#eva 😱
total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
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Eva as The Eye of the Needle from Slay the Princess
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luxscape · 11 months
finally HOOKED on a new live show. haven't felt a silly little rush like this since the second season of the umbrella academy
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cocogum · 3 months
Let’s talk about episodes 7 and 8….
Oh boy.
We got a lot to unpack.
We start with when we last finished off in episode 6.
Eva properly gets to speak with her father Madagaskan while the others are right behind her, listening intently to them.
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(Good for us, not for Eva tho lol)
The fact that she and Cleophee come from the most infamous assassin’s guild is WILD. You’re telling me that its members are so good at what they do that the rulers of the world buy their offers as fast as possible cuz they’re scared that the guild could ruin them if they go to the opposite team?? That just SCREAMS how important and secretive they are!! (plus we also saw a glimpse of what one of them, freaking Madagaskan, was able to do with just rocks). But it does explain why Eva has such a good eye for combat. I can also see where Cleophee takes her hair from too. From what Madagaskan has said about Eva personally, she looks identical to her mother. (I already headcanon that Cleophee took her looks from her dad instead 🥰).
But what surprised me even more was Flopin’s decision to follow Madagaskan. Not only did he want to get taught by him, but he willingly SNEAKED OUT OF THE DAMN HOUSE to go to him!
Also, can I just say how nice it is to see what Elely and Flopin’s bedrooms looked like? I love how we got a good shot of each of their rooms, it completely encapsulates their personalities and how opposite they are to each other!
Just look at how Flopin’s room looks very organized, his books are properly in their places on the bookshelves, and the amount of papers he has. Even his bed was made and you can see how he has a map of the World of Twelve plastered on the wall just on top of his desk.
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Whereas with Elely, her room is completely messy, pillows and clothes are lying around the floor on the left side of the room, her bed is not made, she has a giant tapestry on her wall, some boxing equipment like her gloves and a punching bag (which she drew Poo on it lol that’s a nice detail).
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But Flopin did have a point when he talked to his grandpa. We all knew he was a loser cuz Elely and Pin were doing their own thing. I mean do you remember how exhausting it was to keep seeing Elely having so much spotlight back in season 3? My girl is awesome and all but let her breathe for a second damn.
I’m glad Flopin chose that route for himself even though it was a bit of a surprise to see him want to follow Madagaskan now.
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Ngl he lists out very valid points that even we were thinking about. It just shows that Flopin is very much self-aware of his position in the family and how this makes him look. I had a feeling Flopin would have his own arc but I didn’t think he’d separate himself from his family to have one! Good for him tho but still…
This means he won’t see Elely for a long time and Pin wouldn’t get to know him as much as the rest of the Percedal family….
But at least he’ll have his grandpa 😭😭
*Meanwhile with Ruel*
I can’t with this old ass man sometimes I swear 😭😭😭
I just really loved the exposition on Nora’s part where she revealed to Yugo, Adamaï, and Qilby why and how she came to rescue their mother. The colors and the style of it all were so gorgeous and mesmerizing to stare at and it made so much sense. I also noticed how in her explanation, Nora mentioned that it was Efrim who had a special connection to the Eliatrope goddess instead of her like how it was revealed to be the case in the Wakfu volume 4 manga and the Islands of wakfu game. I assumed that Ankama retconned that tiny detail too.
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I just love how realistic all the rulers’ answers have been so far. They’re all skeptical of Yugo and his family and I don’t blame them for thinking like that. It doesn’t matter how kind and helpful Yugo can be to them. As Aurora said, everything about this is too coincidental which is how Armand concluded that there could be a traitor in Yugo’s group. Again, I don’t blame him for saying that since he just got told by Yugo that the portals from the Sadida kingdom and Albuera have a portal, leading to the necrome world, that looks a lot like an eliatrope one.
And of course, Yugo doesn’t hesitate to blame Qilby and already jumps to conclusions way too fast, immediately thinking he’s the traitor since he knows he’s the type to hop from planet to planet, not caring what happens to the places he went to just as long as he got to study them.
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I love this man so much 💕💕✨
But if Yugo actually took a second to process the information, he would know that there was clearly something wrong with his accusation. Because how and where would Qilby have the energy and especially the time for all that? Yugo is completely aware that Qilby got freed by their mother and Nora not a very long time ago. If I had to assume when he was freed, I’d have to say just a bit earlier when Yugo and the others were still in Oropo’s dimension.
