#esp with the fucking cute little kitty paw
frnkiebby · 2 months
so not frank…
anyone here making the connection that this boop thing is….pretty uh facebook poke flashback-y??? idfk i love the boop but it’s throwing me off~🎃
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subskz · 9 months
i don’t know why, but jisung gives off serious energy of someone who’d say, “ooh you wanna kiss/fuck me so bad~” during an argument… and he’d be so fr abt it too 😭 severe brat behaviour smh. honestly he’s too cute so if he said that, i would just prove him right… </3 omg i am always caught lacking on this blog when it comes to him 😮‍💨
we’ve established that he’d appeal to your soft (n maybe not-so-soft) side by crying when you’re angry, but other times, i think he’d also try childishly teasing u nonstop in order to get out of an argument, so that u finally reach the breaking point and snap, releasing all your frustrations by ruining him into tomorrow (reminds me a bit of ‘pay attention’… pls excuse me as i go reread that masterpiece of a fic for the nth time)
yknow, with minho being the funky lil guy he is might say it too just to throw u off, i mean god knows he does the most outta pocket things sometimes. would say it with that trademark straight face, but then ! then see the little pastel blush tinting his ears !! how could u ever take his little facade seriously when his body tells all his secrets ♡ gets unreasonably surprised when u actually follow through with his snide remark, like he would get so shy if u pulled him by his shirt collar into a kiss even though was the one who initiated it
same goes for seungmin when he gets into one of those hyperactive puppy moods of his n just wants to play with u, so he’ll bother u out of affection n say whatever he thinks will get the best reaction out of u
waitt i could also picture chan saying it in the heat of the moment if you’re just playfully bickering bc secretly he’s always wanted to say smth like that but then immediately getting SO embarrassed n shy with himself ^^; cue him hiding in his sweater paws n letting out soft, high giggles of embarrassment (i know you know the kind i’m talking about </3)
— 🌸
we must be on the same wavelength bc i immediately thought of jisung lino and seungmin when someone asked a similar question as well 😭 our insufferable lil trio
hannie would be so fr abt it…the moment he realizes he’s losing the argument he’d say it without an ounce of shame lmaoo it can be so hard to make him take anything seriously esp when he can get a lil petty when he’s emotional…he is not above resorting to crying (sometimes he doesnt even mean to…sensitive baby) or throwing out the most childish retorts to try n get the upper hand, but he’s kinda endearing abt it and laughably obvious abt what he really wants. he might not be content w losing the argument but he is content w surrendering the moment u decide to put him in his place and wreck him until he can’t run his mouth anymore 🙏
what u said abt lino got me so good also…it’s the most lino thing on earth to throw out a provocative comment like that just to get a reaction out of u, and then crumble the instant u actually return that energy to him…like the way he gets all up in ppl’s faces then shies away when they actually lean in…kitty can dish it but he cant take it! the lil sputter of surprise he’d let out when you pull him in and kiss that crooked smirk right off his face would be so adorable, he breaks instantly ): and his ears would absolutely be on fire!! no matter how smart his pretty mouth is, his body is always betraying his true feelings~
seungmin’s hyperactive puppy moods 💔 he can be just as good at lino at saying exactly the right thing to get u riled up…but in his case you’d get that irresistible proud puppy grin bc he knows exactly what he’s doing n isn’t even trying to hide it! but what he doesn’t expect is for you to follow through n leave him w the cutest wide-eyed, open-mouthed expression staring back at you…the one surefire way to make him short circuit so he has nothing clever left to say anymore <3 he’d definitely try to use it later n claim that he won the argument w his irresistible puppy charms
and CHANNIE! i hadnt even considered him but ur absolutely right…him and his tendency of not thinking it through before saying the most deranged things known to man and flustering himself so bad 😭 u wouldnt even have to do anything for him to just fold immediately and break out into those infectious squeaky giggles, cringing so bad…he’s losing the war against himself but just like jisung he’s cute enough that he gets away w it every time ㅠ imagine how shy and red-faced he’d get when you pull his sweater paws from his face and kiss him just like he wanted…i think his brain would fizzle out!! never has an attempt at teasing backfired so spectacularly
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