a… Statement, I guess? For your little investigation podcast, I mean. I think I have something you’d be interested in?
{Callie} Oh, Rin! Yes, come in, sit down, actually I’ve been meaning to ask you about something too. Related to the podcast.
Right. Ok then.
{Callie} But, go on?
So, I was just with my grandfather, and he gave me this journal. It has some information on Everwich. Em won’t answer her texts, and X is about to go to work. Ash said he’d get bored, but you’d want to know.
{Callie} Oh my gosh, you came to the right place, yes! It’s your grandfather I was meaning to ask you about, he was involved in an almost disappearance ages ago, so I wanted to hear his statement firsthand, but if you have this, that can also work!
I see what Ash meant that you were obsessed with this. God this is embarrassing. Here
[Pages rustling]
Wait- ‘Jill and Harvey have been acting oddly today.’ … ‘I know why now’ Rin, this is it! This is the missing piece!
{Rin} Stop hugging me. I barely know you.
{Callie} Sorry…
[More rustling]
… Right. Well. There was… Something else. I did read the journal before coming here, and…
[A pause]
Something’s wrong with Em. Oh, sorry, Emilia. I think it’s related to what’s written in there.
{Callie} Go on?
Well, it started about a week ago. First of October. Em missed school. Before you ask, no that’s not normal, yes that’s why I was worried. She never misses school, not even if she’s sick, she’s too worried about missing up. Believe me, we’ve had to force her to stay home before. So, when she just… Didn’t turn up, I thought that was weird. She’s my best friend, it’s the sort of thing you’d notice, right?
[A pause]
{Callie} Keep going, I swear I won’t judge if that’s what you’re worried about.
{Rin} God, you’re desperate for any little bits of information, aren’t you?
Well, we called her. I mean, I called her. Ash and X weren’t worried – it was a Chemistry test that day. Asher was more worried about his score. He’s awful at sciences, so Em normally tutors him a bit to get their confidence up, but cause she wasn’t there, Xavier ended up doing it. This was during form time. She said she was ill. Nothing seemed wrong with her, but… I had a bad feeling. I just brushed it off as stress, cause it just so happened that day, both Jamie and Tyler- It doesn’t matter. I tried to talk to Aiden about Em- Oh wait, do you know Aiden?
{Callie} No? Wait- Is he that guy in Xavier’s rugby team?
Yeah, Em’s twin brother. So I tried to talk to him about her, but he said he didn’t know, and didn’t care, he had a big match.
Yeah, Xavier was at that match.
God, I can’t believe I’m talking to you about this, this is so stupid. Em was probably just sick, and finally learnt that we’d force her to go back home.
{Callie} Was there more or was it just that?
[A pause]
Yeah. We went to your haunted house, as you know, you were literally there-
{Callie} Good to get it on tape, though!
Hm. So, we went there, you showed us around. Em seemed pale. And yeah, she’s white, but like. Paler than normal. Her hair too, but I just kinda assumed it was a trick of the light. But over the next week, she kept avoiding us, and we kept finding her in the girl’s bathroom working on some experiment. I say we, I don’t mean X and Ash too, I meant other girls. It was weird. She normally goes to the chemistry labs to do her fun little experiments.
What was she doing?
I don’t know, she had a test tube full of something and was trying to drop some solution of something into it. With no regard for lab safety- You know she used to be my lab partner in year 10, she’d always bug me about how bad my lab safety was. ‘No Rin, you have to put on a lab coat’, ‘Rin, stop, you should put on goggles!’, ‘Rin why are you coming in here with food. It’s for me? Put it outside!’.
[A pause]
Ok, that’s a bit mean. She did appreciate the brownie I got her. But anyway, her severe lack of it in the past week was funny. And not in a ‘ha-ha’ kind of way. So. Yeah. She’s been acting strange. And freaking Asher and Xavier won’t listen when I say something’s wrong, they’re just pinning it down to GCSEs.
