raggedy-spaceman · 2 years
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The Doctor Who youtube channel predicted the Ferdinand Kingsley obsession 5 years ago so thank you for that!
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angelamontoo · 2 years
Just watched lancer spy..
OK at this point it's on me cause I even made a post just the other day saying that I oughtta look up how much screentime peter has in a film before I watch it(and subsequently whine about it on tumblr) but you have to admit they're taken the piss by having one of the first billed actors be a dude who doesn't show up till the 30 minute mark, gets like 5 minutes of screentime and just evaporates out of the plot. Also idek where I got this assumption, but for some reason I figured that these films where Peter Lorre only got like 5 minutes of screentime weren't really a thing till the 40s
At least Fritz Feld was in it. Its always a nice treat when he pops up in something. Considering Max was the first character I've seen him play it's kind of surprising how dang loveable Fritz is. Also this makes three films to my knowledge with both Fritz Feld and Peter Lorre and its such a shame that they don't interact much or at all in any of them
Ferdi was pretty funny too. Loved when he left the room and just made that "Aaaagh" sound for no reason. My kind of guy
This makes the second Peter Lorre film I've seen where Peter does not play the character I find to be the most loveable. Tbh Major Gruning might be peters most meh character for me. I do enjoy that he's a rare Peter lorre character with facial hair though. Lil moostash
We got ourselves another supposed femme fatale, who's whole way of life, previous loyalties and nonchalance about murder just disappear over some joe she knew for like an hour. I swear, everytime I see this happen in one of these old films I appreciate o Shaughnessy a little bit more. She may end the film with the whole "oh Sam dont throw me away, I friggin love you and stuff uwu" thing, but it's entirely possible(and I much prefer to believe) that she never cared about Spade and just doesn't wanna go to jail and I love that about her. Give me more bad bitches who just don't wanna go to jail. At least if she's just gonna be killed off or something anyway
I did like Dolores outfits though. Especially the one with the shiny bonnet thing. That was neat
This feels like an especially stupid nitpick(and for me that's saying something) but it kinda bugs me that the Germans keep randomly saying German words to eachother. Why? Surely they're speaking to eachother in German and we're hearing it in English, but then why would some words and phrases still be German?
Uhhh. Idk how to end this post. I like Ferdi
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years
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On Muir Island, Moira MacTaggert begins examining Jean Grey to learn the upper limits of her Phoenix powers. After some examination she points out that Jean had unconsciously put up barriers to keep her powers at her previous levels following saving the universe from the M'Kraan Crystal but now they seem to be returning to their cosmic level powers, and would like to know why. As Jean finishes up her test for the day, she recalls the events that brought her to Muir Island following the supposed deaths of her comrades.
However, the other X-Men are alive and well and believe Jean to be dead. They practice in the Danger Room until Wolverine loses his temper over "playing games" with the team and storms off. While high up in space aboard Asteroid M, Magneto goes over his computer records. When he comes across an old datafile on his late wife Magda, he deletes it so that he does not have to relive the pain of her passing. Meanwhile, the man named Jason Wyngarde, a mutant himself has been slowly molding the mind of Jean Grey since he first met her, taking on different guises and accessing her mind planting the seeds to transform her into his beloved Black Queen. This is while Jean is talking to Lorna about her relationship with Alex. In Moira's lab, Moira pores over the data and ponders over the fact that Jean has been granted the powers akin to a god and wonders where Charles Xavier may be and wishes he would come back. Xavier is still in the Shi'ar galaxy as Lilandra's consort. Xavier is spending his time considering the power that Jean Grey wields and realizes that he needs to return to Earth.
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Back on Muir Island, Moira is going to tell Jean about the extent of her powers when she steps on a gold tooth. Examining it she realizes the problem and rushes to the room where Mutant X is stored and is horrified to find that the being is not there. Elsewhere on the island, Jean is wandering around when she detects an intruder in the vicinity. Changing into her costume she begins to search for the intruder when suddenly she finds herself seemingly transported back in time to the Victorian era for a brief moment. She snaps back to reality when someone jumps her, looking into the mans face she screams in terror bringing Alex and Madrox to go and investigate.
And in the States, having detected activity at the X-Mansion, the Beast returns to his old home to find that the X-Men he thought were dead are alive and well. He tells Scott that Jean is still alive and is staying on Muir Island. When Cyclops puts in a call, Lorna answers the phone and tells him that there is a security situation going on at the island. However, before she can explain further, Lorna is attacked by some strange being that has a need for her. The last thing Cyclops hears before the line goes dead is Lorna's screams.
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Responding to Lorna Dane's call for help, the X-Men rush to Muir Island in the Blackbird. Splitting into small groups to quickly search the facility, the X-Men deploy before their jet has even finished landing. Banshee and Cyclops find Lorna and the body of Angus MacWhirter. In short order the X-Men find the rest of the station's known inhabitants.
Moira tells the X-Men that Mutant X has escaped. Jamie recounts the events that happened after the X-Men were called - Jamie created duplicates to search the grounds after Lorna screamed. When one of them found Proteus, he possessed the doubles body, knocking Jamie for a loop. Wolverine brashly argues for immediate pursuit, but Cyclops, intimidated by the ease at which Proteus overpowered Jean Grey, Polaris, and Jamie Madrox, asks Moira for more information. Moira at first refuses to talk, but finally relents and reveals Proteus is her son.
