#etain torren
queen-scribbles · 4 months
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My home, my heart, thank God you are Someone who loves me
For my beloved @haledamage! 💕💕 I give you a soft Etain/Vikkari moment thanks to @sunshinemage bc I saw the one YCH pose and my brain immediately went to our babies.
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haledamage · 2 months
a kiss after treating a wound for Etain and whichever out of Casavir, Lann, or Vikkari you wanna use 😊
While all three options are very tempting, Casavir won out this time around 😁 mostly because in Faerun, Etain doesn’t have angelic powers that include very powerful healing spells, so more drama and less righteous smiting of her enemies 😇
Etain/Casavir, Neverwinter Nights 2, sometime in late Act 2/early Act 3 I guess? It’s not really related to the plot beyond mentions of stuff from very early in the game. Not yet in a relationship, but so, so much pining. So much.
Healing wasn’t Etain’s specialty.
Magic in general wasn’t something she had much talent for, beyond a few bits and pieces Aimee had managed to teach her when they were children. But what she lacked in skill she made up for in sheer willpower. 
She spent all afternoon expending every ounce of curative magic she had and wracking her brain to remember any of Father’s lessons in herblore or Tarmas’s in alchemy that might help. She even tried praying, to the gods of the sun and the forest, and even to Tyr, who had never paid her much mind but would hopefully be willing to listen on behalf of one of his faithful.
It had been enough--barely--to pull Casavir from the brink.
Sand had come by sometime just before sunset, looking exhausted and disheveled and even more surly than usual. He stayed just long enough to drop off a handful of potions and a stern if hypocritical lecture about not overextending herself. The potions had taken the gray cast from the paladin’s skin and cooled his fever, but it hadn’t been enough to wake him.
That had been hours ago. Long enough that the lanterns were starting to burn low, the shadows in the small room growing long and flickering. Etain stayed by Casavir’s bedside, mixing herbs and moss with her mortar and pestle until it formed a serviceable enough paste. She grabbed a pinch of it, rolling it between her fingers before carefully pressing it against the wound in his side.
His eyes immediately shot open. In a single, fluid motion, he sat up in bed, seizing her wrist with one hand while the other reached out for his sword.
“Whoa, easy!” She knew she wouldn’t be able to physically overpower him, but she still pressed her free hand to his chest like she might be able to push him back down. In the most soothing tone she could muster, she continued, “Easy, Cas. It’s okay. You’re safe here. But you’re injured. I need you t’lay back down, okay?”
To her relief, he obeyed, his sudden burst of energy calming at the sound of her voice. He let her guide him back down to the bed and settled down with a heavy sigh.
In the silence that followed, he rolled his head enough so he could watch her more easily. She tried not to tense under his inspection, letting him take in their surroundings, the table of empty potion bottles and half-crushed healing herbs, the fact that both of them were out of their armor and alone except for Pippin, who was curled up by the door. The grizzly hadn't so much as moved during Casavir’s brief outburst, knowing his mistress wasn't in any actual danger.
“Please do not be a dream.” Casavir’s voice was rough with pain--and probably also from whatever Sand put in his potions--but the words were clear enough.
Etain shook her head, sending a small smile his way as she picked up the bowl of her mortar again. “Is this somethin’ you dream about a lot, Cas? Gettin’ stabbed?”
His eyes were fever-bright but clear when they met hers. “I dream of you, Etain.”
“...Oh.” Any reply she might’ve made disappeared in a puff of smoke. She turned away, shaping another pinch of herb mixture in her fingers for far longer than necessary, waiting until her heartbeat slowed and the blush faded from her face before getting back to work.
Casavir didn’t so much as flinch this time when she carefully spread the concoction over the stab wound in his side. The swelling around the wound started to fade, the angry redness of his skin fading as poison and infection were drawn from him. By morning, he should be almost fully healed, and the herbs would flake away like ashes.
Hopefully. Assuming Etain hadn’t screwed up her measurements.
“Where are we?” he asked eventually. If he felt any discomfort from either her silence or her makeshift poultice, he didn’t show it; he just watched her face, expression warm but otherwise unreadable.
“My old room at the Flagon. Duncan was nice enough to let us crash here for a bit, but my room’s the only one that was ready when we arrived.” She set down the bowl and reached for a roll of clean bandages. “Do you remember what happened?”
“I recall… fragments.” He closed his eyes as if that would help his recollection, a familiar frown furrowing his brow.
Etain waited to see if he’d say anymore, but he didn’t. “D’you remember the part where you saved my life? That knife was meant for me. You stepped in front of it.”
Casavir’s expression immediately evened out again, relief overtaking his previous consternation. “Good.”
“‘Good’? Cas, it was poisoned!” She bit her tongue, surprised at her own outburst, and didn’t speak again until she was sure she could do so without yelling at him, though she wasn’t quite able to smooth away all the sharp edges from her voice. “I’ve been fightin’ tooth and nail to keep you alive until Sand could mix an antidote. I thought--” her voice broke, anger giving way to fear, “I thought I was gonna lose you for a minute there.”
He reached out and took her hand, and she dropped the bandages back to the table, forgotten. At his wordless request, she abandoned the rickety stool she was perched on and sat on the edge of the bed instead. He pulled her even closer until he could hold her hand over his chest, covering it with both of his and pressing her palm against his skin so she could feel the steady, even beat of his heart.
“I apologize for worrying you, my lady,” he murmured, voice deep and rough and heart-stoppingly sincere, “but I will not apologize for saving you. I will always try to save you.”
It wasn’t the first time he’d made that vow. And like every other time, Etain was torn between wanting to kiss him for it and wanting to shake him until he placed more value in his own safety. 
She didn’t do either, and instead used her free hand to push a few wayward strands of hair out of his eyes, then let her fingertips trail lower, tracing the sharp line of his jaw. “My life is not more important than yours, Casavir.”
Her rare use of his full name brought a smile to his face. “Yes it is.” His knuckles brushed against her cheek, his touch gentle and almost reverent. “No one is more important than you are. Not to me.”
His ice blue eyes watched her with an intensity that was at odds with the softness of his touch. Etain could feel herself blushing again under the heat of his stare, but she held his gaze as best she could, fighting against the urge to turn away and hide from it. “You’re just sayin’ that because you think you’re dreaming.”
“No, Etain. I say it because it’s true.” His smile widened enough to show a hint of the dimple in his right cheek. Casavir had a beautiful smile, dashing and boyish and even a little playful, made all the lovelier for how rarely he let it show. Etain had fallen a little bit in love with him the first moment she saw it.
And had been falling ever since.
He murmured her name again, drawing her eyes back to his and making her realize she’d been staring at his lips for gods-only-knew how long. Too long for him not to have noticed, even addled with potions as he was.
“Cas--” she started, but she wasn’t sure what she intended to say after. She bit her tongue before more words could escape.
Casavir looked at her like her awkward fumbling had just given him the answer to a particularly complicated riddle. “This is not a dream.” He sounded like he was trying to reassure himself of the truth. Like he needed to be reminded.
“No. Or anyway, if it is, I…” Etain looked down at where her hand still rested on his chest, unable to meet his eyes anymore, “I don’t think it’s one of yours.”
He chuckled, and warmth bloomed in her chest at the sound. “Is this something you dream of often, my lady? Tending my wounds?”
She smiled slightly, daring a quick glance back at his face, and echoed his declaration from earlier. “I dream of you, Casavir.”
