#even tho I saw some jewish ppl saying it’s ok
mushramoo · 2 years
if you don’t mind me asking- how is your benrey problematic? I’m not really in the hlvrai fandom so I missed the discussion and can’t really find anything on it.
basically; and I’m summarizing here so take my words with a grain of salt; drawing benrey w gray/blue skin accompanied by the sharp teeth has been concluded to be antisemitic because of the derogatory nature of the design that aligns with antisemitic “caricatures” (forgive me if that’s not the right word!). While it is pretty much 50/50 divided on the matter, after reading some different takes from jewish ppl, I just decided it’s not worth the possibility of making someone feel unsafe! It’s not much effort to change his design so that’s my decision ^^
Sorry for the long explanation!!!
tldr: I’m not jewish so I’m not educated in these kinds of debates and choose to err on the side of caution ^^ hope that helped!!!!
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auckie · 3 years
Yknow I’m pretty introverted. Like I’m not shy at all, I just like it quiet usually and won’t talk unless you’re talking to me and I got shit to add. I like my privacy and LOVE my own company, don’t mind being around old folks and I’m used to putting up with ppl who annoy me bc I’ve always lived with roommates. My best friends tend to move away too, and I’ve made good ones who live hours worth of driving away. So in general covid has probably been easier on me than some freaks who need to like hug and constantly talk. Especially bc I’ve actually been quarantining since it started. Last time I saw a friend was October, like without masks. And she’d been quarantining, working from home too. Two days ago I met with a dude to ice skate and have coffee outdoors. Masks for the most part, short. I don’t even like him too much so it hardly counted. Anyways. My point being I think 9 months is my limit. I can hand 8 months of solitary confinement, doing work I despise and not seeing friends, no concerts or aquarium or thrift stores or drugs or smoking or movies or dick appointments. Trying my damndest not to get a job that would expose my stupid ass old fuck parents to illness even tho it’s meant saving less money to move out after college. Trying to ignore the siren song of moving across country and coming out and going to bar tending school and grad school or whatever the fuck bc atm it’s not practical and above all I’m always trying to look out for what’s best for number one: ME. But I think. 9 months is my absolute limit. Constant geriatric foolishness. Closeted. No privacy. NO LATE NIGHT NACHO FRIES EVEN THOUGH THEYRE BACK. No dick calls that don’t require a week of preplanning and minimum an hour of driving. I know this is peak first world problem complaints I know I’ve had it worse being psychotic and starving and I am very comfortably housed and fed. But the way some friends of mine are acting is driving me insane they show me pics of all their little homies having an orgy and here I am, with like seven preexisting conditions. Waiting patiently for a fucking vaccine! Yknow my base nature is to be one of those fucks who questions like. Flouride in the water evil in the air like I’m not a full blown nut job bc I’m Jewish and gay and Mexican and autistic so I can’t afford to be but beleive me thank Gd I’m not white! And cis! Bc I would be. You know what I’m saying. Look at me I’m spelling ok rihjt now. Well there’s one I’m not gonna fix my phone auto corrects to rihjt bc I misspell it so often. Listen to me. Look at me. Look at me. I am the captain now. I am LOSING it and lexapro ain’t doing shit I am this close to texting my old plug and asking if he still sells tabs and just throwing my hands in the air and going full blown schizo. I MISS BEING A WHORE!!! I WANT TO GO TO THE FAIR AND SUCK COCK!!! I WANT TO MAKE FRIENDS WITH NEW NAUTICAL FREAK FUCKS!!! WHEN?! MY BIRTHDAY IS IN A MONTH AND IF BY MARCH I CANT AT LEAST GET A DATE FOR WHEN I CAN GET VACCINATED I AM SAYING FUCK IT ALL AND MOVING TO LA DO NOT FUCK WITH ME. I don’t mean any of this. Disregard all of this excuse me it’s because I have a dark heart. I’m fine. I’m strong actually. Stronger and better than you. Because you’re out there just having sex all Willy nilly like you’re not living with your MOMMY AND YOUR DADDY YEAH. STOP! Ok
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arodrwho · 5 years
critrole 2.82 lb
aaaAAAAAAHHH i forGOT where they left OFF
i’m vry much more excited now than i was previously 2 seconds ago
“we’ll try not to hit them” lmao
NAT 20
rogues are so good
82 pts of damage in the 1st round of combat is Pretty Fuckin Nice i would Sya
“i’m unsTOPPABLE” god i love nott
“don’t die ur gonna be So Cool when u lvl up” lmao
eghg gross
goddamn beau got a natural 20 i believed in her but i didn’t expect another fuckin nat 20
they’re havin rly nice luck currently
it’s been a while
g r o ss
attached in ways that don’t make sense… that’s gro SS
tEETH!! teeTH!!!!!!
god that’s so gross
healing via teeths jus like the laughing dude
this is gross & i love it
wait why is swolregard going again is this--ohhh right yes sentinel, yes
again i love it
o that’s neat! thanks cad!
