#although I advise u to talk to jewish ppl and find the original post for more accurate info ^^
mushramoo · 2 years
if you don’t mind me asking- how is your benrey problematic? I’m not really in the hlvrai fandom so I missed the discussion and can’t really find anything on it.
basically; and I’m summarizing here so take my words with a grain of salt; drawing benrey w gray/blue skin accompanied by the sharp teeth has been concluded to be antisemitic because of the derogatory nature of the design that aligns with antisemitic “caricatures” (forgive me if that’s not the right word!). While it is pretty much 50/50 divided on the matter, after reading some different takes from jewish ppl, I just decided it’s not worth the possibility of making someone feel unsafe! It’s not much effort to change his design so that’s my decision ^^
Sorry for the long explanation!!!
tldr: I’m not jewish so I’m not educated in these kinds of debates and choose to err on the side of caution ^^ hope that helped!!!!
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