[A pause]
I guess I did need to get that out. Thanks for listening.
Wow. So, you think it relates to-
[Pages rustling]
That’s why I had it bookmarked.
[A pause]
Oh yeah, I tried to put my arm around Em, and she ducked out. That’s another reason I think so.
[A pause, muttering between the two]
I think Emilia’s in trouble. It’s definitely that. I think this is the piece I’ve been missing, and it makes sense with what I already know! What with the paler skin, odd actions, something’s definitely up. Maybe Emilia is next to disappear! It’s what happened before C-
I don’t care if I sound crazy, you’ve convinced me. I’m gonna go tell X and Ash, I don’t care if they’re busy. I care about Em too much to lose her.
[Footsteps, voice getting quieter]
Thanks so much, Callie, you’ve helped.
Wait, let me take a photo of the-
[Door slam]
Well, that was an interesting coincidence. Um. I now have a lot more information about the Secrets of Everwich. Thank you for listening! I need to go now to update my theories wall.
[Radio static for a moment]
[Recording glitches, and cuts in and out]
Drat- No, do- Go- Stop- Don’t hur- -nyone!
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secrets-of-everwich · 7 months
04-2 The Tours We Do
[Electronic hum underlies recording]
Hello, this is Callie Hewitt, recording on the 9th October. I realised that a couple days ago, I said I’d make an episode explaining all the tours we do here at Everwich Manor, which is how I got to know all the base information. So, this is that episode! If you haven’t worked it out by now, the ‘-2’s of each episode are sort of- Background information that I felt worth adding on. All the big reveals should happen in the ‘-1’s!
The main tour we do is a basic tour of the Manor, explaining how the Florences would have used the house. We just go through the East Wing, as the West Wing is used as our actual home, with the notable exception of the kitchen. We take them through the grand hall, up the stairs, to the two East Wing bedrooms, then to the library’s upper wing. Then, we go down, through the side door into the ballroom, where we keep an exhibition of the Florences. We go into the Rose Garden, which is the only gardenspace which is still connected to the Manor, and then into the dining hall.
We have a few other tours: The In-Depth History, Show Tours (which go on during October), and sub-sections of the main tour, for example, only the first floor, or the ground floor. The In-Depth History takes twice as long as the main tour, and we do it only once per month. It goes into massive depth of the information, and we add on a section where we sit in the Rose Garden (or the library if the weather’s bad), discussing as much detail about the Florences and the history of Everwich as we can fit in.
Finally, we have the Show Tours. The next one is tonight, but if you didn’t manage to catch it, there’s one next week on the 16th October! The Show Tours are tours where we put on a show, we get UV paint and paint the library’s glass-covered bookcases, and flash the lights, adding in blacklight, and get animatronics to move the food. Basically, we make it a Hallowe’en Haunted House. That’s what Ash should have been going on, when instead X took them to see the basement. Which – for the record – I still can’t access. Show Tours are fun, but they’re more expensive. However, they draw more people, so it’s a win-lose situation. We do add in some information about the house, like we explain the words in the UV paint – stuff like ‘Help’ and ‘I’m trapped’ were found in some of the drawing rooms. Personally, I think that was Charles, but…
Anyway, that’s a basic summary of all the tours we do here at Everwich Manor, make sure to pop by and come to one! We do normal tours twice weekly except in October, where we do it once a week, with a Show Tour on Saturdays. Our next In-Depth History Tour is on the 1st November at 3-5pm, our next Show Tour is tonight at 7-7:30pm, and our next main tour is on the 12th, at 2:30-3:30pm and 4-5pm!
Thanks for listening to this episode, bye!
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secrets-of-everwich · 7 months
01-2 A Funny Discovery
[Electronic hum underlies the recording]
Hello, this is Callie Hewitt, recording on the 5th October 2021. I know that episode was a while ago, but I just checked the obituaries from around Charles’ time for any other disappearances.
