cyjammy · 3 months
Speculation Station: Eve is Lute
I have an idea for the Eve is Lute theory. Since Lucifer gave Eve the apple and in turn Lucifer and Lilith were punished, I think Heaven gave Eve a pass.
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She didn’t know how to resist temptation and was manipulated into taking the apple. If Heaven blamed her, she would have been cast into Hell alongside them, but there is no mention of Eve in Hell.
Heaven deemed Lucifer a troublemaker because of his grandiose ideas.
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They believed he was going to threaten the order of their world long before he had given humanity free will. They were waiting for a chance to banish him.
With this one action, that’s when the higher ups decided to get rid of him and Lilith who was alive.
Don’t forget that she was there at the time Lucifer gave Eve the apple. Lilith hadn’t died yet. By banishing her to Hell, Heaven had basically killed her, if you really think about it.
So what of Eve? She was left out of the sentencing in the origin story.
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Yes, you could point out that Charlie wouldn’t know what happened since Lucifer and Lilith were banished before Heaven dealt with Eve.
But if she ended up in Hell, Lucifer would know. So, the blame for the original sin was placed on Lucifer and Lilith rather than Eve.
It would absolutely make sense if Eve was put on probation. Heaven kept a careful watch of her during her tenure on Earth. Even while she had free will, Heaven considered her worthy enough.
Unless purgatory exists in the Hazbin universe and we have yet to see it. Sera mentions divine judgement and that it doesn’t happen in Heaven, since she doesn’t know how souls get to Heaven.
Nor does she mention knowing how divine judgement works. If it was this all holy process, she would brag about how it happens as she and Saint Peter bragged about how great Heaven is.
But I digress, unlike the actual Bible, there’s no mention of Eve offering Adam the apple.
If she thought eating the apple was something worthwhile, she would have also given it to Adam. So, instead of spreading sin, she kept it contained.
There isn’t any criteria that we know of for humans to get into Heaven after death.
Hazbin may possibly be going the Lucifer (The Fox turned Netflix series) route in terms of redemption. If you have seen the series, you know what I mean.
I’m going to go into more detail in another post, but as of now there are a few possibilities (none confirmed, just speculation):
Resolution of guilt
Self satisfaction (you don’t believe you did anything bad in life)
Selflessness (You live your life to better others lives)
Someone else is punished for your sin in your place
Those are only a few things I could think of as of now. I’ll explain later.
Now, onto why I think she’s most likely Lute. Lute considers sinners to be irredeemable, which may be her projecting. She is so disgusted by herself for falling for Lucifer’s ploy to get her to eat the apple. She tries to separate herself from who she was on Earth.
So, she prides herself on the fact she can combat the evil that stemmed from Lucifer’s tricks. She tries to be the best at it. Both her and Adam have this Holier Than Thou attitude, and I don’t think that’s only because they got into Heaven.
I think she’s fond of the exterminations because she’s getting revenge against Lilith, the woman who helped sew the original sin into the Earth. Lute gets to take from her because she believes Lilith tainted her.
Lute is extremely spiteful. She hates the fact sinners caused so much pain on Earth and get to live relatively consequence free in Hell.
So the exterminations combat that. She wholeheartedly supports the event year after year.
Lute still displays the behaviors that would come with eating the forbidden fruit.
In life, she wasn’t held accountable and Lucifer went to Hell in her place. After passing judgement, she got to revert back to her normal self. She displays the behavior of a sinner.
Lute is judgmental, prideful, and egoistic just to name a few — she may not have every characteristic, but it’s enough to be considered for Hell.
(Like what did that child Vaggie spared even do? Are there kid checklists like if they like steal a toy they go to hell?)
Lute has motivations other than just believing that since she is an angel, it’s her duty to keep Hell’s population low. Outside of that one reason, this seems personal to her. It makes sense for the reason for this is that she was Eve.
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Lute sticks close to Adam, doesn’t mind that he gets to be with other women as long as he’s happy, and even after the exterminations they’re still seen together, so it’s deeper than a working relationship.
Eternity is a long time, it makes sense that they would experiment.
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I felt that I had to mention this since this is a large part of why I began to think Eve was Lute, but that’s not the main basis of my theory. It’s Lute’s actions so far and how she remains adamant to keep killing sinners and firmly believes that Hell is where they’re meant to be.
Lucifer was the sacrifice for Eve’s entrance into Heaven.
She pins the blame on him, as does Heaven. Eve never had to show any qualities of goodness, and puts the responsibility of being an exterminator on herself as some sort of penance.
Or she just enjoys murder.
She doesn’t show any sign of guilt, only malice and a feeling of superiority so far.
There are a lot of holes in this, but hey, I’m just throwing this out there. Maybe some of it will be right or all of it will be wrong. Only time will tell.
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cyjammy · 3 months
Dropping a post about my Eve is Lute theory tonight.
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