Not only that, but since he got freed not too long ago AND was being carefully monitored by Nora, then there was no chance he could have been the traitor. He just got out of the White Dimension (again) so he’d be drained of energy and didn’t have the eliatrope dofus and the Eliacube.
But a very important thing to note here is that Qilby was also joining Nora and the small eliatropes on the missions his mother would send them in which clearly implies that he’s not done with this world yet (he could have been participating only because he was looking for the eliatrope dofus at the time when Adamaï didn’t find them first but if that was the case, then he wouldn’t have stayed and help to fend off against the necromes since he doesn’t like it when other beings pursue him and his people without, ironically, knowing where they are).
With all these in mind, it's safe to say that Yugo’s anger towards Qilby is based on personal issues.
Their fight in the sky was so well choreographed that I just loved every single second of it and how none of their poses were recycled 💖
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If I see this shit in the streets you bet ur ass I’m shitting myself.
Ankama left us with a cute little gift so unexpectedly that it made me bash my keyboard at the wall. 🥰🥰
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This shot was pulled out of nowhere that it made my heart drop to my feet.
This is the living embodiment of what Yugo’s sleep paralysis demon looks like 💀
One thing’s for sure though.
I’m not ready for the next episode my stomach keeps giving me constipation symptoms just thinking about it.
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sweetingseva · 7 months
Everything to Know About ACFTL ☺️💕📚
Hello, everyone!
With A Curse For True Love coming out next week, I thought maybe creating a compile list of what everything we will be expecting might be helpful to those who want a refresher.
However, if you don't want to be reminded of any of the details that have been shared and want to go in blind, that's cool, too!
All of the information that I have gathered has been from all of the IG AMA's stories, comments, replies, and some from podcasts.
Slight spoilers. Quick refresher below.
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Stephanie hasn’t been nice writing this book, but let’s see if the torture is well worth it in the end.
There’s this scene that corresponds to these emoji: 🛏😮🩸🚪🩸🩸🩸😱🍎👑
There are three POVs: Evangeline, Jacks, and Apollo
The answer to why Jacks eat apples is in the book, but according to B&N site, we might get the answer to everything about him!
Q: is there a scene you’ve written that’s made you tear up? A: “So many scenes have made me cry—I don’t tear up, I sob, and writing this series has made me cry a lot more than the Caraval series 💘😭 But don’t be too scared—I’ve put a lot fun scenes in this book. Although, my defintion of fun is a little twisted. 🤭”
Q: Do you already have a favorite scene in “A Curse For True Love”? A: Usually I have favorites but with this book I love every scene. I keep telling my editor to let me know if I’ve gone too far with this story because I’ve had so much fun writing. I keep fearing I must be doing something wrong. 🖤”
There will be more LaLa and Chaos scenes, and apparently Stephanie has gotten carried away with them lol
There will be a few more scenes in the Hollow!!!! YAAYYY!
Her favorite scene has something to with these emojis: 🌳🫀🔥
Stephanie has cried the last time she had read ACFTL.
Q: what’s your favorite scene out of all the books in this series: A: “This is so tough. There’s a scene in CURSE that made me cry and it’s probaly my favorite 💔”
Q: can you tell us who the bonus content povs will be? A: “For B&N and Waterstones, the bonus content is in Eva’s POV. 🦊”
My speculation from the answer above, but this makes me think that the Owlcrate’s edition will be Jacks’s POV if not Evangeline’s.
Q: did u know how acftl would end early on? or did it change as you wrote it? A: “It changed! In January, I hit a wall with the book and after talking with my critique partner @/staceyleeauthor, I realized that I had taken the story in the wrong direction. So I went back, I rewrote, I changed the plot, and I changed a large portion of the ending. This is part of the reason why the book’s publication date was changed from Sept to Oct.”
