llwandehll · 4 months
Can you tell us more about Ink's relationship with his children?
Sure! Although, it's not entirely canon since I am not the creator of Ink. How Ink interacts with his children/creations is completely up to @comyet / @myebi , I'm sure they could answer that question better! But in mine and Unhealing's story, Ink is one of the main protagonists that "accidentally" creates characters with others AUs (platonically of course) and never on purpose. It just happens when he gets too passionate with his creativity. He's not really the parent-type that comes around unless he's forced into it or by any chance, accidentally bumps into one of them. To us, the Ink in our universe's all about "what's in it for me?" or "how does this benefit me?" kind of attitude. There needs to be a reason for Ink to be there or at least fun for him. We have to remember that Ink is chaotic neutral, meaning that he's neither bad or good, it's all about his own choices or his freedom. "His bond with other children's either okay or meh. Is he supportive? of course, but he's not really there for any of them, not enough at least. Ink's a pretty busy guy with a terrible memory. Aside from all of that, Ink's very protective of his creations. If someone or something would interfere with his or other creators works, you can definitely count on him. Other than that, he can be very encouraging with his kids. He loves to praise and support their creativity. After all, they're part of him.
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