While not a disappearance, I did find out something I find very funny: James Beaumont, the guy Kitty was going to marry, died as an adult because the Mary Wollstonecraft book Kitty was recommending to him fell on his head. I just found that so funny I should probably share it. He doesn’t seem the type to like what Wollstonecraft had to say, so I love the irony.
That’s all today, thank you for listening to this- Well, it’s not a secret. This Fact of Everwich I guess!
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secrets-of-everwich · 7 months
03-2 Manor Plans
[Hum underlies the recording]
Hello, this is Callie Hewitt, and I’ve done some digging. This is recorded on the 3rd October 2021, about 4 hours after the last recording.
I decided to do some digging, and I managed to find in one of our spare rooms the original floor plan of the manor! I can’t believe this hasn’t been destroyed, to be honest. It shows all the original secret passages- Wow, a lot of these have been boarded up. I’ll have to ask Dad.
Moving on from the staircase situation, the basement is shown in this floorplan. There’s the main basement stairs going into a wine cellar, with a note saying ‘Stone Walls’. I wonder whether there’s still some wine in there? Probably really, really, alcoholic if there is… Then there’s another room, labelled ‘Perhaps the Plunge Room or a Larder?’. I genuinely can’t tell why this would be linked to the main hall, where all the guests would be. Maybe they didn’t know why they wanted a staircase there themselves so blocked it up?
Hold on- There’s another note here by the wine cellar. ‘To connect to the caves’. I’m sorry, there’s caves in Everwich?!
[Pause, pages rustling]
There’s no other mentions of caves. Right, that’s something to research! Anyway, that’s the basement. Next is the ground floor. Wait, did I already explain the ground floor? Oh well, there’s the entrance hall, then the main hall with the grand staircase. The West Wing links to the main hall to the right, with the drawing room, study, music room, bathroom, and living room all connecting to the West Wing Corridor. Oh, there’s also a closet that connects to the music room, that’s cool! Then, there’s a servant’s passage connecting to all these rooms around the outside, and the laundry room. The staircase I call the ‘Secret Staircase’ is also here! It’s just a staircase that goes up to the top floor. This servant’s passage also seems to have connections straight to the main hall and the ballroom! Oh, yeah, the ballroom connects to the main hall through some double doors, but I think that was mentioned in 01-1. The library also links to this hall, and it’s the second biggest room in the house (other than the ballroom). Charles must have used the servant’s passage to get up to his room then, that’d be the quickest way up.
The East Wing is on the other side of the main hall. This side doesn’t have a Servant’s Passage, but it does have some servant’s quarters instead. It looks like the female servants were on the ground floor, and the male servants were on the first floor. The hallway connects to the Dining Room, Kitchen (which have a connecting door), and Library. All these rooms, and the ballroom spill out onto the gardens, and I’m so mad the gardens aren’t marked on this floorplan.
The First Floor has a balcony in the main hall that the grand staircase leads up. The West Wing hallway up here has the attic staircase, apparently. I didn’t even know we had an attic. The Master Bedroom is the first bedroom there, with an ensuite. Gosh, there’s a servant’s door to all these rooms. Including the bathroom. No thank you, absolutely not. Anyway, there’s two more bedrooms, both of equal size, in that corridor. I’m fairly sure these are Charles and Kitty’s rooms, with Kitty’s being the one that’s next to the ensuite, and Charles’ being the one that’s next to the Secret Staircase. Uh- This is just a hunch though.
Above the library, there’s a little balcony area, which is where the library staircase went to. There’s a couple doors leading off from the library, one into a servant’s passage, and one that’s very close to the bathroom. The East Wing has two more bedrooms, these have a connecting door, so we think this is some form of nursery, with accompanying servant’s room, or something. It’s hard to tell.
In the attic seemed to just be storage, with doors into the rafters. As I said, I didn’t even know we had an attic. Something to look at eventually, I guess!