Q: What three songs come to mind when you think of Evangeline and Jacks? A: “Ooh! It’s hard to pick just three. Here are a few that came to mind first: 1. The Archer by Taylor Swift, 2. You’re Losing Me by Taylor Swift, 3. Religiously by Bailey Zimmerman”
Q: Do you pick the audiobook narrators for your books? A: “I did! @/macmillan.audio is wonderful. They’ve always given me a choice in narrators. The amazing @/rebeccasoleri has narrated all of my audiobooks (so she’s an easy choice). Then for ACFTL I got to choose a second narrator for the Jacks and Apollo chapters and he is also fantastic ❤️”
IMPORTANT TO KNOW ‼️: Q: are there actually multiple copies of acftl with different endings? A: “The book only has one official ending. Which I think is the best ending. However, there are three editions that bonus material in the form of 3 alternate epilogues. The books with bonus epilogues are: 1. Barnes and Noble/Indigo exlusive edition 2. the Waterstones exclusive, 3. the Owlcrate edition. P.S. These 3 bonus epilogues are not canon, they are just for fun! P.P.S. if you get all three, I recommend reading in the order that I shared in this post 😉”
The third map has new locations, along with old ones we have seen like: Merrywood Manor, Merrywood Village, Merrywood Forest, Wolf Hall, Ye Olde Brick Inn: Vacancy One Bed, The Phoenix Tree, Cursed Forest, Tree of Souls, and The Hunt.
ACFTL has 49 chapters with an epilogue. It only has one part titled, IV. Happily Ever After.
The dedication that was revealed says, “For anyone who’s ever hoped for a second chance.”
The tree on the front cover is very important.
ACFTL’s logline: Two villains, one girl, and a deadly battle for happily ever after.
The three words that Stephanie used to describe the book is: Heart-stealing, emotionally-devastating, and painfully romantic.
Stephanie shared the Pinterest board, which could be found here! Some very good hints in there!
The UK editions of ACFTL will have hidden covers. There are four of them and they are: an apple, Jacks’s dagger, a fox paw print, and a wolf in a flower crown.
Fairyloot edition has a special front and back cover that says, "The Greatest Love Story Ever Told: Evangeline Fox and The Prince of Hearts" and "The Greatest Love Story Ever Told: Evangeline Fox and Apollo Acadian."
Quotes Shared:
“Remember, Little Fox.”
“If you stop fighting, you lose.” His hand moved up to her throat and she felt the cool brush of his dagger against her skin. Evangeline went very still. “ Never imagine you’re safe.” The tip of his blade drew a line over her pulse. Her breath caught. She felt him smile against her jaw.
(Possible Quote) “You have no sense of self-preservation. If someone labeled a bottle with poison you would drink it. You take warnings as invitations. You can’t seem to stay away from all the things that will hurt you … like me.”
Evangeline needed something familiar, something to hold onto that would keep her from collapsing back to the ground. Apollo looked at her as if he wanted to be that. He made her think of a hero from a fairytale.
(Page 21) “No.” “No.” “No.” (Page 100) He wanted a piece of her. (Page 213) “You can’t just tie people up and whisk them to wherever you want them.”
Apollo hated apples.
He enjoyed inflicting pain, not receiving it. And yet he couldn’t bring himself to leave the shadows of Evangeline’s bedroom.
“I’m glad you came.” “I’ll always come. Even when you don’t want me to.”
He wanted a piece of her. To keep her. To use her for later.
“What are you to me?” she asked. His eyes locked with hers. “Nothing.”
“Im the one who will never let anyone harm you again.”
“I’m your monster.”
He considered setting the room ablaze just so that he’d have a reason to pick her up and carry her out, to save her one last time, before he left her for good.
“This will hurt.”
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lightwise · 1 month
TBB S3 E13 Reaction
- Ooooh, Tantiss has light on it again for the first time since the beginning of the season 👀 that is hopeful. Omega’s presence is bringing light back to this desolate place
- We haven’t seen male scientists before have we?
- Scrunchy nose and scowly eyebrows. Baby girl is in full blown revenge mode 😎
- I have to point out that every time a tv show has characters be given perfectly fitting outfits in a new environment (especially something like a prison) it cracks me up to no end. There’s no way Omega and Bayrn sized prison jumpsuits were just laying around somewhere.
- Omega has grown SO MUCH 😭 physically, emotionally, rationally. At the start of this season she made that doll to keep herself sane and now she knows that she doesn’t even need to mention that fact to Eva. She is so confident and focused in her mission and in showing up as a leader and example for these kids. I’m so freaking proud of her
- And to juxtapose that with Bora Vio, where Omega was captured by Cad Bane and confronted by Fennec about her fears of becoming an experiment in a test tube—AND where she got herself out and where the boys could pick her up. Chefs kiss
- Echo!! I love their brotherly handshakes
- Hunter and Echo are not playing around sassing Rampart around lol.