: ( sorry nott u stuck
and now.. they All Faile
maybe it’s just bc i jus saw thatp ost abt caleb’s accent but it’s stickin out to me a lot more tonight than usual
cayleb why are u only making the golem protect U
i mean i spose i know why
tho also i gotta say
i do rly like that he’s usin the golem as like
a protective creature more than an Attackey creature
which given what i know of golems n jewish ppl, n jewish caleb hcs…..
that was a cool move nott just tried
o sweet beau ur cool as heck
oh no i’m missing episode :(
o no it’s attacking cad :(
oh NO it got a nat 20 on cad :((
guiding bolt ! i’m so much more fond of this spell now that i know pike
like i thought it was cool before bc Future Advantage + ouch
are they going to say up the butt or
:( caduceus :((( that was a good idea to check on it but also :( u gon die
i love her sm
..why are u having caduceus roll a d6
o he’s ok
fjord got a nat 20 intelligence check that’s pretty neat
Kill It
Caleb Your Time Is Now
oh actually
fjord’s time is now
i love how marisha rps beau bein real hurt
is 10/10
“i think my rib is broken” u know what that is? growth!
who the fuck needs 4 whole hearts
that’s just too many
put some hearts BACK
even dr who is satisfied w/just 2 hearts
c’mon now
back to show what is the happening
“not being able to leave & not being able to die” well that sounds very upsetting!
ooo fjord is using healing--wow 1 hit point. so generous fjord. good job.
“use my cantrip & try to mend the golem in little tiny sections” aw that’s sweet jester
cad knows the ways in which paladin healing can b useful
i’m gonna take this for fodder for my hc that he has a paladin sib
“there is a purple gem in the center of it” fjord don’t u dare fucking touch it
thank u fjord
god DANG that’s a lot of acid
and also
god dang those were some good investigatey rolls
“u just have to knock” lmao caleb i love u
my internet is balls 2night as it is all nights
nyooooom caleb cat
where frumpkin go
follow that catte
aw beans idk what’s happenin it’s buffer time again
they went in & caleb is moving? & it’s buffering
& there’s a map now? & it’s buffering
& caleb sounds sad & i think he’s asking nott 2 join him? & it’s buffering
“u approach the desk & u can see there are papers & notes” & it’s buffering
hmmmmmmm i assume there are COol Books he’s interested in but apart from that
what’sa happening
“archaic form of zemnian” & it’s buffering
FUck You internet
man but can they even kill an unkillable heart?
or are they jus gonna kill this creepy thinG
OH M A N divine intervention that would be vRY cool if
it did not work,
a long shot anyhow
oh man i got DISTRACTED by listening + 2048’ing but o gosh & o heck! let me tell u!
this is going ungreat but also RealCool
also matt definitely said a thing abt beau at 1 point that made my autism senses go !!! but idr what it was
anyways Y’all i’m lovin this
cad is trying 2 heal everybodye
thank u cad
25!!!! i love. nott,,
she’s so good,,,,,,,,
1 Clever Gremlin Friend
“i did it i’m smarter than beau & caleb put together!!!!!!!!!!” “i got the first one ya dipshit” “wait is caleb the dumbest out of us” “girl power” “girl power!!!!!!!!!!” nott ur ridiculous. i love you
“light them up. pretty” oof.
but also ey autistic caleb echoing
i love it
aw dunk, poor nott, u can’t try the thing :((
“scratches at his arms” :( caleb my dude,
cool spell died
eyyy they got it open
eyyyy magic fists
she punche the hearte
p u n  c h
“at fjord’s suggestion—i want to get out of here, but i will inspect—” :( give caleb the hug please
on a DIFFERENT OTHER NOTE though i am v delighted by beau & nott’s successes!
but AS a someone who fucked the hell up at sth i thought i should probably be good at today. i sympathize w/the caleb
though i AM curious if there is any more to it than the obvious
given the armscratching
willy has a lil health back that’s good
o man o boy they’re gonna Be Here A Goddang While
o thank GOD (literally) cad is doing a Thing to shorten the time they spend searching
well! they know he’s alive & they’ve shortened the thing by 2 rooms
o jeez
the traveller has eyes #confirmed
“i would rather you put your faith in me for something more important than my curiosity. let’s go the other way” well gosh
aaaaand my internet died again
for a Good Few Minutes
what’s happening here
creature? chains? pincers? bug?? what is HAPPENING where even ARE TH E Y
what the fuck
did they peek at the dreadnought or like
yea they did
they’re making such POOR life choices
“i’ve already died once it’s okay let’s go” nott u can’t just say things like that
anyway CLEARLY we’re gonna cut off soon
yea there we are
to conclude:
why did they do the that.
