#even thinking about olliver and teedles across the season makes me feral
conschintz · 5 months
as a cult survivor, i have immense respect for how @quiddie handled the lukura in burrow's end. specifically in episode 1, the moment that it was revealed that thorn was a cult leader, i was ready to bail, but i decided to stick through the first episode at least just to see if it was something i could handle. and... man. i was genuinely sobbing with relief by the end of the episode.
the problem with so much cult-driven media, i find, is that it dehumanises the members/victims of the cult. they're just there to be vaguely creepy, or to sacrifice themselves for their leader(s), or to die outright to cult doctrine, usually for shock value. they're not actually people.
so you can imagine my fear when the stoats were escaping the poison, that we were going to get some scene where a member has to sacrifice themselves for thorn/viola, or it would be revealed that they all died waiting for orders etc. but we didn't... instead, in their last moments, aabria gave them what cult victims in media very rarely get — agency. viola's anger being met with teedles' "but they have families too," yes... yes!!! thank you! and then "if they ran, it was because they hoped to save them, and i can't begrudge them for that" i just... i don't think i can actually put into words how much that exchange meant to me. it was such a departure from what we're used to. even though most of them still died(?), it was not in service to thorn, or because of their lukura's beliefs. they were mothers and fathers and daughters and sons; they were no different to any of the pcs. they were trying to save themselves. aabria... the woman that you are. thank you.
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