- This shuttle looks very similar to the one Crosshair and Omega escaped in at the beginning of the season
- Why does Crosshair’s “yes” sound like someone screwed up on the sound mixing side? It’s so weirdly quiet and whispery
- The little tappy taps on the uniform and “I can’t wear this” “you’ve been demoted” I’m DYING 💀
- The grid layout of these prison cells reminds me of the Box episodes in TCW where Obi-Wan becomes Rako Hardeen
- Scalder is definitely trouble
- Yeah Emerie stand up for yourself and the kids!
- These kids voices 😭
- And Omega’s voice 😏 allll her training is paying off
- They stripped their armor 😭😭😭😭 all of their individuality and expressiveness gone. I do not like this
- Alright, I can see why the hair and beard trim is driving everyone wild, but it’s still not for me 😆. The bitchiness is endlessly entertaining though
- Okay this is now infinitely nerve-wracking
- Hunter putting his hand on Rampart’s shoulder and him immediately wiping it off is so hilarious 🤣. I think there is a modicum of respect that is established here though. Hunter is warning him but also giving him the clone sign of respect with the shoulder grasp. Rampart is still fastidious with his uniform but begrudgingly admits that he’s in on this mission even if it’s because he has no other choice, letting them know that he will handle himself properly.
- It’s interesting that many of the imperials this season have had beards. Last season most of them were blond and clean shaven, and now they’re dark haired and bearded. Coincidence? Trying to reuse facial models? An extra cold winter and Tarkin didn’t get his hands on the dress code protocols? 🤷🏻‍♀️
- I LOVE when the Empire is just flaunting one’s rank and bring an asshole to get things done. It works every time
- “I’ve missed this” 🤣 honestly it’s too bad Rampart isn’t willingly on the right side bc he would be steadily becoming hotter if he was
- Surely Echo appreciated the regulation drop 😅
- Ruh roh. Does no imperial ever see the “invite you into the ship and then hit you in the back of the head” thing coming??
- Echo’s always “working on” encryptions
- They’re going to have to go straight there?? 😱
- I have to say, I do feel for Rampart here. He genuinely didn’t sign up for this. Neither did the rest of them really but they don’t have a choice.
- “Wonderful. We’re all going to die” pls no 😭😭
- At no point did I ever worry that Rampart was going to give them up though. He might be pissed but he knows he’ll be sent directly back to prison if anyone in the empire recognizes him. He was sentenced by Palpatine himself. There’s no coming back from that. Whatever he chooses to do going forward, I think he knows it will have to be something he carves out himself, and trying to betray the Batch won’t help him at all in that process. Hopefully this remains true for the rest of the episodes.
- These overhead shots are insanely beautiful
- Bayrn is just a baby 🥺
- The perfect amount of suspense 😱 and Omega knows how to sound perfectly innocent
- Dr. Scalder is feeling like Nurse Ratched right now 👀
- “Our way out” “One way out” aghhhh let’s go!!
- And we get another “Echo is the baddest badass ARC Trooper ever” sequence and I LOVE it
- The droid chute lowers for the little mouse droid 🤣 adorable
- Echo 🤝 Omega doing what they need to do in the nick of time
- Wrecker wearing the tiny hat I can’t 😂😂😂
- Cue the hyperventilating
- This is so nerve-wracking
- Omg if Echo had gone out that way 😭
- “Negative” SIR 🥵 🥵 🥵
- In the last possible second!! The very warranted trust they have in Echo after all they’ve been through! Rampart’s quite reasonable fears and yet their crazy plan working as the Bad Batch does! And Crosshair catching Rampart so he doesn’t fall even though he doesn’t have to!
- I was officially white-knuckled by the end of this episode 😱💀
- Can we take a minute to appreciate Hunter’s leadership and piloting skills here? His choice to make this jump is insanely brave, his ability to fly has been proven to be capable and daring when needed, and his calm, proactive decision making that has largely been missing since their military days is back in full force. He’s on a mission and he’s not stopping until he gets his girl back for good.
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sarelcon · 6 months
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I have been remaking Salem from RWBY, I made her originally in 2020 but I know I can do a better job of sewing now. I also decided to make the weird floating orb dude (I call him my Eldritch Gumball Machine).
