Eunie/Taion Drabble
**Spoilers for Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (Up to Chapter 5)
*This takes place during Chapter 5, after the party reaches the City and does some things (not immediately after the Maternity Ward scene, but before the ending sequence)
They had settled in the City’s dormitories for the night, exhausted from their last brief venture.
Noah and Mio had decided to walk around a little before resting, and Lanz and Sena were training at the cooking spot Monica had told them to use when they first reached the City. 
Taion was lying on his bed, idly playing with one of his Mondo as Eunie worked on cleaning her clothes. His eyes drifted over to her, watching as she folded her jacket and put it on the empty desk. She launched herself onto her bed, landing back-first with a loud sigh. He exhaled through his nose to fight the smile trying to creep its way onto his face.
His mind wandered to their tour of the city with Monica. She showed them so much - the City itself, the truth of human life, and how humans were meant to act. From meeting a living “baby”, as it was called, to seeing various stages of human life, it was a lot to take in, even after what had happened since then.
He sent his Mondo away to stare at his right hand. The warmth of the baby’s hand still faintly radiated from his pinkie finger when he recalled that moment. It was an exciting experience, for him at least, as he had never felt such joy before then. Not even when he got closure with Commander Isurd regarding Nimue. 
Glancing over at Eunie again, another memory surfaced. They had left the maternity ward and encountered a throng of people walking about. Some were “parents” with their “children”; people with wrinkly faces resembling Guernica’s walked about; pairs of people that looked around their age were seated close to one another. He and Eunie had noticed the “father” tossing his “child” into the air, but his eyes eventually wandered to what Noah and Mio had spotted: a boy and girl pressing their mouths together while sitting on a bench. Monica had mentioned how “romance” was a part of people’s true nature; maybe that was a part of it?
She’d said that love was the feeling of having someone very precious to you. Thinking back on their adventure so far, his mind led him down a path he’d never considered before now.
Eunie… She’s uncouth, vulgar, irritating… He felt his mouth curl into a smile without warning. Heat rose to his cheeks, feeling more like a comfort than an embarrassment. She’s perfect. Two blinks, and he flinched. Raising his hand to stare at it, he saw how it trembled just slightly. The realization of what he felt made his face burn hotter. Oh spark. His hand moved to cover his face, a subconscious effort to keep anyone from seeing him in such a state.
“Taion. You alright over there?”
He squared his shoulders, moving his hand from his face to crawl back and sit up against the bed’s headboard. Turning to her, he said, “Me? I-I’m fine.” She gave him a look. Exhaling, he said, “Do you remember when we first saw how the City people lived?”
“Yeah… What about it?”
“Did anything about it make you… curious?” A plan was forming in his mind, one that scared him due to how out of character it would be for him to execute. 
“Well, duh. All of it was different. ‘Course I’d wanna know more about it.”
“But did anything in particular catch your eye?”
She scoffed. “Alright, come off it. Stop dancing around the question and just say it, Taion.”
He paused, startled by her bluntness despite expecting that kind of response. “Right. Of course.” Taking a moment to compose himself, he asked, “Did you see that pair on the bench that day? The ones who were pressing their mouths together?”
“I think so.”
“Would you… Would you want to try that?”
Silence passed between them. He immediately regretted the question, thinking it foolish to assume she would agree to such a-
“Sure, why not. Not like we got anythin’ better to do.”
His eyes widened slightly. “You’re sure?”
“Yeah. Come here.” She waved him over, moving to sit up so he could have a seat on her bed. He hesitated, wondering if he had made a smart choice by being honest with her. Rather than getting a snarky remark, she just waited for him to move of his own accord. He finally mustered the strength to swing his legs over the side of the bed and join Eunie on hers.
They sat shoulder-to-shoulder, staring anywhere but each other. While they had never tried something like this before, there seemed to be an innate feeling of awkwardness that blossomed between them, especially for Taion. 
He took a deep breath. “Do you know how to do this?”
“Do you?” she shot back. 
“Of course I do!” he answered instinctively. A pause. “If I remember correctly, they looked at each other, closed their eyes, and moved in.”
“Alright, then, let’s do it.” She whipped her head around, causing her hair to flare out behind her. He noticed the light shining off of it for a moment, thinking it was pretty when illuminated. He quickly shoved that thought down into the deepest part of his mind, watching as she gently closed her eyes and just barely pursed her lips. 