Instead of replying, Casavir slowly sat up, mindful not to reopen the wound that Etain had spent so much time and effort healing. With a gentle touch, he lifted her chin until she met his gaze again.
It wasn’t until she looked up that she realized how close he was. Their positions on the soft, worn mattress erased the slight height advantage Etain usually had, putting them at almost the same height. It made the space between them seem much smaller than it actually was.
The way Casavir continued to watch her didn’t help matters either. There was a wistfulness in his expression, and something she could only call longing. It reminded her, strangely, of Aimee, and the way her friend would talk about the adventures she wanted to have and the places she wanted to see; a mix of desperate desire and resigned sorrow, like mourning the loss of something before she even had it.
His next words only made the comparison stronger. “If this were a dream,” he whispered, “I would kiss you.”
“You can’t kiss me when you’re awake?” Etain matched his tone, not wanting to break whatever spell they seemed to be under by speaking too loudly.
“There is nothing I want more. I have wanted to for far longer than I care to admit.” His thumb traced the curve of her lower lip, as if imagining what it would be like, but his smile was sad. “If only it were that simple.”
It could be, she wanted to say. It could be so simple. Let us have one thing in our lives that’s easy. Something we don’t have to sacrifice or fight for.
All she actually said was, “I know.” She turned her head so she could kiss his palm. “But I wish you would.”
Casavir exhaled sharply, like her confession had forced all the air from his lungs. He pulled her close, his hand curling gently around the back of her neck, almost but not quite embracing her. Warmth radiated from him, and this close Etain could tell it wasn’t an entirely natural heat; his fever was returning.
“Tell me again in the morning,” he murmured into her hair, punctuating the plea with a quick, searing kiss to her temple, “when I can be certain I will remember it.”
“I will,” she promised, forcing herself to withdraw from the safety and comfort he offered. “But right now, you need to rest.”
He let her guide him back down to the bed without argument. It was clear that their conversation had taken a toll on him, no matter how much he tried to hide it, and by the time she pulled the blankets over him he was more than half asleep.
Though he was still awake enough to grab her hand before she could pull away. “Stay with me. Please.”
Etain only went as far as the stool still waiting by the bedside. “Don’t worry, Cas, I’m not goin’ anywhere. I’ll still be here when you wake up.”
That was all the reassurance he needed, and within minutes Casavir was fast asleep.
Etain went back to her herbs, trying desperately not to think too much about what would happen when morning came.
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queen-scribbles · 3 months
OC Kiss: Rain (Etain/Vikkari, WotR)
(borrowing Etain from @haledamage for this one)
There was nothing to see here.
The terrain being so flat made watch duty a piece of cake, almost boring. Or would, under normal circumstances, but the rainstorm currently drenching the steppes made it nigh impossible to see more than a half dozen feet.
Which, in turn, had Vikkari worrying his lower lip between his teeth as he peered into the rainy gloom for both unanticipated threats and an anticipated return. Mostly the latter; she'd been gone for hours and he figured most creatures would be seeking shelter rather than food on a night like this.
Despite the attention he was training to mark her return, however, Etain still managed to sneak up on him.
"Think there's any new rivers forming tonight?" she asked, tone dry as the weather wasn't, shaking water off her hood.
Vikkari flinched at her materializing out of the gloom, then chuckled softly. "Some new streams, at least. Did you find anything?"
Etain shook her head, then tipped it toward the boulder he sat on in silent inquiry. "No sign."
He nodded, shifting over a bit to make sure there was room. "Can't say I'm terribly surprised, night like this."
She snorted as she sat. "I did spot a pretty big coney. I suppose that's not nothing, but with the weather screwing up visibility" --a gesture toward the sky-- "couldn't get a good shot." She cocked her head. "No whittling?"
"Too wet," Vikkari explained, though his fingers did twitch from the lack of a hobby to keep them buy. "Wouldn't want to cut off my thumb because the knife handle's slippery."
"Good reason," Etain said, tugging down her mask. She studied him silently a moment. "You could keep watch from the tent, Vikkari." She reached for his hand, stilling restless fingers. "No one would blame you on a night like this."
He laughed sheepishly, heat climbing his neck as he squeezed her hand. Thank you. "I can do better out here, though." Water dripped from his hood as he ducked his head. "And I wanted to be sure you got back safe. I don't mind some rain."
Etain smiled, wondered if he'd see it in the gloom. She knew that wasn't any lack of confidence in her skill, just his tendency to play Mother Hen with people he cared about--like fussing over Lann not wearing shirts or Ember being barefoot or Nenio choosing research over sleep. Just... more. Because it was her. And while she was still coming to terms with someone caring about her that much, she did appreciate it.
"Worried I'd drown in one of those new rivers?" she said lightly, squeezing his hand.
"Or be devoured by a rogue water elemental," Vikkari drawled, glancing at her with a smile visible in the glow from his eyes. "Encounter a smilodon with more hunger than sense."
Etain laughed. "I do appreciate you watching for me. It..." She reached over, hesitant, to brush his cheek with her fingertips. "I could see your eyes. Once I got close enough. It made finding the camp easier."
The overcast night made them seem brighter than usual, just by contrast, and his smile at her words made them brighter still.
"You don't need to do that, Etain," he whispered. "Try to excuse my worrywart tendencies."
"I'm not." Pippin nudged her hip and she absently reached back to pat his head. She'd tell him to go lay down, but the others might revolt if she made them sleep in the stench of wet bear. "Not saying I would have been lost without them" --though maybe in a more metaphorical sense... --"but they did make it easier to find my way back."
"Well." Vikkari leaned over to kiss her cheek. "Sweet of you."
Etain bit her lip, everything north of her shoulders suddenly very hot. "You're, um. You're welcome."
The vaguest sense of an outline flickered through the darkness in her peripheral, in the same moment Pippin lurched to his feet with hackles raised. Etain and Vikkari both stiffened, peering intently through the saturated gloom for whatever threat had her bear on edge. Etain stood, drawing her bow and nocking an arrow to be prepared at another glimpse of movement just on the fringes of her vision.
Vikkari abruptly pivoted, hot orange magic slicing through the night as he flung a spell. It only grazed the target, but left a smouldering line of kindled fur that Etain used as a guide to loose her shot. Even with the spots dancing in her vision from the bright flare of the spell, there was a yowl and thud and lifeless feline carcass visible in the light spell sputtering to life in Vikkari palm.
"Apparently you weren't that far off about the smilodon..." Etain said, nudging it with her foot. The poor thing's ribs were showing; no wonder he'd rated potential food higher than shelter.
"Apparently," Vikkari murmured. His hood had fallen back, rain dripping off his hair and nose as worry warred with humor across his face.
"Hey." Etain nudged him and gestured to the scorched line down the smilodon's back. "Thanks for the guiding light."
He nodded, gaze fixed on the arrow jutting from the side of the dead cat's neck. That she could make that shot in the dark, in a rush... "Happy to help. You think it followed you?"
She shrugged. "Seems likely. Guess it was waiting to judge if it could take one of us before pouncing."
"Well, I'm glad you and Pippin are so perceptive," Vikkari said. "And that you decided to linger with me for a minute."
Etain's brows twitched at the implication, glancing between the smilodon and him. "Me, too," she mumbled, the spell's light accentuating the angles of her face.
He shook water off his hair, debated pulling up his hood. But he was already drenched, as was the hood, so that would probably be more harm than help at this point. "All's well that ends well," he said in reassurance, reaching for her hand. "And that was a damn good shot."