The dress is still in process, but I absolutely zoomed through some crafting today
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I bought a plastic lighting globe cover off of Amazon. I made a base out of EVA foam and used that to hide the battery for the lights that will go inside this. I bashed out a bunch foam spikes and random shapes. I’ll be covering these with foam clay later for texture
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I made the hanging parts with more foam. I scrunched up some 1mm foam after heating it. For the tentacles, these are jewelry wire wrapped in 2mm foam. I’ll be covering these with foam clay later.
Here’s a video of the Eldritch Gumball Machine so far with the magnet attachment system being demonstrated. My crazy idea is actually working 😱
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i know you hate tough questions 😔 but i want to know your opinion on people who ship eva with apollo bc ''jacks is too mean'' 🤩 and yes those people exist
hiiii rose!!!!! thanks for the ask :D
i don't hate tough questions, i'm just dumb LMAO🧍‍♀️
ok but first of all...what the hell- WHY WOULD THEY SHIP EVA WITH APOLLO??? APOLLO IS A MILLION TIMES WORSE????
here's reasons why what apollo did is even worse than the fact he just took her memories :D
he listened to her crying and screaming, begging to be let go and felt no pity while claiming to like her
took away important parts of her life from her
is now manipulating her to love him even though she never did
also is trying to kill jacks over her because he's an inconvenience (he could stop him from gaslight gatekeep girlbossing eva 😱😱😱)
i hate him
WHY WOULD YOU EVER SHIP APOLLO WITH EVA WHEN HE'S DONE WORSE THAN JACKS IN THIS SERIES???? LIKE I DONT GET IT also the point of jacks's character is to be mean 🧍‍♀️that's the point of him- he's also never tried to intentionally hurt eva (physically) and he's never even tried to kill her??? and lala has??? and so has chaos??? and nobody talks about how lala is literally worse than jacks????
jacks has also never manipulated eva. now you might be thinking "of course he has" when has he said he was good though 🤨🤨🤨🤨 when did he say he had good intentions with her 🤨🤨🤨🤨 when did he say he wasn't a fate without feelings 🤨🤨🤨🤨 bro has literally warned her THE ENTIRE SERIES about himself. like come on man he's not that evil when he doesn't even manipulate people. all he did was not tell eva what his plans were. that was it. he just wanted to open the arch
apollo just sucks so much and i'm very curious why he wants eva as his wife SO BAD but is willing to listen to her cry and scream and beg for mercy 🤨
closing thoughts: if you ship eva and apollo, go ahead and unfollow me rq
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nevertrustanoracle · 9 months
Erika Ishii is going to be at PAX AUS! 😱
Definitely taking my Eva cosplay with me. I hope I can meet her while wearing it.
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So, now he's following the Dutch girl Eva. And most recently Megyn Kelly. 😱 What do we think ladies? Has he lost it? 😂😂😂
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saharathorn · 9 months
“But Shinji is a bad person!!!” Yeah thanks I missed that actually guess I’ll just stop being a fan and throw away all of my Eva stuff. Obviously I can’t be a fan of a franchise where the main character is a bad person (😱).
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marij03 · 2 years
Die haben aber gute Laune 😳
Leo ist ganz un-Leo-like 🤔
Schnabel, der Spielverderber
So gay!
Schön, wie Leo Karin runter hilft.
Natürlich folgt Leo Karin in das Haus.
Und weil das jetzt Arbeit ist, müssen die Haare hoch.
Ist das Kunst oder kann das weg?
Wer hat sich den Soundtrack ausgedacht?
Run, Forest, run.
So schnell geht's von Partymodus zu Arbeitsmodus.
Und gehen die immer mit Dienstwaffe zum Geburtstag feiern?
Und es regnet, weil Dresden nur Extremwetter kennt.
Klar rennt er Schnabel vors Auto, warum auch nicht. Schnabel hat ja auch gute Laune. That escalated quickly.
Wie rührend sich alle um den kümmern.
Fluffy, der dreiköpfige Hund.
Holt er jetzt ne Blutprobe? 😳
Springsteen ist top!
Leo arbeitet auch gern mit Frauen XD
Schicker Vorhang.
Na klar, die Glückssucherin ist das, kennt man ja.
Schnabel hat einen Fanboy-moment.
Wieso ist der Safe im Schrank im Schuppen, zu dem der Typ keinen Schlüssel hat?
