estories-xyz · 2 years
Story Of The Giving Tree
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The Giving Tree Short Story
On a hill warmed by the sun stood a tall deciduous tree. This tree loved the little boy, and his heart beat faster when he heard footsteps approaching. The boy always ran to the tree right after school and told him everything that happened to him during the day. The boy liked to hang upside down among the branches and watch the sunset. The boy and the tree understood each other's hearts and became best friends. The boy made wreaths from the leaves of the tree and dozed off among its roots. The tree loved him with all its heart. He was happy because he knew that he was loved in return. Time passed, and soon the little boy turned into a young man. He became very busy and could not come to the tree as often as before. Then one day the tree asked the young man: “Oh! Where you were all this time? I've been waiting for you to come. Come and sit among my branches! We'll watch the sunset together." The young man replied: “Ah! I can not now! I'm too big now. Your branches would break if I tried! The tree sensed that his friend was sad and asked why. The young man wanted to earn money, but did not know what to do. So, the tree offered him to sell its fruits, which would later help him earn money. The boy collected very tasty fruits from the tree and happily loaded them onto his bike. He thanked the tree and left the place. But, unfortunately, he again did not come for a long, long time and the tree began to grow alone. Then, one day, he returned. He is already quite an adult. The tree rustled its leaves happily, welcoming him. “I've been waiting for you for so long, and you've finally returned. Come swing on my branches, said the trees. But the boy just shook his head. “No, I'm too busy for these games right now! I have to take care of my wife. We are expecting a baby soon,” the boy replied. The tree was very happy to hear this. He saw the pain in the boy's eyes again. The tree gently placed a branch on the boy's shoulder and patted him. The tree was very happy to hear this. He saw the pain in the boy's eyes again. The boy said: “I don’t even have a home, and I don’t know how to start a family!” The tree gently placed a branch on the boy's shoulder and patted him. The tree told him: "Build a house with my branches and be happy!" The boy took the branches of the tree and loaded them into his wagon. The tree watched him leave the forest to build his new home. He no longer had branches to rustle in the wind, but he was happy. Years passed, but the boy did not return. Every year the tree asked the migratory birds if they had seen it, but the birds only laughed and said, “Forget about it! Human memory is even shorter than ours. He has already forgotten you. But the tree could not forget and instead asked for a breeze. One day the butterfly brought the news and told the tree that the boy was homeless. The tree was worried and wished it could do something. Then, one night, the boy came to visit. He was weak and tired and broke the tree's heart to see him. It wanted to comfort him. He no longer had his branches to pat him on the shoulder, but supported him as he leaned against his trunk. The tree felt sad because it no longer had leafy branches to protect the boy from the rain. The boy cried and said, “I am a loser. I want to sail away from this place so I can start my life somewhere else." The tree replied, "You are always trying to run away!" The boy wanted a boat so he could lie on it and watch the sun sway on the ocean. The tree, without thinking, even once told him to cut it down and make a boat. So the boy cut down a tree and made a boat to sail in. The tree was only a stump, but it was happy when it imagined the boy smiling as he sailed in a boat made from its trunk. As the tree watched the sunset every evening, it remembered what the boy once said when he was little. The tree thought to itself: “You told me that the sun sets sadly every evening, but in the morning it comes back with renewed vigor. Then why am I getting lonelier every day?” Years have passed since the boy swam away. He sailed across the ocean and around the world and returned home as an old gray-haired man. He saw newly laid roads, tall buildings, new cars, and missed wood. “My house has changed! Is the tree still in its place? he thought. The boy climbed the mountain with great difficulty and found a tree waiting for its place. The boy was very happy to see the tree. The tree saw that the boy had grown old. He said: “I'm sorry, I have nothing more to give you! Everything is gone, my fruits, there are no branches on which one could swing and admire the sunset. I'm sorry, I want to give you something, but I'm just an old stump." The boy said, "I can't chew fruit and I'm too stiff to climb! I'm old and tired! All I need is a quiet place to rest!” The tree offered him its stump and told him to sit on it. The boy realized that all his life he came to the tree only when he wanted something, and the tree always stood next to him. He thanked the tree from the bottom of his heart. The tree and the boy watched the sunset together as he told him about his life, and they were both very happy. Read the full article
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estories-xyz · 2 years
The Farmer And The Crow Story
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The Farmer And The Crow Story
The farmer and his wife lived in the countryside. The farmer grew vegetables on his farm. His wife sold them in the market. One day the farmer's wife went to the market to sell vegetables. With the money she earned from selling vegetables, she bought some eggs. She then mounted a horse to return home and carried a basket full of eggs on her knees. She was very excited about the profit made during the day. The farmer's wife drove carelessly and dreamed about what she would buy with the money. All of a sudden, all the eggs in the basket fell to the ground and broke. The farmer's wife was very unhappy. She blamed the crow, which perched on a tree branch and screamed loudly. She screamed, "Fool! Why are you making such a noise? I was surprised to hear your unpleasant voice, and therefore all the eggs were broken. The crow replied: “Mistress, you were careless while driving and lost yourself in your thoughts. You must not blame me for your fault!" The farmer's wife was ashamed of her behavior. She realized her mistake and apologized to the crow.
The Farmer And The Crow Story Moral
Don't blame others for your own mistakes. Read the full article
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