#eventually between some fancy fish and catnip offers Special Agent Fox Mulder agrees that Bobby can stay
innytoes · 1 year
One more! 22. Waking up in the middle of the night to their cat sitting on your chest staring at you for Boggie? 👀
One of the things Bobby loved about his boyfriend was that he had a big huge heart and a soft spot for animals. He caught spiders to put them outside. He apologised to pigeons as he politely shoo'ed them off the balcony. He said hi to every dog. He volunteered at the animal shelter.
And he rescued stray kittens that he promised he was only fostering. That had been two years ago.
Some mean, evil part in the back of Bobby's brain had thought: okay yeah, I understand why someone would dump these kittens in a box behind the Orpheum. Because all of them were... weird-looking. He didn't say that out loud, though, because he knew better than to upset Reggie before a gig.
Bobby was lucky that it had just been three, and that one (the little black one with the weird eyes that always seemed pointed slightly outward) had immediately claimed Alex as his own. So when Alex finally moved in with his boyfriend, that cat went with him. And Carrie had adopted the other one, the one with the weird double coat. That cat was more Instagram famous than Sunset Curve and it kind of stung.
Which left the last one. The one that looked like a gremlin. The one that was weirdly possessive of Reggie and didn't like when Alex moved out and Bobby moved in. Even though the cat now had an entire Cat Room to himself.
The one currently trying to smother him in his sleep.
He opened his eyes, only to be faced with that gremlin snout up close and personal. Well, that explained the feeling like he couldn't breathe.
"Shoo," he said quietly, not wanting to wake Reggie.
The cat leaned in, putting more weight on Bobby's throat.
"Glaaaargh," Bobby said, and tried to push the cat off. It dug its nails in, and for a second, he thought he was going to die.
Then, the lights came on.
"Special Agent Fox Mulder!" Reggie scolded. "We've talked about this. No murdering my boyfriend!" He plucked the cat off Bobby, who took a deep, deep breath and sat up.
The cat growled at him, nuzzling against Reggie's chin. Reggie pouted. "No, that's not going to work. You're grounded, mister. No sleeping in the bedroom if you're going to try and murder Bobby." He got up and walked the cat out of the room, no doubt to tuck him in in the ridiculously plush cat bed with the hand made quilt of all Reggie's old t-shirts.
From the other room, he heard Reggie still talk to the cat. "Come on, buddy, you know you're my special little man, but I'm really in love with this guy. You gotta be nice to him."
Oh. Oh, he hadn't said that before. Not to Bobby, at least. He dabbed at the scratch on his neck a little, thinking. It wasn't like Bobby had said it either, yet. It was too big. Too scary. Even though they'd known each other since they were nine, and Bobby had been in love with him for most of those ten years, they'd only been dating for like, two months.
Still, when Reggie came back (closing the door firmly so no murder cats could get in) and curled into his arms, Bobby pulled back a little. Just enough so he could look in Reggie's eyes, all pretty and soft in the light of the bedside table.
"I love you too," he said, quietly. Reggie flushed, spluttered a little, but then a big beautiful smile spread over his face. "And I promise to buy some fancy tuna or something to bribe Mulder into liking me."
After all, they were in this for the long haul.
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