Well, that’s probably enough. Whoever you are listening, you’re probably bored to death by all this mountain of information. Thanks for listening to this Secret of Everwich, this has been Callie Hewitt!
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secrets-of-everwich · 7 months
03-1 Proof of Something Strange
Hello, this is Callie Hewitt on the 3rd October 2021, and I have some amazing news. We’ve had someone – finally - write in to the podcast!
Callie, I’m right here.
Even better, they’re here in the studio! Mr Morris, you said you had some… Interesting information about something?
{Mr. Morris}
Callie, you can just call me Ash? Like you normally do? Or Asher will be fine? I literally see your brother like every day.
Yes, but this needs to be professional, Mr. Morris.
Remind me how many listeners you have?
[A Pause]
Ok, Ash, what did you see?
Well… Ok, don’t think I’m crazy or whatever. I probably am but I wasn’t gonna tell anyone but then you overheard me talking to X and then you dragged me into doing this so.
I won’t judge! You think I’d be doing this if I cared what people think?
True. Ok. Well. Yesterday, as you know I was visiting the haunted house because it was Rin’s birthday and I wanted to do something fun! And, then X asked me to come with him – he wanted to show me something, or so he said. And, then we went into the basement – we left Em and Rin to go on the- Why am I telling you that, you were literally there?!
We need it for the record, remember?
[Callie clears their throat]
Oh yeah! We left Rin & Em to go on the show tour with you. Xavier took me down into the basement. It… Wasn’t fun. We walked down, the lights were growing dimmer. They’re like those old-style festoons but they were really flickery, I never like lights like that, but they’re really good for stage lights because they’re-
Oh, sorry! Well we walked down the steps, and I nearly fell because the steps are really – and I mean really – breaking like they’re really worn down and slippery, so I nearly fell down and X had to catch me… So anyway we got down the steps and I was really cold because you know it’s October and it’s freezing because it’s autumn. And it was a basement. Ugh I don’t want to do this, I just want to forget about it, you know I hate spiders!
Asher, Xavier won’t talk to me about this. And if I talk about it, it doesn’t seem as… Professional. I need you to tell me!
Um… If that was meant to be persuasive it wasn’t really… Working…
Please, Ash?
Fine! We got down there, it was freezing, and… Spiders. Lots of them. They were green too. All crawling along the walls and the floor. They didn’t totally cover the stone walls, but. They were there. I tried to tell X that I didn’t wanna be here anymore, and I wanted to leave, but he said there was more I needed to see.
[A long pause]
He, um, opened the door.
[Another pause]
Callie, please I don’t want to do this.
Literally nobody will listen. I still only have 1 listener, and because they’re anonymous I’m still not unconvinced it isn’t Xavier putting it on mute and just playing it so I get a single listener.
[Sounds of a chair moving, getting fainter] Nope, nope, that’s even worse, nope.
[Sounds of a door opening and slamming shut]
ASH! [Getting fainter] Come back!
[Sounds of a door opening]
[A long pause. Radio static]
[Sounds of a door closing]
[Getting louder] Well, that’s just great. Our only primary source has left. I could try Xavier… But he’s already said no. I don’t know where the key is to the basement, so I can’t go check myself. God, sometimes I swear this town, or someone in it, is deliberately trying to make this harder for me.
Actually, how did X get into the basement at all?! The door’s never left unlocked. I’ve asked mum and dad, they don’t know what’s in there, and they definitely don’t know where the key is. Did X find the key? It wouldn’t be the first time there’s been something hidden in the bookshelves, like that jou- Like nothing I’ve found. I’ll have to ask X if he still has the key. And if he knows where it is.