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Elsewhere, Proteus has escaped the island in Madrox's doubles body to the city of Stornoway. There he finds himself in need of a new body, but his attempt to snag Jason Wyngarde's is foiled by some sort of psychic defense. Ferdie Duncan fares less well.
The next morning the X-Men head to the mainland, reasoning Proteus will head towards a major city, and split up to search the area. Their activity does not go unnoticed - Jason Wyngarde observes their dispersal, and causes Jean to suddenly experience another reversion to the 18th century. She's riding a horse with Jason, on a hunt. Suddenly the dogs bring their quarry down, and when Jason clears them off they find its a man playing the part of the stag. And then Jason tells her it was her idea! She comes back to reality to find a mummified corpse where the man-stag's body was!
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Wolverine, however, has picked up Proteus's scent. Ignoring the radio call that Jean has found a body, he follows his nose to a policeman. Proteus, impressed by how fast Wolverine saw through the flesh facade, tries to possess him - only to discover his body is laced with metal, a substance that is highly toxic to him! Nightcrawler comes driving up as Wolverine threatens to gut Proteus, only to find that Proteus is capable of warping reality itself! Wolverine's connection to the natural world via his heightened senses makes him especially susceptible, and he and Nightcrawler seem as if they will be overwhelmed when Storm arrives. While her attack distracts him, he quickly turns gravity upside down on her, smashing her into the earth. Injured, and soon to become Proteus's prey, she tries her hardest to blow him away with a massive gust of wind... and fails!
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Storm has failed to drive Proteus off with a powerful gust of wind as he inexorably closes to steal her body as his own! She risks flying once more, but Proteus warps space around her and brings her back to the ground - knocking her unconscious. Just when Storm seems doomed, a sniper distracts Proteus - the deadly metal of the bullets a real threat to him. On a nearby ridge, Moira MacTaggert aims to finish him off, but Cyclops stops her, not understanding that the only way to end this is with Proteus's death. Moira knocks Cyclops out to get her shot, but Proteus takes off in the X-Men's jeep, not wanting to be vulnerable while he switches bodies. Moira takes off after him.
The X-Men regroup and patch up their wounded. Wolverine, badly shaken by his encounter with Proteus, is verbally abused by Cyclops to snap him out of it. This escalates into a brawl, as Cyke planned, and he brings the other X-Men who fought Proteus into it. Finally, he sues for peace and explains his motivation - to test their psyches to see if there was any other damage not immediately apparent.
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South of them, Proteus claims his next victim, Jennie Banks. He then hides the policeman's body, and fixes Jennie's flat tire, and continues on his way talking about killing "the one he hates".
Moira goes to see Joe MacTaggert, her estranged husband. She tells him he has a son, and that he's trying to kill him, and leaves. Proteus knows of this visit, and that it has hurt Moira, and he closes in for the kill.
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The X-Men detect Joe's psychic 'death scream', and know they are close. However, Proteus has decided he wants Moira, and reality suddenly goes wild in Edinburgh! The X-Men arrive, but Proteus foils their initial assault, and grabs Moira as a hostage!
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Holding Moira as hostage, Proteus causes reality to bend and break in the city of Edinburgh, forcing the X-Men to save the innocent people thrown into harm's way. Proteus reflects on how he got here.
The X-Men finally bring the fight to Proteus, but he foils each of their assaults in turn. Proteus makes a tactical withdrawal, bringing Moira with him, but Phoenix catches up and nails him with a powerful psychic attack. He finally manages to retaliate, but Wolverine has caught up and puts his deadly adamantium claws to use through Proteus's side! Cyclops and Havok then let Proteus have it with both barrels, but though the attack weakens Proteus, he escapes and snags Moira from Wolverine's grasp!
Colossus pursues, and throws Proteus away from Moira, shattering his decaying body! Uncloaked by flesh, Proteus is a being of pure energy, and he delights in torturing Colossus's psyche as he slowly roasts him with fire. But Proteus didn't figure on Peter Rasputin's ability to transform himself into organic steel! Colossus transforms, and thrusts himself into the heart of Proteus's energy form where his metal body is anathema to his foe.
In the end, relieved that their foe is defeated, the X-Men grieve for having to take his life.
The X-Men finally reunite (and soon they will meet Professor X), but it won’t be for long, as the Dark Phoenix Saga is coming up next.
Proteus as a faceless villain is a bit hard to remember (you cannot sell a toy like that). This was later corrected by giving him some kind of shape.
The whole story in the background with Jason and Jean is quite... adult... to say the least. This is not a modern age comic-book, but it was pretty edgy. Chris Claremont seems to be known for his recurring fetish plot devices. So I am not completely surprised. I would wonder if John Byrne was ok with this, then I remembered that issue where Superman and Big Barda were mind-controlled to film a porn. I guess I will review that book some day.
There are a few new developments. Wolverine’s skeleton is revealed to be made of adamantium (it wasn’t revealed that it was covered in adamantium til much later). Moira reveals she had a son and a husband (both dead by the end of this story). And Xavier is returning to Earth.
There is one point of the story when the pace was halted completely and it was that useless fight between the x-men just to prove they were ok.
I give this story a score of 8
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