#even getting time to draw is difficult LOL I‘m always drained by school
lovedeltaa · 4 months
Is there any place I can read/see/just consume content in general from the vile coke universe? I am absolutely obsessed with these goobers I love them the half vampire idea with Malik is so cool and oughhh Ellie,,,, ellie so pretty,,,
Actually scratch that every one of your ocs are pretty lmfao they all slay so hard😭😭
aw thank you so much :') means a lot
I‘m still working on making decent doodles and misc artworks for the rest of the cast so there‘s more goobers to come. ellie‘s bestie for the resties [partner in crime] is high on my priorities 🤞
I wish I had more about it out but I‘m still very anxious with publicly sharing anything original of mine…. so as of rn there‘s only the info I‘ve put up here LOL </3 but I‘m trying to get more expansive with the parts I share. ty for your interest, it gives me more incentive to get over my anxiety HAHA
there‘s quite a lot of backstory I‘ve yet to share. but a very fast tldr is that ellie and her bff (mariam, or "mari“ as a nickname) are childhood friends. mari‘s dad, subhi, took in malik, ellie, and michael when they got orphaned, up until relationships (see: primarily between subhi and michael) started souring. also important: mari (and subhi) is a puppy dawg werewolf
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