"Oh." She blushed. "That was lucky, Vikkari." A sheepish laugh as her fingers slipped between his. "I might be good, but not that good."
"I think you are," Vikkari smiled, tugging her closer. His other hand rose to trace down her jaw. "I also think I need to thank you properly. If I may?"
Etain tipped her chin toward him, shuffling closer, even as she commented. "Aren't you supposed to be keeping watch?"
He chuckled, hand sliding to the back of her neck, words now spoken practically against her mouth. "I think I can trust that to Pippin for just a minute," he murmured, and kissed her gently. Chaste and sweet.
"Or two," she mumbled, her hand digging into his hair to hold him close, kissing him deeper.
"Or two," Vikkari agreed with a breathless grin before letting her pull him in for another.
[But he did have a responsibility, and that was the only thing that had him easing back. "You should get out of the rain before you catch cold or something."
Fond amusement flashed in Etain's eyes and she deadpanned, "Maybe then I'd get a break. But I take your point." She still crouched to retrieve her arrow first, then gave his shoulder an affectionate squeeze on her way to the tent. "G'night, Vikkari."
"Night, Etain." Vikkari settled back in the boulder as she and Pippin headed to bed, once again alone with the rain and the view of big, flat nothing to watch.
Only now with a smile on his face.
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
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Happy (early) birthday to my bestie @haledamage, I give you (and, lbr, myself :P) Etain/Vikkari art from @the-upper-shelf bc these two have consumed me in the best way possible. I love them, and I love you, and I hope this brightens up your day <3333
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haledamage · 3 months
ALRIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT. FIRST. Because as it happens, I do love Etain, the grey area one for her and Casavir :3
OH BOY this is a fun one :3
Etain and Casavir's relationship is something I've been having a lot of fun figuring out, since Neverwinter Nights 2 leaves a lot of room to play around with it
in the actual game, there's only one real "romance scene", right before the Final Battle against the big bad, and in fact a majority of the romantic dialogue doesn't even feature the main character, but instead is mostly Casavir and Bishop talking about Etain
Bishop wanted it to be a love triangle so badly but sorry bro, she is just not into you
so I've chosen to believe that all the real romance happens off-screen so I can give Etain and Cas the mutual pining slow burn they deserve
one of my favorite parts is the complete lack of denial on Casavir's part in what little romance content there is. he openly admits his feelings (mostly in a "yeah I'm in love with her, mind your business" kind of way), but he has no expectations of them being reciprocated and no desire to make a big deal about it. it's just a fact of life for him: water is wet, the sun rises in the east, Casavir loves Etain
that leaves Etain in a kind of gray area of knowing their feelings are mutual but also not wanting to push if Cas doesn't want to act on them. they spend most of the game's second act in this gray area before they finally reach a breaking point
and to help us get closer to that, we have one of my favorite catalysts, in the form of "one of us almost died" >:3 Etain sure has a thing for the self-sacrificing type, no matter which universe she's in
I just checked and it turns out the prompt for this is actually one you sent me! "a kiss after treating a wound"
the main thing I've been struggling with is the "kiss" part, these two really want to just keep Pining™, but I think I've managed to convince them to skirt around that with either a cheek or forehead kiss ;)
here's your five sentences!:
His smile widened enough to show a hint of the dimple in his right cheek. Casavir had a beautiful smile, dashing and boyish and even a little playful, made all the lovelier for how rarely he let it show. Etain had fallen a little bit in love with him the first moment she saw it. And had been falling ever since. He murmured her name again, drawing her eyes back to his and making her realize she’d been staring at his lips for gods-only-knew how long.
my poor smitten Knight-Captain XD
I've managed to write an addition 200 words after these sentences now, and I think I've almost got this one finished actually 😁 I'm gonna try and finish it up real quick while it's cooperating and then I'll move on to the next one
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haledamage · 4 months
🍟🍷 for Nadia, 🍓🍕 for Etain, and 🍉🌽 for Marii :3
🍟: What does your OC admit to be their guilty pleasure? What actually is their guilty pleasure?
Nadia would say her guilty pleasure is days off. Considering just how much she is the linchpin that keeps Teer Fradee from descending into war, she thinks that taking time for herself is selfish. But her actual guilty pleasure is like... extreme outdoor sports. Cliff-diving, rock climbing, spelunking. She wants to climb the tallest cliff she can find just so she can jump off of it. She feels guilty about it because it's going to give Kurt a heart attack before he's 35, but she loves it.
🍷: What's one of your OC's pet peeves concerning food?
Eat. What. You. Take. She's been to plenty of fancy banquets that her uncle's hosted, and she's also been roughing it in the wilderness where the only food you have is what you can find. In both cases, it's not the excess or lack of food that gets to her, and she has no problem with a person who takes a lot of food and eats it. It's purely the people that take a lot and then don't eat it, especially if they do so knowing full well that they don't intend to eat it all. She's looking directly at you, Constantin d'Orsay. Finish your damn dinner!
🍓: Does your OC have any particular scents they like? Or hate?
Etain loves floral scents. Roses/rosewater are a particular favorite, but any and all flowers are good. And like, woodsy scents. She doesn't care for really cloying perfumes. Overly sweet smells, or overly strong ones. Maybe it's the forest-hermit in her, maybe it's because she associates them too much with the worst parts of nobility.
🍕: How does an OC spend a lazy day?
In bed. Sleeping, reading, snuggling (with Pip, or with a romantic partner). She doesn't have to get dressed, she doesn't have to put on her literal or figurative mask, all she has to do is exist.
🍉: Does your OC have a particular piece of jewellery that they always wear or refuse to part with?
hmmmm, I don't think she does. I don't think she wears much jewelry at all, actually 🤔 she has a lot of keepsakes, but most of them are articles of clothing or weapons rather than jewelry. I think she would wear jewelry, if she had any, but I don't think it's ever crossed her mind to buy some, and no one's ever given her any.
🌽: How does this OC feel about acts of affection? What's their favourite act of affection, physical or emotional?
Marii is a hugger. Or I guess a leaner would be more accurate. She likes to lean her head on people's shoulders or rest it on top of their head, depending on if she's shorter or taller than them. she's a big fan of the hug-from-behind with Theron (or Tragen 😉), so she can either rest her head between his shoulder blades or lean back against him, depending on if she's giving or receiving.
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haledamage · 10 months
What Does You Heart Look Like?
tagged by @queen-scribbles 💖💖💖 to take the quiz linked above for an OC
I did more than one :3
aaaaand I'm tagging. hmmm @agentnatesewell @lotrificationer and @starlightcleric (no pressure of course 💖)
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a guiding, golden light
Just because you cannot see your own heart doesn’t mean that others can’t. Your heart is blinding, captivating, a fire so bright that others can’t bring themselves to look away. It illuminates the path they follow and cements you as a guiding star for their own wayward hearts. Every experience you’ve lived through has built your lighthouse heart up just a little higher. You are inspirational, a light that doesn’t go out.
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an open door, a burning hearth
Your chest is wide open, and your heart is a home. Others are welcomed in readily and asked to stay. You are comfort and love, everything you were never given but so desperately want to provide for others. You have built this welcoming hearth with your own two hands and won’t see anyone else left out in the cold. Be careful to not burn yourself out trying to keep everyone else warm.