[Radio static for a moment]
He doesn’t. He found it on Friday evening, went down there that evening to check it out, took Ash down there because he needed to know he wasn’t insane and locked the door behind him, and put the key in his pocket. It is no longer in his pocket. He has no idea where it is. I emphasise my previous statement about the whole town is against me finding the secrets. But, I’m determined to find them. It’s not like this is a new thing – I’ve been interested in the secrets of Everwich for years now. Anyway, since our primary source has left the building, and another potential primary source will not talk to me, I guess that’s it for this episode. Thank you for listening, that’s it for today’s Secrets of Everwich with Callie Hewitt!
[quieter] Nope, that’s not it either.
[Very faint, recording keeps glitching out]
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secrets-of-everwich · 8 months
02-1 A Link?
Hello, this is Callie Hewitt and is it okay to say it’s spooky season yet? (Even though it started in July). This is the 1st October 2021, and I am excited for Halloween. Though, that isn’t relevant. At all. Oh well!
The Secret of Everwich I’m going to talk about today happened in the 60s, with two people called Adam Ives, and Jill Harris. I think there were more in the group, but the names are left without surnames. By this point, Manor Road would have been in construction. Oh – Manor Road is the road that leads up to Everwich Manor. It was built due to a lack of residential houses, and the owners of Everwich Manor not having enough money to keep the epic driveway depicted in photos from the 1800s. So, a lot of the land for the gardens of the Manor had been sold, and, to kill 2 birds with one stone, Manor Road sprung up!
It's still one of the more expensive roads in Everwich, but that’s probably more because of the Manor. The street isn’t as nice. Anyway, this all takes place on the other side of Everwich, on the other side of the High Street, near Lilacs Lane. That’s a road on the outskirts of Everwich, closer to the city. Quite a few medium sized houses, where nowadays a lot of older couples live. It’s a nice place to have a walk, I sometimes go there myself, and- I’m getting offtopic.
What I was wanting to talk about today is the interesting newspaper report from then, written by Michael Grenn in 1962. Please note, that this is not the Everwich Post, but a newspaper from the 60s which seems to report a lot of what nowadays we may call conspiracy theories. But, if you weren’t happy with those, I don’t think you’d be listening to this.
    ‘Latest Disappearance Close Call Suggests Serial Killer?’
    ‘For the past month, there has been a string of mysterious disappearances that have been sowing fear into the citizens of Everwich. Starting with Christopher Newell, a bus driver, who was known to be friendly and beloved by most of the community, this batch of disappearances may be linked.
    ‘Jill Harris, 22, was found bleeding in Lilacs Lane last night at 11pm. Sources suggest she was coming back from a meeting when attacked. Her friend, Adam Ives, who lives nearby, explained how he saw Jill lying on the floor, semi-conscious:
    ‘I had heard a commotion close to my house. I knew things weren’t right in this town, so went out to investigate. When I saw my friend lying there, I knew something was wrong. I thought I saw a pale child run away, but I didn’t recognise him.’
Well, I’m glad Adam was walking nearby. The article continues to explain that there’s a serial killer, and suggests a family as the source, but I don’t buy that theory. I’m sure this was the Everwich Ghost. Come on, a pale child running away from a dead body? What other creepy pale children do we know live in Everwich who nobody seems to know. It may seem like a stretch to you, but almost every sighting of the Everwich Ghost are accompanied by deaths, disappearances, or injuries. I think Jill Harris was about to become the next victim.
What I am interested in, however, is the quote: ‘I knew things weren’t right in this town’. Now, there’s not much else about Adam or Jill that makes me think they’re the sort to believe in conspiracy theories from publicity – Adam became a CEO of a fancy company, and so did his son, while Jill left Everwich to pursue acting. Both are retired now. So that quote is interesting. I’ll have to do some digging. One of my brother’s friends is Adam’s granddaughter, so perhaps I can ask her to get me in touch with him!