Auf solche Videos steht Schnabel?
Karin stellt die richtigen Fragen.
Was hat Karin jetzt an?
Versucht der jetzt, Leo zu manipulieren? 😱
A+ist zum Glück nur die häufigste Blutgruppe.
Karin: Wieso fasst der meine Leo an?
Nicht streiten 😕
Es ist wohl Mitternacht. Und ist eigentlich Juni? Angeblich ist Karin ja Zwilling.
Und sie streiten sich wieder.
Arme Katze, hat ein Halsband 😕
Geht er jetzt Golfspielen? Seriously?
Arme Karin 😕😭 aber süß, wie sie am Telefon mit Leo redet.
Was nimmt der Typ für Drogen?
In Österreich noch öfter 😭
Brigitte auf Malle, die Arme.
Die People, wer kennt sie nicht.
Beweismaterial vernichten für Anfänger.
Arme Leo.
So viele Messer.
Eva? Wer ist Eva? Woher kennt Karin die? Ist die ein Rainer? 😱
200 Menschen, denen er vertraut also.
So motiviert man Menschen...
Abgang selber einleiten? 😭
Und warum plaudert der Typ andauernd?
Was solln das mit den Tunnel?
Nein, Leo kennt Rückschläge gar nicht 🙄
Eva hat ja tatsächlich Kuchen mitgebracht.
Wer ist Thomas? Was will der von Karin? 🙄
Trinken bei der Arbeit, sehr professionell. Aber der Kuchen schaut lecker aus.
Schenk es lieber Leo!
Verknallt sich Schnabel jetzt in Eva? 🤣
Fischers was?
Was ist drin?
Leo versucht es zumindest... Aber Schnabel ist wohl nicht der einsichtige Typ.
Der ist echt nicht ganz dicht.
N anderes Kleidungsstück wär nicht gegangen?
Wieso ist Aaron eigentlich an Karins Geburtstag nicht da?
Ist er auch ausgerutscht?
Das ist perverser Shit 😳
Leo klingt müde.
Ist das ne Leiche?
Plot twist: it's the dog.
Shit, I was right 🤣
Das klingt jetzt aber nach dem, was sie hören wollen.
Gefühl gegen Gefühl.
Er hat sie also geschlagen, weil sies verdient hat, oder wie?
Die sollten alle mal ne Runde schlafen.
Schlaflevel Pia.
Abstand von Leo 🥹
Immerhin entschuldigt er sich irgendwie.
Beate wars 😱
N Messer im Ärmel ist immer ne gute Idee.
Ah, deshalb also.
Immer gut, wenn man mit der Ex von seinem Mann befreundet ist.
Er ist ein Arschloch, egal, ob er seine Frau umgebracht hat oder nicht.
Scheiße, jetzt ist Beate tot.
Alles klar. Blutkonserven also.
Wo ist ihr Happy Place? Im Haus sicher nicht.
Wieso wischt Leo die Scheibe?
Besprechung im Steinzimmer.
Diese Smarthomes machen mich fertig.
Das war jetzt unerwartet.
Was tut sie denn jetzt?
Das ist jetzt für niemanden gut...
Die Hände ❤️
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frokencarina · 2 years
Sedan hade vi kontakt med Evas dotter som tillsammans med sin pojkvän seglar jorden runt. Just nu laddar de för att segla över Atlanten. Hem till Skanör beräknas de komma september 2023!😱
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pixelberryupdates · 2 years
After escaping from the evil corporation that held her hostage, will Eva the robot survive high school... or her former captors? 😱 Check out the latest blog post for more details about our new sci-fi story, Robots Can’t Date: LINK
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sheffran · 2 years
Eve Sheffield
Actress: N/A (S6)
AU: Maggie Wheeler (Janice from F.R.I.E.N.D.S — this actress is perfect for Eve 😘👌🏻)
Imagine this with the same hairstyle but black with grey streaks through it 😂
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Not only does Janice have the same hair length as Fran, not to mention the same brunette colour (for canon wise) but she also has the same high voice frequency and the same laugh too 😱
She also has a New Yorker accent like Fran
Motto: 🎵 I’ve got style I’ve got Claire I’m the daughter of a millionaire 🎵
Birthday: May 1999 (same day as
the twins parents wedding anniversary)
Age: Newborn (S6)
5 years old in “The Sheffield Twins”
14 years old in “Twisted Times”
Adult in “Next Generations”
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Sex: Female
Religion: Jewish-Catholic
(Although wants to drop Catholicism and wants to focus more on Judaism but will always be a Catholic at heart)
Hobby: Violin (and unlike her sister Grace she actually is successful with it 😂)
Manhattan, NY (formerly; for about a week 😂)
Beverly Hills, California (currently)
Occupation (AU):
Doctor (to Fran’s delight 😂)
Theatre actress (temporarily)
Singer entertainer (fired)
Nicknames (AU):
Evie (by both her parents)
Frizzo ( by friends)
Honey, angel, sweetie etc (by her mother)
Sweetheart | darling (by her father)
Miss Sheffield (by Niles)
Bellatrix La Strange (by bullies; because of the colour of Eve’s hair and, somewhat, her voice 🥺)
Mrs Frankeinstein’s Daughter
Troublemaker (by C.C.)