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iced over, out of the sun
Your heart is very lonely, isn’t it? Is your fortress of ice self-made? Are others afraid of you, or are you afraid of them? Are you afraid of hurting them, or of being hurt? Vulnerability and connection can be frightening, but that’s no reason to shy away from their light, to tuck yourself small into corners, to build up frigid walls to keep yourself from feeling. You will heal when you allow yourself to draw closer to the flames and thaw.
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haledamage · 11 months
Dancing Lights
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAIT @queen-scribbles 💖💖💖💖💖!!!! Hope you're having a great day!
I bring you a gift of Etain/Vikkari, with him as Commander and her as the companion for a change 😉 she wanted to help him with what must be Azata path's biggest issue in the early days. fairly early in the game, I think, and definitely pre-relationship, but Etain definitely has a crush :3
Etain was staring.
She knew she was, and that she shouldn’t be, but she couldn’t bring herself to stop.
She just hadn’t expected the Commander to be so… adorable. Not that he wasn’t also powerful, and strong, and courageous, and charismatic, and all the things the leader of a crusade should be, but… Well, she’d assumed that the mysterious power that inspired the Fifth Crusade would have less… butterflies.
There were just so many of them. They’re like little dancing lights of blue and green and pink, catching Etain’s attention anytime she lowered her guard--which was more often than it should be, lately, but something about Vikkari put her at ease.
Like now. They’d set up camp on the edge of a thick copse of trees that seemed as safe as anywhere could be in the Wounded Lands. Dinner had already been eaten, and their group had split off to take care of their own business before sleep and watch rotations started.
Etain was supposed to be cleaning and restringing her bow, but got distracted halfway through the task, and now she was staring. At Vikkari. 
If he noticed, he didn’t seem bothered by it. His focus was on the small block of wood that he was carefully carving into, strong hands gently and meticulously coaxing it into shape. Butterflies flitted around his head, glowing softly in the falling daylight.
One of them landed on his nose, flexing its tiny teal wings. Vikkari shook his head to shoo it away, but it held fast. He lowered his whittling with a dramatic sigh, which fluttered the butterfly but didn’t dislodge it.
Etain couldn’t help it. She giggled.
She covered her mouth almost immediately after the sound escaped, but it was too late. Color bloomed over her cheeks all the way to the tips of her ears, but she managed--barely--not to pull up her mask to hide her face when Vikkari’s attention fell on her. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to--I, um--” she took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and tried again. “I think you’ve got somethin’ on your face.”
His laugh finally dislodged his butterfly mustache, which flew away in a decidedly irritated way.
The laughter faded, but lingered in his eyes and the warmth of his smile. “Did you need something?”
“Oh!” She shook her head a little too quickly, dropping her gaze to her hands for a second before it was pulled back to the commander. “No. I was just curious about your… your butterflies.”
Vikkari finally (reluctantly? Or was that just wishful thinking on her part?) looked away from her to the jovial swarm fluttering around him. “There do seem to be an awful lot of them.” He sounded more amused than bothered by them.
Etain hummed in agreement, watching the glowing insects in consideration. She could feel the moment Vikkari’s attention returned to her, but she resolutely didn’t look back, in case doing so would make her forget what they were talking about. “Are they illusions? A manifestation of the magic of Elysium?”
He nodded slowly, getting lost in thought for a moment, before he finally said, “Maybe they’re like Aivu. Real butterflies, drawn here by…” he paused, smile faltering, “whatever this power comes from.”
The urge to comfort him was almost overwhelming; Etain would say almost anything to bring that smile back. “Or they could be local. Maybe they just think you’re a very interesting flower.”
Half of his smile came back, a crooked smirk that would look cocky on someone less charming. “Because I’m so pretty?”
“Because you’re sweet.”
A dazzling smile lit Vikkari’s face as an equally radiant blush spread across his cheeks. Her own cheeks flushed in response, and she ducked her head to hide it behind her half-unraveled braid.
Her eyes fell on her knapsack, and a sudden thought struck her. “Sweet,” she murmured to herself, an idea forming.
“What was that?” Despite his obvious curiosity, Etain knew he wouldn’t push if she didn’t want to share.
“May I try something?” She waited for him to nod before reaching for her bag, and dug around until she found a small bottle of amber liquid. The gentle pop of the stopper drew Pippin’s attention from dozing by the fire, but she ignored him and let a couple of drops from the bottle fall onto the back of her hand.
As soon as she held it out toward Vikkari, two butterflies changed trajectory to inspect, landing on her knuckles and flexing their wings with what could only be excitement.
Vikkari leaned closer, golden eyes glowing brighter in echo of the insects’ reaction. “What is that?”
Etain shrugged one shoulder, careful to keep her hand still. “It’s just honey.”
Eventually, the butterflies ate their fill and flew off to join the rest again--though they gave a little more respectful distance this time, she noticed.
Vikkari watched them in something like awe. Etain watched him in much the same way.
“So they are real.”
“I guess so.” She held her hand out to her side where Pippin waited patiently to clean the rest of the honey off of her hand.
The conversation ended there, meandering to other subjects--the Crusade, Vikkari’s whittling--before Seelah, Lann, and Aivu came over to join them. But Etain thought about it the next day while they traveled, and the one after.
Inspiration finally struck two days later, while the group traveled a road that cut through the middle of heavy forest. Etain walked parallel to the group, mask up and bow drawn, scouting the woods for ambushes; Lann took the other side, doing the same, with the rest of their collection of melee fighters and magic users on the road.
She didn’t find any ambushes (it had been waiting a mile up, in the middle of the road in plain sight), but she did find something else.
She brought it to Vikkari after dinner that night, relishing his surprised look when she held out the bundle of flowers in her hands. “May I?”
It took him a few seconds to reply, which made something warm settle in her chest. She didn’t know the Commander could be lost for words.
Eventually, he nodded. “Of course.”
Etain carefully unfolded the flower crown and placed it on his head, arranging it carefully against his (soft, how is his hair so soft this far from civilization?) hair.
As she’d hoped, the butterflies immediately took interest, coming in to land on the flowers instead of swarming around his head. Within moments, he had a halo of glowing wings, green and blue lights among the orange, pink, and purple flowers.
“Aster, phlox, lavender, and butterfly weed,” she said in answer to the question he didn’t ask. “Hopefully that will keep them out of your eyes, at least.”
He grinned at her, brighter than the fluttering crown he wore. “How do I look?”
“You look…” she blushed and looked away, unable to answer honestly and unwilling to lie. “I’d offer to show you, but I don’t own a mirror.”
“Thank you.” His voice was too soft, too warm, and it just made her blush darker. As always, he was kind enough to give her an escape route from her own embarrassment, and changed the subject. “What are the rest of them for?”
“Oh.” Etain had almost forgotten that she still held an armful of flowers. “They’re for Aivu. May I?”
The question was directed at the havoc dragon, who lounged nearby. Aivu nodded eagerly before the question was even finished, and Etain smiled as she settled the larger flower crown on her head. “There. I thought you might like one too. So you can match.”
“Where’s yours?” Both the dragon and the cleric asked at the same time before exchanging a grin, a silent conversation flowing between them that she couldn’t even begin to understand.
“I don’t need one,” she said quickly. It’s not like she had a swarm of fae butterflies to deal with, and even so she wasn’t one to indulge in pretty things. (Except the Commander, a knowing voice whispered in the back of her head.) “And I didn’t want to pick too many anyway.”
Vikkari nodded, seemingly in agreement, but she could see the gears whirring behind his eyes. Etain knew she hadn’t heard the last of this.