Anyway, Adam was right. Things aren’t right in this town. There’s a lot of people like Christopher Newell, mentioned in the paper, who have disappeared. I’m missing a piece, I’m sure of it, but I know it’s the Everwich Ghost. It’s just, I don’t know how a ghost could travel the entire length of the town, when my best theory suggests the Everwich Ghost’s primary base should be this manor. Oh, don’t get me wrong, there’s been a lot of sightings in the Manor, but most of the deaths occurred outside. People got to know that the Manor was haunted, so stopped going in.
I want to know if there was a pattern. A pattern between all the disappearances. Did they know something? Were they just in the wrong place at the wrong time? Is the Everwich Ghost targeting descendants of those who ridiculed them in life? There’s definitely a link between the Florences’ deaths and the near-death of Jill Harris. I just need to find it.
Until then, this has been Callie. Thanks for listening!
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secrets-of-everwich · 8 months
01-1 The First Disappearances
Hello, this is Callie Hewitt, recording on the 28th September 2021. Right, that’s all the professional stuff out of the way. I think. I wasn’t planning on talking about the Florences this early on, but they are the first disappearances here in Everwich, so…
This all took place over 200 years ago, and revolves around Henry, Esther, Katherine and Charles Florence, the original inhabitants of Everwich Manor. Obviously some details may be a little inaccurate to what happened, since there’s not that many firsthand accounts from back then, if there were more they’ve… Been destroyed.
This story starts on the 1st December of 18 [radio static hiding the year], when Katherine, a 15-year-old girl of parents Henry and Esther Florence, was having a ball for her birthday. By all accounts, this ball was going well – Katherine was finding a suitable suitor for her to possibly marry in the future.
Later newspaper reports show a James Beaumont, then 18, about Katherine, and the events of the ball.
‘I was, perhaps, the one to know Katherine the best. Our families were friends, and when she came of age we were to be married. Whilst I was not familiar with her family – least of all her younger brother – I did, in fact, spend a lot of time with Katherine. She was a headstrong girl, knew what she wanted. For instance, she would often explain to me how she read Mary Wollstonecraft. Whilst I do not agree with said book, she definitely was passionate about it, there was no question with regards to that.
The last time I saw Katherine? Well, that would be her 15th Birthday. An amazing ball, truly spectacular. The evening began with plenty of carriages pulling up at the Florence household – their manor in Everwich. Nice town, I always enjoyed visiting. We walked through the entrance hall, which looked nice. The ballroom was right at the back of the house, meaning we had a bit of a walk. It was rather unusual, but not unwelcome.’
Quick note from me! The ballroom is, indeed at the back of the house. If anyone needed clarification.
    ‘When we got to the ballroom, it was already full of people. I noticed Katherine immediately however, she was the centre of attention. As she ought to be. Her ginger hair was pinned up in an elegant bun, and her dress was a light orange colour. I think I saw Charles there, too. I can’t say for definite. But obviously, there’s already been the obituary for Charles.
    ‘The evening passed happily, I danced with Katherine a couple of times, I watched her dance with her close friend, Marie. Marie Everly. There was an orchestra, yes. No, nothing happened in the ball, nothing strange at all. The evening passed, until it was well time to leave. After that, I didn’t see Katherine. It was a shock, I must admit, to discover her disappearance.’
So, we know that there was a ball. Oh, my source! This was taken from Henry, Esther and Katherine’s obituary in The Everwich Post, from the 2nd January of the same year.
Not much is known about Charles Florence, other than he was the very first disappearance. The newspaper report with his obituary is nowhere to be found – and believe me, I’ve done some digging. The newspaper got similar reports to James Beaumont’s from friends of Henry and Esther, but, there’s not enough difference for it to be useful for this. Perhaps I’ll do a later episode going more in-depth, if that’s something whoever is listening is interested in!
What seems to be the general consensus, however, is that Charles disappeared sometime during the ball, on the 1st of December. During this time, Henry, Esther and Katherine seemed to tirelessly look for him for the next month, until the 1st January, when the rest of the Florences disappeared. I’ve tried to look for something that explains how, why, whatever, but… Absolutely nothing. Someone’s gone to extreme lengths to cover up specifically this disappearance.