Ev….. ia
The Wonder Twins
Thing One and Thing Two
Fran & Maxwell’s Offspring N0. 1
Twiddle Dee & Twiddle Dum (in reference to both twins)
The Sheffield Twins
Dr. Sheffield (by Eve’s coworkers)
Mother: Fran Sheffield
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Father: Maxwell Sheffield
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(twin) Brother: Jonah Sheffield
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Adult: (which is perfect because Patrick Dempsey actually does look like Maxwel, Charles Shaughnessy, a little bit 😂)
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(half) Sister: Grace Sheffield
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(half) Sister: Maggie Sheffield
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(half) Brother: Brighton Sheffield
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Mom’s side:
Great great zayde: Jonah Samuel
Great great bubbe: Yetta Rosenberg
Bubbe: Sylvia Fine
Grandfather: Morty Fine
Great aunt: Freida Fine
Aunt: Nadine Cooperman
Uncle: Barry Cooperman
Cousin(s): ???
Dad’s side:
Great grandmother: Eve Catherine
Grand: James Sheffield (✝️)
Gran: Elizabeth Sheffield
Aunt: Jocelyn Sheffield
Uncle: Nigel Sheffield
Aunt: Conception (illegitimate)
“Aunt”: C.C Babcock
“Uncle”: Niles
“Cousin”: Sid/Syd (AU)
(foster) Sister: Mai-Ling
“Aunt”: Val Toriello
Appearance / personality: (AU)
Eve would have had big black, curly, hair with grey highlights and dark soulful (hazel) eyes. She also has inherited her grandmother’s (Sylvia) hips
She would tend to use different hairstyles for different outfits for different occasions of the week (but most of the time has her tendrils hanging out, sprayed, and curled)
Wears headbands to keep her hair back (sometimes; depending what went with her outfits)
How would you describe Eve’s personality?
* Expressive facial expressions
* Boisterous (Canon)
* Knowledgeable
* Uses her hands with gesticulation when talking
* Reserved
* Smart
Other: (Much more like her mother 😂)
Uses incessant endearments ie “honey”, “sweetie”, “angel” etc when speaking to someone regardless of the situation and who it is
She is a sleepyhead
She rubs her forehead out of stress, concentration, or annoyance (depending on the situation and mood)
She has her parents irritability
She has a huge appetite (like her mother and grandma Sylvia 😂)
She hates being called the “s” word: stupid
She does tend to do her hair when in a stressful situation
She’s overemotional
She hates conflict and will step, timidly, away from the person who is angry with her
She’s allergic to crustaceans; anaphylactic only (oy, her poor mother 😂)
She possibly has ADHD and a mild depression (situational)
She does pamper herself couple times a day and shuts her compact mirror in similar fashion that her mother does
She hates being referred as the half sibling (again this would be under influence and being taught by her parents. The only time she would accept it is if it’s about legalisation and medical)
She can be a shopaholic (particularly when emotional)
She walks, without hesitation, into her father’s office without knocking on the door (unlike her twin brother 😂)
She definitely doesn’t like to study or do as she’s told and has poor grades
Note: BUT is clever enough to hide her grade from her parents and turn into an A+ to avoid any sort of disappointment from them particularly her father (😈)
Likes to prank on friends and family much to her twin’s chagrin (Jonah had, oftentimes, told her off for neglecting her schoolwork and the consequences of what would happen if she continued)