Strangely, she found herself looking forward to finding out what happened next.
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
For the kiss prompts: "…on a place of insecurity" for whoever speaks up
Borrowing Etain from @haledamage bc this prompt SCREAMED her/Vikkari and the muses agreed. Very late Act 3, not long before storming the Midnight Fane.
Noble visits were the worst.
Etain struggled enough with the burden of command; having so many people look to her for guidance and protection was overwhelming after a life spent alone in the woods. But at least the soldiers and civilians didn’t seem to have any expectations on etiquette. Every so often, however, a noble from Absalom or Andoran or somewhere would show up--usually unannounced--because they wanted to see what was being done with their contributions.
Apart from their much higher standards on acceptable, delicate noblewomen with their flawless complexions and perfect posture did nothing to make Etain feel less ungainly. But it would be rude to turn them away, not to mention dangerous, with the demons all around. So she welcomed them as graciously as possible, and then did her level best to avoid them without being rude.
Duchess Safia was making that difficult. The woman was a social butterfly; outgoing enough to rival Seelah or Vikkari, chatty enough to keep up with Woljif or Nenio, and utterly uninterested in acknowledging she deemed an inferior. Which meant she only deigned to seek out Etain and occasionally Daeran or Camellia.
Etain took advantage of the opportunity presented by the latter to hide in the chapel. She’d found that unless they styled themselves as especially pious, nobles tended to avoid the provincial building. Duchess Safia was not a pious woman, making it a safe haven during her visit. An escape from her airy chatter, flawless, collected appearance, and diminutive stature that made Etain hunch even more than usual, tugging her mask up high over her nose.
The chapel was quiet today, empty save her and a single priest tending the candles scattered among the statues to various deities. Etain let her shoulders relax as she sank into a pew, half-lurking on the outer edge even mostly alone like this. Pippin settled himself in the aisle and started drifting off in mere seconds.
Why can’t they just leave me alone? Etain wondered, almost imploring, as she glanced at the statue of Iomadae, flanked by Erastil, Desna, Sarenrae, and others. Trust that I’m doing as needed and let me handle it? Showing up to watch over my shoulder just adds stress to a... calling that’s plenty hard on its own.
No answer came, not that she’d expected one in the moment.
Worrying about providing for my people, deploying armies correctly, making the right choices for running a damn city... She shifted and something dug into her thigh. I don’t know what I’m doing, I just try my best and having someone around who will judge doesn’t help- She slipped a hand in her pocket to find the pressure’s source and her fingers curled around a carved wooden bear.
A smile tugged her lips and she ran her thumb over the details of whittled fur.
“Etain?” As if summoned by her thoughts of him, a familiar voice sounded behind her. “Didn’t expect to see you here...”
“I’m hiding,” Etain said, hand still curled around the bear as she turned to watch Vikkari travel up the main aisle.
He paused, canted his head. “From everyone? ‘Cause I can leave.”
“No.” She shook her head with a quiet, almost nervous, chuckle. “You’re fine. I’m just avoiding the duchess.”
“Ah. Our latest noble guest.” He moved a pew past where she was sitting before sliding in to join her. “I was sparring with Seelah,” he explained with a laugh when she arched a brow at the choice. “Trying to spare you at least some of the fallout.”
Now that he mentioned it, Etain found she could see the sheen of sweat on his face, arms, and the portion of his chest visible with the loosely opened shirt. She pulled her gaze up from his collarbone to his eyes.  “The consideration is appreciated.” She smiled at the dirt smudged on his sleeve, cheek, and--it looked like--behind his ear.  “She win this time, or is this the price of victory?”
“The latter,” Vikkari laughed, “though it was very nearly a repeat of last time.” He saw where her gaze had gone and rubbed at the smudge on his face.
“So, is Lann next?” Etain asked lightly, half-joking, her grin hidden behind the mask. “If you’re fighting your friends?”
He snorted and shook his head. “He’d kick my ass. Prob’ly into next week. Seelah at least I have a chance; we’re pretty evenly matched.”
“It’s good you know your limits.” Her tone may have been teasing-adjacent, but that was a good--attractive--quality.
“Is that why you’re in here? Knowing your limits?”
Etain huffed a breath of a laugh. “More or less, I suppose.” She rolled the bear figurine in her hand, thumb running over the snout. “There’s enough stress to this position without doing it under the judgmental gaze of some fancy, flawless noble who’s never run a military campaign but is very concerned how you’re using her mon-”
“Etain.” She hadn’t realized she was tugging her mask ever-higher until Vikkari covered her hand with his to stop her. “It’s not right they do this to you; showing up out of the blue like you owe them something. You’re doing a good job. I know it’s hard, and not what you ever thought you’d be doing, but you are an excellent Commander.”
“I’m trying to believe that,” Etain muttered, her pulse fluttering as they sat with his hand over hers against the mask. He's hardly unbiased, her doubts whispered, but she shushed them.
“May I?” he asked quietly, and she gave a single nod, sitting frozen as he shifted the mask back to where it usually sat. His thumb brushed the scar down her cheek and she flinched. Vikkari winced. “Sorry, is that sensitive?”
She shook her head. She didn’t trust her voice right now. Not physically, anyway.
Understanding filled his eyes, which seemed to glow brighter, and he deliberately, gently, brushed his thumb over the scar again. “Flawless is overrated, I’ve found,” he murmured.
That was easy for him to say; the trio of scars that cut across the apple of his cheek only enhanced the angelic attractiveness somehow. Added a dash of the heroic to the sharp cheekbones and strong jaw. No one would ever see her scars as anything but mangling.
As if sensing the direction of her thoughts, Vikkari’s eyes flickered and he leaned over the pew back to brush a soft kiss over the scar’s beginning at her temple, just over the corner of her eye.
Etain sat frozen, unsure how to react, her heart pounding in her chest and grip tight on the carved bear. This close she could smell the sharp tang of sweat he’d been trying to spare her from, but it barely registered.
Vikkari’s neck and ears had gone pink when he sat back. “I, um, I apologize if I overstepped, Etain,” he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish smile. “I just... Anyone who sees that and thinks it detracts from who you are can’t have an opinion worth caring about.”
“I wish it worked like that,” she said with a sigh. She withdrew her hand from her pocket and braced both arms against the pew back. “Unfortunately, too much of our support comes from people  who like to gossip and measure worth by appearances. As long as I can convince them I’ll lead the Crusade well and spend their money wisely, it’s just something I’ll have to endure. You can’t stop it.”
“Well, since you are doing both of those things, hopefully it’ll be obvious to any noble visitors who drop in.” Vikkari squeezed her hand.
“Hopefully,” Etain said. It varied wildly from noble to noble, she’d found. “I think I’ll keep hiding in here a little longer, all the same.”
He laughed. “I’ll try to run interference if I see the current one looking for you.” He pushed to his feet. “Meeting Seelah for that drink. You’re welcome to join us, if you like.”
“I’ll think about it,” she promised.
Vikkari nodded and made his way out of the chapel, raising one hand in a brief wave of farewell just before he stepped out the door.
Etain pulled out the carved bear, turning it over in her hands. It was clear now, just as the first time she’d examined it, how much thought and care had gone into its creation. Because he was like that. And with such friends at her back, she’d do fine. No matter how many pushy nobles she had to endure.
She lightly brushed her fingers over the spot Vikkari had kissed.
Even if I don't think friend is quite the right word for one of them any more...