And now for a quick intermission where I tell you guys about the sponsor for this episode! Just kidding, there’s still only one of you listening so absolutely nobody would ever want to sponsor me. However, I will sponsor- Myself? Everwich Manor is doing special show-tours next month, with the first being the 2nd of October, and then every Saturday afterwards, and also on Hallowe’en, when there’ll be candy as well!
Back to the episode. Whilst the rest of this may have made it seem like Kitty was the focus of this, it’s actually Charles I’m more interested in, due to both the lack of information, and some rumours that have been in newspapers since his disappearance.
The Everwich Post has multiple articles about sightings of ‘The Everwich Ghost’. What does this have to do with Charles, and the Florences? Well, I have a theory that the Everwich Ghost is Charles, doomed to live in Everwich for years, never aging! Of course, this is all speculation- Wait I haven’t said who the Everwich Ghost is yet…
This is from an Everwich Post report from 1985, which, from what I could find, was the best description. This is from reporter Emily Morris.
    ‘Everwich Ghost Confirmed?
    ‘It’s common knowledge for those who live in Everwich that throughout the years, a ‘ghost’ has lurked in the shadows, often killing those who see it. However, this urban myth has – until now – not had any proof.
    ‘The ghost, often described as a small child – most sources agree male, though there are some sources that suggest otherwise. Said to have white, curly, shoulder-length hair, deathly pale skin, and Victorian clothes, the Everwich Ghost’s first appearance is generally agreed to be in the 19th century.
    ‘While walking on Manor Road after dark, I heard a cry out in a nearby alleyway. I asked who was there, and only heard a cry for help. Instantly, I went to investigate, assuming it was a small child. It sounded like one.
    ‘When I did investigate, I saw a small child, not dissimilar from the descriptions. It seemed almost like they were glowing, like a ghost. I managed to get a photo (below), before the child ran away.
    ‘While this doesn’t confirm the existence of the infamous Everwich Ghost, it does make you wonder: What is happening in this town that nobody knows about?’
The picture shows exactly the description in the newspaper article, but blurry. It’s hard to make out whether the Everwich Ghost is just a hoax made to get reads on the paper, or if this was a genuine sighting, but this is one of the most recent supposed sightings, so I thought it worth mentioning.
What’s interesting, though, is that the Everwich Ghost stopped being sighted recently, around 10 years ago? It’s hard to tell. But I believe the Everwich Ghost is Charles, because the description matches… Well, not any portraits, there’s no portraits of Charles. But the curly hair seems to be a trait of the Florences, and a young, Georgian, male-presenting person would match who we can assume Charles is.
Overall, there isn’t much more information on the Florences, mostly Charles though. As I said before, it seemed like all the information got… Destroyed? Stolen? I don’t know. But there… Isn’t more. That’s it. Um, yeah. Thank you for listening, if you have, and I hope you enjoyed! This is Callie Hewitt, signing off!
[quieter] I don’t like that signoff. I should do a different- Oh it’s still on.
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secrets-of-everwich · 8 months
00-2 A Brief Summary of Everwich
[Electronic humm underlies the recording]
Hello, this is part 2 of my introductions. My name is Callie Hewitt, and I’m investigating Everwich. Before I begin with the tales, however, I thought describing the town would be beneficial. Wow, I sound super… Professional. [giggle] Perhaps I’m simply made for this job! Not that… I’m getting paid or anything…
Anyway, that’s not the point. I’m going to start with the oldest building in Everwich, which also happens to be my house. Everwich Manor, a large manor house. Frankly, I could spend hours talking about the manor. Its history is so interesting, and-
I’m getting offtopic. Everwich Manor is the largest building, the oldest and the most haunted. It’s a tourist trap too, half of the house being used for house things, the other for touristy things.