@m9 look at ur life look at ur choices
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mikeswheeler · 7 years
I was tagged by the lovely @finnxwheeler​ and @jewishstanuris​ ♡
Okay so answer the questions and then tag 8 people!
What made you sign up to Tumblr? HOOO BOI well i’ve been on this site for,,, a long time lmao i signed up with my first account aka my main, personal one in around early 2011 ??? and it was honestly just bc i wanted to see what this site was all about bc i kept hearing ppl talk about it on other sites and reference it and i was like ???? what is Tumblr anyways ?? (like it was all bc of that “What is air?” stuff that was happening and i was so confused bc i was like why is everyone asking about air and then my older brother was like oh it’s a Tumblr thing so i was like what’s that and well,, the rest is history)
What did your blog start off as being? WELL my first account was basically cringe-central, like this was in 2011 so my content was basically Memes and Tumblr-esque inspirational quotes and cheesy, basic lookin’ photography (i was also really into anime and Harry Potter at the time so that was another thing) (oh and for some reason i had a Lolita phase where i was super into that style of fashion) (i was a weeb as a child)
Have you ever received any creepy asks, and if so, what did they say? Ehhhhhh,,, kind of ??? like i’ve definitely gotten a couple that i either wanted to deflect or i just kind of conveniently deleted it from my inbox and pretended it never happened lmao 
Have you ever had a bad experience on Tumblr? All the pornbots like it’S SO ANNOYING ??? AND GROSS ?? it’s especially apparent on my personal blog idk why but i have to block so many at a time smh 
If you had to pick a favourite English monarch, who would you pick? This is like a question i’ve never had to think about so I’m not really sure what to answer... 
Do you prefer hot or cold? COLD COLD COLD i’m also in California though so our cold isn’t like...... unbearable ya know ??? but i can’t stand being super hot and sweaty, it’s so uncomfortable !!! 
Do you have a special skill or talent? UHM I GUESS ACTING ????????? idk i kinda don’t wanna say that bc that’s implying i’m like ‘good’ at or whatever, but i have been in multiple plays/musicals before and even gotten an award for one of my roles so i guess that counts for something !!! 
Do you have a phobia of anything? Tight spaces, spiders (or just bugs in general), the dark, heights, anything medical related so blood and needles and hospitals and what not, aliens/the paranormal/supernatural (it’s not such a wild concept ok like it’s all totally plausible)... uHM yah i’m a big baby about a lot of things 
If you had to pick a favourite real life villain from history, who would you pick? Again, never had to consider this question before in my life so i’m not really sure !!!
Do you have any dark traits?
There are times where i’m pretty withdrawn and moody and easily irritated 
If you could do anything, literally anything, like fly on a unicorn or something, what would it be? 
Is it weird if it’d be something like,,, be cast on Stranger Things ??? like i think i fantasize about being on that show ten times a day, i just...... i really wanna be on Stranger Things gOD IMAGINE HOW AMAZING THAT WOULD BE 
What is the scale of the worst argument you’ve ever had? Slamming doors, raised voices, lots of crying...... fun times !!!
What is your favourite slush flavour? Not really into slushies tbh 
If you could bring back any food or drink from your childhood that has been discontinued, what would it be? DUNKAROOS ????? i feel like any snack from the 90s tho like we just don’t have anything as fun as what we had back then 
What is your favourite and most vivid childhood memory? Nothing specific but i remember playing outdoors with my siblings A LOT like we had a pretty big backyard so we’d constantly be out there, being imaginative and coming up with fake scenarios and acting them out, or like playing with the hose in the summertime or THE POOL omg we had this pool and we’d be in it so much...... also video game battles with my older brother ! my childhood was kinda shitty but at least i have those moments to reflect back on 
If you could bring anyone back from the dead who would it be? My first theatre teacher from high school... he passed away due to cancer around my sophomore year... he was really inspiring to me, i mean he’s kinda the reason why i stuck with that class and didn’t totally give up (thus resulting in me finding out that i love acting and that’s what i wanted to do with my life) 
If you could go back to any time period and live there for a week, which period would it be and why? GIVE ME THE 80′S OH MY GOD my mom grew up in the 80′s as a teenager so i always hear all the stories from her about what it was like and it seemed like ??? so cool ?? especially if you were a teen like what a dream ! give me my 80′s teen movie memories !!!
If you could visit any abandoned place to take pictures, where would it be?