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
OC Kiss ~ Charm
(Etain/Vikkari; Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous) Borrowed another of @haledamage’s kids, for a romantic kiss this time 👀 This would be pretty late game, definitely post-Abyss, probably also post-Vikkari’s companion quest.
One thing about being an archer, it tended to give you a clear view of the battlefield. And Etain had been doing this long enough to notice all her friends’ little details in the chaos; the flourish Woljif sometimes gave with his daggers, Nenio’s fascinated and curious head tilt when they encountered something new. How many hits Seelah and Vikkari shook off. She didn’t catch everything, but she saw a lot.
Most wouldn’t consider this muddy gulch a battlefield in the typical sense, but with the slightly-against-them odds that’s what it felt like. Etain released an arrow toward a cultist, satisfied by the way his shoulder jerked back with the impact.
A distressed roar filled her ears and she immediately swiveled to look for Pippin. She found him just as the attacking smilodon sank its fangs into his shoulder. Pippin let out another roar and bit it in return. Etain nocked and fired two arrows in quick succession toward it before an aura of dark blue-white magic flared around the smilodon and it let go with an agonized yowl.
“Etain, watch out!”  
Vikkari’s warning gave her enough time to dodge the skeleton’s clumsy attacks. Even as she nocked another arrow, a blinding flash of light slammed down on the skeleton--and the two behind it. They were obliterated and Etain slightly dazed by the proximity, blinking spots out of her vision.
She looked to call thanks, found herself hollering a return warning instead.  “Watch out!”
The sorcerer he’d been closing in on before he got distracted rescuing her bear raised a hand, magic glowing soft on her fingertips as the spell poured from her lips.
Vikkari’s posture slackened, the blade of his falchion dipping until it lightly jabbed the tacky mud.
Etain’s shot hit the sorcerer a split second too late. She gave a pained scream as the arrow pierced her wrist, but the spell was already completed. Vikkari wasn’t moving, seeming heedless of the fight as he stood in a daze.
Seelah dodged around him with a yell and slashed at the wounded sorcerer. She cut a deep, vicious gash from hip to shoulder and the elven woman crumpled in a bloody heap.
There was too much going on for Etain to focus on him and she knew it. She still snuck glances in between shots at the remaining cultists, worried about whatever spell or charm the sorcerer had cast. It was persisting even with her dead, there wasn’t much that did that.
A cultist barbarian charged for what he must’ve seen as easy meat. Etain’s arrow sank into his neck half a breath before Pippin slammed him to the ground with a roar.
She tried not to be too vindictively glad when he practically bit the man’s head off. She was vaguely aware of Woljif finishing off another summoned skeleton, made herself focus to find the cultist who had summoned them, and put two arrows in his chest. The remaining few crumpled without their puppetmaster.
There was a faint ripple in the shadows cast by nearby boulders and a rogue, one of the last cultists standing, emerged to lunge at Seelah. She missed the paladin, but turned it into a slash at Vikkari. Target of opportunity, standing so close and not doing anything. Her strike was hasty and only just grazed his cheek, making him shy away with a cry of pain.
But that was all he did. No retaliation, just avoidance. He stumbled away from the rogue until Seelah finished her off.
They made short work of the couple left--no more heavy fighters, thank Sarenrae--and Etain beelined for Vikkari.
He was still standing in the same posture, falchion resting in the ground, small trickle of blood rolling down his cheek.
“Vikkari-” Etain cupped his face in both hands, studying him for any sign of what was wrong.
He was smiling. A vague, slightly dazed, almost euphoric expression tilting his lips upward. Without irises or pupils the only thing she could glean from his eyes was they remained the same softly glowing gold. No sign of what the sorcerer had done. He didn’t resist when she gave his head a gentle nudge to either side, checking for other hints and smearing away the blood on his cheek.
“Are you alright?” she asked, maybe with more intensity than she meant to.
“Mmhm,” Vikkari hummed, not appearing to notice when Pippin ambled up and nosed his arm. Instead he was staring at her as intently as she was at him.  “...Pretty eyes...”
Etain was glad for the mask that hid her flushing cheeks. “Can.. can you tell what kind of spell this is?” she asked Seelah, who had joined them as well.
Seelah shrugged. “Nothin’ bad? He just seemed whammied or charmed, not cursed.” Her eyes lit up and she nudged him with her elbow. “Hey, Vikk, who’s your best friend?”
Vikkari seemed about to answer, then shook his head and blinked. “Wh- ...I assume we won?”
Seelah huffed disappointment at the lost opportunity and shuffled away, but Etain’s wilting posture was in relief. Thank you, Sarenrae.
“Are you alright?” she asked again, hands resting on his shoulders.
He blinked a few more times, rubbed the side of his head. “...I think so? Just feel a little... off-bal-ow.” His fingers grazed the cut and he paused, feeling it more deliberately before leaving it unhealed. Not worth the magic for something so small. “Are you alright, Etain?”
She nodded, tugging down her mask. “In no small part thanks to you.” She leaned in and kissed his forehead. “Thank you, Vikkari.”
He shrugged, but she didn’t miss the pink shading up his neck and the tips of his ears. “What are knights in shining armor for?” he murmured, lingering close.
Etain chuckled and playfully kissed the tip of his nose. “Your dutiful service is appreciated, sir knight. And I’m sure Pippin would agree.”
As if he’d understood her, Pippin bumped his nose to Vikkari’s elbow.
Vikkari smiled and patted the bear’s head, golden light trailing to heal Pippin’s injuries. Pippin gave a ‘rrunf’ and licked up his arm as thanks.
“You’re welcome,” Vikkari laughed, giving him a quick, final scritch between the ears before turning back to Etain. “As are you, and I’m sorry if I worried you.”
She smiled and brushed her fingers through the wisps that had escaped his topknot. “You’re alright and that’s the important part,” she murmured, then kissed him in relief and gratitude anyway, sparing only a brief thought to hope none of their friends were paying attention.
He chuckled into the kiss, his hand cupped her neck as he shifted on his toes to make them more level. “If it helps,” he whispered, “I think that only took because I was distracted. I’m normally better at resisting.” There was a flash of teasing in his eyes. ”The only person I want charming me is you.”
Etain had to laugh at that, her forehead resting on his. “You are just...” Too many options came to mind, so she kissed him again instead.
He was laughing as he kissed her back.
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haledamage · 1 year
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I was lucky to get the chance to commission @rayeliann for this beautiful piece of Etain and Vikkari 😍 they're so damn pretty, and even prettier together!
@queen-scribbles HAPPY CHRISTMAS, CAIT!! I am obsessed with these two and it's at least 70% your fault 🥰 Etain and Vikkari deserve all the romantic kisses in the snow
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haledamage · 9 months
so BG3 apparently takes place ~120 years after NWN2 does
but consider... WHAT IF... Etain and Tavi existed at the same time 👀
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haledamage · 1 year
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I was re-tagged by @queen-scribbles to do this template with another pairing but then I made her work on it too by pestering her for Vikkari's answers 😁
open tagging anyone who wants to do it (or has already done it, but wants an excuse to do it for a different ship 😉)
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
Going slightly feral over the mental image of Vikkari pushing up on his toes to kiss Etain’s forehead jsyk
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haledamage · 1 year
👾 each for Etain, Kai, and Bran?