There’s the 2 primary schools, one’s close by and the secondary school, which is on the other side of the town. A few supermarkets, lots of houses, shops, you know, all the regular things you’d expect in a town. There’s a park, next to the manor. It’s not the type of place you’d expect has a dark history.
Oh gosh, I think I’ve just said too much, maybe got myself doxed… But, on the other hand, this could bring some business to Everwich Manor. Which would be good, we always are ready to do tours! Plus, I’m going to keep the rest of this anonymous, so… Yeah…
[sigh] Either way, let’s delve into the history of Everwich. Everwich has been around since… Well, the earliest dated thing- uh, record- was in the late 18th Century, when Everwich Manor was built. The town seemed to have existed beforehand, but it was a few miles away from Everwich Manor, which – according to the groundplans at least – appeared to have been next to a forest. This forest still exists, but it’s been heavily cut back in the last 2 centuries.
The first recorded family in Everwich Manor was the Florences [audio distorts on the word ‘Florences’], but you’re not here for just Everwich Manor lore, otherwise this would be Secrets of Everwich Manor, not Everwich in general. Uh, the name is being workshopped…
Since then, the town has gained in both popularity, and size. And so has its weird events. The town sprawled out, and the manor’s gardens got smaller, until there were housing developments where the nice long drive used to be. The other side of the town – the old part of the town – that’s become the high street.
I guess that’s about as much as I can think of right now. Don’t want to spill all the secrets in one episode, now do I! [giggles]
I’m not sure if the next one of these will be the first story, or some more background information.
That’s all for today folks, Callie Hewitt signing off!
[quieter] I need to think of a better signoff…
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secrets-of-everwich · 9 months
00-1 Is this thing on?
[Electronic humm underlies the recording]
Hello? Um. Is- Is this thing on? Oh, there’s a light. Brilliant. I guess I should start by introducing myself. Not that anyone but me is going to find this, really… More so, for the immersion of myself, I guess.
My name is Callie Hewitt, I’m 14, and I live in Everwich. Uh- Everwich is a town in England, southeast if we’re being that specific. Why am I doing this? … Because I’m trying to document the… rather interesting parts of Everwich.
Things happen. Strange things. And, I want to find out why. Not like I have much else to do anyway, um! I might post this online… [gasp] I can make a whole page devoted to this! You know what, scratch the whole keeping it to myself thing, I’m going to show the internet this.
Oh, the date. Yes. To be utterly professional about this – as I am using a tape recorder – I should record the date whenever I record this. It is currently 27th September, 2021. Maybe saying my name every time will be a little… Too much. But it’s ok! We’ll see.
That’s about as much as I’m going to do for this recording I think… Stay tuned! [recording cuts out with a click]
[Very faint, recording keeps glitching out]
We shouldn’t be worried,-
[Recording fades out]
13 notes · View notes
secrets-of-everwich · 9 months
Welcome to the Secrets of Everwich podcast!
Here, I explore the Secrets of Everwich, which is a small town in England. My name is Callie Hewitt, and I hope you join me on this journey!
Episode 00-1: Here
Episode 00-2: Here
Episode 01-1: Here
Episode 02-1: Here
Episode 03-1: Here
Episode 03-2: Here
Episode 04-1: Here
Episode 01-2: Here
Episode 04-2: Here
Episode 05-1: Here
Episode 05-2: Here
- End of Part 1 -
Episode 06-1: Here
Episode 06-2: Here
Episode 06-3: Here
This is a fictional podcast about a fictional town, with fictional characters. Any similarities to persons living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
This is a psychological horror story, reminiscent of the Magnus Archives. TW: Arachnophobia.
This account is run by @severevoiddragon and any Mod Notes will be in this font. Pfp is temporary. Callie uses they/she pronouns. Enjoy the story!
Important tags:
#secrets of everwich - All posts about the podcast.
#not an episode - Any posts that are not an episode
#everwich lore - In-Lore answers about Everwich.
#everwich episode - An episode of the podcast.
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