Wow, this is actually a good question....... maybe like a retro arcade or art museum or amusement park ???? i feel like those could make for some Neat Photos (the aesthetic tho)
Do you have any particular, peculiar interests? Hmmmmm psychology interests me ?? i took a psychology class my junior year of high school and it was really fascinating, learning about human behavior and those stories of old psychology experiments (so Wild too like damn, i can’t believe they got away with so much shit back then)
Do you have a creepy/scary experience that has happened to you, and what was it? Not necessarily to me personally like, i’ve heard things before but idk to what extent that could mean so i never really looked Too Much into it bUT UHM i know my family has, especially in my childhood home (that place was straight up haunted like i swear) ALTHOUGHHHHH one night my mom was talking to us about something she saw in her room and all of a sudden a bunch of weird shit started going on in our apartment like our printer kept turning on and off and noises came from the kitchen like a cabinet shutting and things like that IT WAS CREEPY OK 
Do you like/read creepypasta stories? If so, what’s your favourite story? Don’t really have a favorite, but i have read creepypasta stories in the past before - they’re pretty intriguing ! (i’m a total wuss tho!!!! which is why i don’t read enough to have a personal favorite)
If you were in the Wars of the Roses, would you be a Lancastrian, or a Yorkist? Haven’t given this any thought before to decide so I DON’T KNOW !
What is your recurring nightmare? Don’t really have any ????? 
Have you ever had a lucid dream? Nah, because the moment i become aware i’m dreaming and i can do whatever i want, i wake up !!! it’s so frustrating lmao 
If you could go to another planet, which would it be? UHM i just really like the way Saturn looks lmao also Venus bc it sounds Nice but in terms of living conditions, i’m sure none of those are suitable  
What is your religion, if any? Don’t really have one !!!! (in the sense of actively practicing) although my mom is Jewish so i have always felt the most connected to that one 
Have you ever got so drunk, that you did something really embarrassing, and if so, what did you do? i’ve never gotten drunk before so lmao 
Mike, Dustin, Lucas, or Will? THIS IS ???? NOT FAIR ??? THEY’RE ALL MY SONS HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME CHOOSE JUST ONE but fine, i pick Mike just bc i feel the most related to him in the sense of personality traits 
Do you like Marina and the Diamonds? SURE ??? she’s got some good stuff 
Charli XCX? YAH SURE WHY NOT i like some of her stuff !!
Tag a blog that you’ve seen, and you love their posts, but have never told them, and would like to talk to them. @miliebobbybrown HER EDITS ARE ALWAYS SO ??? GOOD ???? her whole blog is total #goals just bc of how Nice everything is like wow i am,,, Intimidated but in the best way possible
Pick one thing you like/love from the 80s. The pop culture :^) (movies, music, fashion...... like wow, i just love it all so much)
What year were you born, and name something cool from that year. 1998 and Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets was published 
What was your blog name originally? (If you had another blog name) This one was originally lifeisdefinitelystrange (rip) 
Do you follow any blogs that you know the user in real life? KIND OF ?? I JUST MET @telekineticeggos FOR THE FIRST TIME IN REAL LIFE LAST NIGHT SO LMAO but we’re also planning on doing more things together in real life in the next few months so YEET 
If you are in the ST fandom, which is your favourite song off the ST soundtrack? Africa by Toto (duh), Atmosphere by Joy Division, Heroes by Peter Gabriel, and When It’s Cold I’d Like To Die by Moby (those last two songs were too emotionally impacting to not name) and from the score itself i LOVE KIDS THAT ONE IS SO GOOD TO ME LMAO but tbh i love the entire score and soundtrack ???? it’s so hard to pick just One Favorite
Finally, give your opinion on the person who tagged you! @finnxwheeler - YOUR WRITING NEVER FAILS TO AMAZE ME WOW ??? i’m always in tears over how flawless your fics are like Whiskey and Broken Hearts destroyed me my dude like oh my goddddd i love your characterization of Mike and Will in all your fics :’) one of my favorite byeler blogs ♡ (also you’re super cool in general like wow what a Neat Person)
@jewishstanuris - I LOVE TALKING TO YOU !!! you’re so nice to me and understanding when i take ten years to reply LMAO also your writing is also super good ??? you should do it more often tbh like i swear you don’t do it enough bc i remember only seeing a few things written by you on here in the fandom buT LIKE THEY WERE SO GOOD AND LIKE ???? DO MORE OF THAT MAYBE ??? another rlly good blog apart of the byeler ship ♡ :’) 
OK SO I’M GONNA TAG THESE GOOFS - @telekineticeggos, @dadharbour, @baileytsample, @elevenknope, @nessa007, @theamiableanachronism, @eggo-my-leggo, and @ghost-grantaire ♡ (obviously you don’t have to do it if you’re not interested or if you’ve done it already!)
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