Angels or Devils - Dishwalla
This is the last time That I'm ever gonna give in tonight Are there angels or devils crawling here? I just want to know what blurs and what is clear to see Well, I can see the pain in you And I can see the love in you And fighting all the demons will take time It will take time The angels they burn inside for us And are we ever, are we ever gonna learn to fly The devils they burn inside of us And are we ever gonna come back down Come around I'm always gonna worry about the things That could break us
it's a big chunk of lyrics, but it all just fits so well for the leader of the last Crusade, especially since she's someone who has Angel powers because of a Demon's meddling
Weight Of The World - Evanescence
If you love me, then let go of me I won't be held down by who I used to be She's nothing to me
a love letter and an eviction notice to her past self. To: Akaia, Love: Kiki
Waiting On The Sky To Change - STARSET featuring Breaking Benjamin
I'm done running towards The eyes of tornadoes Pretending this is hope I breathe in the atmosphere Let it wash over my fear Of these heights as I transcend And become whole again I breathe in the atmosphere Let it take me out of here I won't live life in the rain Waiting on the sky to change
perhaps a little on the nose, considering the whole hole-in-the-sky situation, but that's why Bran ended up Inquisitor in the first place. not because of the Anchor, but because she isn't the kind of woman to sit around waiting for someone else to save the day when she can just do it herself
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
and also because I can't resist: linger and/or forehead for Vikkari/Etain :3
Moral Support
So, MERRY CHRISTMAS RHI and I'm sorry this took me so long to fill it turned into your Christmas present 😅 (Commander Etain and follower Vikkari, fits with Favoritism)
A large party that filled the citadel with people she didn’t know, who had a very rigid definition of acceptable behavior, with whom she would be expected to mingle was not Etain’s idea of a celebration.
She would vastly prefer something quieter; preferably outdoors. Maybe sitting up on a hill under the stars, only Pippin for company. But the choice had become not hers to make. The latest rousing victory over the demons came close enough to the Winter Solstice Anevia had suggested a party. Both to boost troop morale and throw a bone to the more... gentrified and distant supporters who found it concerning the Commander had such low interest in events that fostered alliances.  The other advisors had latched on to the idea and given it legs, and it had run almost entirely beyond the initial scope. Etain was still duty-bound to attend, of course, lest the powerfully-placed get the wrong idea. But she didn’t have to be thrilled about the length of the guest list.
She could do this, she told herself. Even without Pippin, who would spend the evening snoozing in her quarters, lucky bear. She’d make an appearance, force a smile, mingle awhile before making a speech--the part most expected and that she was looking forward to least. As in not at all. The first chance she got she’d slip away. Maybe up to that spot on the battlement. The only one who knew to look for her there was company she wouldn’t mind. Her lips twitched toward a smile at the thought.
“Guest of honor hiding from her own party?”
Speak of the devil... Etain smiled, shaky but real. “Gathering the nerve for it, more like.”
Vikkari met her smile with one of his own, warmly supportive and a touch sympathetic. “You’ll do... You can do this, Etain.”
She leaned back against the wall and gave a quiet snort. “Don’t want to lie by saying I’ll do fine?”
Something danced in those warm golden eyes for half a heartbeat that soothed the knot in her gut and made her breath catch. “No. Didn’t want to say fine and have it sound trite when I think you’ll do much better than just that,” he corrected.
“I’d settle for fine,” she confessed, picking at a hangnail. Gods, was it warm in here? Etain took a deep breath, struggled to keep a light tone. “Did you track me down to offer moral support?”
Vikkari nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. “I thought you might... want it, with how you feel about crowds.” His gaze flicked to the empty spot beside her that would usually be occupied by Pippin.
“Wouldn’t do to have his mere presence terrorize our supporters,” Etain said dryly, by way of explanation. Or to have him eat all the hors d’oeuvres.
He laughed, studied her a moment with hands clasped behind him. “Not that I would ever dream of replacing your bear, but perhaps I could fill in as more socially acceptable moral support for the evening?”
Her heart fluttered and Etain swallowed before nodding. “I... would appreciate that.”
Having someone familiar and safe as an anchor point would be an immense help. That was what made her anxiety fade, surely. Not that it was him. This wasn’t playing favorites; any of her friends would evoke the same reaction. Wouldn’t they? 
 No, she was pretty sure it wouldn’t be the same with someone else, welcome as any moral support was tonight.
His smile was bright enough to do his heritage credit. “I’m glad. Events like this are always more enjoyable with a- partner.” She was still processing the stumble when one hand swept forward, extended to her with playfully exaggerated gallantry. “May I escort you to your solstice ball, Etain?”
She couldn’t help but smile at the mirth in his eyes. “You may, Vikkari,” she said, resting her hand in his.
Vikkari’s fingers were cool as they closed around hers. He sent her a brief, mischievous look before raising her hand and brushing a kiss against the knuckles. There was a moment of hesitation, a lingering so slight she almost thought she imagined it, before withdrawing and tucking her hand around his arm.
That was normal, right? One of those social cues she didn’t usually have to worry about? Knights would kiss their lady’s hand to show- No, thinking about it like that didn’t help at all.
Sarenrae save her, she felt three different kinds of awkward, and only two were related to the party waiting at the end of the hall. She was too tall and didn’t know how to carry herself and everyone would be able to tell this was her first time wearing a dress in a very long while and.... She fought the urge to brush her free hand over her face, fidget with her accenting scarf to see if she could hide behind it, but only just.
“Etain.” Vikkari waited until she glanced his way, then offered a half smile. “You look lovely.”
A snort, loud and ungracious, ripped from her throat. The dress was lovely; simple dove grey with dark green accenting the squared neckline, sleeves, and hem in vinelike patterns. But she couldn’t imagine it made her look any more like she belonged than the fancy braided hair. “You don’t have to lie to make me feel better, Vikkari.”
“I’m not.” He cocked his head, one brow arched and sincerity radiating from his face. “You do.”
Oh.” Her face flushed. “That... Thank you. Um, so do you. Look nice, I mean.”
“Thank you.” Vikkari’s gaze turned to the end of the hall, which was simultaneously too close and too far. The faint pink shading up his neck was mostly hidden by the loosed lower part of his hair brushing his collar, the sides pulled back in a braided tail rather than the usual bun. The sleeve of his pale blue tunic was soft under her fingers, the gold trimming the black surcoat doing a fine job framing his physique.
 (Too fine.)
Etain’s grip tightened in response to the unintended thought, her fingers digging slightly into his arm as the bashful silence stretched between them.
The door drew close much faster than Etain would have wished, barely a dozen paces when she looked toward it again. She pulled a deep breath, trying not to let it shake too much.
“You’re going to do fine,” Vikkari said, covering her hand with his to give a reassuring squeeze.
Her quiet laugh did shake. “I hope so. This is much more your... arena than mine. I’d rather be down in the tavern with Seelah and Lann and all... Or hiding in the woods. Wonderful as I know at least some of the company here will be.”
“Heh.” The pink climbing his neck went a little higher, and he cleared his throat before he smiled. “I’m flattered.” A pause. “Assuming you meant me and I didn’t just make an ass out of myself...?”
This laugh was steadier, the looming door less intimidating with him next to her. “I did, and you didn’t.”
“Good to know,” Vikkari laughed, slightly sheepish. “And if I might push that luck a bit further... May I have a dance at some point in the evening?”
Etain’s cheeks burned and it was all she could do not to flinch at the reminder that would be expected of her, as well. Weren’t mingling and giving a speech enough? “Oh, um...”