A lump formed in his throat. Seeing her like that… it made her look oddly vulnerable, like she trusted him enough to let her guard down. 
One of her eyes opened, staring him down. “We gonna do this or not?” She closed it again, and Taion knew this was his last chance to back out. But some part of him egged him on, saying that he shouldn’t fear her reaction or rejection. Rejection? 
He tore himself from his mind and leaned in before he could spiral once again. His eyes fluttered shut just as his lips met hers. 
The first thing that came to mind was just how chapped her lips were compared to his. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but it was a prominent feeling. He pushed forward the slightest bit, and she did the same. Pulling back an inch, he allowed himself to see her face for just a second before leaning in again. This time, he felt his heart skip a beat. What would normally be a concern in any other context felt oddly right in that moment. Moving back once more, he dared to move closer to her, his side brushing hers. He fought the urge to jump when her fingers brushed against the side of his thigh.
He felt like he was struggling for air, so he pulled back fully. They opened their eyes at the same time, staring at each other. Taion felt his eyes open wider than normal; Eunie’s eyes felt heavy, refusing to open more than halfway. 
It was Eunie who spoke first, her gaze never leaving his. “Did you happen to catch what that’s called?”
He slowly brought himself back to reality, registering that she had asked him a question. “Uh, no. I don’t believe I did.”
She exhaled through her nose, leaning against his shoulder. “Well, we’d better ask Monica, then.” His shoulder shook when she shivered. Following his body’s instincts, he took off his scarf - the same one she’d called “deeply uncool” a couple days ago - and carefully wrapped it around her neck. She didn’t react, her body weight pushing more firmly against his shoulder. 
It wasn’t until he looked over that he noticed she’d fallen asleep. Shaking his head, he held her by the shoulders and guided her body to lie down. She curled up into herself, one hand reaching to hold the part of the scarf wrapped around the front of her throat. His heart clenched at the sight, but he didn’t allow himself to stare as he quickly draped a blanket over her before leaving their room. 
He walked by Lanz and Sena, who were just heading back to tuck in for the night. They watched him leave, confused by how quickly he was walking.
“What happened with him and Eunie?”
“No clue.” They looked at one another. Deciding it wasn’t their business, they headed into the dormitory to rest up for the next day.
**Sorry if they’re out of character, but I really needed to write this out before I forgot it
**ALSO - Taion’s thoughts came from a comic done by @spacee_garbage (all credits to them - it was perfect, please go check it out for yourself)
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shadowathems · 2 years
The memories of that day hunting her at all times, Eunie is left in an exhausted state, both physically and mentally. Good thing Taion can lend a hand, even if a little late.
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deathamaranth · 8 months
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xenoblade 3 art dump
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sonocomics · 24 days
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A 1:1 recreation of the first moment I saw Valdi (though I said "kid" instead of "pipsqueak")
Click HERE for a masterpost of my other Xenoblade 3 comics!
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moldy-mold · 9 months
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E & T
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gzeidraws · 1 month
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concept Taion and Eunie!
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hoshizoralone · 4 months
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ouroboros friends :)
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aegisasu · 11 months
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motteux · 1 year
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i miss them. Xenoblade chronicle 3 fanart. It was really fun to paint this one.
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criticalspell · 10 months
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happy birthday to xenoblade chronicles 3 💙💙💙
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moonllita · 1 year
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Chain attack! I mixed my two favorite game at the moment
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Headcanon Time (Minor Spoliers for Chapter 5 of XC3 [Not Story-Related Spoilers])
Gray and Rozana adopt Eunie after Gray’s ascension quest. Then, once Taion and Eunie get together, Rozana starts calling him her son-in-law, which confuses him at first [since he has no clue what that means] then makes him embarrassed every time she calls him that.
**Just had a lot of thoughts while doing the “Lovebirds” and “Payback for Treason” and wanted to put them out there
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orangebunnit · 1 year
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marcell-arts · 1 year
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rest spot tea time! been meaning to draw the gang since i finished the game a couple weeks ago
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sonocomics · 5 months
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A little touch can go a long way ^v^
Click HERE for a masterpost of my other Xenoblade 3 comics!
Commissions Info | ko-fi | Patreon | Check out my patrons!
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snowyy133 · 8 months
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Time for a chain- i mean, all out attack!
Finished Persona 5 last week so here's the Xenoblade 3 party in the style of P5 all out attacks!
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