She dislikes her twin’s passion for bantering (because she thinks it’s bad enough their “cousin” does it to them 😂)
She isn’t good at singing
She has low blood pressure (but usually the smell of food wakes her up 😂)
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shatalovapm · 4 months
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33 ⠀ ПОД ЭТИМ ФОТО Я ХОТЕЛА НАПИСАТЬ ПОСТ О СВОЕМ ДНЕ РОЖДЕНИИ И ВСЕЙ ПРЕЛЕСТИ ЭТОЙ КРАСИВОЙ ДАТЕ. НО ОСТАВЛЮ ЭТО НА ПОТОМ. ⠀ А СЕЙЧАС ПРО КОРЕЙСКУЮ КОСМЕТИКУ ⠀ Многие мои клиенты знают, что у моей мамы магазин косметики, я закупаю оригинальную Корейскую косметику. И топлю за неё. ⠀ Постоянные клиенты покупают и заказывают косметику у меня. ⠀ Часто вы спрашиваете меня про бренды и я решила оставить пост с частью бренов, которые закупаю и могу рекомендовать.Но я не буду вам подбирать тот или иной уход тк у меня на это нет времени и сил. А могу лишь подсказать на какие стоит обратить внимание. ⠀ #Mizon (ХОРОШИЙ БЮДЖЕТНЫЙ) #TonyMoly шикарный антивозрастной уход (НЕ БЮДЖЕТНЫЙ) #DrAlthea ДЛЯ СУХОЙ, ЧУВСТВИТЕЛЬНОЙ И НОРМАЛЬНОЙ КОЖИ #FarmStay #Elizavecca #Lador замечательные уходовые для волос #EstheticHouse #koelf #j:on #Evas #Dr.Healux #rovectin #imfrom #coxir #someByMi #manyoFactory ⠀ И это часть только 😱 ⠀ Следите за сториз я всегда говорю, когда оформляю что-нибудь.🙂 Какой бренд любимый? Делись находками!🙏
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agendaculturaldelima · 5 months
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🎭🎼 “PARAÍSO PERDIDO, la tragedia de Lucifer” 👺😱🔥
✍️ Inspirada en la obra Paraíso Perdido de John Milton (Reino Unido)
🗯 Argumento: Espectáculo de ópera rock inspirado en el poema épico homónimo de John Milton, donde se reconstruye la historia de la caída de Adán y Eva y la pérdida del Edén, en paralelo a la rebelión de Lucifer en contra de los ejércitos del Cielo. Una historia arquetipal, ancestral y que está en los albores de nuestra cultura, actualizada y musicalizada en vivo por la banda peruana de rock progresivo Clavel.
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💃 Coreografía: Jose Ruiz Subauste
🎵Compositores: Andrés Herrera y Roberto Rodriguez
👥 Musicalización: Clavel [Fernando Luque (voz) / Roberto Rodriguez (guitarra) / Luis Felipe Ortega (batería) / Renzo Solimano (bajo) / Andrés Herrera (teclado)
🗣 Coro: Verónica Infantes, Katia Uriol, Nick Delgado, Valeria Fumagalli, Rommileth Coronado, Fabian Suni, Samuel Valdivia, María Fernanda Misajel, Ana Paula Galvez, José Soto, Hanks Sarmiento, Akemi Toma y Francesco Bacilio.
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😎 Banda Invitada: Volcano
🖼 Escenografía: María Hilaje
👗 Vestuario: Roberto Rodriguez
📝Producción Ejecutiva: Fernando Luque y Paola Terán
📢 Dirección: Fernando Luque
🎨 Ilustración: @mirogia / @______moog
© Producción: Británico Cultural y La Vaca Multicolor 🐄
▶️Vídeo Promocional: https://youtu.be/OuB-LIN2v6c
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📌 TEMPORADA: Del 09 al 28 de febrero
📆 Funciones: Martes, Miércoles, Viernes y Sábado
🕗 8:00pm.
⌛️ Duración: 110 minutos
🏪 Teatro Británico (calle Bellavista 527 - Miraflores)
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🎯 Aprovechen la Pre-venta:
🎟 Entrada general: S/.45
🎫 Adulto Mayor y Estudiantes: S/.25
🖱 Reservas: https://www.joinnus.com/events/theater/lima-paraiso-perdido-la-tragedia-de-lucifer-59127
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