His head canted, understanding in his eyes. “If you don’t want to-”
“No, no,” Etain hurriedly cut him off, that was the last assumption she wanting him making. “It’s not... I haven’t... I’ll step on your feet,” she floundered, coming to a halt with the door close enough to touch.
“Oh. I don’t mind.” He shrugged, tilting his chin to look up at her. “My sister used to stand on my feet to dance around the house; you aren’t going to do any lasting damage.”
Etain bit her lip to refrain from commenting she’d met Priya, the woman barely broke five feet. No matter how long they’d done that--and it was a sweet mental image--it was hardly comparable. “I just... am not a good dancer.”
“And I’m not going to force you if you aren’t comfortable, Etain,” Vikkari promised. “But I really won’t mind. And I’ll stay close as you want me to, either way.”
Etain wondered briefly which god she needed to thank for this man’s presence, both in Golarion and in her crusade. She flashed a smile. “As moral support?” Was her hand too clammy on his arm? Would it leave a mark when she let go? Did she have to let go?
Vikkari nodded. “And whatever else you need.”
The relief of that assurance rattled her bones. “Thank you. And yes, you may.”
He grinned, sun-bright. “I’ll even offer to go first, help you shake off the rust if you’re worried?”
“As long as you know what you’re getting yourself into-” Etain’s wry comment was cut off by the door swinging open.
Anevia stuck her head through, looked briefly surprised to find them on the cusp of entering, then grinned. “Everybody’s waiting for you, Commander.”
“Alright.” Etain’s voice sounded strangled in her own ears. Breathe. Vikkari’s arm was warm under her touch. You can do this. You have to do this.
“It’ll be fine.” Vikkari murmured as the door swung fully open to the very occupied throne room.
Etain gave a silent nod, her fingers digging into his arm again. If he’d stay close as she wanted--for moral support, of course--the current arrangement seemed good to her.
“Hiding from parties is supposed to be my bad habit, not yours.”
Vikkari turned with a laugh, breeze tugging at his clothes as he faced her.  “Unlike your typical escapes, I am planning to go back.” He shifted to make sure there was room next to him. “Should’ve known you’d find me.”
Etain smiled, crossed to lean against the battlement next to him. “I missed my moral support,” she said playfully, letting her shoulder brush his. This party might be a more casual affair than some, but it still involved a lot of people. “And if you’re trying to hide from me, our spot was not a good place to do it.”
“Not really hiding, ‘specially from you” --he slid his hand in hers and her smile widened as their fingers intertwined--”and I am coming back, I promise. I just...” Vikkari sighed and looked out over the city, toward the stars visible past the glow of celebratory bonfires and raucous relief of crusaders and civilians alike. “It keeps hitting me at the oddest times, the enormity of it, what was almost called for, and I needed a minute.” He squeezed her hand. “The Worldwound’s been around for more than a century and now it’s gone. You did it. Not Galfrey, not Iomadae, even if they helped, you.”
Technically Areelu. But that would be the ‘almost called for’ he referenced. “We,” Etain corrected, running her thumb over the heel of his hand, still feeling a flutter of relief that the skin was whole and mended, red blistering burns vanished under the skill of a cleric before their return from Threshold. “We did it. The Crusade would still have run without me, Vikkari.” 
“But it wouldn’t have succeeded,” he argued, quietly, fiercely, his shoulder pressed to hers and eyes glowing as he held her gaze. “How long have the crusades been running? How many decades has Queen Galfrey been a symbol of perseverance? Of course everyone helped, everyone was important. But as I said, Etain, you are the head and the heart that drove it. You did this. You won.”
“We did this,” she corrected more forcefully, turning to cup the back of his neck with her free hand and gently guide him in until their foreheads rested together. “I don’t know what I would have done without my moral support.”
Vikkari hummed a quiet laugh, warm against her skin, his hand brushing the base of white feathered wings as it slid around her back. “I’m sure you would have managed,” he said, voice rough.
“Not well,” Etain murmured, her hand moving to cup his jaw. “Knowing I had you supporting me, watching my back... it helped a lot, Vikkari.”
He smiled, freed his hand from hers to brush a light touch over the pendent hanging around her neck. “And you always will.”
They stood there for several long moments, enjoying the cool air and the quiet with only each other for company. Vikkari shifted, humming a tune she recognized from one of the first nights camping after the attack on Kenabres, an aggrandized recounting of her deeds in the struggle to save the city. Etain smiled, a touch rueful, at both the song choice and the slow, gentle dance he was pulling her into, unhurried and unplanned.
“Moving slow and making it up as we go along won’t keep me from stepping on your toes,” she murmured, swaying along with the tune he hummed nonetheless. 
Vikkari chuckled, took her hand once more. “And I still won’t mind.”
It didn’t take long, however, for them to get distracted by each others’ nearness and slow to a halt.
“You didn’t finish the song,” Etain mumbled, pressing into their forehead contact.
“I think we both know how it ends,” he returned, thumb rubbing over the side of her hand. “The Commander stands victorious after vanquishing the demons” --he gave a playful smile-- “as well as the heart of a certain Qadiran wanderer.”
“That hadn’t happened yet, though,” she pointed out, heart skipping a beat at the implication.
“Hadn’t it?” he murmured wryly, so quiet she barely heard him. “If not then, it wasn’t long after.”
It may have taken a while, but you caught mine, too. The words were stuck on the lump in her throat, so she squeezed his hand tight and thanked Sarenrae they didn’t need words when he squeezed back.  The silence lingered between them, all else fading to the background.
Cool as his hands usually were, there was a warmth to leaning her forehead against his Etain was loathe to pull away from. But the whole city was celebrating, they would eventually be missed, by their friends if no one else.
“We should go back,” she murmured, not hiding the reluctance in her voice.
Vikkari chuckled, forehead rocking slightly against hers. “S’ppose my minute is well beyond up, isn’t it?”
“Mm.” She traced her thumb along his jaw. “Seelah will start looking if no one else does, don’t you owe her a drink?”
“Probably several,” Vikkari said wryly. He pulled her closer for a moment, hand cupping her cheek and thumb ghosting over her lip, before letting go. “Together, then?”
Even knowing the comments it would provoke and that it would probably make her blush, Etain nodded and shifted her grasp to intertwine their fingers once more as they headed down from the battlements.
Seelah was indeed first to notice when they rejoined the group. “There you two are!” She grinned at their linked hands, pressed a tankard each into their free ones.  “We were just about to start another round, join us!” 
They matched her infectious smile as they did so, the chairs creaking with their return.
“To everyone coming back alive!” Seelah crowed, nudging Lann with her elbow as she raised her drink.
“To victory over the demons!” Sosiel added before anyone else spoke up.
Anevia pushed away from her spot in the corner, mug raised. “To things finally settling the fuck down.”
“To the Commander!” Etain missed who started that one--it sounded like Irabeth--but they all embraced it with enthusiasm.
She blushed and ducked her head, found Vikkari watching her as their friends celebrated being alive and victorious, and lightly tapped her tankard against his. “To my moral support.”
“Isn’t that Pippin?” he murmured, pressing a kiss to her temple.
"Just take the compliment, Vikkari,” Etain murmured back, kissing him on the cheek as he chuckled at the hypocrisy of the words.
“As you wish.” Vikkari smiled and squeezed her hand and the two of them scooted their chairs even closer together. "If it makes you happy."
"Very." Etain smiled back as she leaned her head against his. If she had to attend a party, this was much more her style.
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